Class 04 || English || Ch. 09 DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK (POEM)

Class 4 || English || Ch. 9 DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK (POEM)

Page No 74:

Q. 1 afraid    dark    rest    harsh    forever    troubles    cease


1) Afraid: feeling fear 

2) Dark: with little or no light 

3) Rest: to relax 

4) Harsh: rough or cruel 

5) Forever: always 

6) Troubles: difficulty 

7) Cease: to come to an end 

Reading is fun

Page No 75

Q. 1. What is the poem about?

Ans. The poem is about the fear of darkness and how to overcome it.

Q. 2. What happens when the day is over?

Ans. The night cames with the moon and stars when the day is over.

Q. 3. What does the earth do when the day is over?

Ans. The earth takes rests when the day is over.

Q. 4. What does the poet want us to do at night?

Ans.The poet wants us to be friendly with night and think about our friends.

Q. 5. Are these sentences True or False.

(a) The poet tells the child to be afraid when it is dark.

(b) The poet says that stars will always shine at night.

(c) The poet tells the child to think of friends after it is dark.


(a) False.

(b) True.

(c) True.

Q. 6. Word Building


(i) moon + light = moonlight

(ii) break + fast = breakfast

(iii) good + night = goodnight

(iv) day + break = daybreak

(v) water + fall = waterfall

(vi) rain + bow = rainbow

Page 76

Q.1. Find a word in the poem which is the opposite of


war               peac

eenemies     friends

gentle           harsh

light              dark

night              day

start             cease

Page 76

Q.2. Now, write the full forms of the following words.


didn’tdid not
shouldn’tshould not
wouldn’twould not
couldn’tcould not
mustn’tmust not

Let’s talk

Page 76

Q.1 Are you afraid of the dark? Why?Ans. Yes, I am afraid of the dark, because I can’t see anything in dark.

Q.2. What do you do when it is dark?

Ans. I call to my mother or father when it is dark.

Q.3 Have you ever been very frightened? Tell your partner about it.

Ans. Once I was all alone at my home and the lights went out suddenly. There was darkness everywhere the home. I frightened badly. I called my mother but there was no answer. I feel that she was not at home and I started weeping. After some time, someone knocked at our door. My fare increase. When they called my name, I am decided that she is my aunty. I opened the door. She was with a lighting candle in her hand. She consoled me. I was with her till my parents returned.

Say aloud

Page 76

Q.1  What is the word that starts with ‘t’, rhyme with ‘cease’, and means to playfully make fun of?

Ans. Tease.

Q.2. What is the word that starts with ‘c’, rhymes with ‘near’ and ‘fear’, and means easy to see, hear and understand?

Ans. Clear.

Page 77

3.Where did the tip of the tongue touch?
Ans. It touches the teeth ridge.

4.Listen and repeat Ca -t
Ans. Do yourself.

5.Did you hear what your tongue did?
Ans. Do yourself.

6.Say these words and feel what your tongue does when you say- toe, top, tie, ten.
Ans. Do yourself

Page 77

Work in Pairs
Make the ‘cough’ sound.
I came down
I coughed “K, k, k, k!”
And cough again “K, k, k, k!”
Did you hear the ‘K’ sound
at the end of the word ‘book’?

book look neck duck chick sack clock

All these words start with the same sound

Page 77-78

Team Time

Q. 1. Divide the class into four groups.

Ans. Do it yourself in your class.

Q. 2. Imagine life without the sun.

Ans. There will be no life because Survival of life will become very difficult.

Q. 3. What are the things that may happen if there is no sunlight?


(i) There will be complete darkness everywhere, and no-one will be able to to see anything in complete darkness.

(ii) Climate of our surroundings will become cold.

(iii) Moon and stars will continue to shine.

(iv) Electrical light will be necessary for everyone in the absence of sunlight.

Q. 4. Discuss with the group and write your ideas in your notebook.

Ans. Do it yourself in your class.

Page 78

Let’s write

Q.1. The red tea cups are filled with a particular word. Fill in the yellow tea cups with similar sounding words. Note the example given.

Q. 2 Now complete the following sentences, choosing the right word.

(a) The sum was _____ difficult for the class to solve. Only ____ students could do it. (two, too)

(b) There was only ____ boy, who ____ the prize. (one, won)

(c) The golden ____ was very ____ to him. (dear, deer)

(d) Ramu’s son loved to play in the _____ (sun, son).


(a) too, two.

(b) one, won.

(c) deer, dear.

(d) son, sun.

Page No 79:


1. Relax your feet, legs and entire body. Be as quiet as you can. 

2. Listen to the sounds around you. 

3. Tell your partner softly what you heard and ask, “What did you hear?” 

4. Let your partner talk about or copy those sounds. 

5. Read out the following phrases aloud. Divide them into loud and softer sounds.

• clapping hands • a worm moving • sampling feet, • a bud blooming • a butterfly flying • a feather dropping • an ant walking • a car moving • the wind blowing • ssshhhh • whisper • tiptoe • a leaf falling

Loud sounds 

1) Clapping hands 

2) Stamping feet 

3) A car moving

Softer sound

1) A worm moving 

2) A bud blooming 

3) A butterfly flying 

4) A feather dropping 

5) An ant walking 

6) The wind blowing 

7) Ssshhhh 

8) Whisper 

9) A leaf falling 

10) Tiptoe

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