Class 4 English





1. What time did Neha’s clock ring every morning?

Ans. 6’o clock.

2. What did the birds say?

Ans. Wake up.

3. What is inside you that makes you get up at the same time everyday?

Ans. Our body clock.

4. Put the letters in the right order.















5. Listen to the sounds when you are on your way to School. Discuss with your friends the sounds that you heard. List them here.


Sound you heard

Sound your friend heard

Sound of traffic on road

Sound of conversation with friends

Sound of talking

Sound of shutters of shops opening

Sound of cool wind

Early in the morning

Chirping of birds

Milkman’s voice

Horn of rickshaw


6. If there is no clock in the house to wake up in the morning, how will you wake up? Will you continue to sleep or.

Ans. No, I will wake up the sound of chirping of birds, bell of a temple or due to the light or bright Sun that will be spread in my room in the morning.

7. What are the different ways of knowing the time during the day.

Ans. There are many ways to know “the time”. For example:

(i) Listening to the radio/television

(ii) asking someone who knows

(iii) by judging the intensity of sunlight.

8. Find the hidden words.


9. Who said these words and whom?



Who said

To whom

“Wake up, dear! Wake up fast!”



“Ma, who woke me up today?”



“Why do you sleep at nine every night?”



10. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Ram _____ a good football player.

Ans. was.

(b) The cows ____ grazing in the field.

Ans. were.

(c) My toys _____ broken.

Ans. were.

(d) Her frock ____ too long.

Ans. was.

(e) The market _____ closed.

Ans. was.

(f) The children _____ happy.

Ans. were.

(g) The flowers _____ kept in a vase.

Ans. were.

11. Complete the following paragraph.

Ans. Yesterday, I lost a book. I looked for it everywhere. I looked behind the door. I looked inside a cupboard. I looked under a bed. I could not find it anywhere. Then, I called out Sheroo. Sheroo, my dog came running to me. I asked him to look for my book He pulled out another book from my bag.

12. Here is a word ‘Clock’. Write down words relating to clock.





1. The pretty liars fir tree was happy with gold leaves but.

Ans. A goat came along and ate it.

2. The fir tree was sad

Ans. Because it had needle like leaves.

3. Who granted it four wishes?

Ans. Shetty the magician.

4. By changing the circled word to its opposite, rewrite the sentences.

(a) I carry a light bag to school everyday.

Ans. I carry a heavy bag to school everyday.

(b) Rina won the race.

Ans. Rina lost the race.

(c) I love eating vegetables.

Ans. I hate eating vegetables.

(d) This glass of milk is full.

Ans. This glass of milk is empty.

(e) The old man is wise.

Ans. This old man is foolish.

5. Now give the opposite of the words below by adding un- or im-.

Happy, important, polite, perfect, seen healthy, proper, safe, lucky, patient, possible, pure.

Ans. Unhappy, unimportant, impolite, imperfect, unseen, unhealthy, improper, unsafe, unlucky, impatient, impossible, impure.

6. Rita loved her dog Sheroo. Everyday, Sheroo would go out of the house and come back himself. But one day he did not come home. Rita looked everywherefor him. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Sherro was lost. He was nowhere found. Rita was crying when she reached home. She got into her bed. All of a sudden something jumped, on her. Can you guess who it was? Rita was very happy. Give the opposites of the words in italic.

Ans. Loved – hated, go out – come in, come – go, everywhere – nowhere, down – up, lost – found, nowhere, everywhere, crying – laughing, happy – sad.

7. Rewrite the passage using capital letters where necessary.

(i) one saturday afternoon amarjit and his little sister rani went for a picnic to india gate, there they saw ducks, water and their friend raj.

Ans. One Saturday afternoon Amarjit and his little sister Rani went for a picnic India Gate. There they saw ducks, water and their friend Raj.

(ii) Oh dear said the fir tree I like my old needle – like leaves best for goats don’t eat them and no man can steal them.

Ans. “Oh! Dear, said the fir tree. “I like my old needle – like leaves best, for goats don’t eat them and no man can steal them.

8. Look at the picture on textbook page 30. In the given yellow box there are eight things. Six of them you can see in the picture. The other two you cannot see. Write down four things you can see.

Ans. (i) ducks, (ii) mat, (iii) dog, (iv) girl.

9. Look at the picture again. Describe the picture.

Ans. (i) The ducks are swimming in the pond.

(ii) The girl is printing towards the small bird.

(iii) The boy is looking at the small bird.

10. Glass breaks easily when it is dropped. Do you think a mud flower pot, a glass spoon, a wooden table, a plastic cup, books, your plastic water bottle can break easily? Circle the thing that can.

Ans. A mud flower pot and a glass spoon can break, but a plastic cup, wooden table, books and a plastic water bottle will not break.

11. Which of the following actions would make others happy/ unhappy?


Actions that make people happy

Actions that make people unhappy

1. Respective elders

1. not saying thank you

2. Being polite

2. not sharing

3. Playing with friends

3. watching t.v. all day

4. Visiting a sick friend

4. telling lies

5. Caring for pets

5. being greedy

6. Being honest

6. getting angry easily






1. What did Nasruddin boast about?

Ans. Nasruddin boasted about his skill in archery. He used to say that none of the arrows shoot by him missed the target.

2. Why did Nasruddin take someone else’s name each time he missed the target?

Ans. Nasruddin took someone else’s name each time he missed the target because he didn’t want to accept defeat in front of his friends. To save himself form the shame, he took someone else’s name each time he missed the target.

3. Why did the Nasruddin said, “It was my aim” the third time?

Ans. Nasruddin said,” It was my aim” the third because this time, the arrow had hit the target accurately.

4. Do you think that the Nasruddin was good at Archery?

Ans. No, Nasruddin was not good at archery, instead, he was good at be fooling others.

5. What would you have done if your grandmother would have slipped?

Ans. I would have helped her in restoring her physical and mental balance. At the same time, I would have created some humour by eating the floor or stairs in order to punish it for making my grandmother fall down.

6. Shoot the arrow and hit the target by matching the words with their meanings.


List I

List II


Informal talk


Greatly informed


Shooting with a bow and arrow


To protect from attack


The goal intended to be hit


Happy and proud

7. Replace the underlined word/words with a word from the box and rewrite the sentence.

(i) In no time she hit the object she aimed at.

Ans. In no time she hit the target.

(ii) Nasruddin was surely not a good archer.

Ans. Nasruddin was certainly not a good archer.

(iii) The teacher said something about his good hand-writing. He felt very happy.

Ans. The teacher remarked about his good handwriting. He felt very happy.

8. This is the picture of Rahul Gupta. Using the clues given below on the paragraph about him in your notebook.

Ans. Rahul Gupta is an Indian. He plays cricket. He practices eight hours daily. He eats healthy food. He runs kilometers everyday. He is a good batsman.

9. This is Rajiv’s family. They are a healthy family. See what each one to remain healthy.

Ans. Father: Iron pumping

Mother: Yoga

Sita: Rope skipping

Grandpa: Walking

Grandma: Drinking milk

Rajiv: Jogging

10. Use the words ‘and’ or ‘but’ and make as many sentences as you can about Rajiv’s family.

Ans. (i) Grandpa and Rajiv’s sister. Sita was walking.

(ii) Father is pumping iron but mother is doing yoga.

(iii) Rajiv and his family members wake up early in the morning.

(iv) Grandpa is walking and Grandma is drinking milk.

(v) Father and mother are exercising.

(vi) Rajiv is jogging but his sister, Sita is skipping a rope.

11. Fill in the grid with words given below. You can use one word more than once.

Still, bat/ball, eleven, ball, football, two to four, stadium, ground, racket


Name of the game

What you play with

Where you play it

Number of players






Stick, ball



Table Tennis



Two to four





12. Using the information in the grid, write a sentence about each game.

Ans. (a) Cricket is an outdoor game. We play it with a bat and a ball. There are eleven players in this game.

(b) Hockey is an outdoor game. We play it with a stick and a ball. We play it in a stadium. There are eleven players in this game.

(c) Table tennis is an indoor game. We play it with a ball and a racket. There are two to four players in this game.

(d) Football is an outdoor game. It is played in a stadium. We play it with a football. There are eleven players in this game.

13. There are following words are used in various sports. List them under the sport that they are used in.








Penalty Corner


Free kick




14. Write two sentences on your puppet.

Ans. My puppet is made up from plastic sticks. It can walk, dance and play.






1. While listening to the story, what did alice see?

Ans. While listening to the story, Alice suddenly saw a white rabbit, which was going somewhere hurriedly.

2. What was different about the rabbit that Alice saw?

Ans. The rabbit that Alice saw different from other rabbits because of following features:

(i) It was wearing a blue coat and a red waistcoat.

(ii) It was going somewhere hurriedly.

(iii) It could speak.

(iv) It had pink eyes.

(v) It had a big watch.

3. Where did the rabbit go?

Ans. The rabbit entered a deep rabbit hole.

4. How did Alice reach wonderland?

Ans. Alice following the strange rabbit jumped into the rabbit hole. She had a great fall into the deep rabbit hole. She fell on a heap of dry leaves and thus reached wonderland.

5. What strange things did Alice see?

Ans. In wonderful, everything was very strange. Alice saw a very small door about 15 inches high. She saw the strange while rabbit entering the door. It was still saying that it is getting late. Alice further saw a glass table on which a golden key was lying. She opened the lock with the golden key.

6. Describe in your own words the garden that Alice saw.

Ans. When Alice opened the door, she found a beautiful garden. It was the most beautiful garden that Alice had seen in her life. There were various coloured flowers in the garden. The fragnance was very attractive. The garden also had fountains. She wished that she could stay there forever.

7. (a) The Rabbit had

Ans. Pink eyes.

(b) Who was burning with curiosity?

Ans. Alice

(c) Who fell down and down and down?

Ans. The rabbit.

(d) Who said – “Oh my ears and whiskers, late it’s getting!”

Ans. The Rabbit.

(e) The garden Alice saw was

Ans. Lovely.

8. Describe some of the sounds you hear at night.

Ans. During night, strange sounds of owl’s call, blowing wind, and night watchman’s whistle are heard. They sometimes are horrifying.

9. Imagine you are Alice and your partner is a rabbit. What would you do?

Ans. If I were Alice and my partner were a rabbit, I would do exactly what Alice did i.e. I would follow my partner to the wonderland.

10. What do you think Alice saw in the garden?

Ans. Alice saw beautiful flowers, fountains and a good scenery in the garden. She also felt the pleasant fragrance of colourful flowers.

11. How would Alice have got into the garden?

Ans. If Alice could become smaller, she would have got into the garden.

12. Find one word from the story that means.

(a) To walk fast, h________.

Ans. hurry.

(b) to think, w_______.

Ans. wonder.

(c) happy, d_______.

Ans. Delight.

(d) to be seen nowhere, d_______.

Ans. Disappear.

(e) at once, q _____.

Ans. Quickly.

(f) move fast, s _____.

Ans. Scamper.

(g) to be inquisitive c______.

Ans. Curious.

13. Give another word for given below with similar meanings and make sentences. Make sentences with each of the opposites of these describing words and make sentences with them.



Similar word

Opposite word





1. Sheila’s dress was very attractive.

2. Shravan had nasty nature.




1. Arun was chatting on the computer.

2. The class was silent.




1. Father was hearing the news on the radio.

2. Mother was speaking to the neighbor.


Look at


1. Look at the beautiful picture.

2. Rabbit ignored Alice.




1. Prime Minister addressed the core problem.

2. Army men live at the border for our country.

14. Imagine you are going on a journey to the centre of the earth? What do you think you will see? What would you feel?

Ans. (i) In the beginning, I would see rocks, dust, soil, water and mud.

(ii) A little deeper, I would see solid rocks.

(iii) At the centre of the earth, I would see red hot core which will have thousands degrees of temperature.

(iv) With the increasing depth, the temperature of the interior of earth would increase.

(v) Further, I would encounter volcanoes, hot, magma and rocks in liquid form.

15. Alice follows the strange rabbit because she wants to know a number of things. Rearrange the words to make the questions that Alice has in her mind and put a question mark (?)

(a) talk rabbit a how can

Ans. How can a rabbit talk?

(b) going he is where

Ans. Where is he going?

(c) read he can time the

Ans. Can he read the time?

(d) hurry is in a why he

Ans. Why is he in a hurry?





1. Why did the cow refuse to get up?

Ans. The cow was not feeling well and so was not in a mood to get up that day.

2. Name those tried to make the cow move.

Ans. The milkman, policeman, grocer, wrestler and ice-cream man tried to make the cow move.

3. Who finally made the cow get up and how?

Ans. The little boy offered green grass to the cow. She chewed it. The clever boy began to move to the side of the road with grass in his hand. The cow followed him and thus was moved.

4. We can make people do more things with kindness than with cruelty or force. Do you agree? What do you think? Tell the class about a time when you were kind to an animal.

Ans. I agree with the statement – “We can make people do more things with kindness than with cruelty or force.” I think it is the best way to get any work done.

5. Do you do an action always in the same way?

(a) How do you talk to visitors?

Ans. I talk humbly and politely, in a cultured manner, when I talk to visitors.

(b) How do you talk to your friends in the playground?

Ans. I talk emphatically and playfully with my friends in the playground.

(c) How do you talk to your teacher in the class?

Ans. I talk very respectfully to my teacher in the class.

6. Fill in the blanks using the words given at the end of the sentences.

(a) Insects ____ crawl on the wall. (can/cannot)

Ans. can.

(b) The grocer was ____ to move the cow. (able/unable)

Ans. unable.

(c) It was ____ for the boy to make the cow get up. (easy/difficulty).

Ans. easy.

(d) Children ____ walk on their heads. (can/cannot)

Ans. cannot.

(e) Sometimes love and kindness many ____ where force will ____ (succeeded/fail).

Ans. succeed, fail.

(f) We should be ____ to animals. (kind/cruel).

Ans. kind.

7. From the story ‘The Milkman’s Cow’, find the simple past tense of the action words given below and write them in the blanks.


Simple Present Tense

Simple Past Tense





















8. Complete what is missing in these drawings. What work do these men or women do?

Ans. (i) A milkman sells, cow’s milk.

(ii) A grocer sells food and domestic items.

(iii) A policeman whistles and catches thieves and burglars.

(iv) An ice-cream man sell ice-cream.

(v) A wrestler wrestles with each other.




1. Who came to Akbar’s court?

Ans. A learned Pundit came to Akbar’s court.

2. What did he claim to know?

Ans. He claimed to know many different languages. He could speak them fluently.

3. How did he challenge everybody?

Ans. He challenged everybody to name his mother tongue.

4. What is your mother tongue?

Ans. Hindi.

5. Make a class dictionary with words from the story. Try to find suitable words for them in your mother tongue. Say these words aloud.


Words in English



Newcomers converse cautiously with the old student.


The movie “Raja Hindustani” tickles your funny.

Mother tongue

My mother tongue is Hindi.


The teacher asked students to sit quietly.


Gol Gumbaz has a whispering gallery.


My sister gave me a surprise gift on my birthday.


You have to always accept the truth.


Mountain climbing is a difficult task.

6. Write all the words that show you are happy.

For example: Hurray, Ha! Ha!

Ans. Wow! That’s great! Yahoo! Yah! Whooo!

7. Look and fill in the columns.














8. Match the words in column ‘A’ with words with column ‘B’.










Bus driver






9. Play this game with a friend. Pick up what you want from any basket.

(i) Add ‘a’ or ‘an’ before it.

Ans. a rug, a pillow, a bed sheet, an alarm clock, a wall clock, a wristwatch, an apple, an orange, a banana, an ice-cream, a bow, an arrow, a ball, a bat, a doll, a waistcoat, a long coat, a raincoat, an umbrella.

(ii) Now say the sentences below, using these things

Neena: Can I have (1) please?

Rahul: Yes, here you are.

Jeevika: Can I have (2) too?

Nikhil: No, sorry you can’t have that.

Ans. (1) an apple, (2) a doll.

(iii) Make more sentences using words from the baskets (boxes).

Ans. Pradeep: Can I have an alarm clock please?

Rashmi: Yes, here you are.

Jeevan: Can I have a pillow?

Jyoti: No sorry. You can’t have that?

Rajeev: Can I have a longcoat, please?

Chetan: Yes, you can have it.

Jagdeep: Can I have a bat?

Sushil: Yes, here you are.

Muskan: Can I have a banana?

Varsha: No, sorry. You can’t have that.

10. How did Birbal find out about the Pundit’ mother tongue.

Ans. Birbal entered quietly in the Pandit’s room. He then whisper and ticked in his ear. Pundit shouted in his mother tongue. In this way, Birbal found out pundit’s mother tongue.

11. Suppose you are going on a camping holiday. What are the four most important things you will carry with you? Choose from the tags attached to the hot air balloon.

Ans. (i) Food packets, (ii) Water Bottles, (iii) Money, (iv) First Aid Kit.

12. India is a country of many languages. Let’s see if you know what the people of the states in this crossword puzzles speak. The clues are given below. The first letter of each answer has been filled in for you.


1. This language is spoken in Orissa.

2. It is spoken in Karnataka.

4. The people of Assam speak this language.

7. This language is used in Andhra Pradesh.

8. You can hear this language spoken in Maharastra


3. The people of Kerela speak this language.

5. This language of the Goan people.

7. This is spoken in Tamil Nadu.

9. It is widely spoken in Uttar Pradesh and elsewhere.





1. How did the boy enjoy the company of the tree?

Ans. The boy used to climb up the trunk of the tree and swing from its branches. Whenever, it tired he used to eat delicious apples of the tree.

2. How did the tree help the boy earn money?

Ans. The tree asked the boy to pluck all its apples, sell them in the market and earn money.

3. What did the boy make with the branches of the tree?

Ans. The boy built a house with the branches of the tree.

4. What did the boy make with the trunk of the tree?

Ans. The boy built a boat with the trunk of the tree.

5. How was stump of the tree useful?

Ans. The old man wanted to sit and rest, he was weak and tired. The stump of the old tree was the best place to sit and rest. Therefore, in this way, the stump of the tree was useful.

6. Why is the play called “The Giving Tree”?

Ans. The play is called “The Giving Tree” because the tree always gave away something or the other in order to make the happy. So, the play is called “The Giving Tree”.

7. Make new words and complete the sentences.

(a) The children love to sing ______. (loud)

Ans. Loudly.

(b) Throw the ball _____. (slow)

Ans. Slowly.

(c) Read your lesson ____. (silent)

Ans. Silently.

(d) The tree gave its fruit to the boy _____. (happy)

Ans. Happily.

(e) Do your work _____. (neat)

Ans. Neatly.

8. Why should we not cut trees?

Ans. We should not cut trees because:

(i) Trees give us fruits, flowers, leaves, bark, branches, wood, roots, edibles and shelter etc.

(ii) They also purify the air and increase the beauty of the landscape.

9. Write these sentences in the correct order. Also, choose the right word from the box and add it before each sentences. Remember to put a comma after it, for example. Finally: First Then After that Finally

(a) It gave him its branches to make a house.

Ans. First, the tree gave its apples to the boy.

(b) It asked him to sit on the stamp.

Ans. Then, it gave him its branches to make a house.

(c) It gave him its trunk to make a boat.

Ans. After that, it gave him its trunk to make a boat.

(d) The tree gave its apples to the boys.

Ans. Finally, it asked him to sit on the stump.

10. Work in a group and decide the things that you can do help your grandparents or any old person. Now write five of these things that you will do.

Ans. (i) Take care of their medicines and timings of their intake.

(ii) Tell them a story or newspaper.

(iii) Go on morning walk with them.

(iv) Give them water or milk when they need it.

(v) Play with them at times.

11. Choose the right words:

(a) Chintha Chettu is a tamarind _____ (tree/leaf).

Ans. Tree.

(b) This famous tree is in _____ (Guntur/Gwalior).

Ans. Gwalior.

(c) Tansen was a famous ____ (singer/dancer).

Ans. Singer.

(d) The tamarind tree grows over Tansen’s ______ (house/tomb).

Ans. Tomb.

(e) “Eat the leaves of the tamarind tree, and you’ll also sing like _____ (Tansen/Akbar).”

Ans. Tansen.






1. Why did the grandfather give the children money?

Ans. The grandfather gave the children money to buy books.

2. Where did they go to buy books?

Ans. They went to a small bookshop to buy books.

3. Did the girl buy a picture book?

Ans. No, the girl did not buy a picture book. She bought a story book.

4. Now fill in the describing words into the passage below:

Ans. It was dark tonight. A Little Girl sat up in bed listening to her mother tell a Fairy story. Her Small eyes opened wide and she gave a Big smile. “Now, go Sleep, Paro,” her mother closed the book. “Sweet dreams.”

5. Imagine that you will go to the bookshop tomorrow. What will you do there? Write five sentences beginning with:

Ans. (i) I shall select the books that I would like to buy.

(ii) I shall pick up the books of my interest.

(iii) I shall ask for the children’s section.

(iv) I shall open a few books and go through them.

(v) I shall pay for the selected books and bring them home to read them thoroughly.






1. What did the carpenter buy?

Ans. The carpenter bought a piece of wood.

2. What did he make out of it?

Ans. He made a speaking puppet out of it.

3. What did he call his puppet?

Ans. He called it “Pinocchio”.

4. What did Pinocchio say in the end?

Ans. In the end Pinocchio said, “I’m glad to be a real boy. I’ll never tell a lie again.”

5. How many words can you make from PINOCCHIO?

Ans. Pin, hop, chip, chin, chop, hip, cop, nip, hoop, on, no.

6. Make opposites with the words.














7. Making naming words by using ness, ity, ty at the end of the words given below.






















8. Which of the following would you expect a carpenter to use at work?

Bench, poker, plane, chisel, fork, spade, blotting paper, lawn-mower, telescope, pincers, jaw, scissors, hammer, map, nails, lathe, pencil, anvil

Ans. Bench, plate, chisel, spade, hammer, nails, pencil, lathe.

9. Now make sentences using some of the above words.

Ans. (i) People eat with knife and fork at statement.

(ii) The courtyard in my house is plane.

(iii) Scissors are used to cut paper hair and ribbon.

(iv) Telescope is used to see distant objects.

(v) I love to sit on a bench in the park.

10. Give another word from the story that means:








Make up your mind


11. Add ‘er’ or ‘r’ to the doing words below to make new words.






















12. Why did the animals think that the jackal was a king?

Ans. The animals thought that the jackal was a king because he was looking in blue colour, just like a king, as he proclaimed himself to be one.

13. How did the jackal become blue?

Ans. The jackal become blue because he jumped into a big tub of blue dye.

14. What did the animals do when they saw the blue jackal?

Ans. All the animals believed the blue jackal to be the king and bowed before him when they saw him.

15. Why did the dogs feel scared when they saw the jackal?

Ans. The dogs felt scared when they saw the jackal because he was looking frightening in the blue colour.

16. How did the animal know that the king was just a jackal?

Ans. One day, at the middle of the full moon night, all the jackals were howling. The blue jackal forgot that he was a king and began to howl. Due to this, other animals came to know that the king was just a jackal.

17. Say Aloud.

Ans. (i) laugh

(ii) fish

(iii) fan

(iv) few

(v) cough

(vi) dish

(vii) van

(viii) vies

(ix) rough

(x) wish

(xi) ran

(xii) dew






1. What do you think birds say to each other in the morning?

Ans. I think birds say “Good morning” to each other in the morning.

2. Who are already awake?

Ans. Birds, bees, cow, horses, ducks, sheep and chicken are already awake.

3. Which creatures wake up in the morning before the child does?

Ans. Birds, bees, cows, horses, ducks, sheep and chicken.

4. Imagine that a cow, a horse, a duck and a chicken are meeting for a morning meal. What would they say to one another? Talk about it.

Ans. (i) They would greet each other.

(ii) They would talk about the last night’s sleep.

(iii) They would talk about the pleasant morning.

(iv) They would talk about the morning meal.

5. Connect the pair of sentences below using ‘and’ or ‘but’.

(i) (a) It is time to get up for school.

(b) I want to sleep for some more time.

Ans. It is time to get up for school but I want to sleep for some more time.

(ii) (a) Sheila got some chocolates for her birthday.

(b) She got some new clothes too.

Ans. Sheila got some chocolates for her birthday and new clothes for her birthday.

(iii) (a) Everyone has gone to sleep.

(b) I want to read my book.

Ans. Everyone has gone to sleep but I want to read my book.

(iv) (a) Raju plays cricket.

(b) He also plays hockey.

Ans. Raju plays cricket and hockey.

6. Fill in the blanks according to the example given below:































1. Why does the poet feel that the nose is a funny thing?

Ans. The nose grows where it is and stick out of the face. Therefore, it is a funny thing.

2. Why is a nose important for you?

Ans. The nose has two holes through which I breathe. Therefore, it is important for my life.

3. Does the child in the poem like her nose? Why do you think so?

Ans. Yes, the child likes her nose. She considers it to be a funny thing, which sticks out just like a handle.

4. Describe a few funny things you have seen. Do they make you language.

Ans. A few funny things that I know are mustaches of men, hairstyle of ladies and some dresses of men and women. Yes, they make me laugh.

5. What does features mean? Look up the dictionary. What are the different kinds of features of people we come across in the world? Discuss.

Ans. Features mean parts of face or ‘distinctive parts’ or ‘appearance’. Some kinds of features are as under:

(i) People with round nose.

(ii) People with flat nose

(iii) People with short nose

(iv) People with long nose

6. What is your favourite fruit? Describe it in five sentences.

Ans. My favourite fruit is apple. It is very tasty. I eat apple with its peel. It has small seeds.

7. (a) How does it smell?

Ans. It smells sweet.

(b) How does it look?

Ans. It looks like a cricket ball.

(c) How does it feel?

Ans. It is hard.

(d) When you bite it what sound does it make?

Ans. Tuck.

(e) How does it taste?

Ans. It tastes sweet.

8. Do you know a fish breathe from its gills? Write two sentences about other animals which can breathe under water.

Ans. (i) Crocodile can breathe under water. At times, they rest on the side of ponds.

(ii) Snakes can also breathe under water.

9. Punctuate the following passage:

mother father neelam i said have got a fire engine ive got a fire engine whats this whats this called mother somewhat confused by the noise ive got fire engine mother come and see it.

Ans. “Mother, father” Neelam said, “I have got a fire engine! I’ve got a fire engine!” “What’s this? What is this?” called mother, somewhat confused by the noise. “I have got a fire engine, mother. Come and see it.”

10. Using a red pencil, choose and circle the thing whose smell you like. Now with a blue pencil circle the things whose smell you do not like. Make sentences like this.

I like/ do not like the smell of _____ because it reminds me of _____.

Ans. (i) I do not like the smell of paint because it remind me of petrol.

(ii) I do not like the smell of rotten fruit because it reminds me of dirty shoes.

(iii) I like the smell of agarbatti because it reminds me of scent.

(iv) I like the smell of coffee because it reminds me of chocolate.

(v) I like the smell of elaichi because it reminds me of champa.

11. Write three pairs of words that rhyme with each other.

Ans. Nose-goes, guess watercress, ball-tall.




1. What does the poem tell us to do?

Ans. The poem tell us to run and to remain happy throughout the day.

2. Write about the places where the poet wants us to run.

Ans. The poet wants us to run- (i) away from the city, (ii) into the sun, (iii) towards the country, (iv) in the raindrops, (v) underneath the trees, (vi) down the hillside, (vii) through the meadow.

3. Do you like to play and run about? Why?

Ans. Yes, I like to play and run about. It gives me joy and the feeling of togetherness with my friends. It is also good for health.

4. Running is a very good exercise. Name any three games that you play in which you have to run.

Ans. Cricket, football and race.

5. When you run fast, what do you feel is happening in your body?

Ans. When I run fast, I feel my breathing has become fast and my heartbeat have increased.

6. Some letters are missing in each word, write “ee”, “ea” in each words.

Ans. (i) trees, (ii) sleep, (iii) please, (iv) beep, (v) tease, (vi) feet, (vii) teach, (viii) meet.

7. Answer the questions by looking at picture on page no. 43 of the textbook.

Example: What is happening in picture 5? The girl is diving into the water.

(i) What is Mohan practicing in picture 4?

Ans. He is practising of high jump.

(ii) What are Anil and his friends pulling in picture 3?

Ans. Anil and his friends are pulling a rope.

(iii) Where are the boats racing in picture 2?

Ans. The bouts are racing in the water.

(iv) What are the boys doing in picture 1?

Ans. The boys are running a race.

(v) What are the girls doing a picture 6?

Ans. They are swimming.

8. Now make one more question for each picture. Write the question in the space below each picture. Use how many, what are, where are/is, how, why, to make questions.

Ans. (i) Picture 1: How many boys are running in the race?

(ii) Picture 2: How many boats are there in the picture?

(iii) Picture 3: Where are Anil and his friends pulling the rope?

(iv) Picture 4: What is the number on Mohan’s shirt?

(v) Picture 5: Who is looking at the girl?

(vi) Picture 6: Where are the girls swimming?




1. Name a few things that sink.

Ans. Some things that are sink are lead, marble and stone.

2. List the questions that the little boy asks.

Ans. (a) Why do lead and marble sink?

(b) Why does sun shine?

(c) Why does wind blow?

3. What sort of a boy is described in the poem?

Ans. Curious.

4. Ram is curious little boy. He is always asking questions. One day he came home and asked his grandfather questions like:

(a) Why can’t we look at the sun during solar eclipse?

Ans. We can’t look at the sun during solar eclipse because it hides itself behind the moon.

(b) Why can’t we touch the sun?

Ans. Sun is far away from us. Therefore, we can’t touch the sun.

(c) Why can’t we go out to play in the dark?

Ans. Our eyes can’t see anything in the dark. Hence, you can’t play in the dark.

5. Fill in the blanks with words from the poem which rhyme with the underlined words in the sentences.

Ans. Why is the sky so high?

Do you know the colour of snow?

Have you found who made the sound?

Put the glass in the sink after you finish your milk?

6. The spellings of these words are jumbled. Put them right and make sentences of your own:




I know the way to my house.



I can swim.



Lead is a heavy substance.



Our house has marble flooring.



Sun sets behind the hills.

7. Discuss and write:

(a) Why do cats and dogs fight?

Ans. Both cats and dogs love milk. They usually fight over milk. Also, they are fearful of each other and hence fight.

(b) Why do we walk across the road, not run?

Ans. While crossing the road, we do not run because running because running may lead to accidents. Instead, we walk while judging the vehicles on the road and and thus saves ourselves as well as others.

(c) Why do people like ice-cream?

Ans. Ice-cream is a cool desert. It has a good taste. Hence, people like ice-cream.

8. Write down at least two questions using ‘why’

Ans. (a) Why is the sky blue?

(b) Why do flowers have fragrance?






1. What is the poem about?

Ans. The poem tells about the fear of darkness and how to overcome that fear.

2. What happens when the day is over?

Ans. When the day is over, the moon and the stars shine in the night.

3. What does the earth do when the day is over?

Ans. The earth rests when the day is over.

4. What does the poet want us to do at night?

Ans. The poet wants us to be friends at night.

5. Are these sentences True or False.

(a) The poet tells the child to be afraid when it is dark.

Ans. False.

(b) The poet says that stars will always shine at night.

Ans. True.

(c) The poet tells the child to think of friends after it is dark.

Ans. True.

6. Word Building

Ans. (i) moon + light = moonlight

(ii) break + fast = breakfast

(iii) good + night = goodnight

(iv) day + break = daybreak

(v) water + fall = waterfall

(vi) rain + bow = rainbow

7. Find a word in the poem which is the opposite of














8. Now, write the full forms of the following words.



Did not


Should not


Would not


Could not


Must not

9. Are you afraid of the dark? Why?

Ans. Yes, I am afraid of the dark, because I can’t see anything when it is dark.

10. What do you do when it is dark?

Ans. I call my mother when it is dark.

11. Have you ever been very frightened? Tell your partner about it.

Ans. Once I was all alone at my home. And the lights went out. There was darkness everywhere. I got frightened. I called my mother out of fear. But there was no answer, as she was not at home. This made me cry loudly. I cried for almost ten minutes. After some time, Sharma Aunty, our neighbor, knocked at our door when I opened the door, I became quiet. She had a candle in her hand and consoled me. I went to her home till my parents returned.

12. What is the word that starts with ‘t’, rhyme with ‘cease’, and means to playfully make fun of?

Ans. Tease.

13. What is the word that starts with ‘c’, rhymes with ‘near’ and ‘fear’, and means easy to see, hear and understand?

Ans. Clear.

14. Imagine life without the sun.

Ans. Survival of life will become very difficult.

15. What are the things that may happen if there is no sunlight?

Ans. Following things may happen:

(i) Climate will become cold.

(ii) Moonlight and stars will continue to shine.

(iii) Those who are afraid of darkness will become frightened forever.

(iv) In the absence of sunlight, electrical light will become necessary for everyone.

16. Now complete the following sentences, choosing the right word.

(a) The sum was _____ difficult for the class to solve. Only ____ students could do it. (two, too)

Ans. too, two.

(b) There was only ____ boy, who ____ the prize. (one, won)

Ans. one, won.

(c) The golden ____ was very ____ to him. (dear, deer)

Ans. deer, dear.

(d) Ramu’s son loved to play in the _____ (sun, son).

Ans. son, sun.






1. Another word for wallop is … Would the child hit the donkey?

Ans. Another word for wallop is lashed. No, the child wouldn’t hit the donkey.

2. What would the child give the donkey?

Ans. The child would give hay and corn to the donkey.

3. What is a pony?

Ans. The pony is a baby horse.

4. What did the lady do to the pony?

Ans. The lady whipped and lashed the pony.

5. What did the child decide to do?

Ans. The child decided to never lend the pony to the lady again.

6. Have you seen people beating animals? What do you think of such people?

Ans. Yes, I have seen people beating animals. I think that they are heartless. They do not understand that animals cannot speak and express their feelings.

7. Do you ever tease animals? Do you think that you should be kind to them?

Ans. No, I never tease animals. I think that everyone should be kind to them.

8. Stable – Where we can find a stable?

Ans. Stable can be found in a village.

9. Name all the animals that live in a stable.

Ans. Horses and mares live in a stable.

10. Make two words from ‘stable’ by removing letters from the beginning.

Ans. (i) Table, (ii) Able.

11. Write a paragraph about your pet or an animal you love.

Ans. I have a pet parrot. Its name is Ganga Ram. The parrot eats vegetables, green chillies, grains, fresh fruits, and bread. Every morning I put fresh water and some grains or fruits in its cage. Ganga Ram love choori. It keeps repeating ‘Ram Ram’ the whole day. I enjoy watching it eat, drink, dance and speak.






1. Who was Hiawatha?

Ans. Hiawatha was a young little Red Indian boy.

2. Who was Nokomis?

Ans. Nokomis was Hiawatha’s old grandmother.

3. What did he learn about the birds?

Ans. Hiawatha learned the language of the birds. Due to this he learned many things about birds such as:

(i) their names and secrets

(ii) how they built their nests in summer

(iii) where they hide themselves in winter.

4. What secrets did he learn about beasts?

Ans. Hiawatha learned the language of beasts. Due to this, he learned many things about the beasts such as:

(i) their names and secrets

(ii) how beavers built their lodges

(iii) where the squirrels hid their acrons

(iv) how the reindeer ran so swiftly

(v) and why was the rabbit so timid.

5. Do you think that.

(a) Hiawatha liked learning new language?

Ans. Yes, Hiawatha liked learning new language.

(b) Hiawatha called the birds ‘chicken’ and beasts ‘brothers’? What do you think his shows?

Ans. This shows that Hiawatha was kind and loving towards birds and beasts. He considered them his family mmbers.

(c) Do birds have secrets?

Ans. Yes, birds do have secrets.

6. Say aloud.

Ans. (i) Squirrel

(ii) Quarrel

(iii) Queen

(iv) Quick

(v) Quilt

(vi) Quill

(vii) Quiet

(viii) Quality

7. Have you seen:

(a) a hippopotamus in a hat?

Ans. No.

(b) a hen in a beehive?

Ans. No.

(c) a helicopter with hair?

Ans. No.

(d) a horse drink honey?

Ans. No.

8. Make a story of the poem and share it with your friends. You can change Hiawatha’s name and give the name of your classmate. Start the story which other children can continue. You would began like this-

Once upon a time there was a boy called…

Ans. Once upon a time there was a boy called Rakesh. He lived with his grandmother. She told him the stories of animals. He learned the language of animals. He became aware of their names and secrets. He came to know about many things. About birds he learned:

(i) how they built their nests in summer

(ii) where they go in winters.

About beasts he learned:

(i) how beasts built their houses.

(ii) where the squirrels hide their food.

(iii) how the deer ran so swiftly.

(iv) why the rabbit was so timid.

Rakesh called birds and beasts, chickens and brothers respectively. Whenever he meet them, he used to talk them in their languages.

9. Where do the following live?

(a) Birds live in

Ans. Birds live in nests.

(b) Rabbits live in

Ans. Rabbits live in underground burrows or warrens.

(c) Beavers live in

Ans. Beavers live in lodges made in ponds.

10. Describe Hiawatha, his home and his friends in ten lines.

Ans. (i) Hiawatha was a young little Red Indian boy.

(ii) He used to live with his grandmother, called Nokomis.

(iii) He learned the languages of birds and beasts.

(iv) He was kind and loving by nature.

(v) He lived in Wigwam. It was a dome-shaped hut made by fastening mats, skins or bark over a framework of poles.

(vi) He called the birds ‘Hiawatha’s chickens’.

(vii) Among all the beasts, beavers, squirrels, reindeer and rabbit were his best friends.

(viii) Hiawatha used to talk to the birds and animals whenever they met.

(ix) He came to know their names and all their secrets.

(x) Hiawatha used to call beasts his ‘brothers’.

11. What did Hiawatha love?

Ans. Hiawatha loved birds and animals.

12. Match ‘A and ‘B’ and write the complete sentences below:




I go, I have friends.


I am hungry, I eat.


Comes first, wins.

Ans. (i) Whenever I am hungry, I eat.

(ii) Whoever comes first, wins.

(iii) Wherever I go, I have friends.

13. Some words have similar sounds, but different meanings. Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blanks.

(a) The bird sits on a ____. (bow, bough).

Ans. bough.

(b) The squirrel has a long ____. (tail, tale).

Ans. tail.

(c) I have to leave at ____ (too, two).

Ans. two.

(d) This sum is _____. (right, write).

Ans. right.

(e) I can ____ the bird’s song. (hear, here).

Ans. hear.

(f) Do you _____ “a secret? (no, know).

Ans. know.

(g) The King sits on the ____. (thrown, throne).

Ans. throne.

(h) He is our school ____. (principal, principle).

Ans. principal.






1. What is the best time to water the plants?

Ans. Early in the morning and evening are the best times to water the plants.

2. When should we not water the plants?

Ans. We should not water the plants during the mid-day.

3. Which part of the plant should be watered?

Ans. The roots of the plant should be watered.

4. Place letters in their right order to form the names of the flowers.




















5. Do you have a garden?

Ans. Yes, I have a garden.

6. Name some flowers which grow in your garden or near your house.

Ans. Rose, Marigold, Jasmine, Lotus etc.

7. Give another word for ‘thirsty feet’.

Ans. Roots.

8. What happens when we water plants in the morning? Choose one answer.

(a) They will grow well.

(b) They will dry up.

Ans. They will grow well.

9. From where do flowers get water?

(a) from the bottom (roots)

(b) form the top (leaves)

Ans. From the bottom.

10. Write rhyming words for the words given below.














11. Words like morning, evening, watering end in ing. Write six more words to which -ing can be added at the end to form a new word.

Ans. (a) play + ing = playing

(b) jump + ing = jumping

(c) sing + ing = singing

(d) laugh + ing = laughing

(e) go + ing = going

(f) cook + ing = cooking

12. Look for words in the poem which sound like the words given below:

(a) are (b) there (c) flower (d) where (e) son (f) threw

Ans. (a) are

(b) there – where

(c) flour

(d) where – wear

(e) son – sun

(f) threw – through

13. In the sentences, below the capital letters, commas, full stops and question marks are missing. Put these in the correct places.

(a) on monday I will go to school

Ans. On Monday, I will go to school.

(b) rahim ravi and raju are going to see the circus

Ans. Rahim, Ravi and Raju are going to see the circus.

(c) sita where are you looking

Ans. Sita, where are you looking?

(d) the tailor went to the market mr singh

Ans. The tailor went to the market Mr. Singh.

(e) every Sunday I go for a walk have breakfast read story books listen to music and watch television

Ans. Every Sunday, I go for a walk, have breakfast, read story books, listen to music and watch television.

(f) laxmi why are you crying

Ans. Laxmi, why are you crying?

(g) oranges mangoes bananas and papayas are fruits

Ans. Oranges, mangoes, bananas and gapayas are fruits.

14. Write a story about a plant that is in danger. Write about how you might help to save it. Be sure the story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Ans. Sarpagandha – An Endangered Plant

Sarpagandha is an important plant. According to Ayurveda, Sarpagandha is the best cure for blood pressure. From times immemorial, it is used for preparing traditional medicines. According to the latest details, this plant falls in the category of endangered plants. This also encourages us to protect the plant, for the well- being of many people. The authorities and Indian Government has initiated the process of conservation. A coordinated effort need of the hour.

15. Prepare a speech giving some reasons why it is important to protect flowers and plants. Include ways that you could help protect endangered plants.

Ans. Speech: Importance of flowers and plants

Plants and flowers are very important to human beings. Here are some of the important things that plants provide:

Aesthetics: Plants have great “aesthetic” value which means they add to the beauty of the place.

Medicine: History shows importance to medicine. Eighty percent drugs originate in wild plants. Two percent of the world’s plants species have ever been tested for their medicinal potential. That means there are many important drugs yet to be discovered.

Food: Although some 3,000 species of plants have been used as food by humans, 90 percent of the world’s food comes from only 20 plant species.

Industrial Products: Plants are also very important for the industrial goods. Fibres from plants provide clothing. Some fuel products are made from plants.

Recreation: Plant communities from the basis for many important recreational activities including hiking, fishing, hunting and natural observation.

Air Quality: The oxygen in the air we breathe comes from the photosynthesis of plants. Plants can stop the movement of dust and pollutants. Through the intake of carbon dioxide, plants can also lessen the greenhouse effect caused by the burning of fossil fuels like coal.

Water Quality: Plants are extremely important to the quality of the water we use. A diverse cover of plants aids in maintaining healthy watersheds, streams and lakes by holding soil in place, controlling stream flows, and filtering sediments from water.

Erosion Control: The delicate wildflowers that dot the roadsides during the spring, summer and rainy seasons, protect the soil from erosion caused by heavy rains. Without enough plant cover, wind or water erodes the thin layer of soil

Climate: Regional climates are impacted by the amount and type of plant cover. Natural disasters, such as drought, have been blamed on the destruction of forests and other critically important plant communities.

Fish and Wildlife Habitat: Plants provide the necessary habitat for wildlife and fish.

Ecosystem: The word ‘ecosystem’ means the way in which human, plants and animals all live together supporting each other. Every species serves an important role, or purpose in their community.

Ways in which one can help protect Plants

1. Support: We can protect the organisations that protect the endangered plants or otherwise. We can become its member, an active volunteer and make financial contribution to its work.

2. Follow Ethical Gardening Practices: If you garden with native plants, don’t transplant form the wild. Make sure that the plants you purchase have not been collected from forests but grown.






1. What did the library door say?

Ans. The library door said, “Come in, come in.”

2. What did the books in library look like?

Ans. The books in the library were tall and skinny or little and fat.

3. Why did the child in the poem like looking at the picture?

Ans. The child in the poem liked looking at the pictures because they told stories.

4. What word signs have you seen or heard

(a) At home

Ans. Get in.

(b) AT the vegetable shop

Ans. How much for this?

(c) At the library.

Ans. Be silent/Silence please.

(d) At the doctor’s place

Ans. Don’t smoke.

(e) At the bus stop.

Ans. Be in que.

(f) At the toy shop.

Ans. What do you want?

5. Do you like the reading story books?

Ans. Yes.

6. What kinds of stories do you like?

Ans. Comics like Tintin, Asterix.

7. The word galore means in great numbers. Do you also have a class library which keeps many books? Can you borrow books?

Ans. Yes, we have a class library as well as a school library. I can borrow books from both of them.

8. Make word families. The first word in each has been written for you.


























9. Fill in the blanks after reading these sentences.

(a) An ______ is a place where aeroplanes take off and land.

Ans. Airport.

(b) A _____ is a place where food is cooked.

Ans. Kitchen.

(c) A ______ is a place where sick people are taken care of.

Ans. Hospital.

(d) A _____ is a place where you can buy things.

Ans. Shop.

(e) A ______ is a place where children study.

Ans. School.






1. From where did the naughty boy come?

Ans. The naughty boy came from England.

2. Where did the naughty boy go?

Ans. The naughty boy went go Scotland.

3. Why did he go there?

Ans. He wanted to know about the people, places, things and fruits of Scotland.

4. What did the boy wonder about?

Ans. The boy wondered about many things of Scotland, such as:

(i) ground as long as yard

(ii) a joyful song

(iii) a red cherry

(iv) the heavy lead

(v) the fourscore of eighty

(vi) the wooden door

5. Now write these words.

(a) The peacock is ____ bird.

Ans. beautiful.

(b) Pinocchio is a ____ puppet.

Ans. Naughty.

(c) I saw an _____ quarrel.

Ans. Ugly.

(d) Morning exercises make you _____.

Ans. Healthy.

(e) A glass of milk makes your teeth _____.

Ans. Strong.

(f) Rita’s ___ behaviour annoyed me.

Ans. Rude.

(g) Rahul does not eat green vegetable, therefore his eyesight is ____-.

Ans. Weak.

6. Can you write six things that are made of wood?

Ans. Toys, table, chair, pencil, door, furniture.

7. Look at the words given below and put them under the things that they are made of: balloon, chair, table, eraser, shirt, pencil, toys, car, trousers knife, scissors, cap.


















8. Which country does your clown belong to? Now complete the table below.















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