Class 5th (EM) Science Test Chapter ; 5 and 6 Marks : 20 MM Timing: 1hr

Class 5th (EM)
Science Test Chapter 4, 5 and 6

Marks : 20 MM
Timing: 1hr

(A) Answer the followings 2× 7 = 14 Marks 

Q.1 What are miscible and immiscible liquids. Explain with examples.

Q.2 Write three properties of each, salid, liquid and gas.

Q.3. What is soil erosion? Explain.

Q4. How is sail formed ?

Q. 5 What are fossils and fossils fuels?

Q.6. Write these properties of all three types of rocks with two examply of each

Q.7 Give the definations of physical and Chemical change with example.

Q.8 What do you mean by the soil conservation?

Q. 9 What is matter ? What are its main types? How can we change the states of the substances?

Q.8 Define (any six) 1x6 = 6

(i) Matter
(ii) Soluble 
(iii) Humus 
(iv) Deforestation 
(v) Embankments 
(vi) Lava
(vii) Ore
(viii) fuel 
(ix) Crude oil

Q.1 What are miscible and immiscible liquids. Explain with examples.
Miscible Liquids
The two liquids mix or dissolve together and appear as one liquid are called miscible liquids.
Few examples of miscible liquids are alcohol, glycerine, milk, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. 
Immiscible Liquids
The two liquids do not mix or dissolve together and form favourite layers are called miscible liquids.
Few examples of miscible liquids are alcohol, glycerine, milk, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. 

Q.2 Write three properties of each, salid, liquid and gas.
Properties of Solids:
1) Solid has a fixed shape and a fixed volume.
2) Solid cannot be compressed.
3) Solids have a high density.
4) Force of attraction between the particles in a solid is very strong.
5) The space between the particles of solids is negligible.
Properties of Liquids:
1) Liquid has a fixed volume but no fixed shape.
2) Liquids can be slightly compressed. large pressure is required to compress them.
3) Liquids have lesser densities than solids.
4) Intermolecular forces of attraction is weaker than solids.
5) They have considerable space between the particles.
Properties of Gases:
1) Gases have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume.
2) Gases can be compressed easily.
3) Gases have the least density among the three.
4) Intermolecular forces of attraction are weakest.
5) The space between the gas particles is large.

Q.3. What is soil erosion? Explain.
Ans. The washing or Removal of upper layer of the soil due to the water and air is called soil erosion.

Q4. How is sail formed ?
Ans. Soil is formed when Rock are broken down into smaller pieces this process is called weathering. It is a neutral and silver process.

Q. 5 What are fossils and fossils fuels?
Ans. The fossils are the remains of the dead plants and animals which millions of the year ago swemp and decy.

The fuel formed by the fossils are called fossil fuels because they are obtained from fossils. Coal and petroleum are fossil fuel.

Q.6. Write these properties of all three types of rocks with two examply of each.

Igneous Rocks are formed by the cooling of magma.of Vacances.

Sedimentary Rocks are formed by the accumulation of sediments.

Igneous Rocks and sedimentary rocks change into metamorphic rocks.

Q.7 Give the definations of physical and Chemical change with example.
Physical Change
A change in which No new substance is formed is called physical change. It is a temporary change. It can be reversed. 

Chemical Change
A change, in which a new substance is formed is called a chemical change. It can be reversed. 
The original substance cannot be obtained from the final product.

Q.8 What do you mean by the soil conservation?
Ans. The protection of soil from being blown or washed away by water or wind is called soil conservation.

Q. 9 What is matter ? What are its main types? How can we change the states of the substances?
Anything that has weight and occupies space is called matter.
Three forms of matter-solid, liquid and gases. 
The states of substance can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling.

Q.10 Define (any six) 1x6 = 6
(i) Matter
Anything that has weight and occupies space is called matter.

(ii) Soluble 
Substances that dissolve when put in water are called soluble substances, like salt and sugar.

(iii) Humus 
The organic matter formed from the dead plant and animals is called humus.

(iv) Deforestation 
The cutting down of the trees is called deforestation.

(v) Embankments 
Strong walls of Rock and stones on the bank of the river are called Embankments or dams.

(vi) Lava
Liquid magma of volcanoes is called Lava.

(vii) Ore
The natural resources found in the earth crust is called minerals. 

(viii) fuel 
The substance are used to get the energy in the form of flame is called fuel.

(ix) Crude oil
The petroleum is called crude oil.

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