Class 03 || English || Ch. 16 MY SILLY SISTER

Class 3


Page No 82:

Question 1:

childish    pebble    donkey    dirty    anger    excitement   playful    naughty    washerman


1) Childish: silly and immature 

2) Pebble: small stone 

3) Donkey: an animal with long ears used for carrying goods 

4) Dirty: unclean 

5) Anger: a state of being angry 

6) Excitement: lively and cheerful 

7) Playful: someone who likes to have fun 

8) Naughty: badly behaved 

9) Washerman: one who washes clothes for money 

Page No 83:

Reading is Fun

1. What does the baby do with the pebbles?
Ans. The baby tries to put the pebbles into her mouth to eat. 

2. What does the baby do with the book?
Ans. The baby tears the pages of the book with her hands and laughs.

3. When does the baby laugh?
Ans. The baby laughs when her brother scolds her and shakes his head in anger.

4. Why does the washer man brings donkeys?
Ans. The washer man brings donkeys to carry away the dirty clothes.

Page No 83:
Talk Time

1. What is the funniest thing the baby does?
Ans. The funniest thing that the baby does is tearing away the pages of book and laughs at the angry face of her brother without any reason.

2. Do you think the baby sister is really silly? Why?
Ans. No, the baby sister is very small child and doesn’t know anything so she in not really silly. 

Let’s move and dance
Page No 84:
Word building

1. Fill in the blanks to spell words from the story.
s i __ __ y 
p e __ __ l __ s 
s t r __ e t s 
s __ o l d 
l e __ __ o n s 
n __ u __ h t y 
e x c __ t __ m __ n t 
d __n k __


2. Write similar words from the story.
Foolish            __________________
Stones             __________________
Mischievous   __________________
Fetch               __________________

Foolish – silly
Stones – Pebbles
Mischievous – Naughty
Fetch – Bring

3. Fill in the blanks with words:
Children,       they,.     bell
The ______ are playing in the field. 
_______ are happy. 
_______ are playing ‘catch-me-if-you-can.’ 
The ________ has rung. 
It is time for lessons.
Ans. The children are playing in the field.
They are happy.
They are playing ‘catch me if you can’.
The bell has rung. 
It is time for lessons.

4. Fill in the blanks.
i. One child,         many ____________ . 
ii. One fox,           many ____________ . 
iii. One duck,       many ____________ . 
iv. One goose,      many ___________ .
(i) One child          many childrens.
(ii) One fox,           many foxes.
(iii) One duck,       many ducks.
(iv) One goose,     many geese.

5. Add ‘ful’ to make a word.
(a) The children are _________. (play) 
(b) The flowers are _______. (beauty) 
(c) The books are _________ . (use) 
(d) The vegetables are _________ . (plenty)
(a)The children are playful.
(b) The flowers are beautiful.
(c) The books are useful.
(d) The vegetables are plentiful.

6. Add ‘ly’ to make a word.
(a) The new shoes are _______ . (love) 
(b) He is ____________ smart. (real) 
(c) We should eat ________ . (slow) 
(d) Let us sing ____________ . (soft)
(a) The new shoes are lovely.
(b) He is really smart.
(c) We should eat slowly.
(d) Let us sing softly.

7. Add ‘ish’ to make a new word.
(a) That girl is always crying. 
       She is ______________ . (child) 
(b) I slipped on a banana peel. 
      I feel ________________ . (fool) 
(c) My sister is ___________ . (baby)
(a) That girl is always crying. 
       She is childish.
(b) I slipped on a banana peel. 
      I feel foolish.
(c) My sister is babyish.

8. Write five sentences on how you help at home.
(i) I help mother _____ _____ _____ ____ ______ ______ _______
(ii) I help father ____ _____ ______ ______ _______ _____________
(iii) I also help my brother in __ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ ____________
(iv) I also help my sister with ____ _____ _ __ ___ _______________
(v) I do ___ ____ ______ _____ _____ _____ in the house.

(i) I help mother to clean the house.
(ii) I help father to give food.
(iii) I also help my younger brother in his home work.
(iv) I also help my sister with learning poem.
(v) I do many work in the house.

Page No 86:

1. Say Aloud.
(a) Donkey
(b) Monkey
(c) Turkey
(d) Sister
(e) Mother
(f) Father

I’m a popcorn
Put me in a pan
Shake me and shake me
As fast as you can
And I’ll pop! 

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