Class 03 || English || Ch. 14 LITTLE TIGER, BIG TIGER

Class 3 English Ch. 14 LITTLE TIGER, BIG TIGER


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Question 1:

shady    bellowed    twitched    pounced    grunt    game    glistened    roared    pheasant    fowl


1) Shady: full of shade 

2) Bellowed: a roaring shout or sound 

3) Twitched: to give a sudden jerk 

4) Pounced: to attack suddenly 

5) Grunt: short, deep sound 

6) Game: an interesting activity to be played with others 

7) Glistened: to shine with a sparkling light 

8) Roared: a full deep cry 

9) Pheasant: a long tailed bird hunted for food 

10) Fowl: a domestic bird for eating or producing eggs. 

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Reading is Fun
1.Tick the right answer.

(i)Where did the mother tiger and her small tiger cub live?
(a) near a river (b)near a mountain
(c) near a forest (d)near a sea

(ii)What did the mother tiger hunt when the sky was dark?
(a) sheep and goats (b)fish and frogs
(c) deer and pigs (d)donkeys and horses

(iii) What did the tiger cub catch one night?
(a) a deer t (b) a frog
(c) a pig (d) a cat

Ans. (i) (a) near a river 

(ii) (c) deer and pigs

(iii) (b) a frog.

2.What happend to the little tiger cub when he chased the frog?
Ans. A big tiger came close to him when the little tiger cub chased the frog.

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Wordrd Building

Question 1:

(i) Match the animals with their young ones


(ii)Word game: Can you place these letters in their right order to form the names of animals?


s e m o u             Mouse

r e s o h               Horse

o i n l                    Lion

p e s h e               Sheep

r e d e                   Deer

l u b l                   Bull

g i t e r                Tiger

f o l w                   Wolf

(iii) The animals/birds in column A have to reach their homes in column B. Find out where they live.


A beelives in a hive
An antlives in an ant hill
A ducklives in a pond
A tigerlives in a   den
A rabbitlives in a burrow
A spiderlives in a web
A sparrowlives in a nest

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Let’ss Write

1.Now write six sentence ftom the above pictures. One has been done for you. A tiger lives in a den.


1. A tiger lives in a den. 

2. A bee lives in a hive.

3. A duck lives in a pond. 

4.A rabbit lives in a burrow.

5. A spider lives in a web. 

6.A sparrow lives in a nest.

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Talk Time
1.The little tiger cub slipped away when his mother was asleep. He soon got into trouble.’ Tell the class about a similar incident when you did not listen to your parents and found yourself in trouble.

Ans. Once my parents warned me not to touch the burning things. I saw a burning candle. I like its flame very much. I didn’t mind to them and touched the flame of candle. I got my fingers burned. It was a painful experience. Since then I did not avoid my parents advise.

Team Time

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Question 1:

Make groups. One person from each group should act like:

 1. The mother tiger 

2. The cub

 3. The large male tiger

 4. The frog

 5. The sambhar / kakar deer 

6. The langur monkey 

Now act out the story, first in your own language and then in English.

Say Aloud




Who am

(i)Who am i?
Look at the pictures and read the clues. Then complete this crossword puzzle. The first clue is done for you.


1. I give wool.                        Sheep
2. I lay eggs.                          Hen
3.  I give you milk.                 Cow
4. I carry loads                      Donkey
5. I  neigh                               Horse
6. I am man’s best friend     Dog
7. I live in a sty                      Pig
8. I I bleat                               Goat
9. I am the Ship of the Desert                                                              Camel

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