His first Flight (Long Questions)

His first Flight (Long Questions)

Q.1 How did the young seagull overcome his fear and make his first flight? What was the role of his family?


Describe the methods used by the seagull family to help the young seagull to overcome his fear and fly?


Described the role of the seagull family, of the mother in particular, to help him to overcome his fear?


How the young seagull makes his first flight?


How did the mother make the young seagull come to out of her fear and teach him the art of flying?

Ans. The young seagull was afraid to fly of with his family member. Though he had bigger wings than brother or sister but could not gather courage to fly. They flown away a day before and left him alone in his ledge. They stay just opposite of the plateau.

They encouraged him to fly, but he was afraid to do so. He thought that his wings would not support him. His parent scolded and threatened to leave him alone to starve on the plateau. He stays there for twenty-four hours but nobody care him. He felt so hungry and try to get the food on the plateau but failed. He could not  reach his family because there was great chasm between him and them.

He tried to draw the attention of parents but they tool no notice of him. His brother and sisters were dozing. He begged his mother to bring some food. His mother took a piece of fish in her beak. She flew across to him to inspire him to fly. He leaned out eagerly to get the food. He run to get the fish but his mother halted in the air. The hungry seagull dived to get the fish. But he found himself falling in the sea. He was horrified. Next moments he spared His wings outwards. Now he was not falling headlong but soaring downwards and outwards. He was no longer afraid. He swapped upwards and gradually he overcame his fear. He screamed with joy. His family was happy.  They were flying around him with cheer. 

He dropped his legs to stand on the sea. His legs sank into it. He tried to rise bur could not rise. His belly touched the sea. He was floating of the sea. His family was floating around him and offering him piece of fish as a gift. He had made his first flight.

Answer the followings:

01.   Why was he young sea-gull left behind on the ledge?

02.   Why did young seagull want to fly?

03.   Why did the mother of seagull halt in the way with a piece of fish in her beak?

04.   When did a monstrous terror seize the young seagull?

05.   How did there come a change in the seagull


      How did the seagull learn flying?

06.   How did the young seagull make his flirt flight/

07.   ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. How is it true with reference to the story?

08.   What happened after the initial spell of terror when the young seagull dived at the fish?

09.   Why did the young seagull not fly with his family? How did he do it in the end? (Ans. in 80 words)

10.   Discuss in about 80 words the role played by the young Seagull’s mother. What opinion do you form of the mother?


Q. 1: Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first steps?

Ans. The young seagull was afraid of falling itself at the time of first flying. like a human  the bird is also afraid to take first steps or first flight.

He thought that his wings would not support him. Though he had bigger wings than brother or sister but could not gather courage to fly. 

No, all birds aren't afraid to make their first flight. In the story, the young seagull's little sister wasn't afraid of flying and fly with parents. We can say that some birds are more timid than others

We can say that human babies find it challenging to take their first steps but its very rare that  they are afraid of it.


Q. 2: “The sight of the food maddened him.” What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?


His parent leave him alone to starve on the plateau. He stays there for twenty-four hours and now he felt so hungry and try to get the food on the plateau but failed. He tried to draw the attention of parents but they took no notice of him. 

He begged his mother to bring some food. His mother took a piece of fish in her beak. She flew across to him to inspire him. He leaned out eagerly and run to get the fish but his mother halted in the air. 

The sight of the food maddened  hungry to seagull. He dived to get the fish and found himself falling in the sea. He was horrified. Next moments he spared his wings outwards and find soaring. The hunger overcame his fear. He screamed with joy, next moment he was flying with his family.

Q. 3: “They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.” Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?

Ans. The seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?The young seagulls parents threatened and cajoled him to fly because they wanted him to become self dependent. They knew that he would never be able to do anything if didn't learn to fly. He would become completely dependent upon others for basic necessities of life.

You can compare the situation with the way your parents cajole and sometimes pressurize you to focus on your study. Excess of either love or pressure will not do well for you. You will be spoiled or you can become stubborn.

So a mix of carrot and stick always give the desired results. 

Probably seagull’s parents have learnt this lesson through their experience. That is why they are following the carrot and stick policy.


Q. 4: Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parents encouraged you to do something that you were too scared to try?

Ans. There can be variety of examples, like learning to ride a bicycle, or getting goose-bumps on a ferry wheel, or the apprehension while traveling alone for the first time.

You can try recalling how nervous you felt. What suggestions were given to you and how you overcame your fear to succeed in difficult acts which seem simple for you at present.

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