Ch 01. Letter to God (Important Long Questions )

Ch 01. Letter to God 
(Important Long Questions )

Q. 1   Write the character sketch of Lencho.    
Write the story of Lencho’s fate in God.                      
Why did Lencho write a letter to God and why did he wrote it second time?
Ans. Lencho was a hard working farmer. He lived with his family in the house at the top of a hill. He was depending on his harvesting. Once his crop was very well he wished for good money. One day a hailstorm destroyed his harvest. There was no one to help him. He had full faith in God. He believed that God would not let them die, of hunger. He wrote a letter to god for hundred pesos, to live till the next harvest and posted it.
         The postmaster gets his letter through his employees. He laughed and become impressed by the Lencho’s faith. He could arrange only seventy pesos and sent it to Lencho.
         When Lencho received it he got angry. He thinks that God could not make such a mistake to send the money. He though that employees of post office had taken his money. He wrote another letter to God and asked God to send the rest money urgently. He has also requests not to send it through the post because the employees of the post office are a bunch of crooks.

Q.2       Write the character sketch of Post Master.
Ans.  The Postmaster was a fat man and amiable person. He was fun loving, when he saw the letter of Lencho. He laughs at him. After laughing he took it seriously. He decides to Ans. the letter. He keeps the writers faith. He was a generous man. He knows that farmer need money badly. He contributed money through his friends and employees. He also himself gave a part of his salary. He was able to collect only seventy pesos after his all strength.
         He posted the money to Lencho with as letter signed only God. Lencho received it and wrote again to God and said the employees of post office are bunch of crooks they have his thirty pesos.

Q.3    Suppose you are Lencho then write a letter to God for help?
The House
-------, Valley
Low hill Moscow
12th March -------

Dear God
         I am Lencho a poor farmer live with my family nothing is hidden from you. All my crops have been completely destroyed by hails storm. I have no money to sow again or feed my family. I an afraid they would go hungry this year.
I cannot look up to any body else in this house of cries. I firmly believe that you alone could help me. If you did not help my family and me I will go hungry this year. I need a hundred pesos in order to sow my field again to until the crop comes.
Kindly send me a hundred pesos with kind regards and full hopes
Yours truly,

Q. 4      How the Lencho writes his second d letter to God write a format of the letter?
The House
-------, Valley
Low hill Moscow
12th March -------

Dear God,
I am grateful to your great help. I have only hope from you. You have sent me some money. I have requested you for hundred pesos in previous letter.
I and sure that you might have sent the full amount. But the post office employees might have tasked some money out. Please send me rest amount as earliest as possible,.  But please don’t sent the money through the post because the employees of post office are bunch of crooks they have 30 pesos already
Thanking You
Yours truly,

Om Jitender Singh Tomar

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