2.2 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS (Part 2) With Notes


Important Notes:

Part 2


01. Reaction with metals: - Acid makes salt and hydrogen gas after reacting with the metal.
Acid + Metal = Salt + Hydrogen gas.
2Zn + 2HCl                   ¾¾®       ZnCl2 + H2
2NaOH + Zn       ¾¾®       Na2ZnO2 + H2

02. Reaction with metal carbonate or metal hydrogen Carbonate: - Acids releases salt, water and CO2 after reaction with metal carbonate or metal hydrogen Carbonate
Acid + metal carbonate or metal hydrogen Carbonate = salt + water + carbon dioxide.
Na2CO3 +  2HCl   ¾¾® 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
NaHCO3 + HCl    ¾¾® NaCl  + H2O + CO2

03. Reaction with bases: - By reaction with bases the acids form water and salt. This property is called a Neutralization reaction.
Acid + Base = Salt + water
NaOH +  HCl   ¾¾® NaCl + H2O

Neutralization Reaction: - The reaction between an acid and base to give a salt and water is known as a neutralization reaction. In this reaction acids and bases loses there reactivity.
NaOH +  HCl   ¾¾® NaCl + H2O

04. Reaction with metallic base or bases oxide:- Metallic oxide gives salts and water with bases are called Basic (metallic) Oxide.
Acid + Basis (Metallic) Oxide ®  Salt + water

Acidic (Nonmetallic) Oxide: - Which Nonmetallic oxide gives salts and water with bases is called Acidic (Nonmetallic) Oxide.

Basis (Metallic) Oxide: - Which Metallic oxide gives salts and water with bases is called Basic (Metallic) Oxide.

All the acids release Hydrogen gas after reacting with metals. Thus we know that all the acids have hydrogen as an element.

Water solution of an acid is conductor of electricity due to the presence of hydrogen ions.
H2O  +  2HCl   ¾¾®  H3O + + CI

NaOH    ¾¾®  Na + + OH

KOH    ¾¾®  K + + OH

Mg (OH)2    ¾¾®  Mg 2+ + 2OH
Strong Acid + Weak Base → Acidic salt + H2O
Weak Acid + Strong Base → Basic salt + H2O
Strong Acid + Strong Base → Neutral salt + H2O
Weak Acid + Weak Base → Neutral salt + H2O

Q. what do you mean by Dilution of acids? What is its process?
Ans. Mixing an acid or a base with H2O results in decrease of concentration of ions (H3O+/OH) per unit volume. Such a process is called as dilution.
     While diluting acids, it is recommended that the acid should be added to water and not water to acid because the process of dissolving an acid or a base in water is highly exothermic.
       If water is added to the acid, the heat generated may cause the mixture to splash out and cause burns and the glass container may also break due to excessive local heating.

Diluteness: - Changing / Decreasing of the concentration of (H3O + / OH) ions in per unit volume is known as diluteness of acid or bases. Diluteness is measured in the concentration of [1](H3O + / OH) ions in per unit volume. 

All the acids and bases are of the nature of diluteness. They changed their diluteness when they mixed with water.

2.2 ACID, BASIS AND SALTS (Part 2) With Notes

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*Vinjeet Science Class 10*

[1] H3O +  = Hydronium ion      OH = Hydroxyl ion.

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