Write an application to your principal to excuse to attend the online classes.(Or) Write an application to your principal that you will not be able to attend online classes for four days, because your mother is going out of station to attend a family function.

Write an application to your principal to excuse to attend the online classes.
Write an application to your principal that you will not be able to attend online classes for four days, because your mother is going out of station to attend a family function.

The Principal 
RSBV West Vinod Nagar 
Delhi 92

14th December 2020

(Subject :– to excuse to attend the online classes for 4 days)

With due respect, it is to inform you that I (Karan Upadhyay) am a student of class 8th A. I would like to bring to your kind notice that I will not be able to attend online classes for four days, because my mother is going out of station to attend a family function. We have only one IOS phone in our family. I shall be grateful to you if you excuse me attending online classes from 14th December to 17th December 2020. 
Thanking you 
Yours obediently 
Karan Upadhyay

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