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2.3 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS (Part 3) With Notes

2.3 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS Important Notes: Part 3 Some Important substances 01. COMMON SALT: - It is known as common salt. Its chemical name is sodium chloride. Its chemical formula is NaCl. It is used with food for taste. It is obtained from seas.…

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2.2 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS (Part 2) With Notes

2.2 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS Important Notes: Part 2 PROPERTIES OF ACIDS:- 01. Reaction with metals: - Acid makes salt and hydrogen gas after reacting with the metal. Acid + Metal = Salt + Hydrogen gas. 2Zn + 2HCl                    ¾ ¾ ®        ZnCl 2 +…

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2.1 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS Important Notes: Part 1 Q. If someone in the family is suffering from a problem of acidity after overeating, which of the following would you suggest as a remedy– lemon juice, vinegar or baking soda solution? Ans. If someone in the…

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