Class 03 || English || Ch. 05 Little by Little

Class 3 English Ch. 5 Little by Little

Even the biggest trees begin life as tiny seeds. 
Read about how the little acorn grew big.
Little by Little

“Little by little,” an acorn said,
As it slowly sank in its mossy bed;
“I am improving every day,
Hidden deep in the earth away.”
Little by little each day it grew,
Little by little it sipped the dew.

Downward it sent out a thread-like root
Up in the air sprang a tiny shoot;
Day by day, and year by year,
Little by little the leaves appear,
And the slender branches spread far and wide
Till the mighty oak is the forest’s pride.

CHAPTER -3 (POEM) Class 3 English Little by Little

1. Name the tree that the acorn grows into.

Ans. The acorn grows into an oak tree.

2. What things does a seed need to grow?

Ans. A seed needs air, water and soil to grow

3. How many describing words can you find in this poem?

Ans. Describing words in the poem are- slowly, improving, spread, deep, sipped, tiny, slender, mighty etc

4. Look at the two pictures. Find four things that are different about these trees and talk about them.

Ans. (i) The picture 1 shows that the tree which gives us many essential things. 

In other hand, 

picture -2 shows how we harm the tree in many ways.

(ii) In picture -1, The tree gives us medicines 


in picture – 2, we  cuts its branches for wood.

(iii) The stem and leaves of the tree in picture -1 are smiling 

Whereas these of the tree 

in picture -2 are sad and weeping.

(iv) The picture -1 shows that the birds are happy in the nest. 

On the other hand 

in picture -2, the birds are moving away from the tree due to problems created by the human beings.

5. Look at the Picture -1. Write three sentences on what the trees give us.

Ans. (i) Trees give us fruits and vegetables.

(ii) Trees give us fresh oxygen.

(iii) They give wood for shelter.

(iv) They provide us medicines.

6. Now look at Picture 2. Write three sentences on how we harm the trees.

Ans. (i) We cut plants for burning.

(ii) We cause pollution by setting up industries.

(iii) We pluck leaves for feeding domestic animals.

(iv) We cut trees to make our houses.

7. These words describe parts of a tree. Write them in the given space.

(a) Stem

Ans. It gives strength to the tree. It stand straight.

(b) Bark

Ans. Outer layer of steam is back. It is brown coloured part present on the stem.

(c) Leaves

Ans. These are green and many in number. Leaves makes food to plant.

(d) Branches

Ans. The emerging parts of stem are branches. On which the leaves grow. Birds make their nests on them.

(e) Twigs

Ans. Thin, weak branches is twigs.

(f) Roots

Ans. Thin thread like long parts under the earth is root. Roots hold the plant in the soil.

(g) Shoot

Ans. The uppermost part of the plant above the soil is called the shoot.

8. Match the opposites.














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