Class 05 || English || Ch. 01 Ice-cream Man

Unit 1 (Part 1)

Ice-cream Man

When summer's in the City,
And brick's a blaze of heat,
The ice-cream man with his little cart
Goes trundling down the street.

Beneath his round umbrella,
Oh, what is joyful sight,
To see him fill the cones with mounds 
Of cooling brown and white: 

Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry,
For chilly things to drink 
From bottles full of frosty-fizz, 
Green, orange, white or pink,

His cart Mai be a flower bed,
Of roses and sweet peas, 
The way the children plaster round
 As thick as honey bees.

 Rachel field.

by Jitendra Singh Tomar



Reading is Fun

Q. 1.In which season is ice-cream popular?
Ans. Ice-cream is popular in summer season.

Q. 2. Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man?
Ans. Children feel joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man.

Q. 3. Name the different flavours of ice-cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart.
Ans. The Ice-cream Man has Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry in his cart.

Q. 4. What are the two things that the Ice-cream Man is selling?
Ans. The Ice-cream Man is selling ice-cream and chilled drinks.

Q. 5. What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem?
Ans. The ice-cream cart is compared to a flower-bed.

Let’s Write
Having an ice-cream on a hot summer day is exciting and enjoyable.

1.Write about some of the exciting and enjoyable things that one can do in the winter season.
Playing in the warmth of the sun.
Eating ground nuts, popcorn etc.
Vanilla, Mango Dwiet and Choco Bar.
Prices of all the flavours of all the brands range from Rs 10 to Rs 20. Choco Bar of Mother Dairy is the most popular ice-cream among children as well as grown ups.

Word Building
1. Colour the boxes that have rhyming words.

2. What do the following words describe in the poem?

•What are the describing words used in the poem for the following?

joyful              sight
little                cart
round              umbrella
cooling, brown and white mounds Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry flavour thick cluster

Fun Time
1.Draw and colour your dream ice-cream. Describe it using interesting describing words—the colours, the flavours, the size, how it looks, tastes, feels etc.
                    Ice-cream Bar
I like ok the ice cream choc bar. It is deep brown in colour. It has chocolate flavour. It is a big bat size bar. It is very tasty in flavour. I eat it with great pleasure. The chocolate layer is minds over its cream. it is so delicious. I love to eat it. I enjoy it very much.

2. Have you ever eaten kulfi, the ice-cream from North India?The following sentences describe how it is served but they are not in the correct order. Write the correct number before each sentence.

Ans.(i)The kulfiwala takes the kulfi mould out of the pitcher. He scoops out the kulfi on a plate.
(ii)He arranges some falooda around it.
(iii)Then he pours some sweet syrup over it and serves it.

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