Class 04 || English || Ch. 08 Alice in Wonderland

Class 4 || English || Ch 8 Alice in Wonderland

Page No 68:

Question 1:

scamper    hurried    popped    disappeared   whiskers


1) Scamper: to move in a hurry 

2) Hurried: to rush 

3) Popped: to go somewhere without any notice 

4) Disappeared: vanish 

5) Whiskers: long hair on the face of animals 

Reading is Fun

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Q. 1 While listening to the story, what did Alice see?


Alice saw a white rabbit running hurriedly While listening to the story, 

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Q. 2 What was different about the rabbit that Alice saw?

Ans. Alice saw a talkative rabbit with pink eyed, and was wearing a red waistcoat with a watch. 

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Q. 3 Where did the rabbit go?


The rabbit went into the big rabbit hole.

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Q. 4 How did Alice reach Wonderland?


At the time of following the rabbit Alice jumped into the rabbit hole and reached the Wonderland.

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Q. 5 What strange things did Alice see?


Alice saw a beautiful garden with beds of bright flowers and cool fountains.

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Q. 6 Describe in your own words the garden that Alice saw.


Alice saw the most beautiful garden. It had beds of bright and beautiful flowers with different colours. There was also a cool fountain sprinkling fresh and cool water.

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Q. 7 Draw the garden of your dreams.


(You should be tried on your own.)

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Q. 8 Tick (✓) the correct answer.

(a) The rabbit had

[    ] white eyes

[    ] big eyes

[    ] pink eyes

(b) Who was burning with curiosity?

[    ] Alice

[    ] the rabbit

[    ] children

(c) Who fell down and down and down?

[    ] Alice
[    ] a mouse
[    ] the rabbit

(d) Who said − “Oh, my ears and whiskers? How late it’s getting!”

[    ] the rabbit
[    ] Alice
[    ] Alice’s sister

[    ] big
[    ]  lovely
[    ] small

Ans. (a) [  ✓ ] Pink eyes.

(b) [ ✓ ]  Alice

(c) [  ✓ ] The rabbit.

(d) [  ✓ ] The Rabbit.

(e) [  ✓ ] Lovely.

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Q. 1 Describe some of the sounds you hear at night.


I hear the sound of Barking dogs, whistle of watchman at night.

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Q. 2 Imagine you are Alice and your partner is a rabbit. What would you do?


If I were Alice and my partner were a rabbit, I would like to do exactly what Alice did in the story i.e. I would follow my partner to the wonderland. IRC request him to live with me at my home.

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Q. 3 What do you think Alice saw in the garden?


Alice saw the most beautiful garden. It had beds of bright and beautiful flowers with different colours. There was also a cool fountain sprinkling fresh and cool water.

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Q. 4 How could Alice have got into the garden?


Alice got into the garden by using the golden key, kept on the table.

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Q. 1 Find one word from the story that means

(a) To walk fast,           h________.

(b) to think,                  w_______.

(c) happy,                     d_______.

(d) to be seen nowhere, 


(e) at once,                  q _____.

(f) move fast,              s _____.

(g) to be inquisitive   c______.


(a) hurry.

(b) wonder.

(c) Delight.

(d) Disappear.

(e) Quickly.

(f) Scamper.

(g) Curious.

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Q. 2 Give another word for the ones given below with similar meanings and make sentences. Now write the opposites of these describing words and make sentences with them –



Meaning         Opposite
lovely              nursery
I have a lovely bol.
he has a nasty nature.

talking             silent
He was talking Ram but Ram was silent.

listening          talking
Now, the talking students were listening to to their teacher.

she               ignore
Alice the rabbit but rabbit ignore Alice.

Centre          border
I was at the centre of a circle and my friend was standing at the border of the circle.

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Q. 3 Imagine you are going on a journey to the centre of the earth. What do you think you will see? What would you feel? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


(i) If I were going on a journey to the centre of the earth, I would see layers of different types of soil. 

(ii) I would also see layers of ground water.

(iii) A little deeper, I would see the solid rocks.

(iv) At the centre of the earth, I would see red hot core with thousands degrees of temperature.

I would feel very excited and scared at the same time.

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Q. 4 Alice follows the strange rabbit because she wants to know a number of things. Re-arrange the words to make the questions that Alice has in her mind and put a question-mark (?). 

(a) talk rabbit a how can ________________________

 (b) going he is where _____________________ 

(c) read he can time the ________________________

 (d) hurry is in a why he _______________________


1) How can a rabbit talk?

2) Where is he going?

3) Can he read the time?

4) Why is he in a hurry?

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