Class 8th English


8th class-

cbse English

 (It so happen)

Chapter-1 (How the camel got his hump) (Leo Tolstoy)




Q1) What tasks, do you think, were assigned to the dog and the ox?

Ans1) The dog was assigned the work of carrying sticks and the ox ploughed the fields.


Q2) Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert?

Ans2) The camel lived in the middle of the desert so that the man could not find him and assign some work to him. He was too lazy to work.


Q3) The camel said ‘Humph’ repeatedly. How did it affect him?

Ans3) It affected him badly as it imparted a bad impression of camel in other’s mind.


Q4) What, according to the Djinn , was the use of the ‘hump’?

Ans4) According to the Djinn, the hump was useful for storing his food and using it during continuous work for many days.


Q5) What did the camel eat when he lived in the middle of the Desert?

Ans5) The camel ate sticks and thorns and prickles when he lived in the middle of the noisy deserts.


Q6) What is the cure for the state of laziness?

Ans6) The cure for our laziness is that we should keep ourselves active. We should work until we perspire.




Chapter-2 (Children at work)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Velu stood on the platform but he felt as if he was still on a moving train. why ?

Ans1) Velu’s legs were feeling wobbly. Therefore, he felt as if he was still on a moving train.


Q2) What made him feel miserable?

Ans2) Velu had run away from his village. He was extremely tired because he had walked for the whole day. He had eaten only some peanuts and a piece of jaggery. He had no money. He had traveled without any ticket. He knew no one at Chennai. These made him feel miserable.


Q3) Velu traveled without a ticket. Why?

Ans3) Velu traveled without a ticket because he had no money.


Q4) How did he escape the ticket collector’s notice?

Ans4) The ticket collector had not come to unreserved compartment. Velu was lying on the floor near the door in that compartment. Therefore, he escaped the ticket collector’s notice.


Q5) Why had velu run away from home?

Ans5) Velu had run away from home because his father had snatched his earnings and spent it on drink. He also beat velu at will.


Q6) Why did he decide to follow the ‘strange ‘ girl?

Ans6) Velu had no ides where to go and what to eat. Therefore, he decided to follow the ‘strange’ girl.


Q7) Where did the girl lead Velu to? 

Ans7) The girl led Velu to a big garbage bin, overflowing with rubbish behind a big hall.


Q8)What did they get to eat ?

Ans8) They got a squashy banana, a vada to eat.


Q9) What materials are the ‘strange’ huts made out of?

Ans9) The strange huts are made of metals sheets, tyres, bricks, wood and plastic.


Q10) Is velu happy or unhappy to find work? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans12) Velu is not happy to find work. He had not run away from his village and come to this new place to dig through garbage bins, though he accepted the job temporarily till he found a better job.


Q11) What did Velu carry with him ?

Ans11) Velu carried the following with him a shirt, a towel and a comb.


Q12) What did Velu see on Chennai Central?

Ans12) Velu saw a large crowd on Chennai Central. Announcements were made on the loudspeaker. He saw the porters going by with loaded trolleys It was like a village fair.


Q13) What did Velu find on reaching the road ?

Ans13) Velu found many vehicles plying non-stop. Dust and smoke flew at him from all sides. It made him feel dizzy.









Chapter-3 (The selfish giant) (Oscar Wilde)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Why is the Giant called selfish?

Ans1) The giant is called selfish because he had built a wall around his garden so that no one could enter or play in his beautiful garden.


Q2) When Spring came; it was still winter in the garden. What does winter stand for or indicate here?

Ans2) It indicates that there were neither flowers nor birds could be seen in the garden.


Q3) Was the Giant happy or sad over the state of the garden?

Ans3) The Giant was sad over the state of the garden. Neither birds flew nor did flowers grow there.


Q4) The Giant saw a most wonderful sight. What did he see?

Ans4) The Giant saw that the children had made a hole in the wall and entered his garden. They were sitting on the tree branches. There was a little child in every tree. These were covered with flowers. The birds were also flying and chirping. This was a most wonderful sight.


Q5) What did  he realize on seeing it ?

Ans5) The Giant realized that the winter of his garden can end only if he allowed children to enter and play in the garden.


Q6) Why was it still winter in one corner of the garden ?

Ans6) There was still water in one corner of the Giant’s garden because in that corner was standing a little boy who could not climb upon the branches of the tree.


Q7) What change came in the Giant’s heart?

Ans7) The Giant’s heart melted. He decided to break down the wall of his garden. He really felt very sorry for his selfish act.



Chapter-4 (The treasure within)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What did HC have nightmares about ?

Ans1) HC had nightmares about appearing for a maths examination.


Q2) What did the principal say to HC which influenced him deeply?

Ans2) The principal said to HC he been seeing him from day one. HC was a good student but he never studied. He only focuses on playing. His mother, a widow, worked hard to pay off his fees etc. Principal advised him now rise to the occasion and study. These words of the principal influenced HC deeply.


Q3) HC wanted to join the police force. Why didn’t he?

Ans3) HC wanted to join force but his mother advised him to do his graduation.


Q4) In the architect’s office, HC was advised to drop everything and join architecture. Why?

Ans4) In the architecture’s office he found that the architect’s drawing of window detail was wrong. The architect accepted it.  His cousin’s husband asked him to draw a few specific things. He did that immediately and satisfactory. Hence he was advised to drop everything and join architecture.


Q5) What was Mrs. Gupta’s advice to HC?

Ans5) Mrs. Gupta saw his sketches. She told him that he was useless in everything else but his sketches were good. He should become an architect on growing up.


Q6) How did HC help fellow students who had lost a button?

Ans6) Whenever some students lost a button, they came to HC who would cut a button for them from chalk, using a blade. Thus he helped his fellow students who could not afford to have a new button.


Q7) Who, in your view, is an ‘unusual’ learner?

As7) An ‘unusual’ learner is one who fails in academics but tops in extra activities. He has some special talent that is not counted in academic score. A different learner is a potential achiever. He can leave others behind if somebody sets him on the right path.


Q8) How was Hafeez Contractor an unhappy school day?

Ans8)  Hafeez Contractor lost interest in studies. He cheated in the tests. He performed badly at school. His teachers caned him every week. It made him an unhappy school day.



Chapter-5 (Princess September) (Somerset Maugham)



Answer following questions in short.


Q1) How many daughters did the royal couple has?

Ans1) The royal couple had nine daughters.


Q2) Why were they named after the months of the year?

Ans2) The queen had expressed her inability to remember so many names. Therefore girls were named after the months of the year.


Q3) The king had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar?

Ans3) The king had a strange habit of giving gifts to the people who came on his birthday to congratulate him. This habit is called peculiar because usually people bring gifts on birthdays.


Q4) What was Princess September’s reaction to the loss of her parrot?

Ans4 ) Princess September was deeply shocked to find her parrot lying dead. She did not touch anything to eat.

Q5) What pulled the princess out of her gloom?

Ans5) She found a little bird flying about in her room and singing. On hearing its song her sadness disappeared. The little sweet bird pulled the Princess out of her gloom.


Q6) What is the king’s opinion about his councilors? Why did he form that opinion?

Ans6) The king had got tired of the same song “God save the king” because it remained him too much of his councilors. Moreover it smelt some danger for the king. He felt bored to hear of the councilors.


Q7) The eight princess made an offer to princes September. What was it?

Ans7) They offered that they would buy a red and yellow parrot with their own money collected among themselves. But Princess September rejected their offer.


Q8) What did the sisters advice the princess to do about her bird?

Ans8) The sisters advised the princess to put her new bird in the cage and not let it fly in freedom.


Q9) What did Princess September do to ensure the safety of her pet?

Ans9) Princess September put the bird in a golden cage. She told it that there was danger of cats to him at night..


Q10) How did the bird react to it?

Ans10) Bird opposed it. It did not want to be in prison. It wanted full freedom.


Q11) What persuades Princess September to give the bird his freedom again?

Ans11) The princess found the bird the nearly lifeless. The next morning, it had stopped singing at all. So she let it go out of the cage.


Q12) How did the bird react to it?

Ans12) The bird was filled with joy. It flew away to the far lands and promised that it would come back and sing for her whenever she wanted.


Q13) The eight sisters kept their windows shut. How did it affect them?

Ans13) The eight sisters kept their windows shut off. After some time, they grew ugly.

Chapter-6 (The fight) (Ruskin Bond)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) In what way is the forest pool different from the one which Ranji knew in the Rajputana desert?

Ans1) In the Rajputana desert, Ranji had seen only sticky and muddy pools. But the forest pool had a gentle clean water. He could see the smooth round pebbles at its bottom.


Q2) Between Ranji and the other boy, who is trying to start a quarrel.  Give a reason for your answer?

Ans2) Ranji tries to be friendly. The other boy is trying to start a quarrel. He claims sole hold on the pool. He wants to swim alone in the pool. He is ready to beat Ranji.


Q3) What is it that Rajni finds difficult to explain at home?

Ans3) In the violent fight Ranji got cuts and bruises that showed on his face, legs and arms. He finds it difficult to explain at home.


Q4) Rajni is not at all eager for a second fight. Why does he go back to the pool, then?

Ans4) Rajni was not eager for a second fight because he felt weak and lazy. Even then he goes back to the pool he didn’t want to accept the defeat.


Q5) Who was the better swimmer? How do you know it?

Ans5) Rajni was the better swimmer. He could swim the length of the pool a dozens times without tiring. Unlike the Punjabi boy he could easily dive also.


Q6) What surprise the Punjabi boy?

Ans6) Rajni dives straight into the water, cuts through it and surfaces easily It surprises the Punjabi boy.


Q7) What , according to you , makes the two adversaries turn into good friends in a matter of minutes? Explain it as you have understood it?

Ans7) Rajni dived straight into the water and showed his superiority to the other boy. His talent makes the two adversaries turn into good friends in a matter of minutes.


*Chapter-7 (The open window) (Saki (H. M. Munro))

*Chapter-8 (Jalebis) (Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi)

*Chapter-9 (The Comet – I) (Jayant Narlikar)

*Chapter-10 (The Comet – II) (Jayant Narlikar)


(Honeydew) Chapter-1 (The best Christmas present in the world) (Michael Morpurogo)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What did the author find in a Junk shop?

Ans1) The author found in a junk shop a roll-top desk.


Q2)  What did he find in a secret drawer? Who do you think had put it in there?

Ans2) In the secret drawer he found a small tin box. It contained Jim‘s last letter. According to me it had been kept there by Mrs. Macpherson.


Q3) Who had written the letter, to whom, and when?

Ans3) The letter was written by Jim Macpherson to his wife, Connie, on Christmas from the battlefield.


Q4) Why was the letter written –what was the wonderful thing that had happened?

Ans4) The letter was written at wartime to describe a unusual event which happened on the Christmas eve. It was wonderful as fritz celebrated Christmas in the terrible sight of war, they were joined by the German. They enjoyed together drinks and sausage. Enemies became friends for sometime in the battlefield.


Q5) What jobs did Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson have when they were not soldiers?

Ans5) Hans Wolf played a cello in the orchestra and Jim Macpherson was a school –teacher when they were not soldiers.


Q6) Had Hans Wolf ever been to Dorset? Why did he say he knew it?

Ans6) No, he had never gone to Dorset. He learnt about it from school by reading books in English. So he said he knew it.


Q7)  Do you think Jim Macpherson came back from the war? How do you know this?

Ans7) Jim Macpherson did not return from the war. We know this because on the box. , It was written “Jim’s last letter, received on January 25, 1915 .To be buried with me when the time comes.” These lines shows that Jim never came back from the war.


Q8) Why did the author go to Bridport?

Ans8) The author went to Bridport to meet Mrs. Macpherson to deliver her letter.


Q9) Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was?

Ans9) Mrs. Macpherson thought that he was her husband Jim Macpherson.


 Q10) Why do jim and Hans think that games or sports are good way of resolving conflicts? Do you agree?

Ans10) Jim and Hans thought that games or sports are good ways to resolve conflicts because no one dies in a sport. Neither the children got orphaned nor do the wives become widows.

I agree with this concept also as war gives nothing but deaths on both sides


Q11) What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it “the best Christmas present in the world”?

Ans11) Connie’s Christmas present was Jim’s last letter. She had been 101 years old. The last letter of her husband brought the sweet memory back after so many years. No other gift could be more pleasing and satisfying.

Chapter-2 (The Tsunami )


Answer following questions in short.


Q1)Why did Tilly’s family come to Thailand?

Ans1) Tilly’s family came to Thailand to celebrate Christmas.


Q2)What were the warning signs that both Tilly and her mother saw?

Ans2) Tilly and her mother saw that the sea slowly rose, and started to foam, bubble and whirlpools


Q3) Where did the smith family and the others on the beach go to escape from the tsunami?

Ans3) The smith family and the others on the beach go to the third floor of hotel to escape from the tsunami.


Q4) In the tsunami 150,000 people died. How many animals died?

Ans4) Not much animals died.


Q5) What do people say about the elephants of YalaNational Park ?

Ans5) People said that they have seen elephants running from the Patnangala beach just before an hour of tsunami.


Q6) What did the dogs in Galle do?

Ans6) The dogs refused to go for their daily run on the beach.


Q7) How are Meghna’s and Alma’s stories similar?

Ans7) Meghna and Almas , both lost their families in the tsunami and both saved their own lives by holding some wooden objects.


Q8) What are two different ideas about why so few animals were killed in the tsunami?  Which idea do you find more believable?

Ans8) The first idea is that animals possess a sixth sense and can foreseethe coming danger. The second idea is that they posses acute hearing capacity thathelp them to dedect the earth’s vibration. The second idea is much more believable because, it could be proved scientifically.

Chapter-3 (Glimpses of the past) (S. D. Sawant)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What do you understand by the company’s superior weapons?

Ans1) The company’s superior weapons mean all their wits, strength, rules and regulations.



Q2) Who is an artisan? Why do you think the artisans suffered?

Ans2) An Artisan is a skilled workman. British chopped off the thumbs of expert artisans so that they could not make goods.


Q3) Which picture, according to you, reveals the first sparks of the fire of revolt?

Ans3) The picture about “The Company’s Conquest” reveals the first sparks of the fire of revolt.


Q4) Do you think the Indian princes were short –sighted in their approach to the event of 1757?

Ans4) Yes, the Indian princes were short-sighted as they had been quarreling with one another on petty issues. They took the foreigner’s help to fight within the native land.


Q5) How did the East India Company subdue the Indian princes?

Ans5) The East India Company subdued the Indian princess by their policy of ‘Divide and Rule’.


Q6) Quote words used by Raja Ram Mohan Roy to stay that every religion teaches the same principles?

Ans6) “Cows are of different colours but the colour of their milk is the same. Different teachers have different opinions but the essence of every religion is the same.”


Q7) In what way did the British officers exploit Indians?

Ans7) The British officers exploited Indians in many ways. They imposed heavy taxes on Indians farmers and reduced import duty on goods manufactured in England and imported to India. Even they cut the thumbs of expert artisans.


Q8)Mention the four reasons for the discontent that led to the 1857 war of Independence?

Ans8) a) Indians had become slaves in their own country.

b) The East India Company destroied Indian industries.

c) There was huge difference in the treatment of the English men and the Indians.

d) The use of grease on the bullet was spoiling the customs of Indians as it was made of the fat of the cows and pigs.

Chapter-4 (Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of memory) (Satyajit Roy)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Why did the man stare at Bepin Babu in disbelief?

Ans1) The man was constantly reminding Bepin Babu of his trip to Ranchi. But he was completely unable to recollect the memory of the trip. The man recalled him many incidents but in vain. So the man stared at Bepin Babu in disbelief.


Q2) Where did Bepin Babu say he went in October ’58?

Ans2) Bepin Babu said that he had gone to Kanpur in puja with a friend.


Q3) Mention any three (or more) things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.

Ans3) To the surprise of Bepin Babu, Parimal Ghose knew about his family details like his wife’s death, his brother’s mental illness, his cut in the right knee, his dislike for hotel’s food etc.


Q4) Why did Bepin Babu worry about what Parimal Ghose had said?

Ans4) Bepin was worried that how Parimal Ghose could know so much about him. Moreover Parimal said that he was in Ranchi and he also gave some intimate details about him. But Bepin Babu was sure that he had never been to Ranchi.


Q5) Why did Bepin Babu first hesitate to ring up Mr. Mukerji? Why did he finally decide to do so?

Ans5) Mr. Mukerji could prove hat Bepin Babu was suffering from memory lapses. Bepin didn’t want to fall in a ridiculous situation. He finally decided to call because the thought was occupying his mind to such great extent that he was unable to focus on other things.


Q6) What did Mr. Mukerji say? Did it comfort Bepin Bapu , or add to his worried?

Ans6) Mr. Mukerji confirmed that he was in Ranchi in ’58. It makes him more worried and he even lost his appetite.


Q7) Who was Chunilal? What did he want from Bepin Babu?

Ans7) Chunilal was Bepin Babu’s schooltime friend. He wanted some help to get a job from Bepin Babu because he was going through a rough time.


Q8) Why was Dr. Chanda Puzzled? What was unusual about Bepin Babu’s lost of memory?

Ans8) Dr. chanda was puzzled because Bepin Babu had forgotten only about his trip to Ranchi, other things were intact in his mind. If there was memory lapses, he should have forgotten some other things also.


Q9) Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo falls. What do you think was the reason for this?

Ans9) Bepin Babu lost consciousness at Hudroo falls because he was overstressed by the thought of his memory loss. It leads him to serious condition of stress and anxiety.

Chapter-5 (The summit Within) (H . P. S. Ahluwalia)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What are the three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb?

Ans1) The three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb endurance, persistence and will power..


Q2) Why is adventure, which is risky, also pleasurable?

Ans2) People have natural urge for undertaking adventurous activity. They possess an internal love for adventure which is spiritual also. Climbing is also one such activity. It gives the climber many challenges to win over. A true climber accepts all hurdles. Victory over them gives him joy and satisfaction. It encourages him to take risk and go on.


Q3) What was it about Mount Everest that the author found irrestible?

Ans3 The peak of Mount Everest attracted the authr to itself because it is simply beautiful, lonely and the most powerful. So, its climbing could not be given up.


Q4) One does not do climbing for the fame alone. What does one do it for, really?

Ans4) One does not climb high peak for becoming famous alone. People have natural urge for undertaking adventurous activity. There is the feeling of satisfaction of this deep urge in completing difficult climbing. Climbing experience is physical, emotional and spiritual. It is an act of communication with God Almighty.


Q5) What were the ‘symbols of reverence’ left by members of the team of Everest?

Ans5) The symbols of reverence offered by the members of climbing expedition on the top of Everest were as follows.

1)      A picture of Guru Nanak left by H.P.S .Ahluwalia.

2)      A picture of Goddess Durga left by Mr. Rawat.

3)      A relic of Buddha left by Phu Dorji, and.

4)      A cross left by Edmund Hillary.


Q6) What, according to the writer, did his experience as an Everester teach him?

Ans6) According to the writer his experience as an Everester taught how to face the difficulties with strong determination. It also taught him to look within at the internal summit which is higher than the Everest.

Chapter-6 (The is Jody‘s fawn) (Morjorie Kinnan Rawlings)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What had happened to Jody’s father?

Ans1) Jody’s father had been bitten by a rattlesnake.


Q2) How did the doe save Penny’s life?

Ans2) To save Penny’s life they used doe’s heart and liver to draw out the poison.


Q3) Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?

Ans3) Jody wants to bring the fawn home because he doesn’t want to leave it to starve. Fawn was lonely after the death of doe.


Q4) How does Jody know that the fawn is a male?

Ans4) Fawn has all the spots in a line whereas in a doe the spots are everywhere. By this he came to know that the fawn is a male.


Q5) Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?

Ans5) Jody didn’t want Mill –wheel with him for two reasons.

Firstly if the fawn was dead or could not be found, he didn’t want to show his emotion.

Secondly if the fawn was found, the meeting would be so personal and emotional that he wouldn’t like to share it with anyone.


Q6) Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?

Ans6) Mill –Wheel was afraid to leave Jody alone because he might get lost or bitten by the snake.


Q7) How did the deer drink milk from the gourd?

Ans7) Jody dipped his fingers below the level of milk and fawn sucked his fingers.


Q8) Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?

Ans8) To save Penny’s life they used doe’s heart and liver to draw out the poison. The fawn belonged to that doe. It was ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve. So Penny Baxter allowed Jody to go.


Q9) What did Doc Wilson mean when he said,” Nothing in the world ever comes quite free”?

Ans9) Doc Wilson meant that if they had used doe’s life for their purpose, then they must take care of its fawn now.

Chapter-7 (A visit to Cambridge) (Firdaus Kanga)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Did the prospect of meeting Stephen Hawking make the writer nervous? If so why?

Ans1) Yes, the prospect of meeting Stephen Hawking make the writer nervous because Stephen Hawking was the ablest scientist on the earth. He was the worthy author of world renouned book “A brief History of Time”. He had become the successor to Issac Newton at the University of Cambridge. Meeting with such a great personality made the writer nervous.


Q2) Did he at the same time feel very excited? If so why?

Ans2) When he came to know about his presence in England, he felt excited. He wanted to meet him earliest possible. Even ten minutes meeting would be enough.


Q3) “I could feel his anguish” What could be the anguish?

Ans3) The writer observed his painful efforts to find the words on his computer. His eyes shut with the feeling of tiredness. Hence the writer could feel his anguish


Q4) What endeared the scientist to the writer so that he said he was looking at one of the most beautiful men in the world?

Ans4) The writer asked Stephen if he disturbed him in his work. Stephen replied at once in positive but then he smiled on one side. His face reflected unmatchable beauty. The writer was highly impressed by his frank confession


Q5) If ‘the lantern’ is the man, what would its ‘walls’ be?

Ans5) If the lantern is man, its ‘walls’ is the human boy.


Q6) What is housed within the thin walls?

Ans6) Light of life is housed within the thin walls


Q7) What general conclusion does the writer draw from the comparison?

Ans7) The writer draws a general conclusion that inside our body is the eternal soul. Everything else is an accessory.


Q8) What is the scientist’s message for the disabled?

Ans8) The scientists Stephen Hawking’s message for the disabled they should concentrate on what they are good at. They should make the best use of them and thanks God.

Chapter-8 (A short monsoon diary) (Ruskin Bond)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1)  Why is the author not able to see Bijju ?

Ans1) The author is not able to see Bijju because the whole atmosphere has been covered by mist.


Q2) What are the two ways in which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up?

Ans2) When the mist comes up all the birds fall silent. It covers the hills in utter silence. Mist also makes forest as deadly as it were midnight.


Q3) Which hills –station does the author describe in this diary entry?

Ans3) The author describes Mussoorie in this dairy entry.


Q4) For how many days does it rain without stopping? What does the author do on these days?

Ans4) It rained without stopping for nine days. The author walked through the room and looked out of the window to see late monsoon flowers.


Q5) Where do the snakes and rodents take shelter? Why?

Ans5) Snakes and rodents take shelter in roofs, attics and go-downs as their holes and burrows were over flooded with rain water.


Q6) Why did the grandmother ask the children not to kill the chuchunder? 

Ans6) The grandmother asked the children not to kill the chuchunder because she considered them lucky which brought money.


Q7) What signs do we find in nature which show that the monsoons are about to end?

Ans7) When monsoons are about to end, the lush monsoon growth reaches its peak and seeds of the cobra lily turns red.


Q8) What is the significance of cobra lily in relation to the monsoon season, its beginning and end?

Ans8) By observing life cycle of cobra lily one can predict beginning and end of monsoon. When the monsoon season begins, first cobra lily rears its head from the ferns and when its seeds started turning red, monsoon season ends.

Chapter-9 (The great stone face part -- I) (Nathaniel Hawthorne)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What was the Great Stone Face?

Ans1) The Great Stone Face was a rocky mountain that appeared above a valley. It had the resemblance of a human face..


Q2) What did young Ernest wish when he gazed at it?

Ans2) The young Ernest wished that the Great Stone Face could speak since it appeared so very kindly that its voice must be pleasant. He also desired to meet a man with such a face in his life..


Q3) What was the story attributed to stone Face?

Ans3) People had firm believe that a child would be born whose face would resemble the Great Stone when he would attain manhood.


Q4) What gave the people of the valley the idea that the prophecy was about to come true for the first time?

Ans4 A young man had gone out of the valley to live at a sea port. The man’s name was Gathergold. A rumor spread out in valley that he looked   like the Great Stone Face.


Q5) Did Ernest see in Gathergold the likeness of the Stone Face?

Ans5) Ernest did not see in Gathergold the likeness of the StoneFace. He was rather disappointed.


Q6) Ernest compared the mans face with the Stone Face. What did he conclude?

Ans6) Ernest looked at the General’s face and compared it with the stone Face. He could not recognize it because it was different. So he concluded that the general was also not the man whose face resembles the Stone face.

Chapter-10 (The great stone face part -- II) (Nathaniel Hawthorne)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) How was Ernest different from others is the valley?

Ans1) The thoughts which the Ernest expressed were so high that no one else could be expected to have spoken. This made Ernest different from the other people of the valley.


Q2) Why did the Ernest think the poet was like the Stone Face?

Ans2) Ernest liked the ideas expressed in the work of the poet. He started to believe that poet was like the Stone Face


Q3) What did the poet himself say about his thoughts and poems?

Ans3) The poet told Ernest that the distinct voice of a heavenly song could be heard in his own songs. But his life had been different from his poems. Sometimes he doubted in his own thoughts.


Q4) What made the poet proclaim Ernest was the Stone Face?

Ans4) When Ernest was speaking to the gathering, the poet was so moved by his thought.He looked closely at the face of Ernest and proclaimed that Ernest is himself the likeness of great stone Face.


Q5) Who , by common consent, turned out to be like the Great Stone Face?

Ans5) Ernest turned out to be like the Great Stone Face.


Q6) Did the Ernest believe that the old prophecy had com true? What did he say about it?

Ans6) Ernest did not feel in the end that the prophecy had come true. He wished that some wiser and better man than himself would by and by appear, bearing aresembalance to the Great stone face.

Poem -1 (The ant and the cricket) (Adopted from Aesop’s fables)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) The cricket says: “ oh! What will become of me?” When does he say it, and why?

Ans1) When winter comes and the cricket has nothing to eat, he cannot find even crumb. He is worried now for his food and shelter so he says “oh! What will become of me?”


Q2)What is you opinion of the ant’s principles?

Ans2)The ant’s principles are appropriate to some extents. But, we should not be so harsh to overlook ones starvation. Instead, we can make one realize one’s mistake.


Q3)The ant tells the cricket to ‘dance winter away’. Do you think the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why?

Ans3) The word ‘dance’ is appropriate here because it clearly make fun of the light and careless attitude of the cricket.


Q4) Why could the cricket not save anything?

Ans4)The cricket was in gay mood. He spent all his summer in singing and dancing.

Poem -2 (Geography lesson) (Zulfikar Ghose)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What was the view of the city, as seen from the windows of the aero plane? 

Ans1) The city looked haphazard, unplanned and without style from the window of the aero plane.


Q2) What is the logic behind the establishment of cities?

Ans2 The logic behind the establishment of cities is that land and water attracted man.


Q3) What could the poet not understand?

Ans3) The poet could not understand why the men on the earth had found cause to hate each other, to build walls across cities and to kill one another.


Q4) What facts about the earth have been mentioned?

Ans4)Earth is round and It has more sea than land. These facts about the earth are mentioned here.

Poem -3 (Macavity- The mystery cat) (T. S. Eliot)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) Is Macavity a cat really?

Ans1) It seems that Macavity is not really a cat.


Q2) If not, who can Macavity be?

Ans2) Macavity can be a master criminal.


Q3) Why is the Scotland yard baffled?

Ans3) The Scotland yard is baffled because they are not able to catch the master criminal, Macavity.


Q4) What is the reason of flying Squad’s despair?

Ans4) The reason of flying Squad’s despair is that when the flying Squad reach at the scene of crime, Macavity is not there.


Q5) What is the attitude of Macavity?

Ans5) Macavity behaves like a master criminal. He breaks human law as well as the law of gravity.


Q6) Which powers does Macavity posses?

Ans6)  Macavity possess the powers of levitation.


Q7) Where can Macavity be found ?

Ans7) Macavity can be found in the basement or in the air above.


Q8) Who has Macavity been compared with?

Ans8) Macavity has been compared with a snake.

Poem -4 (The last Bargain) (Rabindranath Tagore)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) The old man offered the speaker a lot of money. Why did he turn down the offer?

Ans1) The offer of the old man did not seem attractive to the speaker therefore he turned it down. Even he was not happy with it.


Q2) How did the speaker feel after talking to the child on the beach ?

Ans2) After talking to the child on the beach the speaker felt extremely happy.


Q3) Why and how did the king come?

Ans3) The king came to hire the speaker with his power. He came in his chariot having sword in his hand.


Q4) What did the old man want? Was he successful in his bargain?

Ans4) He wanted to hire the speaker with his money. No, he was not successful in his bargain.


Q5) Who did the speaker meet at last?

Ans5) At last, the speaker met a child.


Q6) What was the child doing and where was he?

Ans8) The child was playing with shells on the beach.


Q6) Explain, “I hire you with nothing”?

Ans9) It means that the child has no material thing. He has only goodwill and cheer to hire the speaker.

Poem -5 (The school boy) (William Blake)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What ‘A cruel eye outworn’ refers to? 

Ans1) It refers to the dull and uninteresting life at school with lots of work and no play.


Q2) What does the child not like?

Ans2) The child does not like to go to school in a summer morning.


Q3) How does the child remain in the school?

Ans3). The child remains in the school joylessly.


Q4) What does the child say about his attitude in the school?

Ans4) The child was neither interested in his books nor in the boring lectures of his teachers.


Q5) What does the phrase ‘worn thro’ with the dreary shower’ mean?

Ans5) The phrase mean ‘to be tired with the dull and boring shower of continuous lectures of teachers over the child.


Q6) Who are being questioned here?

Ans6) Father and mother are being questioned here by the child.


Q7) What does the phrase ‘plants are striped of their joy’ mean?

Ans7) The phrase means that the joy is taken away from the children.

Poem -6 (The duck and the kangaroo) (Edward Lear)


Answer following questions in short.


 Q1) Why is the duck unhappy?

Ans1) The duck is unhappy because of her boring life in the pond.


Q2) What does the Duck wish?

Ans2) The Duck wishes to hop like the kangaroo.


Q3) What request does the Duck make to the kangaroo?

Ans3) The Duck requests the kangaroo to give her a ride on his back.


Q4) Who is the Duck talking to?

Ans4) The Duck is talking to the kangaroo.


Q5) What requires a little reflection?

Ans5) The kangaroo requires a little reflection on the Duck’s request of a ride.


Q6) Why is the kangaroo worried?

Ans6) The kangaroo worried about duck’s unpleasantly wet and cold feet. He thinks that he will catch ‘rheumatism’ through it.


Q7) What does the Duck think over?

Ans7) The Duck thinks over the problem that the kangaroo has with her wet and cold feet.


Q8) Why and where does the Duck sit?

Ans8) The Duck sits on the rocks to think over the problem of her wet feet.


Q9) What suggestions does the Kangaroo give to the Duck? Does the Duck agree?


Ans9) The kangaroo suggests the Duck to sit steadily at the end of his tail. Yes, the Duck agrees it.


Q10) Where and when do they go?

Ans10) They go round the whole world thrice in the pale Moonlight.

Poem -7 (When I set out for lyonnesse) (Thomas Hardy)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) What time of the day has been mentioned in the poem?

Ans1) The late evening time has been mentioned here.


Q2) How is the weather?

Ans2) The weather is extreme cold as there was frost on the spray.


Q3) Where did the poet go?

Ans3) The poet went to lyonnesse.


Q4) What does the expression, ‘No prophet durst declare ‘ mean ?

Ans4) The expression mean that Even the founder of religion could not declare the results of the poet’s stay there at Lyonnesse.


Q5) What could the wisest wizard not guess?

Ans5) The wisest wizard could not guess what would happen if the poet stayed there at lyonnesse.


Q6) What happened to the poet and where?

Ans6) The poet had changed with magic in his eyes and rare and fathomless radiance on his face.


Q7) Explain –“All marked with Mute surmise!”?

Ans7) It means that everyone noticed something and they made guesses, but didn’t speak a word.

Poem -8 (On the Grasshopper and cricket) (John Keats)


Answer following questions in short.


Q1) “The poetry of earth” is not made of words. What “The poetry of earth” is made of, as suggested in the poem?

Ans1) The poetry of earth is made of the songs of its inhabitants.


Q2) Which season is mentioned here in first stanza?

Ans2) Summer Season is mention here.


Q3) Who is talking the lead and why?

Ans3) The Grasshopper is talking the lead to continue the poetry of earth.


Q4) Who is representing winter season?

Ans4) The cricket is representing winter season.


Q5) Write the meaning of the phrase ‘The frost has wrought a silence.’

Ans5) In winter, when it falls frost, everything becomes still. It refers to this stillness that is brought about by the frost.


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