Class 03 || English || Ch. 01 Good Morning

Class 3 | English | Chapter 1 – Good Morning

Page No 1:
Good Morning

Good Morning, sky;
Good Morning, sun;
Good Morning, little winds that run!
Good Morning, birds;
Good Morning, trees;
And creeping grass, and brownie bees!
How did you find out it was day?
Who told you night had gone away?
I’m wide awake;
I’m up now, too.
I’ll be right out to play with you!

[इस पोयम को पढ़ने के उपरांत, हमें इसे कंठस्थ या याद करना है। इसके उपरांत हमें नीचे दिए गए मीनिंग याद करने हैं ताकि ऊपर की कविता की हिंदी समझ में आ सके।]

Word  (उच्चारण)    Meaning
Good Morning (गुड मॉर्निंग) सुबह की नमस्ते
Sky (स्काई) आकाश, आसमान
Sun (सन) सूर्य, सूरज
Little (लिटिल) थोड़ा, कम, छोटा
winds (विंड्स) हवा, वायू, पवन
 that (दैट) कि, वह
run (रन) दौड़ा, दौड़ना, भागना
birds (बर्ड्स) चिड़ियां
trees (ट्रीज) पेड, वृक्ष
And (एंड) और, अन्य
creeping (क्रीपिंग) रेंगना
grass  (ग्रास) घास 
brownie bees! (ब्राउनी बीज़) सुनहरी मधुमक्खी
How  (हाउ) कैसे, कितना
you (यू) तुम, तुम्हारा, तुम्हारे, आप 
find (फाइंड) पाया, पाना, प्राप्त करना
out (आउट) बाहर
it (इट) यह, इस
was (वाज) थी, था
day (डे) दिन, दिवस
Who (हूं) कौन, जो
told (टोल्ड) कहा, बोला
night (नाइट) रात
had gone away (हेड गोन अवे) जा चुके
I’m (आई एम) मैं हूं
wide (वाइड) चौड़ा, खुला
awake (अवेक) जागना, सोकर उठना 
up (अप) ऊपर
now (नाउ) अब
too (टू ) भी
I’ll be (आई विल बी) मैं होऊंगा
right (राइट) सही, ठीक, सीधा, दांया 
to (टू ) का, की, के, को, की ओर
play (प्ले) खेलना
with (विध) से, साथ 

उपरोक्त मीनिंग्स याद करके नीचे दी गई कविता को हिंदी में लिखो।

Good Morning
शुभ प्रभात

Good Morning, sky;
सुप्रभात, आकाश;

Good Morning, sun;
सुप्रभात, सूरज;

Good Morning, little winds that run!
सुप्रभात, धीमे धीमे चलने वाली हवाओ।

Good Morning, birds;
सुप्रभात, पक्षियों;

Good Morning, trees;
सुप्रभात, वृक्षो;

And creeping grass, and brownie bees!
और रेंगती घास, और सुनहरी मधुमक्खियाँ!

How did you find out it was day?
आपको कैसे पता चला कि यह दिन था?

Who told you night had gone away?
किसने तुमसे कहा कि रात चली गई थी?

I’m wide awake;
मैं पूरी तरह जाग गया हूँ;

I’m up now, too.
अब मैं उठ गया हूं।

I’ll be right out to play with you!
मैं तुम्हारे साथ खेलने के लिए बिल्कुल बाहर होऊंगा!

Book Exercise

Q. 1: New words
creeping ,       awake,     gone,    away.

1)   Creeping: –to move slowly and carefully 
2) Awake:  – Arise
3) Gone: – no longer present 
4) Away: – far, at a distance from a particular place 

Page No 2:
Q. 1:
Q.1 Why is the child in the poem happy?
Ans. The child in the poem is happy because it is morning time.

Q. 2 To whom does the child say ‘Good Morning’?
Ans. The child says ‘Good Morning’ to the sky, sun, little winds, birds, grass and bees.

Q. 3 What does the child want to do?
Ans. The child wants to go outside to play.

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Q. 1:
1. In the morning I say, “Good morning” 
At night I say, “Good night” 
A dog says, “Bow-wow” 
A cow says, “Moo-moo” • 

Say ‘Good morning’ in your own language to 
(i) Your friends            
(ii) Your teacher

Q. 2. How would you wish them when you leave school in the evening?
Ans. 1. In Hindi, we will say ‘Shubh prabhat’ for ‘Good morning’.

2. In Punjabi, we will say ‘Sat Sri Akal’ for ‘Good morning’.

3. In Sanskrita, we will say ‘Namaskar’ for ‘Good morning’.

Note – The answer may vary according to the mother tongue of the student.

2. I would wish them ‘Good Evening’ when I leave from school in the evening.

Page No 2:
Q. 1:
1. Let’s say aloud Find words in the poem which rhyme with 
1. bees   ____________
2. day     ____________
3. too      ____________
1. bees   ____trees___
2. day     ____away___
3. too     _____you____

Q. 2. What do you see around you during the day and at night? Draw in the two boxes given below and colour the picture.
Ans. 1. Sun 🔆, Cloud ☁️   
2. Star 🌟 , Moon 🌙

Q. 3. Write two words each from the two pictures you have drawn.
Day                          Night
1. ____________ 1. ______________
2. ____________ 2. ______________

Day                   Night
1. Sun            1. Stars
2. Clouds       2. Moon

Page No 3:
Q. 1:
This is mud.
A big fat worm lives in the mud.

A leaf falls in the mud.
It is the worm’s dinner!

Form groups. Tell each other an interesting thing you have seen in the garden one day.
One day while I was walking in the park, I saw a butterfly 🦋. It was looking very beautiful. It had small black legs, a head with an antennae. It was yellow in colour with black spots on it.

Song time
I like to sing when the sun is shining, 
tra la la la la, tra la la la. 
I like to sing when the sun is shining, 
tra la la la la, tra la la la.

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