DBSE | Test 12 A (Formulas) | Area Related to Circles and other Figures

DBSE | Test 12 A (Formulas) | 
Area Related to Circles and other Figures 
(वृत्त और अन्य आकृतियों से संबंधित क्षेत्रफल)

Q. 1 Draw the labelled diagram of the following figures. 
Q. 1 नीचे लिखी आकृतियों के नामांकित चित्र बनाइए।
1. Square (वर्ग)
2. Rectangle (आयत)
3. Circle (वृत्त)
4. Semicircle (अर्ध वृत्त)

Q. 2 Write the formulas of the Perimeter and the Area of the following figures with unit.
Q. 3 नीचे दी गई आकृतियों के परिमाप और क्षेत्रफल उनकी इकाई के साथ लिखिए।
1. Rectangle (आयत) 
2. Square (वर्ग)
3. Circle (वृत्त)
4. Semicircle (अर्ध वृत्त)

Q. 3 if in a rectangle length is denoted by 'l' ; breath is denoted by 'b' and diagonal is denoted by 'd' then write the 
★ area of the rectangle 
If area is given, then find the length and breadth with the help of formula.

★ diagonal of the rectangle 
If diagonal is given, then find the length and breadth with the help of formula.

★ circumference or perimeter of the rectangle.
If circumference or perimeter is given, then find the length and breadth with the help of formula.

Q. 4 if in a square length of side is denoted by 'a' and diagonal is denoted by 'd' then write the 
★ area of the square 
If area is given, then find the length of side with the help of formula.

★ diagonal of the square 
If diagonal is given, then find the length of side with the help of formula.

★ circumference or perimeter of the square.
If circumference or perimeter is given, then find the length of side with the help of formula.

Q. 5 Write the area of the path of a rectangle and a square.

Q. 6 if in a circle radius is denoted by 'r' ; diameter is denoted by 'd' ; circumference or perimeter is denoted by 'C /P' and area is denoted by 'A' then write the 
★ Radius of circle in term of d 

★ Radius of circle in term of c 

★ Area of circle 
If area is given, then find the radius with the help of formula.
If area of semicircle is given, then find the radiameter with the help of formula.

★ Area of semicircle 
If area of semicircle is given, then find the radius with the help of formula.
If area of semicircle is given, then find the diameter with the help of formula.

★ Area of quadrant of the circle 
If area of quadrant is given, then find the radius with the help of formula.
If area of quadrant is given, then find the diameter with the help of formula.

★ Circumference or perimeter of semicircle 
If Circumference or perimeter of semicircle is given, then find the radius with the help of formula.
If Circumference or perimeter of semicircle is given, then find the diameter with the help of formula.

★ Total circumference or perimeter of semicircle 

★ Area of ring

Four Area of Sector and Segment

★ If minor angle of sector is θ (theta) then write the measurement of mazer angle.

★ Length of the minor Arc office sector 

★ Length of the major arc of a sector 

★ Perimeter of a sector or perimeter of minor sector of a circle 

★ Perimeter of major sector officer circle 

★ Area of sector of circle or area of miner sector of circle

★ Area of major sector of the circle 

★ Area of minor segment of the circle 

★ If theta is greater than 90° degree then area of the sector

Q. 7 Give the costing of

Costing of any perimeter =

Costing of any Area =

Costing of any Area =

Q. 8 Give the value of
1m² = __________cm²
1m³ = __________cm³
1cm³ = __________ Litre
1m³ = __________ Litre 

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