Letter to your father telling him how you found a solution in a difficult situation.

Write a letter to your father telling him how you found a solution in a difficult situation.

School Campus 
RSKV East Vinod Nagar

Dear father,

Thanks for your time and loving letter which we received yesterday I was very much pleased to read it in reference I am writing to you I am quite well here and hope that all the members of a family will be quite well there.

I just wanted to share a situation in which I was caught at the time of examination. After it I have been thinking about and have been practicing as well. I have learned how to figure out a solution of difficult situations without getting into panic.

The first thing to do is calm yourself and breathe in and out silently. Then start think logic and note down all the possible solutions of that problem. All  those solutions must be written according to the given themes of the question associated with them . This is a time when you are able to figure out a solution in minutes.

I hope the letter and the idea helps me in our difficult times.
I miss you and love you.
Your dearest son,

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