Class 10th English Long Answers (Mix)

Que. What did Buddha say about death and suffering?
Ans. After enlightenment, Buddha started to spread his teachings about life, truth and the likes of it. He told that death and suffering are the part and parcel of life. None can avoid this truth. One has to meet one’s destined end one day. Whoever has come to the world, will die one day. In the hour of grief, one must remain calm and composed so that grief doesn’t overcome one. People who are wise, never complain or lament over their loss. They accept the truth and be blessed with it. So, the wisdom lies in the fact that people should not get distressed with pain, suffering and death.

Yes, I agree with the message that Gautama Buddha has given about life. In the modem times, people have a lot to explore and move with the world at the same pace. If people don’t understand the practicality of life, they will be under stress which would in turn affects, their personal and professional lives. People need to understand that everyone who is born will have to die one day. There is no use being sad or crying over the loss. People should remain calm and composed in such situations. They should face the truth and move on in life.

The Sermon at Benares

Q. Why did kisa Gautami went to Buddha question mark what did they told her to care version? What did she understand about the grief?

Ans. Kisa Gautami went to Buddha to get medicine that would cure her son. Buddha told her to procure a handful of mustard seeds, which must be taken from a house where no one had lost any beloved, close relative or friend. Kisa Gautami then went from house to house but there was not a single house where anyone had not died. She realised that every house at lost a loved one.

Buddha changed her understanding by making her realise that the life of mortals is brief and combined with pain. Those who are born have to die and after a loved ones that one cannot obtain in peace of mind by grieving and lamenting. To seek peace of the mind after throughing out grief and sorrow from their lives.

Kisa Gautami understand that both young and old, fools and wise all are subject to death. The world has afflicted with death and decay, show the wise people do not grieve knowing the terms of the world. If one does grieve, his pain would be greater and his body would suffer. 

After death anyone is lead to the path of immortality. As all earthen vessels made by the Potter end up being broken, so the life is mortal who all fall into the power of death.

Question 1.
Life is full of trials and tribulations. Kisa Gotami also passes through a period of grief in her life. How does she behave in those circumstances?      [CBSE 2013]
After the death of Kisa Gotami’s only child, she became very sad. She carried her dead child to her neighbours in order to get medicine to bring him to life. Her neighbours thought that she had gone insane as she was unable to accept the fact that. It was then that someone suggested her to meet Gautama Buddha. When she met Gautama Buddha he gave her an exercise to do.She was asked to collect mustard seeds from a house where no one has ever died. She went from one house to another but was unable to find a single house where no one has died. This way she realised that death is a part of life and anyone who is born is bound to die one day. Thus, Buddha changed her understanding of death by this exercise. could come to terms with the truth

Question 4.
The Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Benares, most holy of the dipping places on the River Ganges; that sermon has been preserved and is given here. It reflects the Buddha’s wisdom about one inscrutable kind of suffering.      [CBSE 2014]
(a) Where did Buddha preach his first sermon?
(b) What does the sermon preached by Buddha reflect?
(c) ‘Find the exact word from the extract which means impossible to understand’.
(d) How Benares is described in the lesson?
(a) Buddha preached his first sermon at Benares.
(b) It reflects Buddha’s wisdom about one inscrutable kind of suffering.
(c) ‘Inscrutable’ from the extract means ‘impossible to understand’.
(d) Benares is described in the lesson as the most holy of the dipping places on the river Ganges.

Q. What does the Buddha say about the life of mortals in this world? How can one obtain the peace of the mind?

Ans.    The Buddha preached his first sermon at Benares. He preached that all men, women and children are mortals. And, all mortals are destined to die. Actually, death and decay is the fate of all mortals in this world. Death spares none. The life of mortals in this world is troubled and brief. It is combined with pain. Those who have been born, can’t avoid dying. Actually, there is no means of avoiding death and decay. The ripe fruits fall, so do the aged people of the world. One by one the mortals is carried off, like an ox that is led to the slaughter. Therefore, the wise do not grieve. No amount of lamenting or grieving can bring a dead man back to life. Weeping and grieving will never give anyone the peace of mind. On the other hand, they only compound miseries. He who has overcome all sorrows will become free from sorrows. He will become a blessed one.

Question 6.
According to Kisa Gotami what is the greatestgrief of life?       [CBSE 2014]
According to Kisa Gotami, the greatest grief in life is the death of one’s loved ones and one’s inability to stop them from dying. Therefore, instead of lamenting on it, the wise should not grieve. Weeping will only increase the pain and disturb the peace of mind of a person.

Question 4.
How did Kisa Gotami realise that life and death is a process?       [CBSE 2016]
Kisa Gotami went from house to house but was unable to find one house where nobody had died. She was tired and hopeless and sat down at the wayside watching the lights of the city as they flickered up and were extinguished again. She realised that similar to the city lights human lives also flicker up for some time and are extinguished again.

Question 1.
Why did Prince Siddhartha leave the palace and become a beggar?     [CBSE 2012]
Once Prince Siddhartha, while hunting saw a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession and finally a monk begging for alms. Looking at this, he left the palace and became a beggar to search for enlightenment.

Q. Bholi had many apprehensions about going to school. What made her feel that she was going to a better place than her home?

Ans. : Bholi had many apprehensions about going to school. She remembered how their old cow, Lakshmi, had been turned out of the house and sold.

Bholi never got any good clothes to wear. She got only the old dresses of her sisters. But that day she was given a clean dress. She was bathed. Oil was rubbed into her hair. So she felt she was going to a better place than her home.

Mijbil The Otter

Q. What things does Mij do which tell you that he is an intelligent, friendly and fun-loving animal who needs love?

Ans. Mij was a smart and intelligent pet of narrator. he was very intelligent because he quickly learnt many type of the task. He quickly learnt to turn the tab on to get water and play with it because he loved to splash the water. 

He discovered a new game by himself from the ping pong ball. He used to keep the ball at one end of sloping lid and ran to other end to catch the ball.  In the bathtub event build with joy in the water plunging and rolling in it and shooting up and down.

Mix was very fun loving. He always played with marbles, toys, rubber fruit and ping pong ball. He developed and played new games in London during their one month long stay.

Narrator formed a special bond with the Maxwell. Mij liked to spend time with Maxwell.  He followed the author and respected his commands. Mij always respond when Maxwell called his name. 

Thus we can say that the Mij , the Otter is friendly , intelligent and a fun loving creature.

Q. What is the play The Proposal? Justify in brief the title of the play.

Ans. The play 'The proposal' is about two landonear Chekhov and Lomov.
Lomov come to house to propose marriage to the letter's daughter, Natalya and ends up in the silly argument with the father and daughter over ownership of property. But the moment the real intention of his proposal is revealed everything is backed to normal. 

The Proposal by Chekhov is major theme that revolves around the marriage  nineteenth century in the Russia which has been very common. 

The title of the play is 'The proposal' and it is a very good because the whole play is about Lomov who is proposing Natalya. Right from the beginning to the end the story revolves round a marraige proposal.

 As a result, Lomov becomes sick and leaves. Natalya's father informs her about the intention of Lomov and she starts lamenting over the loss. Lomov is called back and once again an argument ensues before proposing. Hence, we can say that the title is perfect for the play.

Also,  such an approach was common to wealthy families. The two main characters are depicted through the satire of marriage which are money driven and who wants to get married desperately for economic security. They ignore the fact that in the long term it would not go well hence, the title is justified.

Q. What did Valli find out during her bus journey? How did it affect her? 
Valli’s but journey was a joy ride full of pleasure and new experiences why?  why not? 
Ans. Everyday a bus ran between Valli’s village street and the nearest town. It ran up and down it passed through Valli’s streets and two forty-five minute to reach the town the one way bus fare was thirty paisa. Many people traveled regularly by this bus including some of Valli’s’ neighbors. Valli generally listened to their conversations carefully thus she use to collect details about there journey. One day when his mother was sleeping she aboard in the bus. During the bus journey Valli stood up on her seat so the she could have a clear out side view a canal. Beyond which there were palm trees, grass lands, mountains and the blue sky. There was a deep ditch on the other side and beyond there were green field as far as one could see. A young cow was running ahead the bus. It was an entraining scene for Valli. 
On her journey back home Valli saw a young cow lying dead on the road side. It was the same cow Valli had seen on her journey to the town. It was then full of life. But now the same animal lay lifeless. It had lost all its charm and life. There was a fixed stare in its lifeless eyes. This sight shocked Valli so much that she sat down on her seat. She had no desire to look outside now she remained glued to her seat for the rest of the journey.

The Hack Driver
By– Sinclair Lewis

Q. Plot/ Theme / Central Idea of the Lesson/ Literary Analysis of The Hack Driver/ Main Idea
Theme of the Story

`The Hack Driver’ is the story of a very cunning manipulator Bill (Oliver Lutkins). It also shows that appearances are often deceptive. Once, the narrator, a junior clerk in a law firm, had to go to New Mullion to serve a summon to Oliver Lutkins. There he met Bill (Oliver Lutkins), the hack driver. When the narrator asked about Oliver Lutkins, Bill took him to Fritz who replied that Oliver had been there a little while ago. Bill, who was Oliver Lutkins himself, made a plan to befool the narrator. In a very friendly but subtle way, Bill manipulated the tour, taking the lawyer around the village. He arranged meetings with Fritz, Gustaf’s shop owner, a barber etc. Then Bill took him to Oliver Lutkins’ mother who was a terrible, huge woman who threatened to beat them. At last, he returned disappointed. He couldn’t trace Oliver Lutkins. His boss rebuked him badly and asked him to go back to New Mullion with a person who knew Lutkins. When they reached there, he found Bill and Lutkins’ mother together. The man recognised Lutkins. He told that Bill no one but Lutkins himself.

The Hack Driver
By– Sinclair Lewis


After graduation the narrator became a junior assistant clerk in a law firm. His duty was to serve summons to the people regarding the court cases. He had to visit the dirty corners of the city which was unpleasant work.

Once he was asked to go to forty miles to a country town, New Mullion to serve summons to Oliver Lutkins who was a witness in a law case. He reached there by train and hired a hack at the rate of two dollars per hour. Hack driver was about forty, red-faced and cheerful. He told that his name was Bill.

The narrator told the hack driver that he wanted to see Oliver Lutkins to serve a summons. The hack driver himself was Oliver Lutkins. The narrator was looking for him but he did not recognise him. 

Bill told the narrator that Lutkins would be playing poker, a game in the back of Fritz’s shop. They went there but could not find Lutkins there. 
Fritz told them that Oliver Lutkins was there a little while ago. Perhaps he had gone to Gustaf’s barber shop.  They drove to the barbershop. The barber said angrily that he had not seen Lutkins. Then they came to the pool room. They were told that Lutkins had just bought a pack of cigarettes and gone out. 
The lawyer was impressed with Bill’s cooperation and help.

Then Bill drove to the mother’s farm and asked about Oliver. She shouted that she didn’t know anything about Oliver. Bill pressed her to search the house. 
She seized a warm iron bar and warned if they dared to search her house, she would burn them. Bill asked the lawyer to get out of there as Oliver’s mother would murder them. But anyhow they could manage to examine the whole house but could not find him there.

They were feeling hungry. Bill suggested the narrator that they should enjoy their lunch on Wade’s Hill. Bill got the lunch packed from his wife and they enjoyed it on the hilltop.

At hilltop Bill talked about his town’s people in detail. He talked about the minister’s wife, the college students and the lawyer’s wife and got down from the hilltop.

The narrator couldn’t trace Oliver Lutkins and returned disappointed. It was nearly afternoon the narrator to catch the afternoon train. When he reached his office, the thief was furious and scolded him for his failure. 

He was ordered back to New Mullion. He was sent with a man who could recognise Oliver Lutkins as he had worked with him. When they arrived at New Mullion station next, Bill was on the station platform near his cart. Strangely enough, Oliver Lutkins’ mother, the old tigress, was talking and laughing with him.
The author recognised him as Bill Magnuson that helped him in hunting for Oliver Lutkins. The companion was surprised. He told that his name was not Bill but he was Oliver Lutkins himself. He had worked with him. The narrator was very much surprised. He served his a summons.

When the summons was served, Lutkins and his mother laughed at him. They looked at the narrator as if he were a bright boy of seven. They begged the narrator to go with them to a neighbour’s house for a cup of coffee. They were anxious to look at the narrator. They were the only people in the town that missed seeing him the previous day.

6. The Making of a scientist 


The chapter, ‘The Making of a Scientist’ is a story about the famous scientist Richard Ebright. His mother used to call him Richie who was very curious child in his childhood. He started collecting butterflies in childhood and collected all the 25 species found near his hometown at the is of 2 years,

He thought it to be an end of butterfly collection until one day his mother bought him a book named ‘The Travels of Monarch X’. This was a turning point in his life and he got much more interested in dealing with science. He started with tagging butterflies which a task given at the end of the book that his mother bought for him. Then, when he first entered the county science fair with a slide of the frog tissue he lost. Everybody won something but his project did not win any prize. He was sad but also understood that to win, he needed to do real experiments and not just make neat and clean models. Then he wrote down to Dr. Urquhart at the University of Toronto, asking him for ideas to make projects. He stayed busy during his high school, working on the long list sent to him by Dr. Urquhart. Then, for the next year’s fair, he chose the project of looking at the viral disease that killed nearly all the monarch caterpillars every few years. He thought that the reason for this could be a beetle, so he started raising caterpillars in the presence of beetles but could not get any results. So, when he showed his trial experiment at the county science fair, his project won a prize. Then for the next year he made an experiment to show that the viceroy butterflies copied monarchs. This project also made him win prizes. Then he started his research as to the purpose of the 12 golden spots on the back of a monarch pupa. Everybody believed that it was just a design but Dr. Urquhart thought otherwise. Then Ebright and another brilliant science student got together and made a device that could show that the gold spots were responsible for releasing a hormone that was necessary for its growth. With the help of sophisticated instruments at one of the labs, he got a chance to work and found the chemical structure of the hormone in the gold spots. Then, one day, while looking at the photo of the chemical structure, he solved one of the biggest puzzles of life. He came to know how a cell blueprints its DNA. It was a big breakthrough and was published in a magazine. He also had many other interests and also admired his social studies teacher as he was the one who used to give him new ideas. He was good at debating, public speaking and a great canoeist. He never used to win for the sake of winning or for prizes but because he wanted to be the best at whatever he used to do. It is shown in this chapter that with the right amount of curiosity, a bright mind and the will to win for right reasons are the qualities needed to be a scientist. His mother also played a big role in making him what he was as it was she who supported him throughout his journey and bought him the book ‘The Travels of Monarch X’ which aroused his curiosity in the field of science.


   After Richard had collected all the 25 species of butterflies that were found in his surroundings, he thought that it would be an end to butterfly collection when his mom bought him a book named ‘Travels of Monarch X’ which told him about how butterflies migrated to Central America. This book aroused an interest in him for exploring more of what was to come and started studying more about monarch butterflies.


   His mother played a turning role in the life of the scientist as she used to buy him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting equipment and used to try to help him by getting him things to learn in the evening when he used to be free. She also used to take him out on field trips and the book Travels of Monarch X was also bought by her. So we can say that the mother played a very important role in the making of what he was.


Q3) What lesson does Ebright learn when he does not win anything at a science fair?

Ans) He learnt that just by showing neat and clean simple slides won't make him win anything but the actual experiment that he will perform will help him win the prize at any fair.


Q4) What experiments and projects does he then undertake?

Ans) He did an experiment to see the cause of the viral disease that kills nearly all the monarchs after a few years and also took up a project to prove that the viceroy butterflies copy monarchs to survive by behaving like them.


Q5) What are the qualities that go into the making of a scientist?

Ans) According to the chapter, there are three qualities that a person needs to have to be a scientist. Firstly, a first - rated mind, secondly, curiosity and thirdly, the will to win for the right reasons.

Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each: (2 × 5 = 10)

Q.1 Hari Singh is both a thief and a human being. Explain.
Ans : No doubt Hari is a thief as well as good human being. Situations compel a person to become either beast or remain as a human being. Even goodness 
and nobility of a person changes anyone’s heart and mind.

Q.2 How does the necklace change the course of the Loisel’s life?
Ans : Only because of necklace and showing off, Loisel fell in a debt trap which forced her to live like an ordinary lower middle class housewife. She started doing all the household chores which a lady of her status normally does not do. Aspirations have no limits but one should never forget the ground realities.

Q.3 What do you think was the speaker’s attitude towards Amanda?
Ans : The speaker is concerned about Amanda and wants to unstil good habits and behaviour in her. The speaker wants her to give up bad habits land be organised in life. Speaker constantly keep instructing her with do’s and dot’s and doesn’t 
went Amanda to look gloomy.

Q.4 Why would you not agree with Lencho calling them ‘a bunch of crooks’?
Ans : Lencho was not at all justified in calling them ‘a bunch of crooks because they helped him by collecting money.

Q.4 Bholi’s heart was overflowing with a ‘New hope and a new life’. What does the phrase the new 
hope and the new life’ mean?
Ans : It means, ‘To serve her parents in old age and to teach the students in the same school when she had learnt too much’.

Q.5 What colour is the young woman’s hair? What does she say she can change it to? Why would she want to do so?
Ans : The colour of the young woman’s hair is yellow. Her hair can be called ‘blonde’. She says that she can change the colour of her hair according to her choice. She can dye the hair brown, black or of carrot’s colour. She wants to show that outward appearances can easily be changed. A young man should not fall in love with her only after seeing her yellow hair or outwardly appearance.

The Necklace 
by Guy de Maupassant

Q. Justify the title necklace in your own words.
Ans. Mathilde Loisel lives in a flat with her husband in France, who works as a clerk for the Minister of Education. Their lives are not luxurious. They belongs from a middle class family. Her friend Jeanne Forestier who has a large house and lots of property and jewelry.

One day her husband got an invitation to a ball. He thinks his wife will be excited but she becames upset. She complains that she has nothing suitable to wear to such an occasion. Her kind husband give his four hundred francs of saving to buy a new gun to get her for a gown.

At the day of the party Mathilde seems frets that she has no jewelry to wear with her dress. He suggests to borrow something from her friend Jeanne Forestier. Mathilde borrow a sparkling diamond necklace Jeanne Forestier. 

They have a fabulous party and dances all night. At the house Mathilde realizes that the necklace is missing. Her husband goes out to search the streets but failed. To stall for time, Mathilde writes to her friend that she broke necklace. They find same necklace which costs thirty-six thousand francs. Her husband borrow eighteen thousand francs from his father and others money from his friends.

Finally, they purchase the necklace and 
gives it to Jeanne who doesn't even look at it. The next ten years of Mathilde's life changes dramatically they cook and clean for herself. She also works multiple jobs to pay back all the money they borrowed. After the ten years, the money is all paid back. 

One day she meets with Jeanne Forestier on the street. Jeanne Forestier is stunned by Mathilde's rough apreance. She told all the truth before his friend Jeanne. Shocked, Jeanne confesses that the necklace was a fake, made up of paste, worth no more than five hundred francs.

This story give the lesson be honest with friend. If Mathilde tells the truth from the start, she would not have wasted ten years for a replacement.

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