Class 03 || English || Ch. 07 (ii) A LITTLE FISH STORY

Class 3 




Reading is Fun
1.How many fish are there in the sea?
Ans. There are a great many million fish in the sea.

2. Why was the little fish unhappy?
Ans. The little fish was unhappy because he was very small.

3. What happened to the fish one day?
Ans. One day the fish got caught in a big net while swimming in the sea with his school.

4. Why was the fish thankful to be a little fish?
Ans. The fish was thankful to be a little fish because he was saved only due to his small size.

Talk Time
1. Imagine you are a little fish. Describe what you might see around you.
Ans. There is a great expanse of water around me. There are a number of small and big fish, swimming around me. There boats are  sailing on the water. Some fishermen are catching the fish by their Sail boats. They are coming towards us with their big nets.

Word Building
1.Look at the pattern and fill in the blanks.


catch       court     content   contented
swim        swam    wish        wished
buy           bought   see         saw
teach       taught    fight         fought

2. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the box.


a glass of  water

a bunch of flowers 

a box of  matches 

a herd of cows 

a sheet of paper

a pack of  wolves 

Let’s Write
1.Look at the following sentence.
If I were only larger, how much happier I could he.
Make more sentences like this using the words in the box.

taller,  thinner,   smaller,  cleverer,  younger, older


1. If I were only taller, how much happier I could be.

2. If I were only smaller, how much happier I could be.

3.If I were only thinner, how much happier I could be.

4.If I were only cleverer, how much happier I could be.

5.If I were only younger, how much happier I could be.

6.If I were only older, how much happier I could be.

Song Time

Singing or Crying?
Mahesh sings a little song.
Venkatesh looks at him.
“Why are you crying, Mahesh?” he asks.
Mahesh says, “I’m not crying.
I’m singing an English song!”

Choose the right words.
1. Mahesh sings a———— (long/little) song.

2. Venkatesh————-(looks/shouts) at him.

3. Venkatesh thinks Mahesh is————- (crying/laughing).

4. Mahesh is————- (singing / saying) a song.

5. The song is in————-(Telugu/ English).
Ans. 1. little 2. looks 3. crying 4. singing 5. English.

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