Class 10 || English SR || Ch. 01 A Triumph of Surgery

Class 10th || Eng. SR || Ch. 01 A Triumph of Surgery

Summary of A Triumph of Surgery

A Triumph of Surgery is story of a small dog, Tricki who was pampered and overfeeded by his rich mistress, Mrs Pumphrey. Soon, the dog falls ill and the veterinary surgeon, Mr Herriot treated in his hospital. 


A Triumph of Surgery is story of a small dog, Tricki who was pampered and overfeeded by his rich mistress, Mrs Pumphrey. His mistress overfeeds them on tasty and unhealthy foods several times a day so Tricki gained weight and became lazy. 

He became bulky and his lack of movement worried Mrs Pumphrey. Soon, she consulted a veterinary surgeon Mr James Herriot for treatment of dog. Mr Herriot saw Tricki’s condition and took him to the hospital.

He put him on a hospital. The dog didn’t move and eat any food in first two days. On the third day, Tricki went outside and played with other bigger dogs in the hospital. 

Tricki ate the food that was given to him and also licked the bowls of other dogs for the leftover food.

Mr Herriot gave a balanced diet to Tricki along with physical exercise. Gradually, Tricki’s condition started improving and he started fighting with other dogs for the meals. 

His mistress, Mrs Pumphrey would send eggs so that her pet didn’t starve and get enough energy to recover from the treatment. However, James Herriot and his partners would eat the eggs daily for breakfast. Further, Mrs Pumphrey also sent bottles of wine to improve Tricki’s blood condition. But those again were consumed by Mr Herriot and his partners. He felt sorry for eating the food that was sent by Mrs Pumphrey for Tricki. Soon, as the little dog started showing signs of improvement, the vet decided to call the wealthy lady as she was very worried about her pet’s condition. When she arrived in the hospital to fetch her pet, Tricki was very happy and jumped on her. Mrs Pumphrey was filled with gratitude towards Mr Herriot for curing her dog and felt she couldn’t thank him enough for the wonder he had done to her pet. She felt this was indeed a triumph of surgery.

Conclusion of A Triumph of Surgery

In the chapter – A Triumph of Surgery signifies how rich parents indulge their children with expensive items, which prove harmful for their kids’ health in the long run. 

We hope this Summary helped the students to have a detailed understanding of the chapter. 

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