2.3 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS (Part 3) With Notes


Important Notes:

Part 3

Some Important substances

01. COMMON SALT: - It is known as common salt. Its chemical name is sodium chloride. Its chemical formula is NaCl. It is used with food for taste. It is obtained from seas. Dandi March or Salt Satyagrah of Gandhi’s was also connected with salt.

Preparation: - It is formed by the reaction of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.
HCl  +  NaOH   ¾¾®  NaCl  +  H2O

Uses: - It is used for making of sodium hydroxide, baking powder, washing powder and as a raw material of bleaching powder.

02. SODIUM HYDROXIDE: - Its chemical formulae is NaOH.

Preparation:-  It is prepared by the help of electrolysis of water solution of sodium chloride.  Electrolysis decomposed into the sodium hydroxide, chlorine gas and hydrogen gas.
2NaCl + 2H2O  ¾¾¾®  2NaOH +  H2 + Cl2 
At this time the chlorine is released at [1]Anode and hydrogen at [2]Cathode. This process is also known as [3]chlor (Alkali)-base process.

Product of Sodium Hydroxide: - The products of Sodium Hydroxide are sodium hydroxide, chlorine gas and hydrogen gas. Chlorine is released at Anode and hydrogen is at Cathode.

Chlorine: - It is used in manufacturing of ammonium, Manures and to prepare of margarine gas.

Hydrogen Gas:-  It is used in water and swimming pools cleaning, to make P.V.C, as a insecticides or pesticides, it is also used in manufacturing of C.F.C.
Sodium hydroxide:- It is used for making of soap, artificial discomposure, paper and making of artificial fiber. It is also used to remove greases from the metals. 


03. BLEACHING POWDER : - The chemical name of bleaching powder is calcium oxichloride. The chemical formula of bleaching powder is CaOCl2 also known as chloride of lime


Manufacturing: It is manufactured by the help of reaction of chlorine with dry slaked lime [Ca(OH)2] .( Dry Slaked lime is also called as chloride of lime )

Ca(OH)2  +  Cl2  ¾¾® CaOCl2        +  H2O 
Only for knowledge :-
 [It is manufactured in Hasenclever plant. It consists of a number of horizontal cylinders in it with rotating shafts carrying blades. The slake lime poured into the uppermost cylinder through the hopper on revolving blades to down. The Cl gas, which released from the lowest pipe react with the lime, which is, gets saturated with it. The slake lime converted into bleaching powder, which we get into bottom.]
Only for knowledge :-
Reaction with Carbon Dioxide
CaOCl2 +CO2 = CaCO3 +Cl2
Reaction with Dilute Sulphuric Acid
CaOCl2 +H2SO4 = CaSO4 +Cl2 +H2O
Reaction with Dil HCl
CaOCl2 +2HCl = CaCl2 + Cl2 +H2O ]

Properties: Bleaching powder is yellowish white powder with chlorine smell; it loses its Cl into air. It is soluble in cold water.

Uses: For bleaching of cotton, linen and paper in industries. It is used for cleaning water. In manufacturing of chloroform CHCl3, For making wool unsinkable. It is used for whiteness of clothes in laundries. It is used as a oxidizing agent in chemical industries.

04. BAKING SODA: It is the compound of sodium. Its chemical formula is NaHCO3 and its chemical name is Sodium hydrogen carbonate. On heating it turned into sodium carbonate or soda ash.

Manufacturing or Preparation: It is manufactured by Solvay (Ammonia soda) process. It is the primary product of the Solvay process. The raw material used in its manufacturing are Sodium Chloride NaCl (Common salt), Ammonia (NH3) and Limestone (CaCO3)
NaCl + NH3 +  H2O +  CO2  ¾¾® NH4Cl  +  NaHCO3

Only for knowledge :-
[In this process the concentrated and cold sodium chloride (Brine) saturated with Ammonia drooped from the top of carbonating tower (Solvay tower). The tower contains perforated plates. And carbon dioxide is passed up into the tower from the base formed by the burning of calcium chloride.(CaCO3 = CaO + CO2).]
           In this process the   Ammonium chloride and sodium hydrogen carbonate is formed. Ammonical brine means the composition of sodium chloride, ammonia and water.

Properties: It is White Crestline solid and insoluble in water. The solution of baking powder is mildly alkaline. It is salty in taste. It release CO2 on heating so it is used as a constituents of baking powder and in effervescent drinks.

Uses: It is used as an antacid to remove acidity of the stomach. Being alkaline it neutralizes the excess acid of stomach and relieves indigestion.

It is used in making of soft drinks. It is used for making of sodium bicarb the medicine of stomach.

Baking powder is (the combination of sodium hydrogen carbonate and tartaric acid) heated then it decomposed into sodium hydrogen carbonate, carbon dioxide and sodium carbonate. So that it make spongy to the bread and cake. (Tartaric acid neutralized the sodium carbonate other wise they will be biter in taste.) It is used in cooking for the purpose of increasing the boiling point of water.

It is used in fire extinguishers. There are solution hydrogen carbonate and Sulphuric acid in it. When it mixed by pressing the knob a lot of carbon dioxide gas is produced. The pressure of stream of CO2 gas forces a stream of effervescing liquid on the fire and cuts off the supply of oxygen to fire.

It is use to lowered the boiling point of water at the time of boiling vegetables.

05. WASHING SODA: It is the compound of sodium. Its chemical formula is Na2CO3.10H2O. Its chemical name is sodium carbonate decahydrate. It has 10 molecules of water.
[Sodium carbonate without water is called anhydrous sodium carbonate Na2CO3. It is also known as soda ash.]

Manufacturing or preparation: It is manufactured by Solvay (Ammonia soda) process. The raw material used in its manufacturing are Sodium Chloride NaCl (Common salt), Ammonia (NH3) and Limestone (CaCO3)
NaCl + NH3 +  H2O +  CO2  ¾¾® NH4Cl  +  NaHCO3

The sodium hydrogen carbonate is slightly soluble in water and separated by filtration. On heating it converted into sodium carbonate (soda ash) it is the last product of Solvay Process.
2NaHCO3  ¾¾® Na2CO3  +  H2O  +  CO2
After dissolving in water we get washing soda.
Na2CO3  +  10H2O  ¾¾® Na2CO310H2O
Only for knowledge :-
 [Properties: - It is transparent crystalline solid. Its molecule contains ten molecules of water of crystallization. It loses the water molecules in the air.
It is soluble in water.  The solution of washing soda in water is alkaline which turns red litmus to blue. It shows efflorescence. On heating it loosed all the water of the molecules. It has cleaning or detergent prorates.]

Uses: It is used for softening of hard water. It is used as a laboratory reagent. It is used in Laundry as washing soda.  So it is known as cleaning agent. It is use in the formation of dry washing powders. It is used in the manufacturing of soap, glass, paper, baking powder, borax and caustic soda etc.

06. PLASTER OF PARIS (CaSO4 ½ H2O): - Its chemical formula is (CaSO4 ½ H2O). It is also called calcium sulphate hemi hydrate.
About 5000 years ago Egyptians prepared it by heating gypsum (calcium sulphate) in open air. It was manufactured in Monometer in Paris first time so it called Plaster of Paris.

Manufacturing or Preparation: It is obtained by heating of gypsum [CaSO4.2H2O] at 3730K in the form of calcium sulphate hemihydrates [CaSO4.½H2O].
CaSO4.2H2O ¾¾®CaSO4.½H2O+1½ H2O
It is white coloured powder. It is collected carefully otherwise it will turn into calcium sulphate after reaction with water. 
CaSO4.½H2O + 1½ H2O¾¾® CaSO4. 2H2O
The heating should be controlled carefully otherwise anhydrous calcium sulphate will produce which is different in properties.
Only for knowledge :-
Properties: It is a white powder. After mixing in water it converted into gypsum again.
CaSO4.½H2O + 1½ H2O¾¾® CaSO4. 2H2O

Uses: It is used for making toys, decorative material, cheap ornaments, cosmetics, blackboard chalk and casts for statues. It is also used to make fireproofing material. It is used in laboratories as sealing the apparatus. It is used for making plaster for setting the fractured bone. It is used for finishing of statues. It is used to decorate the house in the form of P.O.P. etc.

Water of Crystallization: - Water molecule present in crystalline solid is known as water of crystallization.
Washing powder [Na2CO310H2O] contains ten molecules of water of crystallization, gypsum [CaSO4.2H2O] contains two molecules of water of crystallization and copper sulphate [CuSO4.5H2O] contains five molecules of water of crystallization.

Efflorescence: The loss of crystallize water from any hydrated salt into the air is called efflorescence.
Na2CO3.10H2O  ¾¾® Na2CO3.H2O + 9H2O

2.2 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS (Part 3) With Notes

For Full Chapters, Detail With Note Read our 

*Vinjeet Science Class 10*

[1] Anode = Negative Terminal
[2] Cathode = Positive Terminal
[3] Chlor (Alkali)-base process : - In the reaction of Sodium Chloride and water the base (alkali) NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide) and Chlorine is formed so that this process is termed or known as chlor (Alkali)-base process.
2NaCl + 2H2O  ¾¾¾®  2NaOH +  H2 + Cl2 

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