1. Class 10th || English || Summaries of both Books

1.  Class 10th || English || Summaries of both Books 

Class 10th (Book 1) 

The First Flight

A Letter to God Summary in English

Lencho was a hard working farmer. He was expecting a good harvest this year. A hail storm came and destroyed his harvest completely. Lencho was very sad. However, he had a strong belief in God. He believed that God would help him. Also, he was an extremely straight forward man. Although working for a long time on the farm, he knew writing. Thus, he composed a letter to God. In the letter, he asked God to send him one hundred pesos. At that point, he went to the post office and put his letter into the post box.

The postman removed the letter from the letter-box. He read the address on it and laughed very much. Also, he rushed to the postmaster and demonstrated to him that strange letter. Moreover, the postmaster also laughed in the same way when he saw the address of God. However, on reading the letter, he got very serious. He lauded this man who had unquestioned faith in God and decided to help him in terms of money. He asked the employees of the post office to give charity. Moreover, he gave a part of-of his salary too. However, they were able to collect only a little more than 50 pesos as requested for by Lencho. The postmaster put the money in an envelope. It was addressed to Lencho.

On Sunday, Lencho once again came to the post-office. He asked if there was a letter for him. The postmaster took out the letter and handed it to Lencho. Lencho was not surprised after seeing the money. But when he counted the money, he became angry on God. He was sure that God could not have made a mistake. He took paper and ink and wrote one more letter to God. Then he put it into the letter-box.

After Lencho had left the place, the postmaster and the employees read the letter. In it, Lencho had complained to God that he had received only seventy pesos. Also, he requested God to send him the rest of the money this time. However, he asked God not to send the money through the mail. He wrote that the post-office employees were a bunch of crooks and thus might have stolen the money.

Conclusion of A letter to God

We learnt that Faith has the power to give us what we want, to fulfil our needs However, one must realise that humanity still prevails.

Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom Summary in English

“A Long to Freedom”, by Nelson Mandela is all about the struggle of freedom of South-Africa. On May 10, 1994, Nelson Mandela has taken the vow as the first black president of South Africa. And therefore it was becoming a new-born democratic country. Nelson Mandela took the oath as the first black president.

Many dignitaries from different countries had come to be part of the most significant day. In his speech, Mandela thanked all those dignitaries. Mandela assured his countrymen that his country would never ever experience the same suppression of one by another. Democracy had been established in South Africa and as a result, a government of no discrimination was established.

The people of South Africa sang two National Anthems as a symbol of that day. Mandela recalled that the reason for this movement was that Black-skinned people were exploited by the White people. He said that this type of suppression of people of South Africa is the origin of many stars. People must learn to hate first, because if they hate then they can be taught to love, as love comes from the opposite circumstances. He also says that a brave man is not that who does not feel afraid but who conquers it.

In life, a man has two major obligations. First towards his family, to his parents, to his wife and to his children and second on the other hand obligation towards his country, people and the community. Everyone fulfils his duty as per his inclination and interest. But it was very tough to fulfil in a country like South Africa. When Mandela became an adult then he understood that his freedom was only an illusion. In fact, he was the slave of exploitation. He also understood that not only he was a slave but his other family members were also.

According to him, Freedom is also mandatory for them who were suppressing others in the past. They also have the right to have it because snatcher of other’s freedom is a prisoner of the same. Thus, the oppressor is as much a prisoner as the oppressed. The oppressor too is not free.

Conclusion of Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

The brave man is not the one who does not feel afraid, but he is the one who conquers that fear. Mandela said that every man has his duties towards his country and community too.

From the Diary of Anne Frank Summary in English

The author feels that it is strange and unusual for her to write a diary because it is the first time she is doing it. She feels that in the future no one will read about a young girl’s past experiences. But then she puts these thoughts away and decides to write her thoughts. The author is feeling very lonely as she has no friends to talk to. She wants to give her need of friend a shape, hence decides to name the diary as “kitty”. The writer feels that the paper has more capacity to absorb thoughts rather than people who have low patience level. She has a good time with friends but cannot share everything with them as they are not true friends. She refers to her father as the most lovable who presents her the Diary on her 13th birthday.

On June 20, 1942, she mentions how her class is nervous about their results. The author says that the only subject she is unsure about is mathematics. She and her friend, G are trying to stop the students from making noise, but to no avail. According to the author, about the quarter of the class should not pass as they do not participate in any activities.

Anne recalls how the maths professor is constantly irritated by her talkativeness. While talking in his classes he gives her extra homework as punishment. The first punishment is to write an essay on “Chatterbox”, which the author thinks as weird. She imagines about the topic and decides to present concrete arguments in support of talking. She writes that she will try to better herself but cannot eliminate talking completely. The professor finds it amusing but allots another topic after she did not change her nature.

The topic is An incorrigible chatterbox which refers to a habit that is difficult to change. After keeping an eye on her, the professor gives her another topic, Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox, as a punishment. She runs out of thought after writing two times on a similar topic. She decides to write her third topic in the form of a poem and writes a satire and luckily the professor takes it lightly. The professor recites the entire poem in front of the class and the author talked uninterruptedly after this.

Conclusion of From the Diary of Anne Frank

In the story From the Diary of Anne Frank, we can conclude that a young student needs to talk and feel joyous in order to stay mentally fit.

Two Stories about Flying Summary in English

The story of His First Flight is based on a young seagull who is afraid to fly because of distrust on its wings. All his younger siblings can fly fearlessly despite their shorter wings. On the other hand, the young bird cannot gather the courage to trust his wings. He always becomes afraid when coming forward to the brink of the ledge and attempting to fly. His mother and father come around calling him and threatening him starve on the ledge unless he flies. Despite all the upbraiding and calling to him shrilly, he could not move. All-day long he watches his parents fly with his siblings and teaching them how to skim the waves.

One day the whole family flies to a big plateau and on the opposite cliff, the seagull is sitting hungry. He begs his mother to bring him some food. His mother picks a piece of fish and flies across to him. Maddened by hunger, he jumped at the fish with a loud shout. He falls outward and downward into space and he can feel his wings cutting through the air. The next moment he is flying fearlessly and his siblings soaring and diving with him.

The narrator of the story, Black Aeroplane is a pilot who elaborates on his misjudgment and how it creates problems. In the lesson, the pilot is flying from Paris to London and dreams about the holiday with his family. He is flying over a city and thinks about the tasty breakfast after landing. After crossing Paris he gets a look of the dark clouds, signifying the upcoming storm. For the sake of safety, he should turn back to Paris but he decided otherwise. To fulfil his dream of a holiday, he risks the life of passengers and heads the plane into the storm.

Everything gets dark and all the instruments stop working. He lost control of the plane and the hope of their survival becomes bleak. The very less amount of fuel is left and the pilot starts panicking in the situation. Suddenly he sees another plane flying next to him through the storm. The pilot turns his plane to the north in order to follow the strange Aeroplane. The pilot starts frightening again as the fuel is getting low. The anonymous pilot guides them out of the storm and disappears. After landing, the pilot asks about the other plane but is left in shock to know that there was no other plane in the sky, except his.

Conclusion of Two Stories about Flying

The first part of the story teaches us that the inner strength of the person is always helpful in overcoming difficult situations, while the second part teaches us that we should not risk the lives of others to fulfil our dreams.

The Hundred Dresses – I Summary in English

This story revolves around a girl Wanda Petronski and her classmates, mainly Peggy and Madeline who were always making fun of her. Wanda Petronski was a Polish immigrant, and she had come to America with her family. She took admission in the school of American students. Her classmates found her name to be strange and probably, the weirdest in the classroom. This is because they all had an easier and common name.

Wanda was poor and always came to school wearing a faded blue dress. She was quiet and always found sitting in the corner of the classroom. Although she claimed that she had a hundred dresses and sixty shoes at her home. Two best friends, Peggy and Maddie were the most famous girl in school while anyone barely knew Wanda. The story is about the viewpoint of Maddie, who was the best friend of the main player in the daily taunting and teasing.

Peggy and Maddie always wait for Wanda before school even if they were late. Maddie was a poor girl, but she herself did not like it when Peggy made fun of Wanda. She was afraid that she could be a target. She wanted Peggy not to make fun of Wanda, but could not have the courage to face her. Because she was afraid that she may lose her best friend. Though, Peggy’s purpose was never to hurt Wanda. But she was very eager to know why Wanda had to lie that she had a hundred dresses in her closet.

The truth about the same hundred dresses revealed on the result day of the drawing competition. The room was having one hundred drawings representing different dresses, each extremely beautiful. That day, she truly had a hundred dresses and all lined up, but in the classroom. At that time, Peggy and Maddie, who were awestruck and realized the theory of a hundred dresses. They felt guilty about having treated her badly

Conclusion of The Hundred Dresses – I

This story is about the matter that doesn’t mistreat anyone for being different. This story is teaching everyone that we should never make fun of the unique differences of our fellow human beings and try to accept them as they are.

Summary of the Hundred Dresses – II

In this article, you will be reading the hundred dresses summary. Eleanor Estes is the writer of The Hundred Dresses story. It is a story based on the real experiences of the author. In continuation of the previous lesson, “The Hundred Dresses II” discloses the fact that why Wanda Petronski had been absent from the school. The Petronski family decided to shift to a big city where no one would care about their uncommon name. The whole class along with the teacher got shocked by this news. On hearing the note, Maddie and Peggy both were worried as they understood that they would never get a chance to apologize for all the teasing that they had done. Both the girls got to know that Wanda liked them a lot. Due to this Wanda had dedicated one of the hundred dresses based on drawings to each one of them.

The lesson starts with a letter received from Wanda’s father. This letter was informing the school about their decision of moving to a big city. Because there nobody would tease Wanda for her uncommon name as well her appearance. After knowing the content of the letter through the teacher the whole class was in a shock. And they realized their derogatory comments and attitude towards Wanda.

Maddie felt so bad that she is a coward and never stopped Peggy from making the fun of Wanda. This is the reason that’s why she couldn’t focus on her studies after knowing the facts. She desired to meet Wanda to clarify her stand that she never meant to hurt her feelings. So, she made up her mind to go to her house and tell her also that she has won the prize. When the school was over Maddie and Peggy both visited the residence of Wanda at Boggins Height to meet her.

But till that date, the girl, Wanda and her family had already left from there. So, their visit was fruitless. Then both girls wrote a friendly letter to Wanda to tell her that she had won the contest. But after many days still, there was no answer from Wanda. It was the time of Christmas when Miss Mason got a letter from Wanda. Wanda had written a letter and wished Merry Christmas to all the girls. Further, she wrote that the girls could keep those hundred dresses because in her new house she will have a hundred new ones. She gifted all special drawings to Peggy and Maddie.  They accepted and pinned them in their bedrooms.

Maddie gazed for a long time at the picture and found that the face in the drawing was resembling her own face. Then she ran to Peggy’s house to see her drawing too. Peggy was also happy after getting the same in the drawing. Peggy has consoled herself that Wanda will really like them. Maddie agrees to all this and blinks away the tears which came when she thought of Wanda Petronski. There are a lot of instances in the story showing how racism affects the social and personal lives. This story is making people realize and feel about such discrimination.

Conclusion of the Hundred Dresses – II

This story is giving a message about the racial discrimination society. It is one of the ills of our society which has an adverse impact on the people.

Summary of Glimpses of India


A baker from Goa is a story that relates to the time when there was Portuguese rule in Goa. The story is of a baker living in a Goan village. During those times people ate loaves of bread. These were made in big furnaces. The bakers known as paders would come to sell these bread in the street and would make a jingle sound with the bamboo. Although, nowadays we may not see these loaves but may sometimes see the furnaces and some bakers carrying on the traditional business of their forefathers. The author remembers the coming of the baker twice a day during his childhood days. He was the author’s friend and guide. The maidservants in the author’s house would buy loaves of bread which they ate with tea.

During those days, bread was an important part of any occasion especially the sweet bread, Bol. Also, the baker had a peculiar dress, Kabai. It was a single-piece frock that would reach up to knees. Baking was a profitable business at that time.

Coorg is a story describing the Coorg or Kodagu, the smallest district of Karnataka. The author describes Coorg as a heavenly place that lies between Mangalore and Mysore. It is certainly God’s abode as it has evergreen forests, spices and coffee plantations. From September to March, the weather is good here and thus many tourists come to visit the place. The air here has the coffee aroma in it.  There’s a famous story about the Greek or Arabic descent of the Coorg people that a part of Alexander’s army had to settle here as it was not possible for them to return. They thus settled here and married with the locals. We may find people of Coorg wear Kuppia, a long black coat similar to the kuffia that Arabs wear.

People of Coorg are also very brave. The Coorg Regiment of Indian Army is one of the most significant regiments. Also, our first army chief, General Cariappa hails from Coorg. The forests and hills of Coorg provide a major source of water to the River Cauvery. Also, Mahaseer, the largest freshwater fish is found in these waters. From the top of the Brahmagiri hills, we can see the complete view of Coorg. Also, Buddhists monks live in Bylakuppe in the Island of Nisargadhama near Coorg.

The last story Tea from Assam starts with two friends, Rajvir and Pranjol travelling to Assam. On their way, they buy the tea from a roadside vendor. While sipping the tea, Rajvir tells Pranjol that people drink over 800,000,000 cups of tea throughout the world in a day. While Rajvir is looking at the beautiful and serene scenery, Pranjol is busy reading detective book. There were tea-bushes all over as far as one could see. They also saw a building which was a tea garden.

Assam has the largest tea plantations and no one knows who discovered the tea for the first time. But, there are many legends associated with it. According to a Chinese legend, a few branches of tea fell accidentally in the boiled hot water. The Emperor liked the delicious flavour. This is how it came into being. As per an Indian legend, Buddhist Monk, Bodhidharma cut off his eyelids as to avoid sleep during meditation. About ten tea plants grew out of these and thus, they banish sleep when put in hot water and drunk. Both of them got down at Mariani Junction and went to Dhekiabari Tea Estate. There they saw women plucking tea leaves. Pranjol’s father had come to receive them there and said that he knew a lot about tea plantations. Rajvir says that he is keen to learn from him.

Mijbil the Otter summary in English

The story starts with the writer travelling to Basra along with his pal. At some point in their journey, the author expresses his choice to domesticate an otter because after he had lost his pet dog, he feels lonely. His buddy advised that he should get one from the Marshes along river Tigris in Iraq. As they reached the destination, they discovered that only the friend’s mail had arrived. After some days, the buddy left whilst the narrator is still waiting to receive his mail. After receiving it, he went to his room to discover an otter (introduced to him in a sack), accompanied by the aid of Arabs with a message. He named the otter Mijbil, and in short form Mij.

It took some time for Mij to get familiar with his surroundings. Mij cherished playing with water and learned to open the faucet himself. The time is passing smoothly in Basra, however, now it was time to go back to London. As British airlines did not permit animals, so, he had to book some other flight that allowed Mij on a flight, but in a box. The narrator put him in a box an hour before the flight in and left for having a meal. As he comes back, he found that box was still and Mij had created holes and destroyed the internal lining. As a result, blood was coming out of the holes. He became scared and rushed to the airport as its only ten minutes left for the flight to take off.

He cleaned the box and reached the airport on time. Also, he explained the whole incident to the air hostess who suggested him to keep the container on his lap. Gavin was thankful for her kindness towards him. As soon as he opened the container, the otter leapt out and disappeared thereby developing chaos in flight. Passengers had been fearful. The air hostess had taken him again to Gavin and eventually, they reached London. Mij was fond of ping-pong balls and marbles. He even developed recreation with the narrator’s broken suitcase.

The narrator took him to walk and the people of London had wild guesses about the animal. A few people think him to be an infant seal, squirrel or maybe a hippo. The utmost shocking response came from a labourer digging the hole who asked the author, “what’s that purported to be?”

Conclusion of Mijbil the Otter

The story explains the bond of the author and his pet otter, and the series of incidences happened during their journey to London.

Madam rides the bus summary in English

This is a sensitive story of a Tamil girl Valliammai or Valli who is only eight years old. She was curious to know about the outside world. Also, she did not have friends to play. So she keeps standing inside the doorway of her residence and watch people in the street. This was her favourite pastime. However, she was always mesmerized by the bus journey. There travelled a bus between her village and the closest city. She started collecting information about the timings of the bus from her neighbours. The bus travels to the town near her village which was approximately six miles from her village. The fare was thirty paise for one way. So, Valli started saving money for the bus fare.

She planned to travel in the afternoon when her mother was having her nap. Valli was standing on the roadside waiting for the bus. As the bus came she told the conductor she wants to go to town. The conductor was a jovial person. He called her Madam and showed her the seat. The bus was new and painted in green and white colour stripes. The bus was comfortable and seats were luxurious. On her journey, she enjoyed watching mountains, green fields, and palm trees grassland. She was experiencing it all for the first time by her own eyes. On her way to the town, she saw a young cow that came in front of the bus while crossing the road. The driver blew the whistle and the cow crossed by. All this is very fascinating for Valli. It was like a dream come true for her.

She was watching everything but the outside landscape was her prime focus. After some time the bus reached the final destination and all the passengers got down. The conductor asked her to get down but she told that she was there for the bus ride. The conductor smiled listening to her reply. Valli remained on the bus and had taken a return ticket from the conductor. The bus started and on her way back home she saw the same cow dead by the roadside. This made her heart cry. She thus became sad and tried to understand the meaning of life and death in her own terms. She came back home but did not share a word about the journey with her family.

Conclusion of Madam rides the bus

The story illustrates the desire of a small girl and how a bad incident makes her understand the matters of life and death.

Summary of The Sermon at Benares

In this article, you will be reading about the sermon at Benares summary by Betty Renshaw. He was an author of such books like Values and Voices. In this chapter, he throws light on the early life of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha was originally born as a prince in the royal family. However, on exposure to the sufferings of the world, he left his prince hood. Then, he went in search of salvation. Thus, he left all the worldly pleasures behind. Moreover, when he attained spiritual awakening, he gave his first sermon in the city of Benares. He made a lady named Kisa Gotami realise that men are mortal. Also, a wise person never grieves at what is unavoidable. It only enhances pain and suffering.

Gautama Buddha was born in a North Indian royal family. He was born as a prince. Moreover, his childhood name was Siddhartha Gautama. He was sent to a faraway place to study Hindu sacred scriptures at the age of twelve. Then, upon returning after four years, he got married to a princess. Soon, they both were blessed with a son. Then, they continued to live the royal life for about ten years. The Royals were shielded from the unpleasant experiences of the world.

However, one day, on his way to hunt, the Prince met a sick man, an aged man, a funeral procession and a monk who was begging for. Such experiences acted as an eye-opener for him Hence, he left all the royalty behind to seek a higher sense of spiritual knowledge. Then, when he attained salvation, he began preaching. His first sermon given in the city of Benares. There was a lady whose name was Kisa Gotami whose son has died. She was suffering from unending pain. Thus, she went from house to house looking for medicine to make her son alive. People thought that the lady has lost her senses.

However, one day, she met a man who directed her towards Lord Buddha. He felt that Buddha could possibly have a solution for her problem. Then, Buddha asked her to look for mustard seeds and the seeds must be procured from a house where there had been no death. Filled with hope, Kisa Gotami once again went on a search from house to house but she could not find mustard seeds from a house according to Buddha’s condition. Thus, she was disheartened and sat at the edge of the road where she realised how selfish she had been. She realised the fact that men are mortal. Also, no one could escape the cycle of life. This was the only fact that Buddha wanted her to understand.

According to Lord Buddha, feelings of grief and sorrow increases man’s pain and suffering. It serves no other purpose. Moreover, it deteriorates the health. Thus, a wise person who is fully aware of nature’s functioning must not grieve at something bound to happen. This is the only way in which he can be happy and blessed.

Conclusion of The Sermon at Benares

The first sermon of Lord Buddha at Benares was the holiest. It ended the suffering of a lady who had lost her son. She accepted the truth and thus freed from pain.

Summary of A triumph of Surgery

Here we are explaining A triumph of Surgery Summary. Mr. Pumphrey was a rich and emotional lady who has a cut dog Tricky. She loved him so much that she always overfed him. Therefore, Tricki had put on a lot of weight and hence became lethargic. When Doctor Herriot saw the fat, he was shocked. Then he made a plan and told Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki must undergo for treatment of the ailment in the hospital.

There the greedy dog had to compete with other dogs to get food, otherwise, he had to remain hungry. Soon he lost a lot of his body weight, therefore he became quite active. When Tricki was at home he was having a luxurious life. But when he came to the doctor he became all right due to the natural lifestyle. When Mrs. Pumphrey saw her active dog she thanked the doctor a lot and she felt that it was a triumph of surgery.

A Triumph of Surgery Summary in English

James Alfred Wight is popular as James Herriot, and He was a British veterinary surgeon and writer too. He has written this story A triumph of Surgery. The story starts when Mrs Pumphrey, a rich lady takes her dog Tricky for a walk outside. A nearby veterinary doctor saw the dog and is in a shock as the dog looks like a bloated sausage having leg at each end. Then He advised her to stop giving him diet. But Mrs Pumphrey is not able to refuse the dog. Soon Tricky fell sick and the doctor was called.

The narrator, Mr. Herriot somehow takes Tricki to his hospital for treatment, even knowing the fact that Mrs. Pumphrey will never leave the dog. He took the dog along and puts a bed for him in his surgery. For two days dog did not move much and also did not eat anything. On the third day he wanted to go outside and there he started playing with the bigger dogs. He also licked the bowls of other dogs to eat the remaining food.

His condition started improving rapidly. Also, he started fighting for his meals with other dogs. After hearing this news Mrs. Pumphrey started sending eggs to the hospital as she thought that Tricki needed energy foods after recovery. But Mr. Herriot and his partners started eating those eggs as morning breakfast.

Also, for improving Trick’s blood, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending wine in bottles. But again, Mr. Herriot consumed those. Not only this, when she started sending brandy in bottles they consumed that also. After few days Doctor took a wise decision and called up Mrs. Pumphrey as she was much worried, for taking Tricki back home. Tricki was very happy to see his mistress and jumped into the car. Then Mrs. Pumphrey said that she won’t be able to ever thank him for all this wonder. And she said that his surgery had been successful as Tricki was now cured.

Conclusion of A triumph of Surgery

The story signifies that the parents should not be indulgent which may harm their children.

The Proposal summary in English

The curtain rises with Lomov entering his neighbour Chubukov’s house in neatly dressed up attire. Chubukov in great curiosity to see him well-dressed and asks him the occasion. Lomov reveals that he had come for a desire. Chubukov assumes that he must have come to ask for money which he does not want to return. After knowing that Lomov had come to invite Chubulov’s daughter, Natalya’s hand in marriage, Chubukov leaves to call Natalya. Lomov is a 35 years old gentleman who suffers from palpitations and gets upset very easily. He thinks it’s the right age for him to marry and is happy that he is choosing Natalya. He believes, Natalya is average-looking and an honest caretaker.

On Natalya’s arrival, Lomov initiates the conversation about the cordial terms of both the families. While continuing to speak about his land, he somehow mentions Oxen Meadows which earlier was a disputed property but is now his. Natalya is in the perception that Oxen Medows belong to her family. Both enter into a heated discussion and act childishly and Chubukov’s entry made it more heated. They shout and scream while Lomov suffers from extreme palpitation and a numb foot. They throw Lomov out of the house and continue abusing him. While defaming him, Chubukov accidentally reveals that he had a wedding proposal for Natalya which surprises Natalya, and she suddenly regrets sending him out. She tells her father to bring him back and Chubukov banes himself for being the father of a young daughter.

When Lomov returns, Natalya tries to deviate the topic by talking about shooting. Little later they enter into a debate on their dogs. Natalya strongly believes that her dog Squeezer is better in comparison to Lomov’s Guess. They continue arguing when Chubukov enters the scene only to form things worse again. Everyone gets hyper and Lomov finally falls because of palpitations. Even then, the cursing continues when suddenly Natalya notices that he’s unconscious. As they find him unable to drink water, declare him dead. After a while Lomov moves a bit, they give him some water to drink and Chubukov forcefully hands over Natalya’s hands to him, gives his blessings and asks them to kiss. After regaining his senses, he expresses his excitement and kisses Natalya’s hands. Natalya again keeps convincing him that Squeezer is better than Guess but Lomov, being adamant refuses to accept this and the quarreling continues.

Conclusion of The Proposal

The drama displays the greed of rich families to marry their children into other wealthy families with the aim of enhancing their wealth.

The Trees Summary in English

In this poem, “I” is the voice of the speaker of the poem Adrienne Rich.  Poem The Trees is the voice with a body engaged in the activities and sensing intrusions that are not organic to the conventions of a nature poem.  This is actually an unnatural poem that narrates the struggle of a population of trees to escape the confined surrounding of a greenhouse.  Through the trees, this poem demonstrates the unsuitability of the language itself as a greenhouse. The poetess is the witness for the trees exodus but making distances herself from participating in the making of something out of the spectacle. She can sit and write too.

Even though the speaker addresses the audience, her own head is full of whispers and she is an audience as well.  We, however, the audience to the poem, are compelled with the command. The speaker reaches across the barrier between the poem and the audience. A transaction that occurs on the page, and says for listening.

Poetess articulates her consciousness of the many levels of inner and outer and the blurring of the boundaries between them.  In the poem, the trees are in the house of the poet. Their roots work all night to disengage themselves from the cracks of the floor in the veranda. The leaves are making efforts to move towards the glass.  An open door is for the night and the whole moon and the sky is available to the speaker. This tree is at the same time, through this door the smell of leaves still reaches back in.  The speaker’s head is another interior and implicitly entered by the whispers.

The poetess is especially intrigued by the image of the trees similar to newly discharged patients. The poet is making a comparison to the long-cramped branches which are shuffling under the roof with the newly discharged patients from the hospital. As they are moving towards the hospital doors after their long illnesses. The branches have cramped under the gaps with the roof. Therefore they want to get out into the open to spread themselves in the fresh air.

Conclusion of The Trees

The Tree is a short symbolic poem and it focuses on the movement of trees that are initially indoors but seeking to escape to freedom in the forest. The trees represent the nature and womanhood in particular.

The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in English

Frederic Ogden Nash is an American poet, who is famous for his light verse. He was famous as the producer of humorous poetry. He wrote this poem ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon” in the style of a ballad means a song that tells a story. Ballads narrate the tales of courage or heroism. Such a humorous ballad is ending with a parody.

Belinda lived in a little white house, with her four pets a black kitten, a grey mouse, a yellow dog, and a little dragon and a red wagon too. Name of the little black kitten was Ink, the little grey mouse was Blink, and the little yellow dog was Mustard. Bu, the dragon was a coward, and Belinda called him Custard. Custard dragon was having big sharp teeth, and spikes on top of him and scales underneath. His mouth was similar to a fireplace, and nose was as a chimney. Also, he had daggers on his toes.

Belinda believed herself as brave as a barrel full of bears. Ink and Blink were able to chase lions down the stairs. Mustard was as brave as an angry tiger. On the other hand, Custard always acted as the weakest one. Belinda always tickled Custard ruthlessly. Other pets sarcastically called him Percival means a knight of King Arthur’s court who sought Holy Grail.

Whenever Custard wanted a safe cage for him, Belinda and Blink giggled to their heart’s content. Not only this, Ink and Mustard asked him how old he was that he was scared of every little thing.

Once, they encountered a pirate with guns in both hands and a knife between his teeth. Seeing pirate Belinda started crying for help. Then all the animals hid. Only Custard fought with the pirate and ate him up in his single bite. As Custard saved everyone, all thanked him. But in the end, they realized that they used to make fun of the dragon as he was timid. So, all of them suddenly started saying that they are braver than him and hence could have handled the situation in a much better way.

Conclusion of The Tale of Custard the Dragon

Here the poet was trying to say that sometimes a timid person is an actual hero in the toughest situations of life.

For Anne Gregory Summary in English

William Butler Yeats wrote many love poems. For Anne Gregory’ is one of the best and beautiful poems by him. This poem is in the form of a conversation between a speaker, who may be the poet himself, or Anne’s lover or friend and maybe Anne Gregory herself. The other speakers may be in the belief that the young man loves Anne for her external beauty.  But here the speaker (maybe Anne Gregory) says that external beauty is not the real, and therefore young man should love her for herself only.

In this poem, the poet is presenting the description of a lover’s love for a woman. The lover may like the yellow colour of the woman’s hair. But he does not like her ramparts, means here the hair around the ear. So, the lady does not approve of his love. She wishes such a lover who loves her based on her internal qualities and not by the external and physical look. She says that her yellow hair is a temporary entity. Therefore, she may dye them into another colour like brown or black or carrot soon. And hence in this way, she may get her true love due to her internal beauty.

Then the poet says that only God loves we all humans on the bases of our soul and internal qualities and but our body and physical features. Undoubtedly, only selfless love is true, and God only gives true love.

Poet is of the view that most people love others only because they attract them by physical qualities. Thus, the complexion of the skin and the colour of the hair may be more important for us than the ‘real’ worth of the person. It means we rarely love people ‘for themselves alone’.

Even the beautiful Anne Gregory does not want to be liked or loved for her external beauty or her rare qualities of her beautiful yellow hair. Shallow minded people only adore physical beauty. But rather we should look for spiritual beauty before falling in love with a lady. Physical beauty is just an illusion and momentary. Unfortunately, most of the people are merely attracted by the colour of the skin and hair.

Conclusion of For Anne Gregory

God never loves us for our looks and external beauty, but only for our inner beauty.

Amanda Summary in English

This poem expresses the state of a little girl’s mind who is constantly instructed about do’s and don’ts by her mother. The girl named Amanda and her mother who is irritating her for mistakes. Her mother used to give instructions not to hunch her shoulders and to sit up straight. Her mother reminds her to finish her homework. The little girl Amanda keeps dreaming about freedom of life in the open.

Her mother also feels that she is sitting in a very lethargic manner. To this, Amanda imagines herself as a mermaid swimming freely and joyously in the light green sea. She wants to live a calm and relaxing life in the beautiful green sea. Further her mother drags Amanda out of her dreams by asking whether she cleans her room and shoes or not.

Amanda has another daydream in which she imagines herself as an orphan wandering freely, barefoot in golden silence and uninterrupted freedom. She utters that she would have enjoyed her freedom then, by making the patterns of her bare feet on the sand. She would live a peaceful life. Her mother’s nagging complaints break her daydream. The mother forbade Amanda not to eat chocolates because of her acne and pimples. She also rebukes her for not looking at her while she is talking to her.

Amanda is enjoying another dream that now she fantasizes herself as Rapunzel, a character from a fairy tale and wants to live like her in a huge tower peacefully. She dreams that she will never let down her hair from the tower like Rapunzel. In the tower, she will live an alone and peaceful life. She will never allow anyone to come to the tower. Finally, the mother forbids her for being moody .because she doesn’t want anyone to make her feel guilty that she is harassing her daughter. At this time the poet has not written any response from Amanda’s side. This constant nagging has made her so upset that she has even stopped dreaming of herself as someone else. She always tries this only in order to escape from the continuous harassment and dominance of her parents.

Conclusion of Amanda

This poem conveys the moral that children need to be allowed more freedom. Excessive nagging may make them disobedient and hence they may develop a type of dislike for real life.

A Triumph of Surgery Summary

The story starts when Mrs. Pumphrey, a rich lady takes her dog out for a walk. A nearby veterinary doctor who knows the lady sees the dog and is shocked as he sees that the dog looks like a bloated sausage with a leg at each end. He advises her to stop giving him unhealthy things to eat but Mrs. Pumphrey is not able to refuse him. Soon he falls sick and the doctor is called. The narrator, Mr. Herriot then somehow takes Tricki, the dog to the hospital even though he knows that Mrs. Pumphrey is not ready to leave her dog and nearly fainted just by hearing these words.Then he takes the dog along and puts a bed for him in his surgery. The dog doesn't move much nor eats anything for the first two days. On the second day he looks around and whimpers a bit. He wanted to go out on the third day and started playing with the bigger dogs when he was taken out. He also licked the bowls of other dogs clean on the third day.

Then his condition started improving very fast. He started fighting for his meals with other dogs. Then when this news reached Mrs. Pumphrey, she started sending him eggs as she thought that Tricki was recovering from an illness and needed energy foods. Mr. Herriot and his partners started eating those eggs for morning breakfast. Then for improving Tricki’s blood, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending in bottles of wine which was again consumed by Mr. Herriot. He used to take two glasses before lunch and some more glasses while having his lunch. Then when she started sending in bottles of brandy for Tricki that was the time when Mr. Herriot thought that he would really like to keep Tricki as a permanent guest in the surgery. Mr. Herriot used to be really happy someday by having two extra eggs every morning. Then having few glasses of wine in the afternoon and closing the day by having brandy at night. But then he took a wise decision and called up Mrs. Pumphrey as she was really worried and on this side Tricki was ready to be taken back home. Tricki was really happy to see his mistress and jumped into the car. Mrs. Pumphrey said that she won't be able to ever thank him for what he had done and also, that his surgery had been successful as Tricki was now cured.

The Thief’s Story Summary in English

Anil was 25 years old writer. He was living his life very carelessly. He was struggling to write for earning the money to run his life. One day Anil was watching the wrestling match. He mates Hari.  Hari used his old formula to flatter the person. Anil impressed and promised him that he would teach him how to write, add numbers and how to cook tasty food. Now both were living together happily.

One day Hari saw that Anil had brought a bundle of notes. He saw him keep them under the mattress. As Hari saw the bundle of notes, so his evil spirit aroused in his mind. He decided to rob Anil that night. After taking dinner Anil slept calmly. Hari crept to the bed and slipped his hand under the mattress. He got the notes and ran away from there. He left for the railway station to board a train to Lucknow. But, he missed it. He wandered through the bazaars. It was raining and Hari Singh was completely wet.

There was a conflict in his mind. He did not want to betray the faith of Anil. Moreover, Anil was teaching him how to write and add numbers that could transform his life. So he left the railway station. He came to the field and sat on the bench. Just then heavy rain was going on. A chill wind was blowing. He felt guiltier as he had cheated an innocent person. His shirt and pyjamas wedged to his body because it was wet due to the rain.

Hari Singh had a change of heart. He decided to return to Anil and keep the money under the pillow. He reached the room and placed the money back. The next morning, he woke up a bit late and Anil had already made his tea. Anil offered Hari Singh Rs. 50 saying he had earned it. He told him he would now be paid regularly. Hari kept the note in his hand. He realized that the note was still wet from the rain last night. Hari got to know that Anil had come to know about his misdeed but there was no sadness, anger or guilt in his mind.

Conclusion of The Thief’s Story

The moral of the story is the human values and relations are important in life and such values can change a person too.

The Midnight Visitor Summary in English

This story is about the witty secret agent Ausable. He was with a writer friend Fowler. They planned to spend time in the evening. Then Fowler realized that he is exactly the opposite of what he had imagined about him. Ausable told Fowler that he had been thinking wrong and very soon he would be looking at a very important report which would change the country’s future. Then both went to his room. But, when they enter the room another guy Max with a gun was standing in the room. He asked them to be comfortable until the reports related to missiles arrived.

This was really an adventurous experience for the Fowler while meeting with a secret agent. Meanwhile, Ausable started with a story about a hypothetical balcony below the window of his room. While this talk was going on, someone was continuously knocking at the door. Ausable said that the police were at the door came to check him and his room on a regular basis. Max, pointing his gun towards both of them, said that he would be waiting in the balcony and during this time Ausable should send away the police otherwise he would shoot them.

As the doorknob is turned in loud, Max jumps out of the window and they heard a loud scream. The door opens and a waiter comes in. The waiter says that he has brought the wine that Ausable had ordered. He keeps the bottle, tray and glasses there on the table and leaves. Fowler is surprised after seeing all that. Fowler asked him about the police. Then Ausable replied that there was no police. Fowler again asked about Max, who was waiting in the balcony outside the window. Then Ausable replied that the person would not return as there was no balcony at all.

This shows the quick wit of Ausable as he took advantage of the situation and successfully made Max nervous. Under his nervousness, he jumped out of the window without any thought. He jumped from the top floor of the hotel and hence died. Thus, Ausable outwitted Max and saved himself from a very dangerous situation.

Conclusion of The Midnight Visitor

The ultimate message that one can get from this story is that in any situation we should not panic instead we should take a step and face the situation with our presence of mind.

A Question of Trust Summary in English

Horace Danby was a good person. He was fifty years old but still unmarried. Horace Danby was a locksmith. He was a very successful businessman. He had two assistants to help him. Being good and respectable, but he was not totally honest. He was fond of rare and expensive books. He purchased them at any cost. For this, he robbed safe only once in a year. He purchased these books secretly through an agent. Before making a theft, he chalked out plan well. This time he had observed the house at Shotover Grange for two weeks. He studied even the minute things about that house.

The family was now in London. The two caretaker servants of the house had gone to the movies. He jumped out from behind the garden wall and came inside the house. He had taken a key from the kitchen door hook. Then, he wore gloves. He opened the door. He was very careful enough to leave any fingerprints. There was a vase of flowers on the table. The fragrance of flowers tickled his nose. He sneezed out repeatedly then, he heard the voice of a young lady. She pretends to be the wife of the owner of that house. She told him that she had come there suddenly because she wanted her jewels to wear them at the party in the night.

Danby requested the lady to let him go home. She asked him to open the safe as she needed the jewels but she had forgotten the number. Danby willingly opened the safe without gloves. The young lady got the jewels. Horace Danby went away happily because he had escaped from being imprisoned. On the third day, a policeman had arrested him for the jewel robbery at Shotover Grange.

His fingerprints were found at the robbed place. He confessed that he had opened the safe for the young wife of the owner of the house. But in reality, the owner’s wife was about sixty years old. She said that the story was not true. No one believed Danby. Now, the police arrested him. He was the assistant librarian in the prison. He always thought of the charming, young lady who was in the same profession as he was. Now he didn’t believe in the thought of ‘honour among thieves.’

Conclusion of A Question of trust

The message of this story is that we should not trust anyone without discovering out about that person.

The Necklace Summary in English

A lady, Mathilde Loisel lived in a flat with his husband. He worked as a clerk for the Ministry of Education. They were not able to live a luxurious life. However, they were not poor, merely simple. However, Mathilde’s desire was to be rich. She felt irritated, disappointed and sad of not having a large house. Moreover, she desired to have good dresses, lots of jewelry which made her sad.

One day his husband brings her an invitation to a fancy party. It was an invitation to the ball. He thought his wife would be very excited about seeing the invitation letter. However, his wife, instead of being happy, threw away the invitation letter and started crying. She complained about not having a pretty dress to wear on such a great occasion. She wanted to seek admiration for everyone. Also, she wanted to be a success at the party. His gentle husband gave her four hundred francs to buy a pretty dress. He had saved the money to buy a rifle.

The week of the party approached. His wife seemed to be anxious again. She was upset as she felt that she didn’t have any jewelry to wear with the dress. Her husband suggests her to ask the same from his friend Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde went to her house and borrowed a sparkling necklace.

Mathilde, along with his husband enjoyed a lot at the party. She was successful in seeking everyone’s attention to her. Then, they headed for home during the odd hours in the morning. On reaching home, Mathilde was surprised on not finding a necklace around her neck. They both felt that it might have fallen down in the cab which they took to reach home. Also, he searched on the streets they have come through.

Moreover, he approached the police, gave advertisement but all in vain. Her husband asked her to write a letter to her friend. She wrote that she had the clasp broken and is getting it repaired. Meanwhile, they were successful in searching for a similar necklace. However, it cost thirty-six thousand francs. His husband has inherited eighteen thousand francs from his father. However, they had to borrow the remaining money. They managed to buy the necklace through inherited and borrowed money.

But it took them a period of ten years to repay the borrowed amount. In these years, their lives have drastically changed. They moved to a smaller apartment, cleaned and cooked herself. Moreover, his husband did multiple jobs to repay the amount. Also, she looked like a strong woman of a poor household. She looked very aged. One day she saw Miss Jeanne Forestier on the street. She decided to tell her the truth about the necklace. The latter was stunned by the rough appearance of the former. Moreover, on learning the truth of necklace, Jeanne Forestier told that it was a fake one. The worth of the same was no more than five hundred francs.

Conclusion of The Necklace

The story tells us that one should not crave for luxuries. One must be satisfied and contented with what one has. Desires lead to unhappiness. Moreover, we should never hide the truth.

The Hack Driver Summary in English

This is a story of a lawyer who after completing his graduation started working with a famous firm in the city. He was working as an assistant clerk there. He did not like the job of serving summons because sometimes he had to face harsh situations. One day, he had to give summons to Oliver Lutkins who was a key witness in some case. He lived in a small village New Mullion. He was happy to go to the village but the village looked very dull and lifeless. The narrator saw a hack driver on a platform that was cheerful. He inquired him about Lutkins and came to know he was a shrewd man and had taken loan from many people. The hack driver cunningly extracted from lawyer that he has come here to give court summon to Lutkin.

The lawyer decided to rent Bill’s hack and search for Lutkins. Bill manipulated the lawyer and made him visit different places in search of Lutkins. He always goes ahead and inquires about Lutkins. They went to Fritz’s shop to catch Lutkins where he plays poker. They have been told that he has gone to Gustaff barber for shaving.  Later at Gustaff’s place also they could not meet him and somebody told them they saw him in the pool room. They could not find him there and told he left the poolroom after buying cigarettes. In Afternoon Bill asked the lawyer to buy food from his wife as it would be less costly than a restaurant. They had their lunch at Wade’s hill which is a beautiful place.

By now the lawyer was fully convinced that Bill is a generous and helpful person. He even started comparing city people and villagers. Later they went to Lutkins mother’s house but she was a horrible lady and she was close to attacking them with a hot iron rod. At last, the lawyer has to leave without serving to summon to Lutkins. He was badly scolded by his Chief the next day and was sent again to New Mullion with a colleague who knew Lutkins. On reaching station the lawyer happily acknowledged that Bill was such helpful people to him in searching Lutkins. At this point, he was told by his colleague that the hack driver was none other than Oliver Lutkins. The lawyer felt ashamed of himself.

Conclusion of The Hack Driver

The story teaches us that we should not trust anyone without knowing them otherwise people will make fool of us.

Bholi Summary in English

This story is about a girl, Bholi, whose real name was Sulekha. She suffered from some brain-damage and thus used to stammer. Moreover, she suffered from the disease of small-pox which left pock-marks on her face. This made her look ugly. Thus, due to her dullness and ugly face, people made fun of her. Also, people called her Bholi as she remained a backward child. Ramlal had seven children- three sons and four daughters. Bholi was the youngest of all daughters. All others were healthy and strong except Bholi. They would also worry about her marriage. One day, Tehsildar Sahib came to perform the opening ceremony of a primary school opened in the village. He asked Ramlal to send her daughter to school. However, Bholi’s mother was not in support of sending her school. Yet, she agreed.

At first, Bholi was frightened to hear about school. However, when she was properly cared for, given good clothes and other things, she began to believe that she was being taken to a better place than her home. She was happy to see girls of her age. She wanted to make one of them her friends. However, when the teacher asked her name, she stammered and all the girls laughed. This discouraged her badly. She started crying. But the teacher was a kind-hearted woman. She encouraged her to speak. Moreover, she told her that she could overcome her stammering completely if she came to school daily. This aroused a sign of hope and new life in Bholi.

Years passed, the village became a small town. Moreover, the little primary school turned into a high school. Other improvements have also taken place. A marriage proposal came for Bholi. It was from a lame old man whose children were also grown up. However, Ramlal and his wife agreed as he was well-settled. Bholi’s sisters were envious to see the pomp and splendour at their sister’s wedding. However, when the groom was about to garland the bride, a woman slipped the veil from the bride’s face. Bisambar refused to marry such an ugly girl without a dowry. Ramlal managed the amount.

However, Bholi refused to marry such a greedy person. People were startled to see her speaking without stammering. The groom returned back. Bholi told her father that she would serve him and mother in their old age. Furthermore, she will teach in the same school from where she learnt so many good things.

Conclusion of Bholi

We learnt from the story that proper support and emotional security can lead to a child’s development.

The Book that saved the Earth Summary in English

The plot of the play is in the twentieth century. All the characters of the play are imaginary characters and have weird names like the mighty Chief Think Tank, Noodle, Captain Omega, Lieutenant Iota, Sargent Oop, etc. The think tanks who think himself to be the most intelligent amongst all the Martians to decide to go to earth with his team. He always thinks that because he had a big head he is the most intelligent and always likes to be praised for that. They want to know how people of the earth (they call them earthlings) lives. In the next scene, they all were present in a library full of books. But all of them were unable to understand the place.

Then the mighty Think-Tank tries to show is acumen and tells his crew that the thing is a sandwich. As the person of the earth eats a lot of so they must have stored them here. Then one of the crew members Sergeant Oop even eats the corner of a book to confirm the views of Think-Tank. But he did not like the taste, and they came to the conclusion that this may be something else than food. After some time Noodle suggests Think-Tank that maybe it is used for communication with ears. After some time Noodle again suggests Think-Tank that maybe it is for eye communication. All the crew members started opening and reading the book. It was a rhymes book of name, Mother Goose. But they are unable to understand the book.

So looking at this Noodle asks the Think-Tank that the chemical department has given them the vitamin pills to increase intelligence, and they all should take it and then read the sandwiches. As Oop started reading the book of nursery rhymes they take the literal meaning of rhymes and feel troubles. The Think Tank called his Martians team and says that they have gathered some information about earthlings, and they should be postponing the idea of invasion. The Oop read the rhyme Humpty dumpty, and they all saw the picture of Humpty who looked like Think Tank. The Think Tank drew an inference that the earthlings have identified him and will kill him soon. So, he asked his team to run immediately from there and thus a dusted book of rhymes saved us from Martian invasion.

Conclusion of The Book that saved the Earth

The moral of the play is that half-fed knowledge is always dangerous.

The making of a scientist Summary in English

The Making of a Scientist’ is a story about the leading scientist Richard Ebright. He was a curious child right from the beginning years of his life. He had started collecting butterflies in his childhood and by the time he is in second grade, he had already gathered all the 25 species found in his hometown. Also, he collected coins, fossils, and rocks. One day his mother gave him a book named ‘The Travel of Monarch X’. This book has been a turning point in life and introduced him to the world of science. He experienced the real science in country science fair and moreover he understood that to win something he needs to do something extraordinary.

Later, for his eighth grade, he selected the assignment of finding the cause of viral sickness that killed almost all the monarch caterpillars every year. He thought that the cause for this could be a beetle, so, he rose caterpillars with the presence of beetles. However, he was wrong. Next year his project for the science fair was testing the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs. His project got the first price in zoology division and third in country science fair.

In his second year of high school, Richard Ebright research led to his discovery of an unknown insect hormone which led to his new theory on the lives of cells. He tried to find the purpose of tiny golden spots on the back of monarch pupa. This project won first place in a country science fair and a chance to work in Walter Reed Army Institute of research.

As a high school student, he continued his advanced experiment and finally was able to identify hormones chemical structure. One day while looking at the Xray photos of the hormone he got the idea of his new theory that tells cells can read the blueprint of its DNA. Ebright and his roommate constructed the plastic model of a molecule to illustrate the working of DNA. It was a big leap forward and got published in a magazine. He graduated from Harvard with the highest honours.

He has other interest also like public speaking, debate and is also a canoeist and an outdoor person. Also, he was competitive but in good sense and always want to do his best. Moreover, he possesses all the traits of becoming a good scientist.

Conclusion of the making of a scientist

The story teaches us that with perseverance, dedication and hard work any dream is achievable.

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