Diary Entry Q. After a gap of two years of pandemic, today you went to school in your proper school timing and sit with your friends. Share your feeling by writing a diary entry.

English Grammer Diary Entry

Q. After a gap of two years of pandemic, today you went to school in your proper school timing and sit with your friends. Share your feeling by writing a diary entry.

West Vinod Nagar,
17th March 2021, Thursday
Time: 10:30 am.

Dear Diary,

When our school announced to restart after the great pandemic situation of two years. This news brings a lot of excitement for me like other students, who were busy in online classes sitting at home from the long time of lockdown. 

After spending very boring schedules of online classes at home, finally I am feeling relaxed to get back the reaction of our respected teachers on our performances with blessings. As well as I am also looking at the cheerful journey in the school bus. I was very excited to get the flavour of an old classroom environment. A special type of feeling of joy for meeting friends face to face is overwhelming my mind. So, I am feeling a great thrill to get back to the old days in a new form.

But school authority has informed that the entire structures of classrooms are going to be changed. All the classrooms were divided into two segments to avoid a huge number of students in the same area. Before making entry into each classroom all of us will need to use sanitizer.

But in despite all the precautions, to be aware about our responsibilities to be safe from Covid -19. We are sitting at a social distance with covering our face with mask, which was realising us panic of Covid. 
We are not allowed to touch or taking the any type of the things from our friends. It was too boring me but I am afraid of the pandemic so I manage it very hard hearted. 

I thank god that after 2 years I am able to see our respected teachers and our best friends with our eyes.

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