Class 04 || English || Ch. 07 WHY? (POEM)

Class 4 || English || Ch. 7 WHY? (POEM)


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Q. 1. Name a few things that sink.

Ans. Some things that sink into the water are lead, marble and stone.

Q. 2. List the questions that the little boy asks.

Ans. (Write any three question would you like to write.)

(a) Why do lead and marble sink?

(b) Why does sun shine?

(c) Why does wind blow?

(d) Why the clouds across the sky ?

(e) Why the sun sink behind the hills?

(f) Ehy the flowers die?

Q. 3. What sort of a boy is described in the poem?

Ans. A Curious boy is described in the poem.

Q. 4. Ram is curious little boy. He is always asking questions. One day he came home and asked his grandfather questions like:

(a) Why can’t we look at the sun during solar eclipse?

Ans. We can’t look at the sun during solar eclipse because it hides itself behind the moon.

(b) Why can’t we touch the sun?

Ans. We can’t touch the sun because it is too far from us.

(c) Why can’t we go out to play in the dark?

Ans. We can’t  go out to play in the dark because our eyes can’t see anything in the dark.

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Q. 5. Fill in the blanks with words from the poem which rhyme with the underlined words in the sentences.

Ans. Why is the sky so high?

Do you know the colour of snow?

Have you found who made the  sound

Put the glass in the sink after you finish your milk?

Q. 6. The spellings of these words are jumbled. Put them right and make sentences of your own:




I know the way to my school.



I can swim.



Lead is a heavy matter.



I am playing with marbles.



The sun sets behind the hills.

Q. 7. Discuss and write:

(a) Why do cats and dogs fight?

Ans. Cats and dogs both love milk do They usually fight over milk. 

They also fear with each other so they fight for safety.

(b) Why do we walk across the road, not run?

Ans. While crossing the road, we do not run because running because it may lead to accidents. 

We should walk after judging the vehicles on the road and this saves ourselves as well as others.

(c) Why do people like ice-cream?

Ans. The people like ice-cream because it is a cool desert. It has a good taste. 

Q. 8. Write down at least two questions using ‘why’


(a) Why is the rose red?

(b) Why do flowers have fragrance?

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