Class 5th Science | Rocks and Minerals

Class 5th Science | Rocks and Minerals

Q. What do you mean by the rocks? Define the types of the rocks.
The solid parts of the outermost layer of the earth is called rocks.
Rocks are made up of Minerals.

Types of rocks
There are three types of rocks
(i) Igneous Rocks 
(ii) Sedimentary Rocks 
(iii) Metamorphic Rocks

(i) Igneous Rocks 
The Rocks formed by the cooling down of magma or Lava of volcanoes is called igneous rocks.
Thse are also called firey rocks.

(ii) Sedimentary Rocks 
The Rocks formed by the sediments of the water of the river, lakes and sea so that these rocks are called sedimentary rocks.

(iii) Metamorphic Rocks
The rocks like that igneous or sedimentary rocks changed into another kind of rocks. This types of the rocks are called metamorphic rocks.

★ Minerals
Elements or compounds which occurs naturally in the Earth's crust is called minerals.

★ Magma
The hot or melted rocks is called magma.

★ Lava
When Magma flows out and reaches at the Earth's surface is called Lava.

★ Geologist 
The scientist who studies rocks is called a geologist.

(i) Igneous Rocks 
The Rocks formed by the cooling down of magma or Lava of volcanoes is called igneous rocks.
Thse are also called firey rocks.
Types of the igneous rocks.
Granite –> Mica, Fildspar and Quartz

(ii) Sedimentary Rocks 
The Rocks formed by the sediments of the water of the river, lakes and sea so that these rocks are called sedimentary rocks.

Types of the sedimentary rocks
Sandstone – The stone made from sand is called sandstones. Quartz and feldspar minerals found in it.

Limestone Rocks – The stone made from lime is called limestones. Calcite and feldspar minerals found in it.

Conglomerate rocks – The rocks made up of large sediments like sand and pebbles is called Conglomerate rocks. 
Minerals like silica and calcium carbonate is  found in it.

Gypsum rocks – This rock is very soft and is used to make Plaster of Paris, casts and moulds.

Shale Rocks – Shale rocks are formed from clay that is piled in layers by pressure. This rock is used to make bricks and tiles.

Dolomite – Dolomite rock consists mainly of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. It is usually white or colourless.

Fossils:  The remains of ancient plants and animals are called fossils. 
These fossils help scientists in understanding what kind of life existed on earth before.

Coal – Coal is black in colour. It is formed by the conversion of dead trees and other plant matter.

(iii) Metamorphic Rocks
The rocks that have been changed (metamorphosed) by heat and pressure under the soil are called metamorphic rocks.
The rocks like that igneous or sedimentary rocks changed into another kind of rocks. This types of the rocks are metamorphic rocks.

Gneiss – Gneiss is a metamorphic rock formed from the igneous rock, granite. Gneiss is used in making statues and buildings.

Slate: Slate is a metamorphic rock formed from the sedimentary rock. Slate is used to make roofs of some houses, slates and blackboards. 

Marble – Marble is a metamorphic rock formed from sedimentary rock limestone.

Quartzite – Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed by the metamorphosis of sandstone, a sedimentary rock. 
It is very hard, so it is used for making statues.

Define the following 
Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, Shale, Marble, Granite, Sandstone, Scoria or Basalt, Limestone, Coal, Pumice, Slate, Quartzite, Gneiss, Conglomerate, Gypsum

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