Class 04 || English || Ch. 02 Neha’s Alarm Clock

Class 4th


Ch. 2  Neha’s Alarm Clock

Page No 9:

Question 1:

snuggles    mutters    window sill    relax


1) Snuggles

to be in a comfortable position

2) Mutters: say something in a very low voice 

3) Window sill: the bottom part of the window 

4) Relax: free from tension 

Page No 10:

Question 1:

Tick (✓) the correct answer –

1. What time did Neha’s clock ring every morning?

(a) 4 o’clock. 
(b) 9 o’clock
(c) 6 o’clock

2. What did the birds say?

(a) Sleep on
(b) Wake up
(c) Go and play

3. What is inside you that makes you get up at the same time everyday?

(a) Our body clock
(b) Our eyes
(c) Our feet


1. (c) 6 o’clock.     ✓
2. (b) Wake up.     ✓
3. (a) Our body clock.      ✓

Q. 4. Put the letters in the right order. One has been done for you.
ilesmsmile     norming__________

4. Ans.


Page No 11:

Q. 1:

1. Listen to the sounds around you when you are on your way to school. Discuss with your friend the sounds that you heard. List them here –

Sounds you heardSounds your friend heard











2. If there is no clock in the house to wake you in the morning, how will you wake up? Will you continue to sleep or …


If there is no clock in the house to wake you in the morning, I will call my mother to wake up in the morning. 

I will not continue to sleep, as I have to get ready for the school.

Q. 3. What are the different ways of knowing the time during the day?

Ans. * We can know the time from the height of sun during the day.

* Wrist watch * Wall clock
* Television Channels

* Mobile phone .

Page No 12:

Q. 1:

Find the hidden words

mother, birds, clock, alar, happy, morning, holiday, hungry, sunday


Page No 12:

Q. 1:

ought bought caughtmatter chatter shattertick−tock tell−told train−time


oughtmattertick – tocktick – tack
boughtchattertell – toldtip – tin
caughtshattertrain – timetake – tall

Page No 13:

Q. 1:

Q. 1. Who said these words and to whom?

Who saidTo whom
“Wake up, dear! Wake up fast!”______________________________
“Ma, who woke me up today?”______________________________
“Why do you sleep at______________________________



Who saidTo whom
“Wake up, dear! Wake up fastBirdNarrator
“Ma, who woke me up today?”NarratorMother
“Why do you sleep at nine every night?’MotherNarrator

Q. 2. Use the help box to fill in the blanks –


(a) Ram _______ a good football player.

(b) The cows ______ grazing in the field

(c) My toys _______broken.

(d) Her frock ________too long.

(e) The market __________ closed.

(f) The children ________ happy.

(g) The flowers ________ kept in a vase. 

2. Ans.

(a) Ram was a good football player.

(b) The cows were grazing in the field.

(c) My toys were broken.

(d) Her frock was too long.

(e) The market was closed.

(f) The children were happy.

(g) The flowers were kept in a vase. 

Q 3. Look at the pictures below and complete the following paragraph. You will need these words –

pulled outinsidecalled outbehindunder

Yesterday, I lost a book. I looked for it everywhere.

I looked _____________ a door.

I looked ____________ a cupboard.

I looked ___________ a bed.

I could not find it anywhere. Then, I ____________________ Sheroo. 

Sheroo, my dog came running to me I asked him to look for my book. He _________________ another book from my bag.

3. Ans.

Yesterday, I lost a book. I looked for it everywhere.

I looked behind a door.

I looked inside a cupboard.

I looked under a bed.

I could not find it anywhere. Then, I called out

Sheroo. Sheroo, my dog came running to me. I asked him to look for my book. He pulled out anotherbook from my bag.

Page No 15:

Q. 1:

Here is a word, clock. Write down words relating to clock.


Here is a word, morning. Now write down words related to it.


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