Class 03 || English || Ch. 17 DON’T TELL



Page No 88:

Question 1:

enough    chance    giant    patient


1) Enough: as much as needed 

2) Chance: possibility 

3) Giant: of a huge size. 

4) Patient: to be able to wait for something for a long time. 

Page No 89:

Question 1:

1. How old is the speaker?

Ans. The speaker is a child.

2. Who are ‘they’ and ‘them’ in the poem?

Ans. The Parents of the child are ‘They’y’ and ‘them’ in the poem.

3. What is the secret the speaker is hiding?

Ans. The giant hidding inside him is the secret the speaker.

Page No 89:

Question 1:

Talk Time

1. Think of three things that ‘they’ won’t led you do.

Ans. ‘They’ won’t let me do the following things:

(a) They don’t let me go all alone to the market.

(b) They don’t let me give a lot of money to spend on me.

(c) They don’t let me cook the food in the kitchen.

2. What are the things you’d like to do when you are grown up that you just can’t do now?

Ans. (i) I would like to go to the market force shopping.

(ii) I would like to drive a bike on the highway.

(iii) I would like to bunk the school.

(iv) I would like to visit historical places all alone. 

Page No 89:

Question 1:

1. Using the letters of the given word, make three words.


(you can choose only 3, from the given words)


a  or    road   lack   black  block  back


the  or    hot   her   other  them  moth


a   as  veg  set  get  ate table  bat


a   as  an  us  and  sand  hand  sound


he  her  cot  lie lot  coil  plot  pilot  top  chop choper

2. Look at these words in the poem.

Don’t              I’m                   I’ll

Here are their full forms:

Don’t – Do not

I’m – I am

I’ll – I will

(i) Now write the full form of the following words.

Can’t         __________ 

It’s             __________

Isn’t            __________ 

What’s        __________ 

That’s         __________


Can’t – Cannot, 

It’s – It is, 

I’snt – Is not, 

What’s – What is, 

That’s – That is.

(ii) Make sentences using the followings

He’s, She’s, You’re, We’re


1) He’s a good boy. 

2) She’s my sister. 

3) You’re my  brother. 

4) We’re from the Delhi.

(iii) Now write about two things you’ll do when you grow up. You can begin like this:

When I grow up I’ll _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


When I grow up I’ll become a teacher. I will teach poor people without charging any fees. I will also visit the historycal places of India. I will help the Jawan and Kisan of my country also.

Page No 90:

Question 1:

Class Word Chart — How many new words have you learnt? Write down three words you have learnt so far. Write them down on a chart or blackboard. Tell their meanings to the class.

Ans. (do yourself in the class)

8. Say Aloud.


(i) Giant

(ii) Jam

(iii) Gym

(iv) June

(v) Goose

(vi) Grey

(vii) Gold

(viii) Gum

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