Class 03 English Ch. 19 HOW CREATURE MOVE

Class 3 
Page No 97:

Question 1:

padded    limb    crawl    dive    wiggles


1) Padded: to fill something with a soft material to make it soft 

2) Limb: an arm or a leg 

3) Crawl: to walk slowly using hands and knees 

4) Dive: to jump into the water 

5) Wiggles: to move from up and down or from side to side 

Page No 98:

Question 1:

Q. 1. Underline all action words in the poem.
The lion walks on paddes paws, 
The squirrel leaps from limb to limb, 
While flies can crawl straight up a wall, 
And seals can dive and swim
The worm he wiggles all around, 
The monkey swings by his tail, 
And birds may hop upon the ground 
Or spread their wings and sail
But boys and girls 
Have much more fun: 
They leap and dance 
And walk and run.

Action words in the poem:
Walk, leaps, crawl, dive, swim, wiggle, swing, hop, spread, sail, dance, walk, run.

Q. 2. Why do boys and girls have the most fun?
Ans. Boys and girls have the most fun because they can leap, dance, walk and run.

Page No 98:

Question 1:

1. Match the words in Column A with those in Column B.


Column A               Column B
Lions                        Walk
Squirrels                   Leap
Flies                          Crawl
Seals                         Dive
Worms                      Wiggle
Monkeys                   Swing
Birds                          Hop

Q. 2. Now make sentences of your own using the matching words.
(i) Lions – walk: 
Lion walkes in the forest. 

(ii) Squirrels – leap: 
The squirrel leaps from one place to another.

(iii) Flies – crawl: 
Flies crawl from on the leaf.

(iv) Seals – dive: 
Seals dive into the water to catch fishes.

(v) Worms – wiggle: 
Worms wiggle on the leaf.

(vi) Monkey – swing: 
Monkeys swinging on the branches of the trees.

(vii) Birds – hop: 
Birds hops on the ground and in the trees.

Q. 3. Arrange these movement words from slow to fast.
Run, walk, hop, crawl.
Crawl, hop, walk, run.

Q. 4. Underline the letters which are silent in the following words:

Walk, straight, more, caught, calm, talk


4)  Walk






Walk, Straight, More, Caught, Calm, Talk.

Page No 99:

Question 1:

1. Say Aloud.

(i) Squirrel
(ii) Question
(iii) Queen
(iv) Quilt
(v) Quiet
(vi) Quite

Squirrel, squirrel on the tree
Running quiet as can be
Quickly, quickly
Come catch me !

What do you do when you are bored?

Lakshmamma sings a song when she is bored.

Ratnakar reads a book.
Gopal talks to his friends. 
Anjaiah writes a story. 
Leelamma goes for a walk. Prabhakar goes to sleep.

What do you do when you are bored?

8. What do you do when you are bored?

Ans. I see TV or Magazine.

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