Punctuation Marks ine English grammer.

These are the period (.), question mark (?), exclamation mark (!), comma (,), semicolon (;), colon(:), hyphen(-), dash (–), braces ([ ]), brackets ({}), parentheses(()),  apostrophe ('), quotation marks ('  ' & "   "), and ellipsis (...). 

By Following their correct usage of Punctuation will make your writing easier to read and more appealing.

Sentence Punctuation Endings

Three of the fourteen punctuation marks are appropriate for use as sentence endings. They are the period, question mark, and exclamation point.

1. The period (.)

The period (.) is placed at the end of declarative sentences, or assertive sentence or statements thought to be complete and after many abbreviations.

At the end of the sentence.

* Ram is a good boy.

* The Krishna was the great ruler of the Mathura.

After an abbreviation

Jan., Govt., M.A., B.Sc., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev. Wed., Oct.

Note :– if we use do not use the periods then we will write all together.The trend today is towards writing abbreviations without a period.


2. Question Mark (?) 

A question mark (?) is used at the end of every interrogative sentence. This mark is also known as mark of interrogation. It is only ever used to show a question in a sentence.

 Used at the end of every interrogative sentence.

* Is Ram a good boy?

* What are you doing?

* How are you?

* Was he not a good boy?

Series of questions using the same subject and verb

* Your aim?

* Your career? 

* Your future? 

* Your life?

Single word questions are used only in informal writing.

* What?  

* How?

* So? 

* Why not?

* Right?

3. Exclamation Mark (!) 

The exclamation Mark (!) is used to express the exclamation. This mark is also known as mark of exclamation.

An interjection is a word or phrase which is used to express a strong feeling like an emotion, happiness, surprise, anger, fear, pain or pleasure.

After exclamation words

Alas !, Hello !, Bravo !, Pooh !, Hurrah !, Ha ! etc.

Alas ! I am arrivedwhen a person.

Hello ! How are you?

Pooh ! What a dirty place.

Wait ! Don’t take another step.

At the end of optative sentences

May you live long ! 

May god bless you !

Would that I was a principal !

God save our P.M. !

Comma, Semicolon, and Colon

4. The Comma (,)

The comma is used to show a separation so it is also known as separation mark . 

Separating same elements in sentences

* Ansh, Mukesh, Gaurav, Deepanshu you are studying in the class.

* The fruit seller is selling apples, guavas, bananas, grapes etc.

* We saw monkeys, porcupines, lions and tigers in the zoo.

Separation of two complete sentences:

* We went to Agra and, we also visit the Red fort.

* While I was eating, my mother was cooking.

To separate the address

* Rahul , A-136, West Vinod Nagar, North A block, Delhi.

To separate cities and states / provinces, states / provinces and countries.

Delhi, India.

Montana, USA.

To show a pause in a sentence.

* Yesterday, as I was running in the park, I saw a black snake.

To separate relative clause from the rest of the sentence.

The man, who lives next door, is a our principal.

Before inverted commas of actual words spoken or in narration

* He told me, "Ram is going to Ayodhya."

* He says to me, "I am not going to school."

To separate terms in dates, that is day of week from the date, and day of month from the year.

* He is coming on Tuesday, 1st April.

* The Hiroshima explosion happened on 6th August, 1945.

To separate greetings (salution) and closings in letters,

Dear Vinjeet, 

My dear son,

Yours sincerely,

Yours faithfully, 

Yours truly,

To separate numbers that exceeds three digits.

In Indian Method


In International Method

5. A colon (:)

colon (:) has three main uses. 

* in dialogue

Ram:  What are you doing Rahul?

Rahul: Nothing.

In direct sentences in place of comma, but now a days we will use comma in place of colon.

* He told: "Ram is going to Ayodhya."

* He said: "I am not going to school."


* He told, "Ram is going to Ayodhya."

* He said, "I am not going to school."


It is used after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series.

* He was buying the study material for subjects: Hindi, English, math, science, politics, philosophy, sociology, and economics.

It (colon) is also used before a list. 

* This bag contains the following items: pan, pencil, notebook, book, lunch box, geometry box and iron scale.

* There are three types of muscle in the body: cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.

A colon also has non-grammatical uses in time & ratio.


11:59 A.M.

11:59 P.M.




6. The semicolon (;) 

It is also known as half colon or semicolon. it is basically written as a period putting on top of a comma. 

The semicolon (;) is used to connect independent clauses to shows a closer relationship between them. 

* Hari gives up smoking; obviously, he fears with his parents.

Hyphen and Dash

Hyphen and Dash marks often confused with each other due to their appearance but they are quite different.

7. A hyphen (-)

A hyphen (-) is half of symbol of minus (–) in length.

A hyphen is used to join two or more words together into a compound form without spaces. 




8. A dash (–)

dash (–)  is used to separate words into statements. These are of two types : 1. En dash (–) and 2. Em dash (—).

1. En dash (–): 

It is twice long as a hyphen and looks like as a negative mark. The en dash is shows by the symbol (–).

The en dash is used in writing or printing to indicate a range, connections or differentiations, such as 



Princeton–New York trains

2. Em dash (—): 

It is three-time longer longer than the hyphen.

The em dash can be used in place of a comma or colon or parenthesis,  to show readability or emphasize the conclusion of a sentence. 

* He answered him, his answer — No!

Note – It is your choice, whether you put spaces around the em dash or not, it is only a stylish choice. 

Brackets, Braces, and Parentheses

Brackets, braces, and parentheses are symbols used to contain words that are a further explanation or are considered a group.

Brackets in maths [ ], { }, () etc 

Brackets are mainly used in mathematics with name of small Brackets (), middle Brackets { } and big brackets [ ].

9. Brackets [ ]

In English break word is used to show the squared of notations ([ ]). 

We can say that big bracket ( [ ] )of mathematics is called bracket in english.

 It is used for any explanations or to clarify meaning. 

* He [Mr. Vinjeet] was the first person who come at this house.

Note – If you remove the information of the brackets, the sentence will still make sense.

10. Braces ( { } )

The middle bracket of mathematics is known as Braces ( { } ). 

Braces are used to contain two or more lines of text or listed items. 

These are commonly used in computer programming.

They can also be used in mathematical expressions. 

2 { 1 + [20 – 3] } = x

11. Parentheses ( () )

The small bracket is known as Parentheses ( () ). It is also known as curved bracket. 

This curved notations used to express further thoughts or qualifying remarks. 

Ram and Rama (who were actually brother and sister) both have red hair.

12. An apostrophe ( ' ) 

An apostrophe (') is used in many ways

It is used to show the relationship between living to living and living to nonliving. As a possessive forms

Hari's shop 

Dog's tail

Ram's pen

Ram's house

Uncle's cap 

George's girlfriend 

With some words
Nobody else's

Omission of letters from a word: 

An apostrophe can be used to show that letters or numbers have been omitted

I am = I'm 
He will = he’ll
We are = we're 
They would = they'd
They had = they'd
do not = don't
did not = didn't
I have = I've.
She had = She'd
It's = It is
pick ’n’ mix - pick and mix

To form contractions by showing the numbers or letters that have been left out.

'86 =1986

To form the plural of abbreviations: many Dr.'s; 
many M.D.'s; 
many Ph.D.'s.

For the plural of a number or letter: your p's; 
your c's; 
your 5's 
Use on symbols (&'s), 
numbers (7's) and capitalized letters 
(Q&A's), even though they are not necessary.

13. Quotation Marks ( '   ' )   & ( "  " ) 

two types of the "are used in English 1. Single Quotation Marks( '    ' ) and 2. Double Quotation Marks ( "     ").

1. Single Quotation Marks( '    ' ) 

Single quotation marks are sometimes used:

To draw attention to a word and pointed out, To indicate an unusual use of a word.

2. Double Quotation Marks ( "     ").

Double Quotation Marks is used in direct  narration.

* He told: "Ram is going to Ayodhya."

* Ram said: "I am not going to school."

* "Don't go outside," she said.

The ellipsis (...)

The ellipsis is most commonly represented by three periods (. . . ) although it is occasionally demonstrated with three asterisks (***). 

* Count, "One, two, three, four, … " 

The ellipsis is used in writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of letters or words. 

Ellipses are frequently used within quotations to jump from one phrase to another, omitting unnecessary words that do not interfere with the meaning. 

Students use it to show the extract.

The Diwali ........ worship goddess Lakshmi.

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