Class 04 || English || Ch. 11 Hawtha

Class 4 || English || Ch. 7 (POEM)


Page No 109:

Q. 1

wigwam    beavers    acorns    reindeer    timid


1) Wigwam: an oval shaped shelter 

2) Beavers: a broad tailed mammal 

3) Acorns: the fruit of oak 

4) Reindeer: a deer with large horns 

5) Timid: to show fear 

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Q. 1. Who was Hiawatha?

Ans. Hiawatha was a young little Red Indian boy.

Q. 2. Who was Nokomis?

Ans. Nokomis was Hiawatha’s old grandmother.

Q. 3. What did he learn about the birds?
Ans. Hiawatha learnt the language of the birds, Due to this he learned their names and all their secrets such as how they build their nests in summer, where they hide themselves during winters, etc.

Q. 4. What secrets did he learn about beasts?
Ans. Hiawatha learned the language of beasts. Due to this, he learned their names and all their secrets such as how beavers built their lodges, where the squirrels hid their acrons, how the reindeer ran so swiftly and why was the rabbit so timid.

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Let’s Listen
Q. 1.Whisper a secret in your partner’s ear. The partner will in turn whisper his secret in your ear.
Ans. Do yourself with your friends.

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Q. 2. Form a circle and whisper a secret into the ear of the person on your right. He in turn whispers into the ear of the person on the right. Pass the secret on till it goes around the circle. The last person will tell the secret aloud.
Is the secret the same as what the first child had whispered?
Ans. Do yourself with your friends.

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Let’s Talk
Q. 1. Do you think that.

Q. (a) Hiawatha liked learning new language?
Ans. Yes, Hiawatha liked learning new language.

Q. (b) Hiawatha called the birds ‘chicken’ and beasts ‘brothers’? What do you think his shows?
Ans. This shows that Hiawatha was very kind, loving and friendly to birds and animals. He considered them his family members.

Q. (c) Do birds have secrets?
Ans. Yes, the birds have their secrets.

Q. (d) Do you know the secret language of any animal? Tell the class about it
Ans. No, I don’t know the secret language of any animal so that I am unable to tell anything.

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6. Say aloud.

(i) Squirrel
(ii) Quarrel
(iii) Queen
(iv) Quick
(v) Quilt
(vi) Quill
(vii) Quiet
(viii) Quality

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1. Use words beginning with V sound like—
hat, house, hen, hide, horse, heart, hand etc. .
Make a pair of words, one a ‘describing word’ and one a ‘naming word’.
Happy Hiawatha, hungry hippopotamus, high’ horse, heavy hand,
* White hat
* Big house
* Fat hen
* Active hen
* Hide and seek
* New hat
* Kind heart
* Soft hand
* Beautiful house

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Q.1. Have you seen:
(a) a hippopotamus in a hat?
Ans. No.

(b) a hen in a beehive?
Ans. No.

(c) a helicopter with hair?
Ans. No.

(d) a horse drink honey?
Ans. No.

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Q.1. Make a story of the poem and share it with your friends. You can change Hiawatha’s name and give the name of your classmate. Start the story which other children can continue. You would began like this-

Once upon a time there was a boy called…

Ans. Once upon a time there was a boy called Vinjeet. He lived with his grandmother in the forest. he plays with animals and birds the whole day. She told him about the birds and animals. He watched their behaviour. He learned the language, names and all secrets of birds 🐦and animals. He came to know about many things. 
Vinjeet learns how the birds built their nests in summer and where they go in winters. He learned how beasts built their houses, where the squirrels hide their food, how the deer ran so swiftly, why the rabbit was so timid.
Vinjeet called birds and animals, chickens and brothers respectively. Whenever he meet them, he used to talk them in their languages happily.

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Let’s Write

Q. 1.This is a park where children talk to different animals and birds. Write four sentences about the picture. Use capital letters where required, complete sentences and punctuation.

1. This is a picture of a garden. 2. A cute girl come in the park to play with the birds and animals. 3. The birds and animals are sitting around her. 4. They talk with each other and share their secrets. 5. No one harms to each other. 6. Peoples are surprised to see them playing together.

Q. Now colour the picture.Ans. Colour the picture yourself.

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Q. 2. Where do the following live?

(а) Birds live in
Ans. nests
(b) Rabbits live in
Ans. burrow
(c) Beavers live in
Ans. lodges

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Q.3. Describe Hiawatha, his home and his friends in ten lines.

Ans. 1. Hiawatha was a young little Red Indian boy. 2. He lived with his grandmother. 3.His grandmother's name was Nokomis. 4. they lived in the forest. 5. He learned the languages of birds and animals. 6. He was very kind and loving.
7. He called the birds ‘Hiawatha’s chickens. 8. Among all the beasts, beavers, squirrels, reindeer and rabbit were his best friends. 9. He called them brothers.
10. He lived in Wigwam, the dome-shaped hut made by fastening mats, skins or bark over a framework of poles. 11. Hiawatha used to talk to the birds and animals whenever they met.

Q. 4. What did Hiawatha love?
Ans. Hiawatha loved birds and animals.

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Q. 5. Match ‘A and ‘B’ and write the complete sentences below:

(i) Whenever I am hungry, I eat.

(ii) Whoever comes first, wins.

(iii) Wherever I go, I have friends.

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Q. 6. Complete the following stories by using an appropriate word from the box given below –

my, his, he, your

(A) Ram was a farmer. ____ wanted to sell _______________ goats and sheep. So he went to the market. There _______ sold all ____________ animals to a rich man and got a lot of money. When he was going back to _______ village, three thieves stopped him. “Stop! Give us all _________ money.” Ram was very clever. He said, “I’ll give _________ money to the strongest of you.” On hearing this, the thieves started fighting amongst themselves. Ram slipped away quietly.


(A) Ram was a farmer. He wanted to sell his goats and sheep. So he went to the market. There he sold all his animals to a rich man and got a lot of money. When he was going back to his village, three thieves stopped him. “Stop! Give us all your money.” Ram was very clever. He said, “I’ll give you money to the strongest of you.” On hearing this, the thieves started fighting amongst themselves. Ram slipped away quietly.

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(B) Sitting on a tree a crow was enjoying a piece of bread. A hungry fox wanted to have that bread. _______ said very sweetly, “Dear brother, I’ve heard that __________ voice is very sweet. Please sing a song for me.” The foolish crow opened ____________ beak and the piece of bread fell down. The fox picked it up in _____________ mouth and ran away.

Ans. (B) Sitting on a tree a crow was enjoying a piece of bread. A hungry fox wanted to have that bread. He said very sweetly, “Dear brother, I’ve heard that your voice is very sweet. Please sing a song for me.” The foolish crow opened his beak and the piece of bread fell down. The fox picked it up in his mouth and ran away.

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Q. 7. Some words have similar sounds, but different meanings. Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blanks.
(a) The bird sits on a ____. (bow, bough).
Ans. bough.

(b) The squirrel has a long ____. (tail, tale).
Ans. tail.

(c) I have to leave at ____ (too, two).
Ans. two.

(d) This sum is _____. (right, write).
Ans. right.

(e) I can ____ the bird’s song. (hear, here).
Ans. hear.

(f) Do you _____ “a secret? (no, know).
Ans. know.

(g) The King sits on the ____. (thrown, throne).
Ans. throne.

(h) He is our school ____. (principal, principle).
Ans. principal.

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