Class 7th E.2 An Alien Hand (Full Book)


7th class-cbse english (An alien hand) 

Chapter-1 (The tiny teacher)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) In what ways is an ant’s life peaceful?

Ans1) Ant’s live together in peace and harmony. They do their own work and do not interface in the other’s work.  They never fight with other ants of the same group. So their life is peaceful.


Q2) How long does it take for a grub to become a complete ant?

Ans2) It takes five to six weeks for a grub to become a complete ant.


Q3) Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about?

Ans3) Worker ants carry the grubs about for daily exercise and sunshine.


Q4) What different jobs are learnt by new ants?

Ans4) The new ants learn the duties of workers, cleaners, soldiers, and builders from old ants.


Q5) Name some other creatures that live in ant hills?

As5) The greenfly, beetles, lesser breeds of ants, etc . …… some of the creatures who live in anthills.


Q6)   Mention three things we can learn from the “tiny teacher”. 

Ans6) We can learn - hard work, sense of duty and loyalty from this tiny teacher.


Q7) How is the home of ants organized?

Ans7) An anthill has hundreds of little rooms and passages. Rooms are reserved for each member of the community- Rooms for the queen ant to lay eggs, nurseries for the young ones, quarters for workers, store houses for food and barrackers for soldiers.

Page No: 3

Comprehension Check
1. The story of an ant’s life sounds almost untrue.
The italicised phrase means
(i) highly exaggerated.
(ii) too remarkable to be true.
(iii) not based on facts.
Ans: (ii) too remarkable to be true.

2. Complete the following sentences.
(i) An ant is the smallest, …….
(ii) We know a number of facts about an ant’s life because…….
Ans: (i) An ant is the smallest, the commonest but the wisest insect. 
(ii) We know a number of facts about an ant’s life because people have kept ants as pets, and have watched their daily behaviour closely.

3. In what ways is an ant’s life peaceful?
Ans: An ant’s life is peaceful because they do their own work and never fight with other ants of the same group. They know sharing and contribution and do not interface in the other’s work.

Page No: 5
Comprehension Check
1. How long does it take for a grub to become a complete ant?
Ans: It takes five to six weeks for a grub to become a complete ant.

2. Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about?
Ans: The worker ants carry them about daily for airing, exercise and sunshine.

3. What jobs are new ants trained for?
Ans: The jobs which the new ants are trained for are workers, soldiers, builders, cleaners, etc.

4. Name some other creatures that live in anthills.
Ans: Some other creatures that live in anthills are beetles, lesser breeds of ants, greenfly etc.

5. Mention three things we can learn from the ‘tiny teacher’. Give reasons for choosing these items.
Ans: We can learn team work as ants do their work by sharing and contribution without interface in the other’s work.
We can learn hard work as ants spend their most of time in doing their respective jobs without hesitation.
We can learn discipline as ants live a disciplined life and always follow the rules of their group and loyal towards it.

Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. (i) What problems are you likely to face if you keep ants as pets?
(ii) When a group of bees finds nectar, it informs other bees of its location, quantity, etc. through dancing. Can you guess what ants communicate to their fellow ants by touching one another’s feelers?
Ans: These questions are supposed to be done in groups. Students have to do this by their own. If further demanded, our team will provide the solution.

Page No: 6
2. Complete the following poem with words from the box below. Then recite the poem.
Soldiers live in barracks
And birds in ————,
Much like a snake that rests
In a ————. No horse is able
To sleep except in a ————.
And a dog lives well,
Mind you, only in a ————.
To say ‘hi’ to an ant, if you will,
You may have to climb an ————.
Hole, kennel, nests, anthill, stable
Ans: Soldiers live in barracks
And bird in nests,
Much like a snake that rests
In a hole. No horse is able
To sleep except in a stable.
And a dog lives well,
Mind you, only in a kennel.
To say ‘hi’ to an ant, if you will,
You may have to climb an anthill.


Chapter-2 (Bringing up kari) (Dhan Gopal Mukerji)


Answer following questions in short.



Q1) How did Kari enjoy his morning bath in the river?

Ans1) Kari lay for a long time in the river and on the sand and let the author rub his back. Also, he squealed with pleasure when his friend rubbed water down his back.


Q2) Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time. Why?

Ans2) Kari liked to eat only the most delicate and tender twigs. So his friend had to climb all kinds of trees to get twigs and saplings for him. Also, Kari did not touch twigs that got mudded.  Hence, collecting good twigs for Kari took a long time.


Q3 Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?

Ans3) A boy was drowning in the river. Kari himself could not pull the boy from the river bed, so he pushed his friend into the stream.


Q4) How did the author compare the Kari with a baby? 

Ans4) The author compares Kari with a baby because Kari needed training to be good just like a baby. If he was naughty, author had to scold him. He understood words like children do. He had to be taught to sit down, walk, when to walk fast and when slow. Moreover, his call was more like that of a baby than an elephant.


Q5) How did Kari helped him to all the bananas in the house without any one noticing it?

Ans5) Kari stole the bananas from the table in the dining room. He put his trunk through the window and disappeared with the bananas without any one noticing it.


Q6) What were the instructions for commands sit and walk?

Ans6) His friend pulled Kari by his ear and said ‘Dhai’ to make him sit and he pulled his trunk forward and said ‘Mali’ to make him walk,.


Q7) What is “the master call”? Why is it the most important signal for an elephant to learn?

Ans7) The master call is a strange hissing, howling sound, as if a snake and a tiger were fighting each other. It is the most important signal for an elephant because whenever master is in trouble, one master call will bring the elephant near him.


Q8) Elephants are proud animals. How do we know it from the story?

Ans8) Kari stole bananas from the dining room. Whet he was caught and scolded, he realized his mistake. His pride was so hurt that he never repeated this mistake again. Elephants are proud animals and they accept their mistakes and punishment for it.


Q9) Why is it important to teach an elephant to sit down?

Ans9) Elephants grow taller than their masters. Keeper can reached his back only with the help of a ladder. As it is not possible to always carry about a ladder, an elephant must be taught to sit down.

Page No: 14

Answer the following questions.

1. The enclosure in which Kari lived had a thatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps. Examine the illustration of Kari’s pavilion on page 8 and say why it was built that way.
Kari’s pavilion was built of hatched roof that lay on thick tree stumps because it was very high and would not fall when Kari bump against the poles.

2. Did Kari enjoy his morning bath in the river? Give a reason for your answer.
Yes, Kari enjoys his morning bath in the river as he lay down on the sand bank and let his friend rub his back and also lie in the river water for a long time. He squeal with pleasure when water is rubbed down his back.

3. Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time. Why?
Finding good twigs for Kari took a long time because his friend had to climb all kinds of trees to get the most delicate and tender twigs. Also, if a twig is mutilated an elephant will not touch it. So, one had to be very sharp hatchet to cut down these twigs which took half an hour to sharpen it. It was not an easy job

4. Why did Kari push his friend into the stream?
Kari pushed his friend into the stream because a boy was lying flat on the bottom of the river. Kari wanted his friend to save the life of that boy, so he pushed his friend into the stream.

5. Kari was like a baby. What are the main points of comparison?
Kari was like a baby because he had to be trained to be good just like a baby. He had to be taught when to sit down, when to walk, when to go fast, and when to go slow. When he was naughty, he need to be scolded and if not, he will do more mischief.

6. Kari helped himself to all the bananas in the house without anyone noticing it. How did he do it?
Kari stole the bananas from the table near the window in the dining room. He put his trunk through the window very much like a snake and disappeared with all the bananas without any one noticing it.

7. Kari learnt the commands to sit and to walk. What were the instructions for each command?
When his friend pulled his ear and say ‘Dhat’, Kari sit down and when he pulled his trunk forward and say ‘Mali’, Kari walked.

8. What is “the master call”? Why is it the most important signal for an elephant to learn?
The master call is a strange hissing, howling sound, as if a snake and a tiger were fighting each other. It is the most important signal for an elephant because whenever master is in trouble, one master call will bring the elephant near him.


Chapter-3 (The desert)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) A camel can do without water for days together. How?

Ans1) Camels sweat very little; therefore they can do without water for days together. We need sweat to cool our body. Camels can tolerate a high body temperature so they don’t need to sweat. So, they can retain the water for a long period of time.


Q2) How do smaller desert animals fulfill their need for water?

Ans2) The smaller desert animals either get the water they need from plant juices or they eat other animals and get the water from their body.


Q3) In a desert the temperature rises during the day and falls rapidly at night. Why?

Ans3) The air in desert lands is extremely dry. The moistures in the air acts as a cover to protect the lands from the hot rays of the sun. In desert lands , this protective covering is absent. Therefore, the land get heats up quickly during the day due to the sun’s rays and cools down rapidly at night.


Q4) What is an Oasis?

Ans4) A green patch of land in the middle of a desert where a spring or well is surrounded by trees and plants is called an Oasis.


Q5) What are sand dunes?

Ans5) Sand dunes are heaps of sand with special shapes. They keep shifting their position across the desert by the strong winds.


Q6) What is the popular belief about deserts? What is the truth?

Ans6) The popular belief is that deserts are an endless stretch of sand without rain falls and vegetation. The truth is that the deserts have a different kind of vegetation. The plants and animals there have learned to survive in hot and dry condition.

Page No: 16
Comprehension Check
1. From the first paragraph
(i) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as most people believe it is;
(ii) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as specialists see it.
Which do you think is an apt description, and why?
Ans: (i) Two phrases which describe the desert as most people believe it is:
‘dry, hot, waterless and without shelter.’
‘an endless stretch of sand where no rain falls and, therefore, no vegetation grows.’
(ii) Two phrases which describe the desert as specialists see it:
‘a beautiful place’
‘home of a variety of people, animals and plants’
I think both the description is an apt in their own way as most people describe it what they saw on television or read over internet while specialists made the conclusion by their interest and experience after living in desert.

Page No: 17
2. The phrases on the left in the following box occur in the text.
Match each of them with a phrase on the right.


an endless stretch of sand

· fertile place with water and plants in a desert


waterless and without shelter

· not visible because the grass is thick 


an oasis

· nothing but sand as far as one can see 


hidden by a cover of grass

· no water and no shade



an endless stretch of sand

· nothing but sand as far as one can see


waterless and without shelter

· no water and no shade


an oasis

· fertile place with water and plants in a desert


hidden by a cover of grass

· not visible because the grass is thick

Page No: 19

Comprehension Check
1. A camel can do without water for days together. What is the reason given in the text?
Ans: A camel can do without water for days together because they sweat very little. Camels can stand high body temperature. They don’t need to sweat and therefore can retain the water they drink for long periods of time.

2. How do the smaller desert animals fulfill their need for water?
Ans: The smaller animals fulfill their need for water by burrowing underground during the hot day and come out at night to eat. Some of them eat other animals and get the water they need from the moisture in the meat. Others eat plants and seeds and get the water they need from plant juices.

3. In a desert the temperature rises during the day and falls rapidly at night. Why?
Ans: In a desert the temperature rises during the day and falls rapidly at night because of the absence of moisture in desert lands. The moisture present in the air acts as a blanket and protects the earth’s surface form the hot rays of the sun but the moisture in air is absent in desert. Therefore, the land get heats up quickly during the day due to the sun’s rays and cools down rapidly at night.

Do the following activities in groups.
1. Describe a desert in your own way. Write a paragraph and read it aloud to your classmates.
Ans: A desert is generally without water and vegetation but it as beautiful as a forest.  A desert may be too hot or too cold but plants and animals there have learned to survive in hot and dry and cold condition. Deserts also have a different kind of vegetation.

2. Go to the library and collect information about the lifestyle of people in desert areas— their food, clothes, work, social customs, etc. Share this information with the group.
Ans: Students need to do this question by themselves.


Chapter-4 (The cop and the Anthem) (O. Henry)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What are some of the signs of approaching winter?

Ans1) Some of the signs of the approaching winter are - birds start flying to south, people need warm new coats and dead leaves fall.


Q2) What was Soapy’s first plan? Why did it not work?

Ans2) Soapy’s first plan was to enter in some fine restaurant and have dinner there. As he had no money, they would hand him over to a cop. And the judge would sentence him for three months in the prison on Blackwell’s Island.This plan could not work because as soon as Soapy stepped inside a fine restaurant, the head waiter saw his shabby clothing and immediately pushed him out.


Q3)   “But the cop‘s mind would not consider Soapy”. What did the cop not consider, and why?

Ans3) The cop did not consider Soapy as the culprit who threw a stone on the glass window of the shop. Because he thought that if this man had thrown the stone, he would not stop there to talk to cops.


Q4) “we have orders to let them shout.” What is the policeman referring to?

Ans4) The college students were allowed to shout outside the theatre. When Soapy shouted pretending to be drunkard; the policemen thought that he was also one of those harmless college students. So he said to another man standing beside him “we have orders to let them shout.”


Q5) “There was a sudden and wonderful change in his soul.” What brought about that change in Soapy?

Ans5) Soapy saw his old childhood home when returning to Madison Square. The soft light was shining from his living room windows. The sweet music reminded him of his childhood days when he led a happy and honest life with his mother and friends. Suddenly he realized that his present life was worthless and hopeless. So he decided to change his life.



Q6 ) Where did Soapy live? Where did he want to go during the winter?

Ans6) Soapy lived  on a seat in a park at Madison Square. During the winter he wanted to go to the prison at Blackwell’s Island.


Q7) What did Soapy wanted?

Ans7) Winter was approaching and he did not have a place to live. Soapy wanted food everyday; a bed every night; protection from the cold north winds and safety from cops for three months.

Page No: 29
Answer the following questions.
1. What are some of the signs of approaching winter referred to in the text?
Some of the signs of approaching winter are birds begin to fly south, people want new warm coats and dead leaves falling.

2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following.
(i) Soapy did not want to go to prison.
(ii) Soapy had been to prison several times.
(iii) It was not possible for Soapy to survive in the city through the winter.
(iv) Soapy hated to answer questions of a personal nature.
Ans: (i)
(ii) True
(iii) False
(iv) True

3. What was Soapy’s first plan? Why did it not work?
Soapy’s first plan was to have dinner at some fine restaurant and after that he would say that he had no money to pay so that cop will arrest him and the judge would sentence him for three months in the prison on Blackwell’s Island.
This plan did not work because the head waiter saw his broken old shoes and the torn clothes that covered his legs. Strong and ready hands turned Soapy around and moved him quietly and quickly outside the restaurant.

4. “But the cop’s mind would not consider Soapy”. What did the cop not consider, and why?
The cop’s mind didn’t consider Soapy because the men who break windows do not stop there to talk to cops. They run away as fast as they can. The cop saw a man further along the street, running and they ran after him.

5. “We have orders to let them shout”. What is the policeman referring to?
The policeman referring to the orders that allowed college to shout as they would not hurt anything. He said this to a man standing near him when Soapy shouted as if he was drunk thinking that Soapy is a college boy.

6. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following.
(i) Soapy stole a man’s umbrella.
(ii) The owner of the umbrella offered to give it to Soapy.
(iii) The man had stolen the umbrella that was now Soapy’s.
(iv) Soapy threw away the umbrella
Ans: (i)
(ii) False
(iii) True
(iv) True

7. “There was a sudden and wonderful change in his soul”. What brought about the change in Soapy?
When Soapy came near his old home, he remembered his old days and his childhood life. He saw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, the lost power of his mind. These made sudden and wonderful change in his soul. His heart answered this change in his soul. He would fight to change his life, pull himself up, out of the mud and make a man of himself again.

Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. Suppose no cop came at the end. What would Soapy’s life be like through the winter?
If no cop came at the end, there would have been significant and positive changes in his life. He would have looked for the man who had offered him a job and able to live a respectable life in the society. The changes brought in his soul may changed his whole life and he might have given up his bad habits as he was determined. The story had an happy ending with Soapy as a respectful man.

2. Retell an episode in the story which is a good example of irony in a situation.
The ironic episode in the story is when Soapy came to his old home. It’s memory changed his mind and made him strong willing person who was ready to brought positive changes in his life.
“Here was hisold childhood home. Through one window, he could see a soft light shining. That had been his living room, where he had spent many happy peaceful moments. Sweet music came to Soapy’s ears and seemed to hold him there. The moon was above, peaceful and bright. There were few people passing. He could hear birds high above him. And the music that came from the room held Soapy there, for he had known it well long ago. In those days, his life contained such things as mothers and flowers and high hopes and friends and clean thoughts and clean clothes. There was a sudden and wonderful change in his soul. He saw with sick fear how he had fallen. He saw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, the lost power of his mind. And also, in a moment, his heart answered this change in his soul. He would fight to change his life. He would pull himself up, out of the mud. He would make a man of himself again.”


Chapter-5 (Golu Grows a Nose) (Rudyard Kipling)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Whom does Golu ask, “why don’t you ever fly like other birds”?

Ans1) Golu asked this question to the ostrich.


Q2) Which uncle of Golu had red eyes?

Ans2)The hippopotamus, Golu’s huge uncle, had red eyes.


Q3) Golu’s relatives did not answer his questions because.

Ans3) Golu’s relatives did not answer because the questions were too difficult.


Q4) Who advised Golu to go the Limpopo river?

Ans4) The mynah bird advised Golu to go the Limpopo river.


Q5) Why did Golu go to the river?

Ans5) Golu went to the river to know what the crocodile had for his dinner.


Q6) The crocodile lay on the bank of the Limpoporiver. Golu thought it was?

Ans6) Golu thought it was a log of wood.


Q7) What did the crocodile do to show that it was a real crocodile?

Ans7) To show that it was a real crocodile,he shed crocodile tears


Q8) Who helped Golu on the bank of the river?

Ans8) The python helped Golu on the bank of the river.


Q9) What did Golu take with him when he went to the Limpopo river?

Ans9) When he went to the Limpopo river he took with him a hundred sugarcanes, fifty dozens bananas and twenty –five melons.


Q10) How did Golu’s nose become long?

Ans10)  A crocodile that lived in the Limpopo river caught Golu’s nose and tried to pull him in river. Golu and the python pulled to free Golu’s nose in opposite direction. In this process Golu’s nose became long.


Q11) What according to the python, were the three things that Golu could not have done with his small nose?

Ans11) Golu could not have plucked, dusted and stuffed the bundle of grass in his mouth with his small nose. He couldn’t have killed the fly, biting on his shoulder with his small nose.

Page No: 34
Answer the following questions.
1. Whom does Golu ask, “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?”
Ans: Golu asked his tall aunt, the ostrich that “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?”

2. Which uncle of Golu had red eyes?
Ans: Golu’s huge uncle, the hippopotamus had red eyes.

3. Golu’s relatives did not answer his questions because
(i) they were shy.
(ii) the questions were too difficult.
(iii) Golu was a naughty baby.
Ans: Golu’s relatives did not answer because (ii) the questions were too difficult.

Page No: 35
4. Who advised Golu to go to the Limpopo river?
Ans: The mynah bird advised Golu to go to the Limpopo river.

5. Why did Golu go to the river?
Ans: Golu went to the river to know what the crocodile had for his dinner.

6. The crocodile lay on the bank of the Limpopo river. Golu thought it was
(i) a living crocodile.
(ii) a dead crocodile.
(iii) a log of wood.
Ans: Golu thought it was (iii) a log of wood.

7. What did the crocodile do to show that it was a real crocodile?
Ans: Crocodile shed his crocodile tears to show that it was a real crocodile.

8. “Come here, little one, and I’ll whisper the answer to you.”
The crocodile said this because
(i) he couldn’t stand up.
(ii) he wanted to eat Golu.
(iii) Golu was deaf.
Ans: The crocodile said this because (ii) he wanted to eat Golu.

9. Who helped Golu on the bank of the river?
Ans: The python helped Golu on the bank of the river.

10. Name two things the elephant can do with his trunk, and two he cannot.
Ans: The two things the elephant can do with his trunk are:
(i) pluck a large bundle of grass and stuff it into his mouth
(ii) scoop up some mud from the bank and slap it on his head.
The two things the elephant cannot do with his trunk are:
(i) cannot scratch himself with his trunk
(ii) cannot chew or eat food directly with his trunk.


Chapter-6 (I want something in cage) (L. E. Greeve)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Why is Mr Purcell compared to an owl?

Ans1) Mr. Purcell was a short man with big tummy, red cheeks, a tight, melon stomach and magnified eyes and he sat on the top of a high stool which gave him the look of an owl.


Q2) Do you think the atmosphere of Mr Purcell’s shop was cheerful or depressing? Give reasons for your answer?

Ans2) The atmosphere of Mr. Purcell’s shop was depressing. There were continuous cries of frightened birds and animals. They tried to move endlessly in restricted cages. It gave the shop a depressing atmosphere.


Q3) Describe the stranger who come to the pet shop. What did he want?

Ans3) The stranger’s look was peculiar. He was wearing a loose suit and shiny shoes. He had a shuttling glance and his hair was cut very short. He appeared to be a poor man. He wanted something in a cage.


Q4) The man insisted on buying the doves because he was fond of birds. Do you agree?

Ans4) I think the stranger was not fond of birds. He had sympathy for the birds. They had wings but even then they could not fly. They were caged against their wishes. The stranger himself had been in jail for ten years.


Q5) How had he earned the five dollars he had?

Ans5) He recieved those five dollars on being released from jail after ten years of imprisonment.


Q6) Was the customer interested in the care and feeding of the doves he had bought? If not, why not?

Ans6) The stranger was not interested in the care and feeding of the doves because he had bought doves to set them free.


Q7) Why did it make Mr. Purcell feel insulted?

Ans8 The man bought the doves from Purcell’s shop for five dollars and then went outside and set the birds free. It was Mr. Purcell who had kept these birds in cage and sold them. So he felt insulted. 

Page No: 38
Comprehension Check
1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of following statements.
(i) Mr Purcell sold birds, cats, dogs and monkeys.
(ii) He was very concerned about the well-being of the birds and animals in his shop.
(iii) He was impressed by the customer who bought the two doves.
(iv) He was a successful shopowner, though insensitive and cold as a person.
Ans: (i) True
(ii) False
(iii) False
(iv) False

2. Why is Mr Purcell compared to an owl?
Ans: Mr Purcell compared to an owl because large glasses magnified his eyes which gives him the appearance of a wise and genial owl.

3. From the third paragraph pick out
(i) words associated with cries of birds,
(ii) words associated with noise,
(iii) words suggestive of confusion and fear.
Ans: (i) whispered twitters, cheeps, squeaks
(ii) Rustling, squeals, squeaks
(iii) frantic, frightened, bewildered, blindly seeking.

Page No: 39

4. “…Mr Purcell heard it no more than he would have heard the monotonous ticking of a familiar clock.” (Read para beginning with “It was a rough day…”)
(i) What does ‘it’ refer to?
(ii) Why does Mr Purcell not hear ‘it’ clearly?
Ans: (i) ‘It’ refers to the chirping, squeaking and mewing of the birds and animals in the shop of Mr Purcell.
(ii) Mr Purcell not hear ‘it’ clearly because he heard it no more than he would have heard the monotonous ticking of a familiar clock.and pay no attention to it as it was a daily routine.

Page No: 42

Comprehension Check
1. Do you think the atmosphere of Mr Purcell’s shop was cheerful or depressing? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: The atmosphere of Mr Purcell’s shop was depressing because a constant stir of movement pervaded his shop and the animals and birds were making a lot of noise seems like they are not happy in their cages.

2. Describe the stranger who came to the pet shop. What did he want?
Ans: The stranger was peculiar man who was wearing shiny shoes and cheap, ill-fitted but a new suit. He had a shuttling glance and close-cropped hair. He wanted something small in a cage with wings.

3. (i) The man insisted on buying the doves because he was fond of birds. Do you agree?
(ii) How had he earned the five dollars he had?
Ans: (i) No, the man didn’t insisted on buying doves because he was fond of birds. He didn’t asked for the birds directly instead he said that he wanted anything with wings in a cage. This shows that he had sympathy for the birds and wanted to see them flying.
(ii) He earned those five dollars by doing hard labour in jail in his ten years of imprisonment.

4. Was the customer interested in the care and feeding of the doves he had bought? If not, why not?
Ans: The stranger was not interested in the care and feeding of the doves because he wanted to set them free.

Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. Why, in your opinion, did the man set the doves free?
Ans: In my opinion, I think that the man must had set the doves free because he himself had been in jail for ten years. He had sympathy for the birds and knew the pain of being imprisoned against the wishes. He wanted to see them flying and enjoy their freedom that is why he bought something with the wings. He wanted to smell the happiness of freedom from cages by setting the doves free.

2. Why did it make Mr Purcell feel “vaguely insulted”?
Ans: Mr Purcell feel “vaguely insulted” the man bought the doves from Purcell’s shop for five dollars and then went outside to set them free. It was Mr. Purcell who had kept these birds in cage and restricted their freedom and the man spent his ten years income only to give the doves freedom, so he felt more insulted.


Chapter-7 (Chandni) (Zakir Husain)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Why did Abbu Khan’s goats want to run away? What happened to them in the hills?

Ans1) Abbu Khan’s goats always wanted to live on the grassy hills slopes. They loved their freedom. They were of the best mountain breed. They did not like to be tied to some tree or pole in Abbu khan’s compound. So they wanted to run away.


Q2) Abbu khan said, “No more goats in my house ever again.” Then he changed his mind. Why?

Ans2) Abbu khan loved his pets and could not live without them. Moreover he was very old and lonely. So he changed his mind and bought a young goat.


Q3) Why did he buy a young goat?

Ans3) Abbu khan thought that a young goat would stay with him much longer. She would love him as well as the food that he would give her. She would never leave him.


Q4) Why did chadani hate the rope around her neck?

Ans4) Chadani hate the rope around her neck because it stopped her from running to the hills. She desperately wanted to go to the hills.


Q5) “Now Abbu Khan understood Chadani’s problem …’ What was chadani’s problem ?

Ans5) Chadani’s problem was that she was a mountain goat and she loved her freedom. She wanted to go to the hills. She hated to live with the rope around her neck. So she stopped eating and became moody.


Q6) Why did Chandani refuse to join the group of wild goats?

Ans6) Chandani refused to join the group of wild goats because she wanted to enjoy her newly got freedom alone.


Q7) Why did the wise old bird say, “Chandni is the winner”?

Ans7)   The wise old bird said that Chandni was the winner because though she was small and weak compared to the wolf, she put up really a brave fight. She did not try to run away but stood firmly to fight. She struggled all though the night but was killed in the morning. She chose death in an open field over life in a closed hut.

Page No: 45
Comprehension Check
1. Why did Abbu Khan’s goats want to run away? What happened to them in the hills?
Ans: Abbu Khan’s goats wanted to run away because goats in hilly regions hate being tied to trees or poles. They love their freedom and his goats were of the best hill breed. In the hills, they get killed by an old wolf who lived in the hills.

2. Abbu Khan said, “No more goats in my house ever again.” Then he changed his mind. Why?
Ans: Abbu Khan changed his mind because he was terribly lonely and simply couldn’t live without his pets. He needs company.

3. Why did he buy a young goat?
Ans: He thought that a young goat will stay with him much longer. She will soon begin to love him as well as the food served by him and will never want to go to the hills.

Page No: 49
Comprehension Check

1. Why did Chandni hate the rope round her neck?
Ans: Chandni hated the rope round her neck because whenever she ran towards the hills, the rope round her neck wouldn’t let her go any further and stops her with a jerk. She wanted to run across those green fields and the hills.

2. “Now Abbu Khan understood Chandni’s problem…” What was Chandni’s problem?
Ans: Chandni’s problem was that she was a mountain goat and loved her freedom. She wanted to go to the hills and hated to live with the rope around her neck.

3. Abbu Khan pushed Chandni into a small hut. This shows that he
(i) was cruel.
(ii) loved her and wanted to save her life.
(iii) was selfish.
Ans: This shows that he (ii) loved her and wanted to save her life.

Page No: 51

Comprehension Check
1. Why did Chandni refuse to join the group of wild goats?
Ans: Chandni refused to join the group of wild goats because she wanted to enjoy her new freedom all by herself.

2. Chandni fought the wolf because she
(i) was stronger than the wolf.
(ii) hated the wolf.
(iii) had to retain her freedom at all costs.
Ans: Chandni fought the wolf because she (iii) had to retain her freedom at all costs.

Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. Why did the wise old bird say, “Chandni is the winner”?
Ans: The wise old bird said that Chandni is the winner because even being weak and small in front of the wolf, she didn’t give up. She gathered all her courage and done a brave fight. She didn’t leave the battlefield like a coward and fought for her freedom. She said to herself that death in an open field is far better than life in a small hut. She stood firm on her legs, head slightly bent and horns jutting out. She was a picture of courage. She looked like a brave soldier ready to fight a treacherous enemy. She died brave in the morning completely soaked in blood.

2. “Death in an open field is better than life in a small hut,” Chandni said to herself. Was it the right decision? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: I think it was the right decision because no one can imagine life in someone’s captivity. Freedom is more valuable thing than life. Chandni could have gone back to her small hut of Abbu and saved her life but she chooses to fight with the wolf instead to gain her freedom. She didn’t died coward. She fought with courage show the picture of bravery to attain freedom of her life. She might have lived longer in the captivity but she died everyday in the imprisonment. She fought with the wolf and told herself that success or failure is a matter of luck or chance. So, she took the right decision afterall.

3. Freedom is life. Discuss this with reference to ‘Chandni’ and ‘I Want Something in a Cage’.
Ans: Students need to do this by themselves. They can write article on the topic by taking example from the two chapters.


Chapter-8 (The bear Story) (Axel Munthe)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up?

Ans1) The lady found the bear cub in the forest. It was very small and at the verge of death due to hunger. It was brought up on milk by the lady and her cook.


Q2) What did the bear eat? There were two things he was not allowed to do. What were they?

Ans2) The bear ate bread, porridge, potatoes, cabbages and turnips. But he liked fruits the most. He was not allowed to touch or disturb the beehives. He was also not allowed to climb up the apple tree to eat apples.


Q3) When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?

Ans3) When the bear created trouble with the beehives, he was tied up with a chain as a punishment. Apart from this, he was only kept on chain during the night and on Sundays.


Q4) What happened one Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house ? What did the lady do? What was the bear’s reaction?

Ans4) One Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house, a bear came up to her from behind. She thought that it was her bear. She scolded him for disobeying her. She saw that he had no collar on his neck; she became furious and hit him on the nose. The bear was very surprised. He shook his head and opened his big mouth several times as if he wanted to say something. Then he turned around and went away.


Q5) Why was the bear looking sorry for himself in the evening? Why did the cook get angry with her mistress?

Ans5) The bear had been chained for the whole Sunday afternoon and was lonely without his mistress. So, he was looking sorry for himself. The cook got angry with her mistress because she was scolding the bear for no fault. He had behaved very well the whole in her absence.

Page No: 57

Answer the following questions.
1. Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up?
The lady found the bear cub in the forest. It was brought up on the bottle because it was half dead of hunger and was so small and helpless.

2. The bear grew up but “he was a most amiable bear”. Give three examples to prove this.
Three examples to prove that the bear grew up but “he was a most amiable bear” :
(i) He did not dream of harming anybody, man or beast.
(ii) He look with his small intelligent eyes most amicably at the cattle grazing in the field near by.
(iii) The children used to ride on his back and he didn’t harm them.

3. What did the bear eat? There were two things he was not allowed to do. What were they?
He ate the same food as the dogs and often out of the same plate like bread, porridge, potato, cabbage, turnip. He likes fruit the best. Two things he was not allowed to do were to climb trees and touch the beehives.

4. When was the bear tied up with a chain? Why?
He was tied up with chain whenever he done mischief. He was also put in chain during nights and on Sundays when his mistress went to spend the afternoon with her married sister. It was done because it was not supposed to be good for him to wander about in the forest with all its temptations; it was better to and be on the safe side.

5. What happened one Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house? What did the lady do? What was the bear’s reaction?
One Sunday when the lady was going to her sister’s house, a bear was coming to her in the forest at full speed. Thinking that it was her bear, she scolded him and told him to go back as she didn’t want him to came with her. She became very angry when she saw that bear lost his new collar and hit him on his nose with her parasol. The bear opened his mouth several times as if he wanted to say something and looked at her with his cunning eyes. After that, it turned around and went on its way.

6. Why was the bear looking sorry for himself in the evening? Why did the cook get angry with her mistress?
The bear was looking sorry for himself in the evening because he had been chained for the whole Sunday afternoon and was looking for his mistress without doing anything. The cook got angry with her mistress because she scolding the bear without any mistake who had been sitting there quite still on his haunches as meek as an angel, looking the whole time towards the gate for the mistress to come back.

Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. Most people keep dogs and cats as pets. Can you think of some unusual pets that people keep?
Students need to do this by themselves.

2. The second bear did not attack the lady because he was afraid of her. Do you agree?
No, i don’t agree that second bear did not attack the lady because he was afraid of her. I think, the second bear was also amiable and want to befriend with someone. Even when she lost her appetite and scolded him and hit the bear with her parasol, he didn’t attacked her. Although, bears are able to kill a person easily. He opened his mouth several times as if he wanted to say something and looked at her with his cunning eyes which seems that he was not afraid of her at all but wanted to be loved by her. He had come stopping now and then look at the lady till at last she lost sight of him which shows the affection of him with the lady.


Chapter-9 (A tiger in the house) (Ruskin Bond)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Where was the little tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him?

Ans1) The little tiger cub was hiding among the intricate roots of a banyan tree, when grandfather found the little tiger cub.


Q2) What did Toto do to entertain Timothy?

Ans2) Toto was a monkey. He teased Timothy and pulled his tail.


Q3) What did he do when Timothy lost his temper? 

Ans3) Toto climbed up the curtains and got beyond reach of Timothy, when he lost his temper.


Q4) Where was Timothy most comfortable during the day? Where was he during the night?

Ans4) During the day Timothy felt most comfortable on the long sofa in the drawing room. At night he slept in the quarters of the cook, Mahmoud.


Q5) What was Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook? Did it come true?

Ans5) Grandmother feared that one day Timothy might get violent and kill and eat up mohmoud  because Timothy’s behaviour was changing.


Q6) What made Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to the zoo?

Ans6) Grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to the zoo because he was growing dangerous day by day. He became less friendly. He started killing and ate up hens at night. He started following the cook, Mahmoud with evil intentions.


Q7) Why did Grandfather want Timothy to be put in another enclosure?

Ans7) Grandfather went to the Lucknow zoo to see the Timothy, his tiger. He saw a leopard in the next cage troubling and frightening him. He thought that it was the reason for the bad mood of the tiger. So he wanted Timothy to be put in another enclosure.


Q8) What shocked Grandfather in the end?

Ans8) Grandfather was shocked when he came to know that his pet tiger Timothy had died two months back due to pneumonia and the tiger licking his hands was a very dangerous one who was caught only a month back.

Page No: 60
Comprehension Check
1. “He had the distinction of being the only member of the party to have bagged any game…
The phrase in italics means
(i) Grandfather was the most distinguished member of the party.
(ii) Grandfather was the only sportsperson in the party.
(iii) Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: The phrase in italics means (iii) Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party.

2. Complete the following sentences.
(i) Toto climbed up the curtains when ————
(ii) ———— ,I became one of the tiger’s favourites.
(iii) Timothy had clean habits, ————
Ans: (i) Toto climbed up the curtains when Timothy lost his temper.
(ii) One of Timothy’s favourite amusements was to stalk anyone who would play with him, and so, when I came to live with Grandfather, I became one of the tiger’s favourites.
(iii) Timothy had clean habits, and would scrub his face with his paws exactly like a cat.

Page No: 64

Comprehension Check
1. Grandmother’s prophecy was that the tiger
(i) would prefer Mahmoud’s bed to sleep in.
(ii) and the cook would disappear together from the house.
(iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: Grandmother’s prophecy was that the tiger (iii) would one day make a meal of Mahmoud.

2. When Timothy was about six months old, a change came over him.
The phrase in italics means that
(i) Timothy had grown to his full size.
(ii) Timothy grew more friendly.
(iii) Timothy grew less friendly, in fact more dangerous
Ans: The phrase in italics means that (iii) Timothy grew less friendly, in fact more dangerous.

3. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following statements.
(i) Timothy and Grandfather went to Lucknow in a special compartment.
(ii) The compartment in which Grandfather and Timothy travelled had no other passenger.
(iii) Timothy and Grandfather travelled in a first class compartment.
(iv) All passengers in the compartment thought that Timothy was a well-fed and civilised tiger.
Ans: (i) False
(ii) True
(iii) True
(iv) False

4. Grandfather suggested that Timothy should be put in another cage.
The reason was that
(i) the tiger had become very bad tempered.
(ii) a leopard in the next cage would constantly rush at Timothy.
(iii) the cage was too small for a full grown tiger.
Ans: The reason was that (ii) a leopard in the next cage would constantly rush at Timothy.

5. The tiger was still licking his arm, with increasing relish. The phrase in italics suggests that Timothy
(i) was good natured.
(ii) recognised an old friend.
(iii) smelt fresh food.
Ans: The phrase in italics suggests that Timothy (iii) smelt fresh food.

Page No: 65
Answer the following questions.
1. Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found him?
Ans: Grandfather found the tiger cub was hiding among the intricate roots of a banyan tree.

2. (i) What did Toto do to entertain Timothy?
(ii) What did he do when Timothy lost his temper?
Ans: (i) Toto teased and pull Timothy by the tail to entertain him.
(ii) Toto climbed up the curtains when Timothy lost his temper.

3. “I became one of the tiger’s favourites”. Who is ‘I’ in the statement? Why did he think so?
Ans: In the statement ‘I’ refers to the narrator of the story, Ruskin Bond. He think so because the tiger with a crafty look in his glittering eyes and crouching his body creep closer and closer to the author. Suddenly making a dash for his feet, rolling over on his back and kicking with delight, and pretending to bite his ankles.

4. Where was Timothy most comfortable during the day? Where was he during the night?
Ans: Timothy was most comfortable on the long sofa in the drawing room during the day which was his favourite place in the house. He slept at night in the cook’s quarters.

5. What was Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook? Did it come true?
Ans: Grandmother’s prophecy about the cook was that one day Timothy sitting on cook’s bed would make a meal of cook with his clothes and shoes left behind. However it didn’t come true because the tiger had begun to stalk Mahmoud about the house with a villainous intent.

6. What made Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to the zoo?
Ans: When Timothy was about six months old, he grew less friendly. When out for a walk with the author, he would try to steal away to stalk a cat or someone’s pet dog. Sometimes at night they heard frenzied cackling from the poultry house, and in the morning, feathers were lying all over the verandah. And finally, when he began to stalk Mahmoud about the house with what looked like villainous intent, Grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to the zoo.

7. Why did Grandfather want Timothy to be put in another enclosure?
Ans: A leopard in the next cage snarled at Timothy. Every time, the leopard would rush at the bars and Timothy had to slink back to his corner. So, Grandfather wanted Timothy to be put in another enclosure.

8. What shocked Grandfather in the end?
Ans: Grandfather visited the zoo after six months to see Timothy and went to the cage where he was put in straightly. When Grandfather asked the keeper to transfer Timothy to another cage, he said that the tiger in the cage was not Timothy. He was informed by the zoo keeper that his tiger Timothy had died two months ago, which shocked him in the end.

Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. Shoot animals with a camera, not with a gun.
2. Keeping pets helps us become more loving and tolerant. It also helps us respect life in any form. Do you agree?
3. Have you heard of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)? What do they do?
Ans: Students need to do these questions by themselves to enhance their knowledge and speaking power.


Chapter-10 (An alien hand) (Jayant Narlikar)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) How does Tilloo manage to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’?

Ans1) Tilloo has observed that his father uses a security card to open a metal door leading to the forbidden passage. So he gets hold of his father’s security card and managed to find his way to forbidden passage.


Q2) What did Tilloo hope to see once he emerged from his underground home?

Ans2) Tilloo hoped to see the sun, if it was day or the stars, if it was night.


Q3) Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try and reach the surface of the planet?

Ans3) On the surface of the earth the air was too thin to breathe and the temperature too low to survive. Only a trained and well –equipped person can survive there. An ordinary person would die there. Therefore Tilloo’s father advised him not to try and reach the surface of the planet.


Q4) What changes had occurred, which forced people to live in underground homes?

Ans4) The people were forced to live in underground homes because the sun had turned hostile. The air became too thin to breathe and the temperature too low to survive. Birds, animals and fish all died.


Q5) Why was everyone in the control Room greatly excited?

Ans5) The Control Room had spotted an alien spacecraft coming towards their planets, therefore everyone there was greatly excited.


Q6) Was the spacecraft manned or unmanned? How do you know it?

Ans6) The spacecraft was unmanned.  Number One was in charge of defense. He told President that their reports claimed that the alien spacecraft only contained instruments.


Q7) What did number one and number two suggests should be done about the alien spacecraft?

Ans7) Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land and then render it ineffective if required. But Number Two suggested that we should not interfere and observe passively.


Q8) Tilloo pressed the red button and “the   damage was done”? What was the damage?

Ans8) The damage was that the mechanical hand was rendered ineffective by the pressing of the red button.


Q9) Where had the spacecraft come from?

Ans9) The spacecraft came from the earth.


Q10) On which planet do Tilloo and his parents live?

Ans10) Tilloo and his parents lived on Mars.

Page No: 69
Comprehension Check
1. How does Tilloo manage to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’?
Ans: When Tilloo’s father was enjoying a siesta at home, he managed to get hold of his security card and by evading his watchful mother’s eye, Tilloo made his way to the forbidden passage.

2. What did Tilloo hope to see once he emerged from his underground home?
Ans: Tilloo hoped to see the sun or the stars once he emerged from his underground home.

3. Why did Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet?
Ans: Tilloo’s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet because an ordinary person cannot survive there. The air is too thin to breathe and temperature is so low that one can freeze to death.

4. What changes had occurred, which forced people to live in underground homes?
Ans: The sun which had provided the sustenance turned hostile. It changed only slightly but the change was sufficient to upset the balance of nature which forced people to live in underground homes. Fish, birds and animals couldn’t bear it and became extinct.

Page No: 71

Comprehension Check
1. Why was everyone in the Control Room greatly excited?
Ans: Everyone in the Control Room was greatly excited because the big TV Screen showed a dot in clear background which was heading towards the planet.

2. Was the spacecraft manned or unmanned? How do you know it?
Ans: The spacecraft was unmanned because number one reported to the president that they do not contain living beings, they only have instruments.

3. What did Number One and Number Two suggest should be done about the alien spacecraft?
Ans: Number One suggested that they should wait for the spacecraft to land and then render it ineffective anytime it is required. But Number Two suggested that we should not interfere and observe passively and not to reveal their existence by rendering the spacecraft ineffective.

Page No: 71

Comprehension Check
1.(i) What do you think the mechanical hand was trying to do?
Ans: The mechanical hand was trying to collect the sample of the soil from the planet for the examination.

(ii) Tilloo pressed the red button and “the damage was done”. What was the damage?
Ans: The damage was that the mechanical hand from the spacecraft ceased to work.

2. Where had the spacecraft come from?
Ans: The spacecraft had come from the Earth.

3. On which planet do Tilloo and his parents live?
Ans: Tilloo and his parents live onmars.

Page No: 73


Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. If you had to live in a home like Tilloo’s, what parts of life would you find most difficult? What compensations might there be?
Ans: The part of life I found most difficult is the freedom and open space. It will be like living in a cell far away from open space. There were no sightseeing, social life and interactions with the nature. The compensation can be peace, harmony, safety and security. As all of us were living in the same undergrounded buildings, the people must collaborated with each other nicely.

2. What, if anything, might drive mankind to make their homes underground?
Ans: Global warming may cause the depletion of the atmosphere and changes in the behavior of the climate which will destroy the life on the surface of the Earth and drive mankind to make their homes underground.

3. Do you think there is life on other planets? Can you guess what kind of people there may be on them? In what ways are they likely to be different from us?
Ans: This question should be done by the students themselves. This question is based on using their own ideas, skills and imagination.



(Honeycomb) Chapter-1 (Three questions) (Leo Tolstoy)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Why did the king want to know answers to three questions?

Ans1) The king thought that if he knew the right answers to his three answers he would never fail in any work.


Q2) Some said the king should go to magicians. Why?

Ans2) The king was looking for the answers of his three question. One of the questions was to find right time for doing something. This needed looking into the future. That’s why some said the king should go to magicians


Q3) In answer to the second question whose advice would be important to the king?

Ans3) The advice of priest, doctor and soldiers would be important to the king. The priests would seek the blessings of God against natural calamities. The doctors would help the king fight diseases and live long. The soldiers would save the country from foreign invaders.


Q4) What suggestions were made in answer to the third question?

Ans4) Suggestions made in answer to the third question were that The king should work strictly according to a set timetable and he should seek guidance from a council of ministers.


Q5) Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why?

Ans5) The answers of wise men were very different and unsatisfactory. Hence  none of them won the reward.


Q6) What was the king‘s problem?

Ans6) The king wanted to avoid a failure in any venture. For that he needed a clear cut answers to his three questions –the right time to do something, the right thing and the right persons for his guidance.


Q7) Why did the king go to the hermit? Why did he go alone?

Ans7)The king was desperately searching for right answers for his three questions. All the wise men failed to satisfy him. So, he decided to visit the hermit for advice because he was famous for his wisdom. The hermit lived in the forest and never come to the town.  Moreover he met only common people. So, the king put on simple clothes, left his horse and bodyguard behind, and walked to the hermit’s hut alone.


Q8) How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?

Ans8) The king and the hermit removed the wounded man’s clothing and washed his wound. They covered the wound with a cloth. When the bleeding did not stop, the king redressed the wounded.


Q9) Who was the bearded man?

Ans9) The bearded man was the sworn enemy of the king. The king had put his brother to death and taken away all his property. He wanted to take revenge and kill the king on his way home.


Q10) The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?

Ans10) The king was happy to make peace with his enemy. He promised to send a doctor to look after him and return his property.


Q11) What were the hermit‘s answers to the three questions? Which answer you like the most?

Ans11) The hermit‘s answers to the three questions were

a) The most important time is ‘now’ or present.

b) The most important business is the service rendered to others.

c) The most important person is with whom one is at the moment

I like the first answer the most. Present is the only time when we can act. We should live in the present moment.

Page No: 10

Comprehension Check

1. Why did the king want to know answers to three questions?
Ans: The king wanted to know answers to three questions because of the thought came to his mind that he would never fail if he knew answers to these three questions.

2. Messengers were sent throughout the kingdom
(i) to fetch wise men.
(ii) to find answers to the questions.
(iii) to look for the wise hermit.
(iv) to announce a reward for those who could answer the questions.
Mark your choice:
Ans: (iv) to announce a reward for those who could answer the questions.

Page No: 14
Comprehension Check
Complete the following sentences by adding the appropriate parts of the sentences given in the box.
1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions, …….
2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men ……
3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable ……
4. The king requested the hermit ……
5. The king washed and dressed the bearded man’s wound, …….
• but the bleeding would not stop.
• to answer three questions.
• but their answers were so varied that the king was not satisfied.
• and follow it strictly.
• to help the king act at the right time.
Ans: 1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions, but their answers were so varied that the king wasnot satisfied.
2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men to help the king act at the right time.
3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable and follow it strictly.
4. The king requested the hermit to answer three questions.
5. The king washed and dressed the bearded man’s wound, but the bleeding would not stop.

Working with the text
Answer the following questions.
1. Why was the king advised to go to magicians?
Ans: In answer to the first question, in order to decide the right time for doing something urgent one must have to look into the future. Since only magician could do that, the king was advised to go to magicians.

2. In answer to the second question, whose advice did the people say would be important to the king?
Ans: In answers to the second question, some said that the people most necessary to the king were his councillors, others said, the priests. A few others chose the doctors. And yet others said that soldiers were the most necessary.

3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question?
Ans: In answer to the third question, some said science will be most important. Others suggested fighting, and some said religious worship.

4. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?
Ans: No, the wise men did not win the reward. The king got different for all the three questions he asked. He was not satisfied with any of them.

Page No: 15
5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?
Ans: The king and the hermit helped the wounded man by providing him the shelter and protected from the army. The king washed and covered the wound of the man with his handkerchief, but the blood would not stop flowing. The king re-dressed the wound until it stopped bleeding. They took him to hut for taking rest and king also gave him fresh water after being relaxed.

6. (i) Who was the bearded man?
(ii) Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?
Ans: (i) Bearded man was the enemy of the king who swore to revenge him for seizing of his property and putting his brother to death.
(ii) He asked for the king’s forgiveness as the king had saved his life. He came there for taking revenge from the king but instead the king helped him to get better.

7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?
Ans: The king showed his forgiveness by sending his servants and his own doctor to look after him, and he promised to give back the wounded man his property.

8. What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why?
Ans: In answer to king’s first question, the hermit said that there is only one important time ‘Now’. It is the only time when you have power to act. In answer to king’s second question, the hermit said that the most important person is the one with whom we are at the present. In response to king’s second question, the hermit answered that the most important thing to do is to do that person good. I like the answer of the first question the most because time has the supreme power. It can take you to height if you do something good and can also make you fall on ground if you won; t act in presence. One should live and act according to present.

Working with language
1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B.
fainted: lost consciousness



(i) wounded

got up from sleep

(ii) awoke

give back

(iii) forgive

small patches of ground for plants

(iv) faithful

severely injured

(v) pity


(vi) beds


(vii) return

feel sorry for

Use any three of the above words in sentences of your own. You may change the form of the word.
Ans: (i) wounded : severely injured
(ii) awoke : got up from sleep
(iii) forgive : pardon
(iv) faithful : loyal
(v) pity : feel sorry for
(vi) beds : small patches of ground for plants
(vii) return : give back
I will ask my parents to forgive for my bad behaviour.
Dog is faithful animal of man.
I am feeling pity for my shameful act.

2. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in brackets.
He has …… to help me. Do you think he will remember his ………? (promise)
He has promised to help me. Do you think he will remember his promise?
(i) The ……. said that only fresh evidence would make him change his ……..(judge)
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious ……. of opinion among the debaters, although they ……. from one another over small points. (differ)
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to ………. , but will you accept my ……. as final? (answer)
(iv) It isn’t ……. that ……. should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)
(v) Hermits are ……… men. How they acquire their ……. no one can tell. (wise)
(vi) The committee has ………. to make Jagdish captain of the team. The ……. is likely to please everyone (decide)
(vii) Asking for …….. is as noble as willingness to …….. (forgive)
Ans: (i) The judge said that only fresh evidence would make him change his judgement.
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious difference of opinion among the debaters, although they differed from one another over small points.
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to answer, but will you accept my answer as final?
(iv) It isn’t necessary that necessity should always be the mother of invention.
(v) Hermits are wise men. How they acquire their wisdom no one can tell.
(vi) The committee has decided to make Jagdish captain of the team. The decision is likely to please everyone.
(vii) Asking for forgiveness is as noble as willingness to forgive.



Chapter-2 (A Gift of Chappals)(Vasantha Surya)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What is the secret that meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?

Ans1) Meena told Mridu about the small kitten that they found a kitten outside the gate. Their mother did not know about it. They put it inside a torn football lined with sacking and filled with sand. It took milk from a coconut half –shell.


Q2) How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?

Ans2) Ravi told his mother that he was feeling hungry and wanted to drink milk. Mother gave him milk. and asked him to keep the tumbler back. Ravi promised her that he would wash it after finishing the milk.


Q3) Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?

Ans3) He said the kitten’s ancestors was the Mahabalipuram  Rishi-Cat, which was the emblem of the Pallava dynasty. And the mahabalipuram Rishi –cat was descendants of the cat-goddess of Egypt. We do not believe him.


Q4) What was the noise that startled mridu and frightened Mahendran?

Ans4) Lalli was learning to play violin. The sound of kreech coming from it startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran.

Page No: 22

Comprehension Check

1. What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?
Ans: Meena shared the secret of having a kitten in the backyard inside a torn football lined with sacking and filled with sand. They found him outside the gate in the morning.

2. How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
Ans: For getting milk for the kitten, Ravi told Paati that he is hungry when she saw him with glass of milk. Paati got suspicious so Ravi had to drink most of the milk and told Paati that he will wash the tumbler by himself. After that, Ravi ran and pour the milk into coconut shell and then ran back to wash the tumbler before Paati got really suspicious.

3. Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?
Ans: He said the kitten’s ancestors was the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat, which was the emblem of the Pallava dynasty and the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat was descendants of the cat-goddess of Egypt.
No, I don’t believe him.

4. Ravi has a lot to say about M.P.Poonai. This shows that
(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu.
(ii) his knowledge of history is sound.
(iii) he has a rich imagination.
(iv) he is an intelligent child.
Which of these statements do you agree/disagree to?
Ans: agree to these statements.
(ii) his knowledge of history is sound.
(iii) he has a rich imagination.

5. What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran?
Ans: The sound of kreeching startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran. It was the sound of Violin that Lalli was learning to play.

Page No: 28
Comprehension Check
1. The music master is making lovely music. Read aloud the sentence in the text that expresses this idea.
Ans: “The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. It was like the wheels of a train fitting smoothly into the rails and whizzing along”
This sentence in the text that expresses the idea that the music master is making lovely music.

2. Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: No, the beggar had not come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time because Paati said to Tapi that he had been coming in their house every day for the past week, and it’s time to found him another house to beg from!

3. “A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manni’s mood?
Ans: V-shaped eyebrow is formed only when people are in anger. This suggest that Rukku Manni was very angry in mood when she came to know about the missing chappals of the music teacher.

Page No: 29
Working with the Text
1. Complete the following sentences.
(i) Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to ……
(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran ……
(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and Lalli …….
(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household ……..
(v) After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if ……..
Ans: (i) Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to derailing of the train going completely off track.
(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran tipped a few chillies over himself.
(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and Lalli stumbled behind him on her violin, which looked quite helpless and unhappy in her hands.
(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household kept his body and soul together on their generosity for a whole week. He couldn’t believe that they would turn him away.
(v) After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if she had seen his chappals.

2. Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.
Ans: As seen from the window, music teacher had the bony figure. He had a mostly bald head with a fringe of oiled black hair falling around his ears and an old-fashioned tuft. A gold chain gleamed around his leathery neck, and a diamond ring glittered on his hand as it glided up and down the stem of the violin. A large foot stuck out from beneath his gold-bordered veshti edge, and he was beating time on the floor with the scrawny big toe.

3. (i) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy chappals?
(ii) What does she suggest to show her concern?
Ans: (i) Mridu conclude that the beggar had no money to buy chappals because his feet were blistered.
(ii) She suggested Mridu and Ravi about the pair of old slippers so that they could give it to the beggar.

4. “Have you children…” she began, and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone lurking around the verandah?”
(i) What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask?
(ii) Why did she change her question?
(iii) What did she think had happened?
Ans: (i) Rukku Manni actually wanted to ask the children if they had seen the music master’s slippers.
(ii) She changed her question because children were curiously quiet and she suspected that children must have done something with chappals.
(iii) She thought that the children have given the music-master’s chappals to that old beggar.

5. On getting Gopu Mama’s chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why?
Ans: The music teacher tried not to look happy because he did not wanted to reveal his happiness of getting new chappals of Gopu Mama to others. He wanted to show that his own chappals were more expensive and branded one. Actually, he was very happy after getting Gopu Mama’s chappals.

6. On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave?
Ans: On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute because he did not wanted to lose the gift of those chappals. His feet were blistered and he couldn’t have got anything better from that house.

Page No: 30
7. Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh?
Ans: Gopu Mama always in such a hurry to throw off his shoes and socks and get into his chappals as soon as he comes home. Rukku Manni began to laugh while thinking about the reaction of her husband after hearing this incident and when he came to know about that they had given his new chappals to the music teacher.

Working with Language
1. Read the following sentences.
(a) If she knows we have a cat, Paati will leave the house.
(b) She won’t be so upset if she knows about the poor beggar with sores on his feet.
(c) If the chappals do fit, will you really not mind?
Notice that each sentence consists of two parts. The first part begins with ‘if . It is known as if clause.
Rewrite each of the following pairs of sentences as a single sentence. Use ‘if’ at the beginning of the sentence.
(a) Walk fast. You’ll catch the bus.
If you walk fast, you’ll catch the bus.
(b) Don’t spit on the road. You’ll be fined.
If you spit on the road, you’ll be fined.
(i) Don’t tire yourself now. You won’t be able to work in the evening.
(ii) Study regularly. You’ll do well in the examination.
(iii) Work hard. You’ll pass the examination in the first division.
(iv) Be polite to people. They’ll also be polite to you.
Ans: (i) If you tire yourself now, you won’t be able to work in the evening.
(ii) If you study regularly, you’ll do well in the examination.
(iii) If you work hard, you’ll pass the examination in the first division.
(iv) If you are polite to people, they’ll also be polite to you.
(v) If you tease the dog, it’ll bite you.

2. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.
Today is Sunday. I’m wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I …… (go) out, I …… (miss) the lovely Sunday lunch at home. If I …… (stay) for lunch, I …….(miss) the Sunday film showing at Archana Theatre. I think I’ll go out and see the film, only to avoid getting too fat.
Ans: Today is Sunday. I’m wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I go out, I will miss the lovely Sunday lunch at home. If I stay for lunch, I will missthe Sunday film showing at Archana Theatre. I think I’ll go out and see the film, only to avoid getting too fat.

3. Complete each sentence below by appropriately using any one of the following:
if you want to/if you don’t want to/if you want him to
(i) Don’t go to the theatre ……
(ii) He’ll post your letter …….
(iii) Please use my pen ………
(iv) He’ll lend you his umbrella …….
(v) My neighbour, Ramesh, will take you to the doctor …….
(vi) Don’t eat it …….
Ans: (i) Don’t go to the theatre if you don’t want to.
(ii) He’ll post your letter if you want him to.
(iii) Please use my pen if you want to.
(iv) He’ll lend you his umbrella if you want him to.
(v) My neighbour, Ramesh, will take you to the doctor if you want him to.
(vi) Don’t eat it if you don’t want to.


Ch03 Gopal and The Hilsa Fish

Page No: 42
Working with the Text
Answer the following questions.
1. Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa-fish?
Ans: The king was fed of the talks of Hilsa-fish. It was season of Hilsa-fish and everyone was busy in talking of it. More-ever, he did not want his courtier to waste the time on these talks.

2. What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was clever?
Ans: The king asked Gopal to buy a hilsa-fish and bring it to the palace without anyone asking anything about the fish throughout the way to prove that he was clever.

3. What three things did Gopal do before he went to buy his hilsa-fish?
Ans: Gopal half-shaved his beard, smeared himself with ash, and wore disgraceful rags before he went to buy his hilsa-fish.

4. How did Gopal get inside the palace to see the king after he had bought the fish?
Ans: When Gopal asked the guards to let him meet the king, they refused. Therfore, he began to dance and sing loudly. On hearing his loud song, the king sent his messenger to call him in the court.

5. Explain why no one seemed to be interested in talking about the hilsa-fish which Gopal had bought.
Ans: Gopal funny appearance attracted the attention of people much more than the hilsa-fish. At that time, no one was caring about the hilsa-fish he was carrying. Everyone was busy in talking about his mad appearance, half shaved face and rags.

6. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following sentences.
(i) The king lost his temper easily.
(ii) Gopal was a madman.
(iii) Gopal was a clever man.
(iv) Gopal was too poor to afford decent clothes.
(v) The king got angry when he was shown to be wrong.
Ans: (i) True
(ii) False
(iii) True
(iv) False
(v) False

Working with Language

1. Notice how in a comic book, there are no speech marks when characters talk. Instead what they say is put in a speech ‘bubble’. However, if we wish to repeat or ‘report’ what they say, we must put it into reported speech.
Change the following sentences in the story to reported speech. The first one has been done for you.
(i) How much did you pay for that hilsa?
The woman asked the man how much he had paid for that hilsa.
(ii) Why is your face half-shaven?
Gopal’s wife asked him ……
(iii) I accept the challenge, Your Majesty.
Gopal told the king ……
(iv) I want to see the king.
Gopal told the guards ……
(v) Bring the man to me at once.
The king ordered the guard ……
Ans: (ii)Why is your face half-shaven?
Gopal’s wife asked him why was his face half-shaven.
(iii) I accept the challenge, Your Majesty.
Gopal told the king that he accepted his challenge.
(iv) I want to see the king.
Gopal told the guards that he wanted to see the king.
(v) Bring the man to me at once.
The king ordered the guard to bring the man to him at once.

Page No: 43
2. Find out the meaning of the following words by looking them up in the dictionary. Then use them in sentences of your own.
(i) challenge
(ii) mystic
(iii) comical
(iv) courtier
(v) smearing
Ans: (i) challenge – ask to contest, dare
The boss challenged Rahul to finish his work before the time.
(ii) mystic – believing in spiritual power
Some people do believe in the mystic forces.
(iii) comical – funny
I liked the comical act of the joker the most.
(iv) courtier – officials of the king’s court
Birbal was one of the clever courtier present in Akbar’s court.
(v) smearing – to apply coat or mark
He smeares his face with ashes.

Page No: 46

2. Now ask your partner questions about each picture.
(i) Where is the stag?
(ii) What is he doing?
(iii) Does he like his antlers (horns)?
(iv) Does he like his legs?
(v) Why is the stag running?
(vi) Is he able to hide in the bushes?
(vii) Where are the hunters now?
(viii) Are they closing in on the stag?
(ix) Is the stag free?
(x) What does the stag say about his horns and his legs?
Ans: (i) Stag is by the side of the pond.
(ii) He is looking at the reflection of his horns and legs in the water.
(iii) Yes, he liked his antlers.
(iv) No, he did’t liked his legs.
(v) The stag is running to save his life from the hunters.
(vi) No, he is not able to hide himself in the bushes.
(vii) The hunters are now beside to him.
(viii) Yes, they closing in on the stag.
(ix) Yes, the stag is free.
(x) The stag said that he was proud of his horns which could have caused his death and was ashamed of his legs which saved him.

3.  Now write the story in your own words. Give it a title.
Ans: The suitable title for this story will be “All that glitters is not gold”.
A stag was once drinking water at a pond. He saw his own reflection in water. He admired his beautiful horns, but he did not like his thin and ugly legs. Suddenly he saw a group of hunters running towards him. He ran into the jungle to save himself. His legs soon carried him far from the hunters. He then tried to hide himself in the bushes but his horns were caught into the bush. With his best efforts, he was able to free himself. Now he realised that his ugly legs helped him in saving his life, but his beautiful horns could have caused his death.

Page No: 47
4. Complete the following word ladder with the help of the clues given below.

1. Mother will be very … if you don’t go to school.
2. As soon as he caught … of the teacher, Mohan started writing.
3. How do you like my … kitchen garden? Big enough for you, is it?
4. My youngest sister is now a … old.
5. Standing on the …, he saw children playing on the road.
6. Don’t make such a … . Nothing will happen.
7. Don’t cross the … till the green light comes on.


Chapter-4 (The Ashes That made Trees bloom)(William Elliot Griffis)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) The old farmer is a kind person. What evidence of his kindness do you find in the first two paragraphs?

Ans1) The old farmer was a kind person. He had no children. He and his wife reared a little dog named Muko, as his baby. They fed him fish from their own chopsticks and all the boiled rice he wanted. They treated him very nicely. The farmer also gave food to the birds.


Q2) What did the dog do to lead the farmer to the hidden gold?

Ans2) The dog took the old man to a place and began scratching the ground. The old man dug the earth and found the hidden gold.


Q3) How did the couple spend the gold?

Ans3)The couple bought a piece of land, arranged a feast for their friends and gave plentifully to their poor neighbours.


Q4) What did the greedy neighbours find on digging the ground?

Ans4) The greedy neighbours found a dead kitten whose smell made them drop their tools and shut their noses.


Q5) How did the spirit of the dog help the farmer first?

Ans5) The spirit of the dog came in the dream of the farmer and asked him to cut down the pine tree over his grave and make a mortar for rice pastry and a mill for bean sauce from it.


Q6) How did the spirit of the dog help him next?

Ans6) The spirit of the dog informed the farmer that the wicked neighbours had burnt the mill. He adviced him to take the ashes of the mill and sprinkle them on the withered trees, and they would bloom again.


Q7) What was the custom in the day of the daimios when their lord passed by?

Ans7) In the days of the daimios when their lord passed by all the loyal people had to shut up their high windows. All the people along the road had to fall upon their hands and knees until the procession passed by.


Q8) Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punish the neighbour for the same act?

Ans8) The farmer had the magical ashes. He sprinkled it on the withered cherry tree that bloomed. That made the daimio very happy and he rewarded the farmer. But his neighbour didn’t have magic in the ashes. When he sprinkled the ashes on a withered cherry tree it went into the eyes and nose of the diamio and his wife. The daimio got angry and punished the neighbour.

Page No: 60
Comprehension Check
1. Why did the neighbours kill the dog?
Ans: The neighbours when heard about the good luck brought by the dog to the couple coaxed the dog into their garden in hope that he would find treasure for them. They dragged him out of doors and the dog scratched and pawed the ground under a pine tree. When on digging the ground, they saw that there was nothing but a dead kitten, they became furious at the dog. They beat him to death and then flung him into the hole.

2. Mark the right item.
(i) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog
(a) because it helped them in their day-to-day work.
(b) as if it was their own baby.
(c) as they were kind to all living beings.
(ii) When the old couple became rich, they
(a) gave the dog better food.
(b) invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.
(c) lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
(iii) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and the mortar to make
(a) rice pastry and bean sauce.
(b) magic ash to win rewards.
(c) a pile of gold.
Ans: (i) – (b) The old farmer and his wife loved the dog as if it was their own baby.
(ii) – (c) When the old couple became rich, they lived comfortably and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
(iii) – (c) The greedy couple borrowed the mill and the mortar to make a pile of gold.

Page No: 63
Working with the Text
Answer the following questions.
1. The old farmer is a kind person. What evidence of his kindness do you find in the first two paragraphs?
Ans: The old farmer was a kind person. He and his wife had a pet dog named Muko, as his baby. Having no children, they loved it as though it were a baby. They fed him fish from their own chopsticks and all the boiled rice he wanted. He was patient and kind to everything that had life and often turned up a sod on purpose to give food to the birds.

2. What did the dog do to lead the farmer to the hidden gold?
Ans: The dog came running to the farmer and kept on whining and running to and fro till the farmer followed him. The dog began a lively scratching. Thinking it was possibly a buried bone or fish, the farmer struck his hoe in the earth and found the hidden gold.

3. (i) How did the spirit of the dog help the farmer first?
(ii) How did it help him next?
Ans: (i) The spirit of the dog asked the farmer in his dream to cut down the pine tree over his grave and make a mortar for rice pastry and a mill for bean sauce.
(ii) The spirit of the dog informed the farmer in his dream that his wicked neighbours had burnt the hand-mill. He advised him to take the ashes of the mill and sprinkle them on the withered trees and they would bloom again.

Page No: 64
4. Why did the daimio reward the farmer but punish his neighbour for the same act?
Ans: The farmer had the magical ashes. He made the old withered cherry tree blossom once again by sprinkling the ashes. So, the daimio rewarded the farmer for this. When his greedy neighbour heard about it, he took the ashes and when daimio was passing on the highway, he threw a handful of ashes over the tree. The tree did not blossom and wind blew the fine dust in the noses and eyes of the daimio and his wife. That is why his neighbour punished for the same act.

Working with language
1. Read the following conversation.
RAVI: What are you doing?
MRIDU: I’m reading a book.
RAVI: Who wrote it?
MRIDU: Ruskin Bond.
RAVI: Where did you find it?
MRIDU: In the library.
Notice that ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘where’, are question words. Questions that require information begin with question words. Some other question words are ‘when’, ‘why’, ‘where’, ‘which’ and ‘how’.
Remember that
• What asks about actions, things, etc.
• Who asks about people.
• Which asks about people or things.
• Where asks about place.
• When asks about time.
• Why asks about reason or purpose.
• How asks about means, manner or degree.
• Whose asks about possessions.
Read the following paragraph and frame questions on the italicised phrases.
Anil is in school. I am in school too. Anil is sitting in the left row. He is reading a book. Anil’s friend is sitting in the second row. He is sharpening his pencilThe teacher is writing on the blackboard. Children are writing in their copybooks. Some children are looking out of the window.
Ans: (i) Where is Anil?
(ii) Where is Anil sitting?
(iii) What is he doing?
(iv) Where is Anil’s friend sitting?
(v) Who is writing on the blackboard?
(vi) What are some children doing?

Page No: 65
2. Write appropriate question words in the blank spaces in the following dialogue.
NEHA: …… did you get this book?
SHEELA: Yesterday morning.
NEHA: …… is your sister crying?
SHEELA: Because she has lost her doll.
NEHA: …… room is this, yours or hers?
SHEELA: It’s ours.
NEHA: …… do you go to school?
SHEELA: We walk to school. It is near by.
Ans: NEHA: When did you get this book?
SHEELA: Yesterday morning.
NEHA: Why is your sister crying?
SHEELA: Because she has lost her doll.
NEHA: Whose room is this, yours or hers?
SHEELA: It’s ours.
NEHA: How do you go to school?
SHEELA: We walk to school. It is near by.

3. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.
how, what, when, where, which
(i) My friend lost his chemistry book. Now he doesn’t know …… to do and …… to look for it.
(ii) There are so many toys in the shops. Neena can’t decide …… one to buy.
(iii) You don’t know the way to my school. Ask the policeman …… to get there.
(iv) You should decide soon …… to start building your house.
(v) Do you know …… to ride a bicycle? I don’t remember and I learnt it.
(vi) “You should know …… to talk and …… to keep your mouth shut,” the teacher advised Anil.
Ans: (i) My friend lost his chemistry book. Now he doesn’t know what to do and where to look for it.
(ii) There are so many toys in the shops. Neena can’t decide which one to buy.
(iii) You don’t know the way to my school. Ask the policeman how to get there.
(iv) You should decide soon where to start building your house.
(v) Do you know how to ride a bicycle? I don’t remember when and where I learnt it.
(vi) “You should know when to talk and when to keep your mouth shut,” the teacher advised Anil.

Page No: 66
4. Add im- or in- to each of the following words and use them in place of the italicised words in the sentences given below.

(i) The project appears very difficult at first sight but it can be completed if we work very hard.
(ii) He lacks competence. That’s why he can’t keep any job for more than a year.
(iii) “Don’t lose patience. Your letter will come one day,” the postman told me.
(iv) That’s not a proper remark to make under the circumstances.
(v) He appears to be without sensitivity. In fact, he is very emotional.
Ans: (i) The project appears impossible at first sight but it can be completed if we work very hard.
(ii) He is incompetent. That’s why he can’t keep any job for more than a year.
(iii) “Don’t be impatient. Your letter will come one day,” the postman told me.
(iv) That’s an improper remark to make under the circumstances.
(v) He appears to be insensitive. In fact, he is very emotional.

5. Read the following sentences.
It was a cold morning and stars still glowed in the sky. An old man was walking along the road.
The words in italics are articles. ‘A’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles and ‘the’ is the definite article. ‘A’ is used before a singular countable noun. ‘An’ is used before a word that begins with a vowel.

• a boy

• an actor

• a mango

• an apple

• a university

• an hour

Use a, an or the in the blanks.
There was once …… play which became very successful. …… famous actor was acting in it. In …… play his role was that of …… aristocrat who had been imprisoned in …… castle for twenty years. In …… last act of …… play someone would come on …… stage with letter which he would hand over to …… prisoner. Even though …… aristocrat was not expected to read …… letter at each performance, he always insisted that …… letter be written out from beginning to end.

Ans: There was once a play which became very successful. A famous actor was acting in it. In the play his role was that of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in a castle for twenty years. In the last act of the play someone would come on the stage with a letter which he would hand over to theprisoner. Even though the aristocrat was not expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that the letter be written out from beginning to end.

6. Encircle the correct article.
Nina was looking for (a /the) job. After many interviews she got (a/the) job she was looking for.
A: Would you like (a/an/the) apple or (a/an/the) banana?
B: I’d like (a/an/the) apple, please.
A: Take (a/an/the) red one in (a/an/the) fruit bowl. You may take (a/an/the) orange also, if you like.
B: Which one?
A: (a/an/the) one beside (a/an/the) banana.
Ans: A: Would you like an apple or a banana?
B: I’d like an apple, please.
A: Take the red one in the fruit bowl. You may take an orange also, if you like.
B: Which one?
A: The one beside the banana.



Chapter-5 (Quality)(John Galsworthy)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What was the autho’s opinion about Mr. Gessler as a bootmaker?

Ans1) The author thought that Mr. Gessler was the best shoemaker in the city. He had skill, pride and respect for his trade as any other artist. So, the author considered him a perfect artist.


Q2) Why didn’t the author visit the shop frequently?

Ans2)  The shoes made by Mr. Gessler were always long lasting. Therefore, he visited the shop very infrequently.


Q3) What was the effect on Mr .Gesseler when the author complained about a certain pair of boots?

Ans3) Once the author told Mr. Gesseler that there was creaking on a pair of boot.  Mr. Gesseler was taken by surprised and asked him to get the pair back. He said if he could not do anything with them he would return the money.


Q4) What was Mr. Gessler’s complaint against “big firms”?

Ans4) Mr. Gessler complained that the big firm got business by advertisement and not by work. They didn’t have self –respect. Because of them the workers like Mr. Gessler were facing lack of work.


Q5) Why did the author order so many pairs of boots? Did he really need them?

Ans5) The author filled with sorrow and grief when he came to know about the death of Mr. Gessler’s elder brother. He wanted to help him. So, he ordered several pairs of boots although he didn’t really need them.


Q6) Do you think Mr. Gessler was a failure as a boot maker or as a competitive businessmen?

Ans6)  Mr. Gessler was a brilliant boot maker but bad competitive businessmen. He took a lot of time to complete the order and people could not wait so long. Moreover he never advertised. Hence he was a failure in business.


Q7) Why had Mr. Gessler let out part of his shop to another boot maker?

Ans7) Mr. Gessler was old and he had very less work. He was not able to meet his expenses. So, he let out part of his shop to another boot maker.


Q8) What was distinct about Mr. Gessler’s shop?

Ans8) There was no sign upon the shop other than the name of Gessler Brothers. The window displayed only few pairs of boots in the window.

Page No: 78
Working with the Text
Answer the following questions.
1. What was the author’s opinion about Mr Gessler as a bootmaker?
Ans: According to the author, Mr. Gessler was the best shoemaker in the city. He made only what was ordered and what he made never failed to fit. The boot made by him yet seems mysterious and wonderful. He was the perfect artist in this job.

2. Why did the author visit the shop so infrequently?
Ans: The boots made by Mr. Gessler lasted terribly lasts longer than the usual like having something beyond temporary. Therefore, the author visit the shop so infrequently.

3. What was the effect on Mr Gessler of the author’s remark about a certain pair of boots?
Ans: When author’s remark about a certain pair of boots, Mr Gessler surprisingly looked at him for a time to withdrew or qualify his statement. After that, he asked the author to get the pair back and if he could do nothing of them then he would take them off his bill.

4. What was Mr Gessler’s complaint against “big firms”?
Ans: Mr Gessler’s complaint against “big firms” that they didn’t have self respect. They got their business by advertisement not by work. Every year, the sell of Mr Gessler is getting less because of them and soon he will left with no job.

5. Why did the author order so many pairs of boots? Did he really need them?
Ans: The author got shocked and Filled with sorrow when he knew about the death of Mr Gessler’s elder brother. In order to help him, he ordered so many pairs of boots. No, he did’t really need them.

Working with Language
I. Study the following phrases and their meanings. Use them appropriately to complete the sentences that follow.
look after: take care of
look down on: disapprove or regard as inferior
look in (on someone): make a short visit
look into: investigate
look out: be careful
look up: improve
look up to: admire
(i) After a very long spell of heat, the weather is …… at last.
(ii) We have no right to ……. people who do small jobs.
(iii) Nitin has always ……… his uncle, who is a self-made man.
(iv) The police are …….. the matter thoroughly.
(v) If you want to go out, I will ……. the children for you.
(vi) I promise to …… on your brother when I visit Lucknow next.
(vi) …… when you are crossing the main road.
Ans: (i) After a very long spell of heat, the weather is looking up at last.
(ii) We have no right to look down on people who do small jobs.
(iii) Nitin has always looked up to his uncle, who is a self-made man.
(iv) The police are looking into the matter thoroughly.
(v) If you want to go out, I will look after the children for you.
(vi) I promise to look in on your brother when I visit Lucknow next.
(vii) Look out when you are crossing the main road.

Page No: 79
3. Each of the following words contains the sound ‘sh’ (as in shine) in the beginning or in the middle or at the end. First speak out all the words clearly. Then arrange the words in three groups in the table on page 80.







































Page No: 80

4. In each of the following words ‘ch’ represents the same consonant sound as in ‘chair’. The words on the left have this sound initially. Those on the right have it finally. Speak each word clearly.











Underline the letters representing this sound in each of the following words.

(i) feature

(iv) reaching

(vii) riches

(ii) archery

(v) nature

(viii) batch

(iii) picture

(vi) matches

(ix) church

Ans: (i) Feature
(ii) Archery
(iii) Picture
(iv) Reaching
(v) Nature
(vi) Matches
(vii) Riches
(viii) Batch
(ix) Church



Chapter-6 (Expert Detectives)(Sharda Dwivedi))


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What did Nishad give Mr. Nath? Why?

Ans1) Nishad gave a bar of chocolate to Mr. Naphtha thought that Mr. Nath was poor and hungry.


Q2) What is ‘strange’ about Mr. Nath‘s Sundays?

Ans2) On Sundays, a tall, fair, stout men wearing spectacles came meet Mr. Nath and he used to talk a lot.


Q3) Why did Nishad and Maya get a holiday?

Ans3) The monsoon broke and a heavy downpour flooded the streets. Therefore, no traffic could move and thus Maya and Nishad got an unexpected holiday.


Q4) What does Nishad find out about Mr. Nath from Ramesh? 

Ans4) Nishad finds out from Ramesh that Mr. Nath takes two meals in a day and he drinks two cups of tea, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. He is not particular about what he eats. He always took the same food- two chapattis, some Dal and a vegetable. He pays cash and tips well.


Q5) Does Nishad agree with Maya about Mr. Nath? How does he feel about him?

Ans5) Nishad did not agree with Maya. He felt that Mr. Nath was not a crook or a criminal as he was very thin and looked poor and starving. He thought he was lonely and wanted some friends.


Q6) How did Maya and Nishad come to know about Mr. Nath?

Ans6) Mr. Nath was the patient of Maya and Nishad‘s mother. They saw him at her clinic.


Q7) What according to Maya, was there in the trunk kept in the room of Mr. Nath?

Ans7) Maya thought that trunk must contain money, silver, gold, jewels and so on.


Q8) What was Maya opinion about Ramesh?

Ans8) She thought that Ramesh probably knew something about Mr. Nath‘s past. So, Mr. Nath must be bribing him to keep quiet in the form of tips.

Page No: 89

Comprehension Check
1. What did Nishad give Mr Nath? Why?
Ans: Nishad gave a bar of chocolate to Mr. Naphtha because he thought that Mr. Nath was poor and starving.

2. What is “strange” about Mr Nath’s Sundays?
Ans: On every Sunday, Mr. Nath was with a tall, fair, stout man wearing spectacles in his room who used to talk a lot unlike Mr. Nath.

3. Why did Nishad and Maya get a holiday?
Ans: The monsoon broke and flooded the streets with a heavy downpour. Therefore, no traffic could move through the flooded roads so Nishad and Maya got an unexpected holiday.

Page No: 93

Working with the Text

1. What does Nishad find out about Mr Nath from Ramesh?
Arrange the information as suggested below.
• What he eats
• When he eats
• What he drinks, and when
• How he pays
Ans: Nishad finds out from Ramesh that Mr. Nath took two meals in a day every morning and evening. He was not particular about what he eats, it’s always the same food – two chapattis, some dal and a vegetable. He drank two cups of tea, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. He pays cash and tips well.

Page No: 94
2. Why does Maya think Mr Nath is a crook? Who does she say the Sunday visitor is?
Ans: Maya thought that Mr. Nath was a crook because of his strange appearence and he did not work. He never talked to anyone at Shankar House though he had been living there for more than a year. He had scars on his face which according to Maya, must have been the burn scars which would have got when police had set his house on fire. Moreover, he didn’t receive any letters and had only one visitor to visit him.
She said that the Sunday visitor must be his accomplice in crime and he came every now and then to give part of it to his partner.

3. Does Nishad agree with Maya about Mr Nath? How does he feel about him?
Ans: No, Nishad didn’t agree with Maya about Mr. Nath. He felt that he must be so lonely and wanted to have friends. He said that he was not a criminal because he was so thin and looked poor and starving.
He argued with Maya that he can’t be a bad man if he gave Ramesh such generous tips.

Working with Language
1. The word ‘tip’ has only three letters but many meanings.
Match the word with its meanings below.

(i) finger tips

be about to say something

(ii) the tip of your nose

make the boat overturn

(iii) tip the water out of

the ends of one’s fingers the bucket

(iv) have something on

give a rupee to him, the tip of your tongue to thank him

(v) tip the boat over

empty a bucket by tilting it

(vi) tip him a rupee

the pointed end of your nose

(vii) the tip of the bat

if you take this advice

(viii) the police were

the bat lightly touched tipped off the ball

(ix) if you take my tip

the end of the bat

(x) the bat tipped the ball

the police were told, or warned

Ans: (i) finger tips – the end of one’s fingers
(ii) the tip of your nose – the pointed end of your nose
(iii) tip the water out of the bucket – empty a bucket tilting
(iv) have something on the tip of your tongue – be about to say something
(v) tip the bot over – make the boat overturn
(vi) tip him a rupee – give a rupee to him, to thank him
(vii) the tip of the bat – the end of the bat
(viii) the police were tipped of – the police were told, or warned
(ix) if you take my tip – if you take this advice
(x) the bat tipped the ball – the bat lightly touched the ball

2. The words helper, companion, partner and accomplice have very similar meanings, but each word is typically used in certain phrases. Can you fill in the blanks below with the most commonly used words? A dictionary may help you.
(i) business ……
(ii) my …… on the journey
(iii) I’m mother’s little ……..
(iv) a faithful ……. such as a dog
(v) the thief’s …….
(vi) find a good ……
(vii) tennis/ golf / bridge ……
(viii) his …… in his criminal activities
Ans: (i) business partner
(ii) my companion on the journey
(iii) I’m mother’s little helper
(iv) a faithful companion such as a dog
(v) the thief’s accomplice
(vi) find a good helper
(vii) tennis/golf/bridge partner
(viii) his accomplice in his criminal activities

3. Now let us look at the uses of the word break. Match the word with its meanings below. Try to find at least three other ways in which to use the word.

(i) The storm broke

could not speak; was too sad to speak

(ii) daybreak

this kind of weather ended

(iii) His voice is beginning

it began or burst to break into activity

(iv) Her voice broke and

the beginning of daylight she cried

(v) The heat wave broke

changing as he grows up

(vi) broke the bad news

end it by making the workers submit

(vii) break a strike

gently told someone the bad news


(i) The storm broke

it began or burst into activity

(ii) daybreak

the beginning of daylight

(iii) His voice is beginning to break

changing as he grows up

(iv) Her voice broke and she cried

could not speak; was too sad to speak

(v) The heat wave broke

this kind of weather ended

(vi) broke the bad news

gently told someone the bad news

(vii) break a strike

end it by making the workers submit


Chapter-7 (The Invention of vita –wonk)(Roald Dahl)

Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Can anyone’s age be as minus number? What does “minus 87” mean?

Ans1) Anyone’s age cannot be a minus number. Here “minus 87” means a person who have to wait for 87 years to born.


Q2) What trees does Mr. Wonka mention? Which tree does he say lives the longest?

Ans2) Mr. Wonka mentioned about the Douglas fir, Oak Cedar and the Bristlecone pine. He says that the Bristlecone pine lives the longest.


Q3) How long does the Bristlecone pine live? Where can you find it?

Ans3) The Bristlecone pine lives for over 4,000 years and one can find them upon the slopes of wheeler Peak in Nevada, U.S.A


Q4) Why does Mr. Wonka collect items from the oldest things? Do you think this is the right way to begin his invention?

Ans4 ) Mr. Wonka collected the items from the oldest things in order to invent a medicince – Vita Wonk to make people live longer. But this is not the right way to begin inventions.


Q5) What happens to the volunteer who swallows four drops of the new invention? What is the name of the inventions?

Ans5) The volunteer who swallows four drops of the new invention became old. He began wrinkling; his hair started drooping off and his teeth falling out. He turned into a fellow of 75. The name of the invention was vita-Wonk.

Page No. 101

1. Choose the right answer.
(i) Mr Willy Wonka is (a) a cook, (b) an inventor, (c) a manager.
(ii) Wonka-Vite makes people (a) older, (b) younger.
(iii) Mr Wonka wants to invent a new thing which will make people (a) younger, (b) older.
Ans: (i) Mr Willy Wonka is an inventor.
(ii) Wonka-Vite makes people younger.
(iii) Mr Wonka wants to invent a new thing which will make people older.

2. Can anyone’s age be a minus number? What does “minus 87” mean?
Ans: No, no one’s age can be a minus number. Here, “minus 87” means that the person had to wait eightyseven years before he could come back. He had taken a strong dose of Wonka-Vite and had therefore, disappeared.

3. Mr Wonka begins by asking himself two questions. What are they?
(i) What is ______?
(ii) What lives ______?
Ans: (i) What is the oldest living thing in the world?
(ii) What lives longer than anything else?

Page No. 102
1. (i) What trees does Mr Wonka mention? Which tree does he say lives the longest?
(ii) How long does this tree live? Where can you find it?
Ans: (i) The trees that Mr Wonka mentioned are the Douglas fir, the oak, and the cedar. He said that a tree called Bristlecone pine lives the longest.
(ii) This tree lives for over 4000 years. It can be found upon the slopes of Wheeler Peak in Nevada, U.S.A.

2. How many of the oldest living things can you remember from Mr Wonka’s list? (Don’t look back at the story!) Do you think all these things really exist, or are some of them purely imaginary?
Ans: With the exception of the 4000-year-old Bristlecone pine, the things mentioned in Mr Wonka’s list (e.g., the toe-nail clipping from a 168-year-old Russian farmer, the tail of a 51-year-old horse) are purely imaginary.

3. Why does Mr Wonka collect items from the oldest things? Do you think this is the right way to begin his invention?
Ans: Mr Wonka collected items from the oldest things because he wanted to create age; he wanted to invent something that would make people older. It was probably the right way to begin his invention as he wanted to make people older and therefore, the use of old things seems appropriate.

4. What happens to the volunteer who swallows four drops of the new invention? What is the name of the invention?
Ans: The moment the brave twenty-year-old Oompa-Loompa volunteer swallowed four drops of the new invention, he began wrinkling and shriveling up all over. His hair started dropping off and his teeth started falling out. Before Mr Wonka knew it, the volunteer had suddenly become an old man of seventy-five. The name of the invention was Vita-Wonk.

Page no. 103
1. What do you call these insects in your language?

Add to this list the names of some insects common in your area.
Ans. Answer it yourself.

2. Fill in the blanks in the recipe given below with from the box.
shred, Cooker, times, tomatoes, half, onion, oil
Easy Palak-Dal
(i) One ____
(ii) One cup dal
(iii) Two thin green chillies
(iv) ____ a teaspoon red chilli powder
(v) Eight small bunches of palak
(vi) Two ____
(vii) Salt to taste
Wash and cut the vegetables; _____ the palak. Put everything in a pressure _____. Let the cooker whistle three _____, then switch it off. Fry a few cumin seeds in _____ and add to the palak-dal.
Ans: Easy Palak-Dal
(i) One onion
(ii) One cup dal
(iii) Two thin green chillies
(iv) Half a teaspoon red chilli powder
(v) Eight small bunches of palak
(vi) Two tomatoes
(vii) Salt to taste
Wash and cut the vegetables; shred the palak. Put everything in a pressure cooker. Let the cooker whistle three times, then switch it off. Fry a few cumin seeds in oil and add to the palak-dal.



Chapter-8 (Fire: Friend and foe)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What do you understand by the ‘flash point’ of a fuel?

Ans1) The Flash point or kindling temperature of the fuel is the temperature at which fuel like paper, coal or wood begins to burn.


Q2) What are some common uses of fire?

Ans2) The common uses of fire are to cook food, warm our homes in winter and to generate electricity.


Q3) In what sense is fire a “bad master”?

Ans3) Fire a bad master if it gets out of control. It can burn homes, shops and vast areas of forests. It can also kill and injure hundreds of people every year.


Q4) What are the three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out?

Ans4) The three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out are based on taking away one of the three things needed for burning

a) stop supply of fuel..

b) Prevent oxygen from reaching it. This can be done by throwing a damp blanket or spraying carbon dioxide or sand.

c) Bring down the temperature below the flash point.


Q5) Why does a burning candle go out when you blow on it?

Ans5) We remove the hot air around the flame when we blow on a burning candle. This brings down its temperature below the flash point and candle goes out.


Q6) Spraying water is not a good way of putting out an oil fire or an electrical fire? Why not ?

Ans6) Oil is lighter than water and floats to the top of water. Hence oil fire cannot be put out by spraying water on it.  In fact the fire spreads as water can flow quickly carrying the burning oil. Similarly water should not be used on electrical fire. Water is good conductor of electricity. The person spraying water can get electric shock.


Q7) Why was early man frightened of fire?

Ans7) Early man was frightened of fir because it was powerful and dangerous. He was not able to control it.


Q8) Which is the best thing to put out on electrical fire?

Ans8) The best thing to put out on electrical fire is a carbon extinguisher.


Q9) Fire is a good servant but a bad master. Elaborate?

Ans9) Fire is a good servant. It has a number of uses. It cooks our food, warms our homes in winter and produces electricity. But it is a bad master if it gets out of control. Then it burns our houses and forests, it kills and injures hundreds of people.

Page No: 118

Comprehension Check
1. Mark the correct answer in each of the following.
(i) Early man was frightened of
(a) lightning and volcanoes.
(b) the damage caused by them.
(c) fire.
(ii) (a) Fire is energy.
(b) Fire is heat and light.
(c) Fire is the result of a chemical reaction.
Ans: (i) (c) fire.
(ii) (c) Fire is the result of a chemical reaction.

2. From the boxes given below choose the one with the correct order of the following sentences.
(i) That is fire.
(ii) A chemical reaction takes place.
(iii) Energy in the form of heat and light is released.
(iv) Oxygen combines with carbon and hydrogen.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
Ans: (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

Page No: 119
Working with the Text
Answer the following questions.
1. What do you understand by the ‘flash point’ of a fuel?
Ans: The particular temperature at which the fuel begins to burn is called the ‘flash point’ of a fuel.

2. (i) What are some common uses of fire?
(ii) In what sense is it a “bad master”?
Ans: (i) The common uses of fire are to cook food, warm our homes in winter, to generate electricity and many more.
(ii) Fire is “bad master” when it gets out of control. It can be dangerous and burn our houses, shops, vast forest areas and many more. It also kills and injures hundreds of people every year and causes destruction of huge properties.

3. Match items in Column A with those in Column B.



(i) fuel

lighted matchstick

(ii) oxygen


(iii) heat



burning coal


smouldering paper

cooking gas





a. fuel

coal, wood, cooking gas

b. oxygen


c. heat

lighted match stick, burning coal, smouldering

4. What are the three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out?
Ans: The three main ways in which a fire can be controlled or put out are :
(i) By taking away the fuel. If the fire has no fuel to feed on, no burning can take place.
(ii) By preventing oxygen from reaching it
(iii) By bringing back the temperature below ‘flash point’ of the the fuel

5. Match the items in Box A with those in Box B



(i) To burn paper or a piece of wood,

• it absorbs heat from the burning material and

(ii) Small fires can be put out

• lowers the temperature.

(iii) When water is spread on fire,

• reduces the risk of fire.

(iv) A carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best thing

• with a damp blanket.

(v) Space left between buildings

• we heat it before it catches fire.


• to put out an electrical fire.


(i) To burn paper or a piece of wood

we heat it before it catches fire.

(ii) Small fire can be put out

with a damp blanket.

(iii) When water is spread on fire

it absorb the heat from the burning material and lowers the temperature.

(iv) A carbon dioxide extinguisher is the best thing

to put out an electrical fire.

(v) Space left between buildings

reduces the risk of fire.

Page No: 120
6. Why does a burning candle go out when you blow on it?
Ans: When we blow on candle, the hot air around the candle gets removed and it brings down the temperature of candle below the flash point. Thus, a candle goes out because no fuel can burn below its flash point.

7. Spraying water is not a good way of putting out an oil fire or an electrical fire. Why not?
Ans: Spraying water is not a good way of putting out an oil fire or an electrical fire. If water is sprayed onto an oil fire, the oil will float to the top of the water and continue to burn. This can be very dangerous because water can flow quickly carrying the burning oil with it and spreading the fire. Similarly, The person spraying water on an electrical fire might receive an electric shock and be killed.

8. What are some of the things you should do to prevent a fire at home and in the school?
Ans: Some of the things we should do to prevent a fire at home and in the school:
(i) Precaution is better than cure. We should be alert about the use of inflammable substances and handle it with care.
(ii) There is always possibility of catching fire in old buildings of home and school due to short circuits. Therefore, over loaded wires should be replaced with new ones and Fuse should be checked at regular interval.
(iii) By spreading the knowledge about the handling of fuel, its flash point and about its protection after an accident.
(iv) Fire extinguisher should be installed and old wiring must be replaced. Keeping the contact number of fire police on speed dial in case if little accident may happen.
(v) Never taking the little accident of fire lightly as it may lead to greater one and finding a way out so that it may not happen in future. Not storing inflammable or combustible things like kerosene and petrol in our homes and in the school.

Working with Language
1. Read the following sentences.
To burn paper or a piece of wood, we heat it before it catches fire. We generally do it with a lighted match. Every fuel has a particular temperature at which it burns.
The verbs in italics are in the simple present tense. When we use it, we are not thinking only about the present. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general.
Find ten examples of verbs in the simple present tense in the text ‘Fire: Friend and Foe’ and write them down here. Do not include any passive verbs.
Ans: Combines, Comes, Catches, Blow, Has, Absorbs, Means, Allow, Lowers, Stops, Cuts, Burns

2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with words from the box. You may use a word more than once.
Carbon, cause, fire, smother
(i) Gandhiji’s life was devoted to the …… of justice and fair play.
(ii) Have you insured your house against ……?
(iii) Diamond is nothing but …… in its pure form.
(iv) If you put too much coal on the fire at once you will ……. it.
(v) Smoking is said to be the main …… of heart disease.
(vi) When asked by an ambitious writer whether he should put some …… into his stories, Somerset Maugham murmured, “No, the other way round”.
(vii) She is a ……. copy of her mother.
(viii) It is often difficult to …… a yawn when you listen to a long speech on the value of time.
Ans: (i) Gandhiji’s life was devoted to the cause of justice and fair play.
(ii) Have you insured your house against fire?
(iii) Diamond is nothing but carbon in its pure from.
(iv) If you put to much coal on the fire at once you will smother it.
(v) Smoking is said to be the main cause of heart disease.
(vi) When asked by an ambitious writer whether he should put some fire into his stories, Somerset Maugham murmured, “No, the other way round”.
(vii) She is a carbon copy of her mother.
(viii) It is often difficult to smother a yawn when you listen to as long speech on the value of time.

Page No: 121
3. One word is italicised in each sentence. Find its opposite in the box and fill in the blanks.
Spending, shut, destroy, subtract, increase
(i) You were required to keep all the doors open, not ……
(ii) PUPIL: What mark did I get in yesterday’s Maths test?
TEACHER: You got what you get when you add five and five and …… ten from the total.
(iii) Run four kilometres a day to preserve your health. Run a lot more to …… it.
(iv) If a doctor advises a lean and lanky patient to reduce his weight further, be sure he is doing it to ……. his income.
(v) The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and …… we lay waste our powers.


Ans: (i) You were required to keep all the doors open, not shut.
(ii) Pupil: What mark did I get in yesterday’s Maths test?
Teacher: You got what you get when you add five and five and subtract ten from the total.
(iii) Run four kilometres a day to preserve your health Run a lot to destroy it.
(iv) If a doctor advises a lean and lanky patient to reduce his weight further, be sure he is doing it to increase his income.
(v) The world is too much with us; late and soon. Getting and spending we lay waste our powers.


4. Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.
Across, along, past, through
(i) The cat chased the mouse …… the lawn.
(ii) We were not allowed to cross the frontier. So we drove …… it as far as we could and came back happy.
(iii) The horse went …… the winning post and had to be stopped with difficulty.
(iv) It is not difficult to see ……. your plan. Anyone can see your motive.
(v) Go ……. the yellow line, then turn left. You will reach the post office in five minutes.
Ans: (i) The cat chased the mouse across the lawn.
(ii) We were not allowed to cross the frontier. So we drove along it as far we could an came back happy.
(iii) The horse went past the winning post and had to be stopped with difficulty.
(iv) It is not difficult to see through your plan. Any one can see your motive.
(v) Go along the yellow line, then turn left. You will reach the post office in five minutes.



Chapter-9 (A bicycle in good repair) (Jerome K. Jerome)


Answer following questions in short.


 Q1) Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give a reason for your answer ?

Ans1) The front wheel was perfectly all right. It wobbled only if the man shook it violently. It began to wobble only after repair because some of the balls were lost.


Q2) In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed?

Ans2) When the author returned from the tool shed he found that the man was holding the front wheel between his legs. He was moving it round between his fingers. The remaining part of the bicyle was lying on the stony path beside him.


Q3) What special treatment did the chain receive?

Ans3) Firstly he tightened the chain too much that it refused to move. Then he loosened it a little too much.


Q4) Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine.  Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.

Ans4) Cycle was in good working condition but the friend set to repair it. He worked to refix the gear case. He put the bicycle in different positions. He lay on the ground to work at it from below. He lost his balance and cycle slid over on to his head. There was a fierce fight between him and the machine. Sometimes he was on top the machine, the next moment, he lay on the gravel path with the bicycle on him.


Q5) How did the narrator feel when his friend shook his bicycle violently?

Ans5) The narrator felt hurt when his friend shook his bicycle violently  because his friend was hurting his bicycle for no apparent reason.


Q6) Was the man repairing the bicycle as a trained mechanic?

Ans6) He did not know anything about the cycle repairing. He was no way an expert. He made a mess and took the machine to pieces. But he was able to refit the bicycle for use.

Page No: 128

Comprehension Check

1. “I got up early, for me.” It implies that
(i) he was an early riser.
(ii) he was a late riser.
(iii) he got up late that morning.
Mark the correct answer.
Ans: It implies that (ii) he was a late riser.

2. The bicycle “goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffly after lunch.” The remark is .
(i) humorous.
(ii) inaccurate.
(iii) sarcastic.
(iv) enjoyable.
(v) meaningless.
Mark your choice(s).
Ans: The remark is (i) humorous, (iii) sarcastic and (iv) enjoyable.

3. The friend shook the bicycle violently. Find two or three sentences in the text which express the author’s disapproval of it.
Ans: (i) “Don’t do that; you’ll hurt it.”
(ii) I did not see why he should shake it; it had not done anything to him.
(iii) I felt much as I should had he started whacking my dog.
(iv) “It doesn’t if you don’t wobble it.”
(v) “Don’t you trouble about it any more; you will make yourself tired. Let us put it back and get off.”

4. “…if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine.” What does ‘it’ refer to?
Ans: ‘It’ refers to the little balls bearing of the wheel that rolled all over the path.

Page No: 132
Working with the Text
Answer the following questions.
1. Did the front wheel really wobble? What is your opinion? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans: No, the front wheel really didn’t wobble. As author himself said that “It doesn’t if you don’t wobble it. It didn’t wobble, as a matter of fact nothing worth calling a wobble.” So, My opinion is wheel really didn’t wobble at all. It all started after the treatment by that man.

Page No: 133
2. In what condition did the author find the bicycle when he returned from the tool shed?
Ans: When author returned from the tool shed, he that the front wheel of his bicycle was between his legs.
He was playing with it, twiddling it round between his fingers and the remnant of the machine was lying on the gravel path beside him.

3. “Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case.” Comment on or continue this sentence in the light of what actually happens.
Ans: This sentence was said in the sense that taking off the gear case was an easy task. Actually, the author tried to dissuade him from taking off the gear-case by telling him that his one of the friend said that if anything went wrong with gear-case, he can sell the machine and buy a new one; it comes cheaper. But he said that nothing is easier than taking off a gear-case and author’s friend didn’t have knowledge about machine. In less than five minutes, he had the gear-case in two pieces lying
on the path, and was grovelling for screws.

4. What special treatment did the chain receive?
Ans: The lunatic man tightened the chain till it did not move and after that he loosened it until it was twice as loose as it was before.

5. The friend has two qualities — he knows what he is doing and is absolutely sure it is good. Find the two phrases in the text which mean the same.
Ans: cheery confidence
inexplicable hopefulness

6. Describe ‘the fight’ between the man and the machine. Find the relevant sentences in the text and write them.
Ans: One moment the bicycle would be on the gravel path, and he on top of it. Next moment, the position would be reversed, he on the gravel path, the bicycle on him. Now he would be standing flushed with victory, the bicycle firmly fixed between his legs. But his triumph would be short-lived. After being dirty and disheveled, cut and bleeding ‘the fight between the man and the machine was over. The bicycle looked as if it also had had enough of it.

Working with Language
I. Read the following sentences.
• We should go for a long bicycle ride.
• I ought to have been firm.
• We mustn’t lose any of them.
• I suggested that he should hold the fork, and that I should handle the wheel.

The words in italics are modal auxiliaries. Modal auxiliaries are used with verbs to express notions such as possibility, permission, willingness, obligation, necessity, etc. ‘Should,’ ‘must’ and ‘ought to’ generally express moral obligation, necessity and desirability.

Look at the following.
• We should go on a holiday. (suggestion: It is a good idea for us to go on a holiday.)
• He is not too well these days. He must see a doctor before he becomes worse. (compulsion or necessity: It is absolutely essential or necessary for him to see a doctor.)
• You ought to listen to me. I am well over a decade older than you. (more emphatic than ‘should’: Since I am older than you, it is advisable that you listen to me.)
Note: ‘Should’ and ‘ought to’ are often used interchangeably.

Page No: 134

Rewrite each of the following sentences using should/ought to/must in place of the italicised words. Make other changes wherever necessary.
(i) You are obliged to do your duty irrespective of consequences.
(ii) You will do well to study at least for an hour every day.
(iii) The doctor says it is necessary for her to sleep eight hours every night.
(iv) It is right that you show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.
(v) If you want to stay healthy, exercise regularly.
(vi) It is good for you to take a walk every morning.
(vii) It is strongly advised that you don’t stand on your head.
(viii) As he has a cold, it is better for him to go to bed.
Ans: (i) You ought to do your duty irrespective of consequences.
(ii) You should study at least for an hour everyday.
(iii) The doctor says she must sleep eight hours every night.
(iv) You should show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.
(v) You should exercise regularly to stay fit.
(vi) You should take a walk every morning.
(vii) You must not stand on your head.
(viii) As he has a cold, he should go to bed.

Page No: 135
2. Use should/must/ought to appropriately in the following sentences.
(i) People who live in glass houses …… not throw stones.
(ii) You …… wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.
(iii) You ……… do what the teacher tells you.
(iv) The pupils were told that they ……. write more neatly.
(v) Sign in front of a park: You ……. not walk on the grass.
(vi) You …… be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.
(vii) He …… left home at 9 o’clock. He be here any minute.
(viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?”
“How …… I know? I have just arrived.”
Ans: (i) People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
(ii) You ought to wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.
(iii) You should do what the teacher tells you.
(iv) The pupils were told that they should write more neatly.
(v) Sign in front of a park: You must not walk on the grass.
(vi) You should be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.
(vii) He left home at 9 o’clock. He should be here any minute.
(viii) “Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?”
“How should I know? I have just arrived.”

3. Two or more single sentences can be combined to form a single sentence.
Read the following.
I made an effort, and was pleased with myself.
This sentence is in fact a combination of two sentences.
• I made an effort.
• I was pleased with myself.

Now read this sentence.
I did not see why he should shake it.
This is also a combination of two sentences.
• I did not see (it).
• Why should he shake it?

Divide each of the following sentences into its parts. Write meaningful parts. If necessary, supply a word or two to make each part meaningful.
(i) I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3 parts)
(ii) When I came back he was sitting on the ground. (2 parts)
(iii) We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now it is out. (3 parts)
(iv) He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)
(v) I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)
Ans: (i) I went to the tool shed to see what I could find. (3 parts)
(a) I went to the tool shed.
(b) I went (there) to see.
(c) What I could find?
(ii) When I came back he was sitting on the ground. (2 parts)
(a) I came back.
(b) He was sitting on the ground.
(iii) We may as well see what’s the matter with it, now it is out. (3 parts)
(a) We may as well see (it).
(b) What (is) the matter with it?
(c) It is out now.
(iv) He said he hoped we had got them all. (3 parts)
(a) He said.
(b) He hoped.
(c) We had got them all.
(v) I had to confess he was right. (2 parts)
(a) I had to confess.
(b) He was right.

Page No: 136

4. ‘en’ acts as a prefix (put at the beginning) or as a suffix (put at the end) to form new words.
en + courage = encourage
weak + en = weaken
‘en’ at the beginning or at the end of a word is not always a prefix or a suffix. It is then an integral part of the word. 
Ending, barren
(i) Now arrange the words given in the box under the three headings — prefix, suffix and part of the word.














en (prefix)

en (suffix)

en (part of word)















Chapter-10 (The story of cricket) (Ramachandra Guha)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Name some stick –and-ball games that you have witnessed or heard of.

Ans1) Cricket, hockey, table-tennis, lawn –tennis, baseball aresome stick –and-ball games.


Q2) The paresis were the first Indian community to take to cricket. Why?

 Ans2) The Parsies were in close contact with the British due to their interest in trade. They were the first Indian community to westernize. So, they formed the first Indian community of cricket.


Q3) The rivalry between the Parsis and the BombayGymkhana had happy ending for the former. What does ‘a happy ending’ refer to?

Ans3) The Parsis won the match and got the revenge of their dispute regarding the use of Public Park.


Q4)Do you think cricket owes its present popularity to television? Justify your answer.

Ans4)I think cricket owes its present popularity to television. Television has expanded the audience by broadcasting cricket into small towns and villages. Satellite television has the worldwide reach and it has created a global market for cricket.


Q5) Why has cricket a large view ship in India, not in China or Russia?

Ans5) Cricket is popular mostly in those countries which were earlier under the British rule. India is one of them. Moreover TV companies have created a global market for cricket in India. Thus a large viewer ship developed in India and not in China or Russia.


Q6) What do you understand by the cricket’s ‘equipment’?

Ans6) The material used for playing cricket such as ball , bat, stumps, bails , protecting equipments such as helmets , guards etc. are called the cricket’s ‘equipment’.


Q7) How is test cricket a unique game in many ways?

Ans7) Test cricket is a unique game in many ways. It is the longest duration game. It is played for five days and still the result can be undecided. It has the playing pitch area of 22 yards irrespective of the length and shape of the entire ground. In other games the dimensions of the playing area is specified


Q8) What was common between cricket bat and a hockey stick? 

Ans8)The shape of cricket bat was roughly the same as of hockey sticks, curving outwards at the bottom.


Q9) Why the cricket bat used to curve outward at the bottom of a cricket?

Ans9) The cricket bat used to curve outward at the bottom of a cricket because the ball was bowled underarm, along the ground. With the curve at the end the chance of contact of bat and ball was the best.


Page No: 143

Comprehension Check
1. Cricket is originally a/an
(i) Indian game.
(ii) British game.
(iii) international game.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: Cricket is originally a (ii) British game.

2. “There is a historical reason behind both these oddities.” In the preceding two paragraphs, find two words/phrases that mean the same as ‘oddities’.
Ans: peculiarities
curious characteristic.

3. How is a cricket bat different from a hockey stick?
Ans: In early days, cricket bat and hockey stick had very slight difference. Now, hockey stick is made of single piece of wood and curved at bottom while cricket bat is flat and straight and made up of two pieces, the blade and the handle.

Page No: 146

Comprehension Check
Write True or False against each of the following sentences.
(i) India joined the world of Test cricket before Independence.
(ii) The colonisers did nothing to encourage the Parsis in playing cricket.
(iii) Palwankar Baloo was India’s first Test captain.
(iv) Australia played its first Test against England as a sovereign nation.
Ans: (i) True
(ii) True
(iii) False
(iv) False

Page No: 148

Comprehension Check
1. A ‘professional’ cricket player is one who makes a living by playing cricket. Find the opposite of ‘professional’ in the last paragraph.
Ans: Amateur

2. In “the triumph of the one-day game”, ‘triumph’ means the one-day game’s
(i) superiority to Test cricket.
(ii) inferiority to Test cricket.
(iii) achievement and success over Test cricket.
(iv) popularity among viewers.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: (iv) popularity among viewers.

3. “…the men for whom the world is a stage”.
(i) It refers to the famous cricket fields in the world.
(ii) It means that there are many cricket playing countries in the world.
(iii) It implies that cricketers are like actors and every cricket ground is like a stage on which the drama of cricket is enacted the world over.
Mark the right answer.
Ans: (iii) It implies that cricketers are like actors and every cricket ground is like a stage on which the drama of cricket is enacted the world over.

Working with the Text
1. Name some stick-and-ball games that you have witnessed or heard of.
Ans: Hockey, Cricket, Baseball, Polo, Billiards are the few games.

2. The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket. Why?
Ans: The Parsis were the first Indian community to take to cricket as they were in close contact with the British because of their interest in trade and the first Indian community to westernise.

3. The rivalry between the Parsis and the Bombay Gymkhana had a happy ending for the former. What does ‘a happy ending’ refer to?
Ans: The ‘happy ending’ refers to the victory of a Parsis team over the Bombay Gymkhana in a game of cricket in 1889, just four years after the foundation of the Indian National Congress in 1885.

4. Do you think cricket owes its present popularity to television? Justify your answer.
Ans: Definitely, cricket owes its present popularity to television. It helps in expansion of its audience as well as popularity to different countries and even in small towns and villages by broadcasting services. Matches played at one place can be viewed worldwide which resulted in its popularity as well as finance.

5. Why has cricket a large viewership in India, not in China or Russia?
Ans: Cricket is popular mostly in the colonial countries of British empire not the sovereign countries. India was only the part of the British empire not the China or Russia. Therefore, Cricket has large viewership in India, not in China or Russia. Moreover, TV companies have created a global market for cricket in India.

6. What do you understand by the game’s (cricket) ‘equipment’?
Ans: The things which are necessary for playing the game are game’s (cricket) ‘equipment’. Like in cricket, ball, bat, wicket, helmets, gloves, pads are the requires things to play the match.

Page No: 149

7. How is Test cricket a unique game in many ways?
Ans: Test Game is Unique in the sense that even though it is played for five days, It ends in a draw. No other modern team sport takes even half as much time to complete.

8. How is cricket different from other team games?
Ans: Cricket is different from other team games because it goes on for a longer time than any other games. It also has different formats like Test Cricket, One-day International and T-20 match and each game takes different time to get completed. Another a strange feature of Cricket is the play ground that it can be of any size, only the length of the pitch is specified while in other games the dimensions of the playing area is specified.

9. How have advances in technology affected the game of cricket?
Ans: After the advancement of technology, players started wearing more protective equipment. The invention of vulcanized rubber made possible the use of pads. Satellites helped in increasing the popularity and audience of cricket. One can now watch live matches while sitting at home. Technology also helped in taking fair decisions while playing the game.

10. Explain how cricket changed with changing times and yet remained unchanged in some ways.
Ans: With the change of time, technology get more advanced and players started wearing protective equipment. Earlier the bat was made of one piece, today it has a separate blade and handle. Decisions became more fair with motion sensor cameras. But still, both bat and ball are handmade, not industrially manufactured.

Working with Language
1. Wordsearch
• Twelve words associated with cricket are hidden in this grid.
• Six can be found horizontally and the remaining six vertically.
• Two words have been found for you.
Clues to the hidden words are given below.
Horizontal: six deliveries, four runs, attacked while out of arena, no result, stumps, fielder to the off side of the wicketkeeper
Vertical: stumps flying, back to the pavilion, a lofty one, mid-air mishap, not even one out of six, goes with bat


Page No: 150
2. Add -ly to the italicised word in each sentence. Rewrite the sentence using the new word. See the examples first.
• He runs between wickets as if his legs were stiff.
He runs between wickets stiffly.
• Why did the batsman swing the bat in such a violent manner?
Why did the batsman swing the bat so violently?
(i) It is obvious that the work has not been done in a proper way.
– It is obvious that the work has not been done 
(ii) He made the statement in a firm manner.
– He made the statement 
(iii) The job can be completed within a week in an easy way.
– The job can be completed within a week 
(iv) You did not play in a serious manner, or else you would have won the match.
– You did not play 
seriously, or else you would have won the match.
(v) She recited the poem in a cheerful manner.
– She recited the poem 

3. Use the following phrases appropriately in place of the italicised words in the sentences given below.

as a matter of fact

we had better

see to it

by accident

as well

(i) Actually, I didn’t intend to come to your place. I reached here without planning.
– Actually, I didn’t intend to come to your place. I reached here 
by accident.
(ii) Sunil, there’s a letter for you in today’s post. There’s one for me also.
– Sunil, there’s a letter for you in today’s post. There’s one for me 
as well.
(iii) Everybody thought I had composed the poem. The truth is my younger sister did it.
– Everybody thought I had composed the poem. 
As a matter of fact, my younger sister did it.
(iv) The doctor told the patient to make sure that he took his pills on time.
– The doctor told the patient to 
see to it that he took his pills on time.
(v) It will be better for us to plan our trip before setting out.
We had better plan our trip before setting out.





Poem-1(The squirrel )(Mildred Bowers Armstrong)

Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) Why does the poet say the squirrel ‘wore a question mark for tail’?

Ans1) The poet called the squirrel ‘wore a question mark for tail’ because its tail is turned in the shape of a question mark.


Q2) ‘He liked to tease and play’. Who is teasing whom? How?

Ans2) The squirrel is teasing the children who are running around to catch it.


Q3) Describe a ‘squirrel’?

Ans3) A squirrel wears a grey overcoat of fur and has a tail turned in the shape of a question mark.


Q4) What does a squirrel like to eat?

Ans4) A squirrel like nuts to eat.

Poem-3(The shed)(Frank Flynn)


Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) Is he afraid or curious, or both?

Ans1) He is curious. He wants to go inside the shed although he was told about a ghost in it by his brother.


Q2) What is he planning to do soon?

Ans2) He is planning to go inside the shed one day.


Q4) Why the door creaks in the wind?

Ans4)   The door of the shed creaks in the wind because it is old and rusty..


Q5) What did the poet’s brother say in order to keep him away from the shed?

Ans5) The poet’s brother told him that there is a ghost in the shed who is hiding under the rotten floorboards. If he dared set foot inside, ghost would jump out and chop off his head.


Q6) Why do you think the poet is the firm to peek in the shed one day?

Ans6) The poet wants to peek in the shed one day because he is a brave boy and knows that there is no such thing like a ghost.


Q7) Why did the brother tell a lie about a ghost in the shed, to the poet?

Ans7) The poet’s brother told a lie about a ghost in the shed to the poet because he wanted to make the shed his den.

Poem-4(Chivvy) (Michael Rosen)


Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) When is a grown –up likely to say this? --Don’t talk with your mouth full.

Ans1) The elders say this when we are eating something and talk with food in our mouth.


Q2) When are you likely to be told this?--Say thank you.

Ans2) We are asked to say ‘thank you’ when someone gives us something or helps us.


Q3) When do you think an adult would say this?-- No one thinks you are funny.

Ans3) When children try to do some funnyin order to attract other’s attention towards them, then elders say- No one thinks you are funny.


Q4) What do adults say when you go to someone’s house?

Ans4) Adults say- wish them, don’t point, say please, don’t ask for food, sit properly, don’t interrupt etc.

Poem-5(Trees)(Shirley Bauer)


Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) What are the games or humans activities which use trees, or in which trees also participate?

Ans1) trees participate in many human activities like house making, making swings, allowing children to play hide and seek, organizing tea parties, sleeping under their shadow, giving fruits and vegetables to eat.


Q2) “Trees are for birds.” What do birds do on trees?

Ans2) Birds make their nests on trees and they rest on trees.


Q3) Which games can you play under or around trees?

Ans3) We can play many games under or around trees like hide and seek, swings , snakes and ladders , ludo, chess , etc.


Q4) Why are trees for children ?

Ans4) Trees are for children to play under.


Q5) What are the uses of trees in different seasons?

Ans5) Trees give us shade in summers and sunlight in winters.


Q6) Which fruit the trees give us according to the poem?

Ans6) Trees give us apples and pears.


Q7) Why do we chop trees?

Ans7) We chop trees to get timber.

Poem-6(Mystery of the talking fan )(Maude Rubin)



Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) Fans don’t talk, then, what is the fan’s chatter?

Ans1) Fan’s being non –living things don’t talk . The noise that sounds like the fan’s chatter is the noise produced by its whirling motion when it is not oiled properly.


Q2) How does an electric fan manage to throw so much air when it is switched on?

Ans2) An electric fan has small whirling motor and three blazes. When the fan is switched on, the motor starts whirling. It causes the blades to move which cut the room air and throw it in all directions.


Q3) Why did the poet call the fan a talking fan?

Ans3) The fan was making a sound because it was not properly oiled. It appeared to the poet as if it was speaking in a mysterious code languages.


Q4) What happened to the fan in the end? Was the poet happy with it?

Ans4) In the end, someone oiled the fan’s machine and it stopped producing noise. The poet felt unhappy about it because he thought that the mystery ended.

Poem-7(Dad and the cat and the tree)(Kit Wright)


Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) Why was Dad sure he wouldn’t fall?

Ans1) Dad was a climber and climbing on trees was a child’s play for him. So he was confident that he wouldn’t fall.


Q2) Describe Plan A and its consequences.

Ans2)   Plan A was to use the ladder in order to bring down the cat from the tree but it slipped and Dad fell in the flower bed.


Q3) What was Plan B?

Ans3) Plan B was to swing up the branch of the tree.


Q4) Plan C was a success. What went wrong then? 

Ans4 ) Plan C was a success. Dad jumped on the tree and landed straight on the cat that jumped on the ground yelling and poor Dad got struck on the tree.


Q5) Describe the cat and Dad situation in the beginning and at the end of the poem.

Ans5) The cat was stuck on the tree in the beginning and dad was trying to bring it down, but at the end of the poem the cat jumped down safe whereas Dad got stuck on the tree.


Q6) What was the “funny joke”?

Ans6) Mama warned him of falling again otherwise he would break his neck. Dad called it a funny joke because he was self-confident about his success.


Q7) What happened with the ladder?

Ans7) The ladder slipped and he landed in the flower bed.

Poem-8(Meadow Surprises )(Lois Brandt Phillips)


Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) What do the butterflies do on flowers?

Ans1) Butterflies rest on butterflies and suck nectar of the flowers.


Q2) How do you scare a rabbit?

Ans2) A rabbit sitting would get scared by the sound of our feet.


Q3) Why do dandelions become airy parachutes?

Ans3) Dry dandelions are light and may be blown off with a light blow of air, hence they are called airy parachutes.


Q4) What type of houses do you see in meadows?

Ans4) Burrows, nests and ants mounds could be seen in the meadows.


Q5) What kind of grass do the meadows have?

Ans5) Meadows have velvet grass.


Q6) What do you mean by ‘the brook ‘?

Ans6) The brook means a small river.


Q7) What change has occurred to a dandelion?

Ans7) A dandelion which has golden few days ago has dried up and become light and may be blown like a parachute.


Q8) Who lives in burrows and mound?

Ans8) Rabbits live in burrows and ants live in mounds.

Poem-9(Garden Snake)(Muriel L. Sonne)


Answer the following questions in short.


Q1) A snake has no legs or feet, but it moves very fast. Can you guess how?

Ans1) A snake has scales on its body which help it move fast by turning and twisting its body.


Q2) Which is the most poisonous snake?

Ans2) Black King cobra is the most poisonous snake.


Q3) Why was the child afraid of the snake first?

Ans3) The child was frightened of the snake first because he had heard that snakes are dangerous.


Q4) Why did the child attitude change towards the snake?

Ans4) The child’s attitude changed towards the snake because his mother told him that it was a harmless garden snake.


Q5) What did the snake eat?

Ans5) The snake ate insects for its food.


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