Class-5 English (Full Book)


Class-5 English 01 Wonderful Waste




1. What were the preparations in the palace for?

Ans. There were preparations for a grand feast in the palace.

2. Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?

Ans. The Maharaja went into the kitchen to see what dishes had been prepared for the feast.

3. What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable scraps?

Ans. The cook had planned to throw away the vegetable scraps.

4. State whether the following are True of False.

(i) The king had ordered a dinner in the palace.

Ans. True.

(ii) No one had heard of or tasted avial before.

Ans. True.

(iii)  The cook had planned to make another dish using the vegetable scraps.

Ans. False.

5. A recipe is a list of directions to prepare dish. The following sentences are not in order for preparing avial. Number them in the correct order.

Ans. (3) Grind some coconut, green chillies and garlic.

(2) Cut the vegetables scraps into long strips.

(1) Wash and clean the mix of vegetable bits.

(6) Decorate with curry leaves.

(4) Whip some curd and mix it in.

(5) Pour some coconut oil on top.

(7) Avail is ready.

6. Given in the box are some things that children do after they reach home from school. Choose five things that you do when you reach home from school. Write them in order.

Ans. First, I put away school bag.

Then, I change out of school uniform.

Next, I wash up.

After that, I have lunch.

Finally, I do the homework.

7. The Maharaja was a wise man and ordered the cook to use the vegetable scraps instead of throwing them away.

(a) Name some of the things which are thrown away at home or in school.

Ans. Scraps of paper, cardboard boxes, used up ball pens, vegetable peels, leaves and twigs, left over food etc. are thrown away at home or in school.

(b) Sit in group of four and think of interesting ways in which they can be made useful?

Ans. We can make things of papier-mache, decorative articles and compost with them.

8. Some words have more than one meaning.

For example, point-

Meanings: noun: a dot in print or writing, full stop, decimal the numbers you score in a game

Verb: to show or call attention to something

Ans. Ground n. surface of the earth; an area which is used for a particular purpose

v. past tense of grind

Survey n. detailed investigation

v. look carefully

Scrap n. waste material, fragment

v. get rid of something or cancel it.

Sternly adv. Discard as useless

Tempting adj. alluring; tantalizing.

9. Make new words by adding/dropping a few letters form the root word.



































10. Do any of these words use all of four endings?

Ans. Yes, tasty and clean use all of four endings.

11. Name food that is made in your home.

(i) for a feast/festival.

Ans. Sweet dishes, kheer, several vegetables, dahi-bara etc.

(ii) when you are unwell.

Ans. Khichri and Daliya.

(iii) everyday.

Ans. Chapatis, vegetables, pulse, rice, curd and salad.






1. Where did the geese live?

Ans. The geese lived on the top of a tall tree in a forest.

2. Why did the old bird advise the other birds to destroy the creeper?

Ans. The old bird advised the other birds to destroy the creeper because it could help a hunter to climb up the tree to kill them.

3. Why did the geese cry, “Help Help”?

Ans. The geese cried for help because they were trapped in the net by the hunter.

4. What did the hunter do when he thought that the cheese were dead?

Ans. The hunter threw them out of the net one by one on the ground.

5. Why did the geese pretend to be dead?

Ans. They pretended to be dead so that the hunter would not harm them.

6. Describe one incident when you got into trouble because you did not do you work on time.

Ans. Last year when I was in IVth class. I was prepare an important lesson before the examination start. Then my cousions came to visit Delhi. We spent two days together. I got no time to prepare for the test and I got very less mark in the examination.

7. State whether the following statements are True or False.

(a) The tree was the house of a flock of parrots.

Ans. False.

(b) The wise old bird wanted the creeper to be destroyed.

Ans. True.

(c) The hunter climbed the tree with the help of a ladder.

Ans. False.

(d) When caught in the net the foolish birds began to weep.

Ans. True.

(e) The wise old bird help them to escape.

Ans. True.

8. Why do you think the dove helped the ant?

Ans. Because the ant was kind, so she help the ant.

9. How do you think the ant felt on finding the leaf?

Ans. I think the ant must be happy finding the leaf near to him.

10. Have you ever been in trouble like the ant? Did anyone help you?

Ans. No, was not the trouble like the ant.

11. Answer these questions about yourself.

(a) What is your name?

Ans. My name is Avinash Sharma.

(b) What languages do you speak?

Ans. I speak Hindi, English and Punjabi.

(c) How old are you?

Ans. I am ten years old.

(d) Which is your favourite food?

Ans. My favourite food is dal-roti and vegetable.

(e) Where did you go yesterday?

Ans. I went to Ambala yesterday.

(f) Which country do you belong to?

Ans. I belong to India.

(g) When do you go to sleep?

Ans. I drink milk to be healthy and strong.

(h) Why do you drink milk?

Ans. I drink milk to be healthy and strong.

12. In the groups of five discuss what you would do if you were caught in the following situations:

(a) Your friend falls in the play field and is hurt.

Ans. I’ll left him and gave him first aid.

(b) You are trapped in a fire

Ans. I’ll try to come out. After that I call to fire station.

(c) You are struck in a traffic jam

Ans. I will wait patiently till the jam is cleared.

13. Here are some answers. Now frame questions for the above answers.

(a) The colour of the ant is black.

Ans. What is the colour of the ant?

(b) It lives on land.

Ans. Where does it live?

(c) It has two long antennae.

Ans. How many antennae does it have?

(d) It crawls on the ground.

Ans. How does it move on the ground.

(e) It eats sugar.

Ans. What does it eat?

14. Fill in the blanks with prepositions such as to, at, off, on, in, into, with.

(a) This tree was the home ____ a flock of wild geese.

Ans. Of.

(b) He noticed the creeper _____ the foot of the tree.

Ans. At.

(c) “It would be a pity _____ destroy it now.”

Ans. To.

(d) As they flew _____ the tree they were trapped.

Ans. Into.

(e) The boy ran ____ the dog.

Ans. With.

(f) The frogs jumped _____ the well.

Ans. Into.

(g) The girls was thrilled ____ see her new bicycle.

Ans. To.

(h) The birds were caught ____ the net.

Ans. In.

(i) The children walked ____ the bridge.

Ans. Across.

15. Complete the paragraph with suitable words from the box.

One day, as I was walking _____ the bank of the river. I saw my friend running ____ the field. He was calling my name and waving ____ me. I stopped and waited. ____ sometime he reached where I was standing.

He said, “I went all _____ the town looking for you. I have some exciting news to share _____ you. Do you remember the old house _____ the neem tree? Guess who is moving _____ that house? Janak Das, the great magician. Now we learn lots of magic tricks ____ him.”

Ans. Along, across, to, after, around, with, next to, into, from.

16. Fill in the blanks given below with question words. For example, where do you live?

(a) _____ do you play?

Ans. Where.

(b) _____ do you get up?

Ans. When.

(c) ____ do you have for breakfast?

Ans. What.

(d) ____ do you go to school?

Ans. How.

(e) _____ do you like best in the school games, art or music?

Ans. What.

(f) ____ is your birthday?

Ans. When.

(g) ____ do you want for your birthday?

Ans. What.






1. What made Robinson Crusoe think that the print on the ground was a footprint?

Ans. Robinson Crusoe thought that the print was a footprint because it had toes, heel and all parts of a human foot.

2. Why was Robinson afraid when he looked at the bushes and trees?

Ans. He was afraid because he mistook every bush and every tree to be a man.

3. Why did Robinson pray when he saw the footprint?

Ans. Robinson thought it was the footprint of a savage. He was afraid that savages would kill and eat him. So he prayed for protection.

4. Choose the right answer.

(i) Robinson ran back to his home, as fast he could because he

(a) was racing

(b) was afraid

(c) was in a hurry to go home

Ans. (b) was afraid.

(ii) He could not sleep because

(a) there was an animal outside his cave.

(b) he thought savages had come from the mainland

(c) his bed was uncomfortable.

Ans. (b) he thought savages had come from the mainland.

(iii) Why was Robinson Crusoe sure that was not his footprint?

(a) It didn’t look like a human footprint.

(b) It looked smaller than this.

(c)He had not come to this part of the beach in a long time.

Ans. (c) He had not come to this part of the beach in a long time.

(iv) Where was Robinson Crusoe?

(a) On a boat.

(b) In a town.

(c) Alone an island.

(d) On an aeroplane.

Ans. (c) Alone an island.

5. How would you feel if you saw unknown footprints outside your front door?

Ans. I would like the Robinson Crusoe.

6. If you were alone at home and suddenly someone knocked at your door, what would you do?

Ans. I will go to the door and peep through the hole to see that who is there. Then I’ll ask, who’s there? If there is someone whom I know I shall open the door. Otherwise, I’ll tell him to come later.

7. The words in the sentences are jumbled.

(a) alone was not Robinson an island an

Ans. Robinson was not alone on an island.

(b) was island the inhabited.

Ans. The island was inhabited.

(c) footprint to someone this belonged.

Ans. This footprint belonged to someone.

(d) I around me looked.

Ans. I looked around me.

(e) I went the towards footprint large.

Ans. I went towards the large footprint.

(f) was afraid I now.

Ans. I was afraid now.

8. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

(a) I was frightened ___ curious.

Ans. But.

(b) I decided to go to the beach ____ I went along the water’s edge.

Ans. So.

(c) I ran as fast as I could ___ I was frightened.

Ans. Because.

(d) I was very tired ___ confused.

Ans. And.

9. Write a story on strange footprints.

·  Where did you see the footprints.

·  What sort of a day was it?

·  Did you see them at night?

·  What happened when you followed the footprints?

·  What did you see?

·  What happened then?

Ans. “Story on Strange Footprints”

One day I was sitting alone in a park. A part of the track was muddy. Suddenly, I saw footprints being made on the mud. I followed the footprints. But there was none. New footprints were appearing as if someone was walking away – whether it was a ghost or an invisible man? I could not decide then I come back.






1. What are the things that Munna liked to do?

Ans. Munna liked to play marbles, fly kites, play volleyball and kabaddi, drawing pictures of animals and birds.

2. What did Bhaiya do all day?

Ans. Bhaiya reads books all the day.

3. Why was Munna not happy with the timetable that Bhaiya made for him?

Ans. Munna was not happy with the timetable that Bhaiya made for him because there was no time to play for it.

4. How do you think Munna when his brother was so strict with him? Why was Bhaiya so strict with him?

Ans. Munna became sad and began to cry. When his brother was strict with him. Bhaiya was strict with him because it was his duty to care that Munna would not waste his time. He wanted Munna to study hard.

5. Whose character do you like more – Munna’s or Bhaiya’s? Why?

Ans. I like Bhaiya’s character more than Munna’s. It appears Bhaiya was a bookworm. Still he did not pass his classes. But in fact, Bhaiya had more qualities than Munna. He felt that Munna was his responsibility. He was strict with Munna because he loved him. Because he was not good at studies, but he had more experience.

6. After the reading the letter, answer the following questions.

(a) Who has written the letter?

Ans. Pratap has written the letter.

(b) To whom has the letter been written?

Ans. The letter has been written to his mother.

(c) Where is the writer of the letter?

Ans. The writer of the letter is Krishna Boy’s Hostel in Kolkata.

(d) What is the name of his hostel?

Ans. The letter was written on 10th July 2000.

7. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Oliver was a nine-year-old boy. He lived with other homeless boys in an orphanage. He was pale and thin as were the other boys living there. This was because they had to work hard but were never given enough to eat. The owner of the orphanage, Mr Bumble, was a cruel man and he ill-treated the boys. The boys were always hungry It was true that they were given three meals a day but each meal consisted only of a bowl of watery soup. They were almost starving. So it was decided by them to ask the master for more soup. But who would bell the cat? Finally, the task fell to Oliver. When all the boys had assembled in the cold stone hall for their evening meal, the soup was served. It soon disappeared. The boys whispered to one another and one boy pushed Oliver a little. Oliver, making a brave effort, stood up, walked up to the master with his bowl and spoon in his hand, and said tremblingly, “Please sir, I want some more.”

(a) Why did Oliver live in the orphanage?

Ans. Oliver lived in the orphanage because he was a homeless boy.

(b) Who was Mr. Bumble?

Ans. Mr. Bumble was the owner of the orphanage.

(c) What meal were the boys given?

Ans. The boys were only given of watery soup.

(d) What did Oliver say to Mr. Bumble?

Ans. Oliver said to Mr. Bumble. “Please Sir, I want some more.”

(e) The boys were given three meals a day. Then why were the always hungry?

 (i) Because the soup they were given was never enough.

(ii) Because they worked very hard all day long.’

(iii) Because the older boys drank up their soup.

Ans. (i) Because the soup they were given was never enough

8. Find the words from the passage that mean the same as

(i) very hungry (para 2)

Ans. starving.

(ii) to vanish (para 3)

Ans. disappeared.

9. All the boys assembled in the cold stone hall. Here the word assembled means.

(i) moved away

(ii) collected

(iii) worked together

Ans. (ii) collected.

10. From the word ‘assembled remove the last two letters. Add one letter to make a word which means a time at the school when the whole school gathers.

Ans. Assembly.

11. Give a suitable title to the passage.

Ans. Title: Hungry Boy.

12. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of teach or learn.

(a) Will you ____ me chess?

Ans. Teach.

(b) Mr. Sharma ____ class VIII.

Ans. Teaches.

(c) The students have _____ about ‘road safety’.

Ans. Learned.

(d) My sister has _____ me how to ride a horse.

Ans. Taught.

(e) I have ___ some of the customs of India.

Ans. Learned.

(f) I ____ how to cycle when I was just four years old.

Ans. Learned.






1. Make the words in the box with their meaning. You may take the help of a dictionary.

(i) near the lower part of a mountain

Ans. Foothills.

(ii) With grey hair

Ans. Grizzled.

(iii) To rub gently.

Ans. Stroked.

(iv) To be very surprised

Ans. Astonished.

(v) Known to you

Ans. Familiar.

2. Say whether the following sentences are True or False.

(a) Rip was kind to children.

Ans. True.

(b) Rip was a hardworking man.

Ans. False.

(c) The short old man on the mountain was his constant companion.

Ans. False.

(d) Rip helped the old man on the mountains because he wanted to have a drink form the barrel.

Ans. False.

(e) Rip was away for twenty years because he was asleep on the mountains.

Ans. True.

(f) The drink from the barrel made him fall asleep for twenty years.

Ans. True.

(g) Nobody recognized Rip when he came back because he had reached the wrong village.

Ans. False.

3. Complete the following sentences.

(i) Rip’s village was situated______.

Ans. at the foothills of Kaatskill mountains.

(ii) The children of the village loved him because _____.

Ans. he played with them, told them stories and taught them runs to shoot marble, and fly the kites.

(iii) _______ was his constant companions.

Ans. Wolf, the dog.

(iv) The villagers stared at him because __________.

Ans. They did not seem to know him.

(v) The old woman who recognized Rip was _______.

Ans. his neighbor.

4. What were the strange things about the men on the mountains?

Ans. (i) They all were dressed the same way.

(ii) All had beards of various shapes and colours.

(iii) Their faces were very serious.

(iv) They did not speak.

5. What kind of a man was Rip Van Winkle?

Ans. (i) He was kind neighbor.

(ii) He was a good-natured man.

(iii) He loved to the children.

(iv) He was a very lazy man.

6. Pick out the names of the games mentioned in the story.

Ans. Flying kites, ninepins, shooting marbles and mountain climbing.

7. Sometime we join two words to make a describing word. For example: Rip was a good natured man, everybody liked him. Here are some more describing words. Use them to complete the given paragraph.

Long-sleeved, high-heeled, well-dressed, open-mouthed, sweet-looking, odd-looking, part-time

Mrs. Das has (1) job in a clothes job. Yesterday, an (2) woman walked into the shop. She was wearing (3) shoes. A (4) dog was with her. “I want a (5) shirt for my dog, please.” She said. “For your dog?” asked Mrs. Das, (6) in surprise. “Yes,” replied the woman. “I want him to be (7) for my next party.”

Ans. (1) part-time (2) odd looking, (3) high-heeled, (4) sweet-looking, (5) long sleeved, (6) open-mothed, (7) well-dressed. 

8.  What is the common in the following groups of words?

(a) Knee, knife, knot, know ________

Ans. ‘k’ is silent.

(b) neighbor, daughter, fight, straight _____

Ans. ‘gh’ is silent.

(c) honest, honour, hour, heir

Ans. ‘h’ is silent.

9. Try and make more silent words.

(i) gnat: _____, ______

Ans. gnash, gnaw.

(ii) tongue: ____, ____

Ans. vague, morgue.

(iii) chalk: ____, _____

Ans. talk, walk.

(iv) whistle: ____, _____

Ans. bustle, bustle.

10. Fill in the blanks using the words in the previous questions.

(a) _____ and ____ quickly! You will be late for school. Don’t make a sound.

Ans. Wake up, get up.

(b) Shh! The baby is _____. Don’t make a sound, or she will _____.

Ans. Asleep, wake up.

(c) Are you still ______? You should be now or you will not be able to ____ in the morning for school.

Ans. awake, get up.

11. Lots of things must have happened in the village when Rip was away. Imagine you are neighbour who greets Rip after 20 years. One student should act as Rip. Tell Rip all that happened in the village after he left. (Talk about what happened to this family; to his friends, to the other villagers, to the children he played with, the changes in the village ____ etc. Your teacher will guide you.

Ans.  When you did not come home in the evening, your wife looked for you here and there. But nobody could tell where you had gone. Your son found a job in the city and he left with your wife and daughter. They sold the house for John. The children you played with, have grown up. They all are married and live with their families. Some of them have left the village and joined the surface and farmers in our village have tractors. They do not plough their fields with oxen. Many families have motor cars and telephone. You can talk to people in distant places. It is indeed a magic box telephone instrument. Come, I will show you one that I have at home.






1. How many brothers did the Barber have?

Ans. The Barber had six brothers.

2. Why was the Sultan in a hurry?

Ans. Sultan was in a hurry because he had invited a few friends to a feast at noon.

3. Why did the Barber take so long to shave the Sultan?

Ans. The Barber took so long to shave the Sultan because he continued talking and wasting time.

4. Write True or False.

(a) The Barber was shaving the Sultan’s beard.

Ans. False.

(b) The Sultan gave him three gold coins.

Ans. True.

(c) The Barber refused to leave the Sultan’s palace.

Ans. True.

(d) There were seven brothers altogether in the Sultan’s family.

Ans. False.

5. Did the Sultan enjoy the Barber’s talk? Why do you say so?

Ans. The Sultan did not enjoy Barber’s talk. He was losing his patience. He wanted to get rid of him.

6. Which part of the story did you find the funniest?

Ans. All the story was funny but I find the last part of the story funniest where the Barber had all the food the Sultan had ordered for the feast.

7. What are the things that Sultan gave to the Barber?

Ans. Sultan gave three pieces of gold, all the food and fruits for dinner.

8. Do you think the Sultan was really very generous? Why do you say so?

Ans. No, I don’t think the Sultan was generous. He gave all the food to the Barber because his head was half-shaved. This was because he was at the mercy of the Barber.

9. Fill in the blanks by adding un-, im- or dis- to the words given in the box.

Tidy, patient, kind, like, able, appear, possible

(i) The teacher got upset with Rani because her work was _____.

Ans. Untidy.

(ii) The dog was _____ to climb the tree to chase the cat.

Ans. Unable.

(iii) I ____ hot milk, I like it cold.

Ans. Dislike.

(iv) It is ____ to cross the road during peak traffic hours.

Ans. Impossible.

(v) The magician waved his magic wand and made the rabbit ____.

Ans. Disappear.

(vi) The passengers became ____ when the train was late again.

Ans. Impatient.

(vii) It is very ____ to make fun of another person’s weaknesses.

Ans. Unkind.

10. Notice the highlighted words in the sentence given below. You ordered me to come, so I will not quit your house till I have shaved you. While he was shaving me, he could not stop talking. Now use the joining words given in the box to fill in the blanks.

If, or, till, where, unless, so, while

(i) Please wait with me ___ the bus arrives.

Ans. Till.

(ii) Do you like football ___ cricket?

Ans. Or.

(iii) My father packed my lunch ____ my mother combed my hair.

Ans. While.

(iv) We will reach on time ___ we go by the car.

Ans. If.

(v) Your speech cannot be heard by the audience ____ you use a powerful mike.

Ans. Unless.

(vi) It was a beautiful day, ____ they decided to go for a picnic.

Ans. So.

(vii) We went to the zoo ____ we saw many animals.

Ans. Where.







1. Why did the Captain send the men to the land?

Ans. The captain sent men to the land to fetch water.

2. Why did the men rush back to the ship?

Ans. The men rushed back to the ship because a giant to chase them.

3. Choose the correct answer.

(i) The giant carried a reaping book because

(a) he was fighting with the other giants.

(b) he was going to reap the corn.

(c) he wanted to frighten Gulliver.

Ans. (b) he was going to reap the corn.

(ii) They put Gulliver on the ground to look at him because

(a) they had never seen a human before.

(b) they thought he was a doll.

(c) they had never seen such a tiny man.

Ans. (c) they had never seen such a tiny man.

4. Name the creature to whom you would look like Gulliver. The creature is now extinct. The word begins with the letter D____.

Ans. Dinosaur.

5. From the text, write the sentences that tells you the following.

(a) The giant reapers were fascinated by Gulliver.

Ans. They all sat on the ground to take a good look at me.

(b) Gulliver was a learned man.

Ans. I tried to speak to them in seven languages.

(c) The farmer’s son thought Gulliver was a toy.

Ans. On seeing me the child grabbed me from the table and put my head into his mouth.

(d) The farmer’s wife was a kind-hearted woman.

Ans. Later she put me on her own bed and covered me with a clean white handkerchief.

6. Now complete the following. Use the words given in the box.

(a) as ______ as a feather

Ans. Light.

(b) as _____ as a tortoise

Ans. Slow.

(c) as _____ as honey

Ans. Sweet.

(d) as ____ as snow

Ans. White.

(e) as ____ as an ox

Ans. Strong.

(f) as ____ as night

Ans. Black.

(g) as ____ as a rose

Ans. Red.

(h) as _____ as a toast

Ans. Warm.

(i) as _____ as a breeze

Ans. Gentle.

7. Use the above expressions to complete the following the sentences.

(i) The old man’s hair is as white ______.

Ans. As snow.

(ii) His feet were as cold ______.

Ans. As ice.

(iii) The newspaper boy was as slow ______ delivering the papers.

Ans. As a tortoise.

(iv) I felt as light ______ after excercising.

Ans. As a feather.

8. Create our own comparisons for the following. Work in pairs.


As tall as

A tower

As fast as

A rocket

As high as

The sky

As angry as

A lion

As tiny as

An atom

As brave as

Jhansi ki Rani

9. Now complete the following suitably.

(i) I was sitting in a taxi yesterday when ______.

Ans. I saw her.

(ii) He was cleaning out his cupboard when ______.

Ans. he found his old photograph.

(iii) _______ a dog ran out onto the road.

Ans. I was passing along the street when corner.

(iv) ______ the teacher walked into the room.

Ans. The boys were quarrelling.

10. Correct the use of the describing words in the following sentences.

(a) This is the simpler problem of them all.

Ans. This is the simplest problem of them all.

(b) Which is the lightest of the two parallels?

Ans. Which is the lighter of the two parcels?

(c) He is cleverer than I am.

Ans. He is cleverer than me.

(d) I like this the best of the two.

Ans. I like this better of the two.

(e) The flood became badder as the rain increased.

Ans. The flood became worse as the rain is increased.

11. Punctuate the following sentences using capital letters, full stops (.) commas (,) question marks (?) apostrophe (‘) exclamation mark (!) wherever necessary.

dear Samir

I am sending you a photograph of my newest pet frisky is a bulldog and a very playful puppy by next summer, he should the old enough to go with us on our long walks i m sure you are looking forward to seeing him I know you will like him

warm regards


Ans. Dear Samir,

I am sending you a photograph of my newest pet. Frisky is a bull dog and a very playful puppy. By next summer he should be old enough to go with us on our long walks. I’m sure you are looking forward to see him. I know you will like him.

Warm regards,


12. Punctuate the following sentences.

(a) next Wednesday my sister mita is going to join the State Bank of India.

Ans. Next Wednesday my sister, Mita is going to join the State Bank of India.

(b) the dog wags its tail when its pleased but a cat waves its tail when its angry.

Ans. The dog wags its tail when it’s pleased but a cat waves its tail when it’s angry.

(c) when I went fishing I caught an old shoe a plastic bag and a bad cold.

Ans. When I went fishing I caught an old shoe, a plastic bag and a bad cold.

(d) she fed the baby washed the dishes put the lights off and went to sleep.

Ans. She fed the baby, washed the dishes, put off the lights off and went to sleep.

(e) wasn’t Tim born on the 26 th of January 1989.

Ans. Wasn’t Tim born on 26 th of Januray, 1989?

(f) oh no the bus was gone.

Ans. Oh no! The bus has gone.

13. Fill in the blanks:

(i) A giant tree ____________.

Ans. Redwood Trees of California.

(ii) A giant bird __________.

Ans. Ostrich.

(iii) A giant land animal ________.

Ans. Elephant.

(iv) A giant water creature _______.

Ans. Whale.

(v) A giant reptile _______.

Ans. Anaconda.

(vi) A giant aeroplane ________.

Ans. A-380.






1. Why did all the children hate Hari?

(i) Because he would not talk to anyone.

(ii) Because he always pinched them.

(iii) Because he loved stealing their food.

Ans. (ii) Because he always pinched them.

2. “Nobody took Hari’s hand. Nobody went near him. Nobody played with him.” This shows that Hari had

(i) many friends

(ii) few friends

(iii) no friends

Ans. (iii) no friends.

3. Which of the following actions would make a friendly person? Write them down.

· Respecting other people.

· Eating a small child’s tiffin.

· Calling people rude names.

· Pushing a smaller boy and making him cry

· Being helpful to everyone.

· Helping your classmates in school.

· Mocking at friends and hurting their feelings.

· Protecting a weaker person.

Actions which would make a friendly person

Ans. (i) Respecting other people.

(ii) Being helpful to everyone.

(iii) Helping your classmates in school.

(iv) Protecting a weaker person.

4. From the story, find out words which are opposites or are closest to being the opposites of the words given below. Then write down the opposites in the grid.


1. smile

2. happy

4. strong


3. quiet

5. punish


5. Hari was pinched till he was black and blue. ‘Black and blue’ means.

(i) Hari fell down in pain.

(ii) There were bruises on his body.

(iii) Hari painted himself in colours.

(iv) Hari had a black and blue shirt.

Ans. (ii) There were bruises on his body.

6. ‘I shan’t pitch anyone anymore.’ Shan’t means

(i) Shall (ii) should (iii) shall not (iv) will not

Ans. Shall not.

7. Give the full forms of

Won’t _______________

Weren’t ______________

Wouldn’t _______________

Couldn’t ______________

Ans. Will not, were not, would not, could not.

8. Add – ly to the following words:

Clear, merry, weary, double, dreary, bright, bad, fond



















9. Now can you make sentences with these words?

Ans. Clearly: The old man’s eyes are weak. He cannot see things clearly.

Merrily: All the student rushed out Merrily, when the last ball rang.

Wearily: In the evening, the peasant walked home wearily.

Doubly: She is doubley blessed with a son and a promotion.

Drearily: Her sister was dressed on her birthday party.

Brightly: The diamond shines brightly in the dark.

Badly: He badly entertained the guest.

Fondly: The lady kissed her baby fondly.

10. How did the seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster etc. teach Hari a lesson? Write in a few lines.

Ans. The crab, the lobster, shrimps and prawns pinched Hari hard. They pinched till he was black and blue and cried in pain. Then he realized how pinching hurts. He decided never to pinch anybody in failure.

11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

(a) Hari was _____ unpopular boy.

Ans. An.

(b) The boys and girls went to _____ seaside for a picnic.

Ans. The.

(c) He saw ____ big crab coming towards him.

Ans. A.

(d) I found _____ empty bottles, floating in the water.

Ans. An.

(e) ____ sea creatures ate his food.

Ans. The.

12. Can you tell a difference between a turtle and a tortoise. Write a few lines.


A turtle

A Tortoise

1. Huge creatures with a hard cover

1. It has four legs

2. It has flippers

2. Its lives in pond river and land

3. It lives in the sea

3. The tortoise is a smaller creature then turtle

4. The female turtle comes to store to lay

4. Female tortoise lays her eggs in ground

13. Describe what is happening in the picture. Use is/are and ing to make your sentences. Clues are given in the box.

(i) Mary ____ up the slide.

Ans. Climbing.

(ii) Hari ____ and boxing her.

Ans. is kicking.

(iii) Little Bittoo _____ a lollipop.

Ans. is licking.

(iv) Rita ____ down the slide.

Ans. is sliding.

14. Imagine what the children will do in the playground tomorrow. You can take some hints from the words given in the box.

Play, footwall, jump, race, badminton, run

Ans. (i) John will play kabaddi tomorrow.

(ii) Parul and Priyanka will play badminton tomorrow.

(iii) Sunny and Munny will run a race.

(iv) Team A and Team B will play a football match.

(v) Sonu and Kabir will jump.

(vi) Anwar will participate in a race competition tomorrow.




1. Which tribe of Red Indians attacked the travellers?

Ans. The Sioux tribe of Red Indiana attacked the travellers.

2. Which was the highest point of their journey?

Ans. The highest point of their journey was 7524 feet above the sea level. It was on the rocky-mountains.

3. Why did the train stop the first time?

Ans. The train stopped for the first time because a herd of buffaloes was crossing the railway track.

4. How many days would it take for the train to reach New York?

Ans. The train would take seven days to reach New York.

5. Match the following words with their meanings. You can take the help of a dictionary.

(i) halted

Ans. Stopped.

(ii) Passengers

Ans. People travelling in buses, trains etc.

(iii) Defended

Ans. protected from attack.

(iv) Shuddered

Ans. Trembled or shook violently.

(v) Several Occasion

Ans. Many times.

(vi) Interruption

Ans. Break the continuity of

(vii) Entirely

Ans. Completely.

6. Read the following sentences.

(i) The train steamed forward at full speed.

(ii) The train headed for the step mountains.

Find five more such words from the lesson.

Ans. Crossed, passed, halted, shuddered, shrinked, charged.

7. Find the opposites of the following words from the text.

(i) Minimum speed

Ans. Maximum speed.

(ii) Moved forward

Ans. Moved forward.

(iii) Disappeared

Ans. Appeared.

(iv) Closed

Ans. Opened.

(v) Lowest

Ans. Lowest.

8. How many doors and windows on the right side are there in the classroom?

Ans. There are two windows on the right side and a door and a window on the left side of the classroom.

9. Where are the blackboard and the cup-board?

Ans. The blackboard is in the front of the classroom at the left and the bulletin board is in the front of the classroom at the right.

10. How many row’s of desks are there in the middle and back rows?

Ans. There are two rows of desks in the middle row and two rows of desks in the back row.


(a) There are ____ trees between the classroom and the playground.

Ans. Neem.

(b) The ____ trees line the passage from the entrance.

Ans. Mango.

(c) Many ____ trees are along the side of the playground.

Ans. Gulmohar.

12. Use the map to answer the questions.

(a) What does the dotted line on the map show?

Ans. The dotted line on the map show the route from Ajay’s house to his school.

(b) What road would Ajay take to get to the boat club?

Ans. Ajay would take Kasturba Gandhi Marg to get to the boat club.

(c) What building is next to the picnic area?

Ans. India Gate is next to the picnic area.

(d) What road passes by Ajay’s house?

Ans. Ring road passes by Ajay’s house.

(e) What other way could Ajay use to get from his house to his grandmother’s house.

Ans. Ajay could use Ashoka Road to get from his house to his grandmother’s house. But he could use Kasturba Gandhi Marg also. He could reach the Boat club. Then he could go across the picnic area. From there he could turn left and walk between the boat club and his school. Then he could turn right and walk in front of the school and reach his grandmother’s house.

13. Listen to the poem given below.

Day by day I float my paper boats

one by one down the running stream.

In big black letters I write my name on them

and the name of the village where I live.

I hope that someone in some strange land

will find them and know who I am.

I load my little boats with shiuli flowers from our garden,

And hope that these blooms of the dawn will be carried

safely to land in the night.

(a) Discuss with your partner would how send a similar message to someone?

Ans. We can send a similar message in a sealed bottle. The bottle will float away in the running stream.

(b) Also find out how people sent messages in olden days and how they send them now a days?

Ans. In olden days, people sent messages through messages, pigeons and by old post etc. These days, people send messages by telephone and e-mail and internet.

14. See the picture Travel Time below.

Answer the questions that follow.

(i) Where did you go for an excursion/holiday?

Ans. I went to Shimla.

(ii) With whom did you go?

Ans. I went there with my friends.

(iii) What did you take with you?

Ans. I took my food items, clothes, camera and binoculars.

(iv) What was the first thing you saw when you reached your destination?

Ans. I saw a mall.

(v) What did you like best about the place?

Ans. I liked the tall pine trees the best.

(vi) How long did you stay there?

Ans. I stayed there for five days.

(vii) What did you miss about home?

Ans. I missed the comfort of my home.

15. Make sentences using any two new words which you have learnt in the lesson.

Ans. (i) Shuddered: Arvind shuddered when he saw a tiger in the jungle.

(ii) Canyons: When we went to Shimla, I saw several deep canyons on the way.

16. Which do you think would be more fun — travelling by aeroplane or sailing on a ship? Write why you think so.

Ans. I think travelling by aeroplane would be fun. It would give me a view of the mountains, cities, rivers and seas from the above.

17. Fill in the blanks choosing group words from the box.

(i) The travellers rested under the _______ of trees.

Ans. Clump.

(ii) The _________ sang beautifully.

Ans. Choir.

(iii) The _________ of flowers was lying on the table.

Ans. Bunch.

(iv) The girl looked up at the _________ of stars.

Ans. Cluster.

(v) The _________ of robbers escaped.

Ans. Band.

(vi) The hunter shot at the _________ of birds.

Ans. Flock.

18. Some words describe actions. Many of them end in ly.

The girl danced beautifuly.

Fill in the blanks by changing the word in the brackets suitably.

(i) The girl slept ________. [sound]

Ans. Soundly.

(ii) The children finished their work ________. [quick]

Ans. Quickly.

(iii) The old man shouted ________. [loud] group words the box.

Ans. Loudly.

(iv) The boys played ________. [quiet]

Ans. Quietly.

(v) Do your work ________. [neat]

Ans. Neatly.

(vi) I can do the sum ________. [easy]

Ans. Easily.






1. Name the place in Manipur where the Ningthou and Leima ruled.

Ans. Ningthou and Leima ruled in the land of Kangleipak in Manipur.

2. Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen.

Ans. The people of Kangleipak loved their king and queen because they loved the people and always thought of making them happy.

3. Why did Ningthou want to choose a future king?

Ans. Ningthou wanted to choose a future king because the king was growing old.

4. How did the king want to select their future king?

Ans. The king did not want to follow the old custom. He wanted to choose the future king by holding a contest. He wanted to see who was worthy of being the future king.

5. What kind of child was Sanatombi?

Ans. Sanatombi was soft and beautiful from inside. She could feel the pain of others, like animals, trees, birds and people.

6. Have you ever seen an animal or a bird in pain? What did you do?

Ans. Once a little parrot fell in the yard of my house. I saw someone had tied its legs with a string. It had escaped but could not sit or fly any more. I picked it up. I cut the string with a razor very carefully. Then I released it. It flew away immediately.

7. Where is Manipur on the map of India?

Ans. Manipur is in the north-eastern part of India on the border of Myanmar.

8. What language do the people of Manipur speak?

Ans. Manipuri.

9. Who do you think should have been made the future king?

(i) Sanajaoba, the one who jumped through the tree.

(ii) Sanayaima, the one who jumped over the tree.

(iii) Sanatomba, the one who uprooted the tree.

Why do you think so?

Ans. I think so because he was brave. He completed and won the contest.

10. Who was made the future queen and why?

Ans. Sanatombi was made the future queen because she could feel the pain of not only human out of birds, animals and trees also.

11. Write the meanings of the following in English.

(i) Tunggi Ningthou

Ans. Future king.

(ii) Thouro! Thouro!

Ans. Bravo! Bravo!

(iii) Phajei! Phajei!

Ans. Wonderful! Wonderful!

(iv) Shagol thauba nupa!

Ans. Such fine horse men.

12. Read the lesson carefully and put a circle around all the action words with -ed at the end. Then write them in one column and their present form in another.


































13. Make a list of the action words from this story.


-ed action words

Irregular action words






































1. In which season is ice-cream popular?

Ans. Ice-cream is popular in summer season.

2. Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-Cream Man?

Ans. The speaker feels joyful on seeing the Ice-Cream Man.

3. Name the different flavours of ice-cream the Ice cream Man has in his cart.

Ans. The Ice-cream Man has vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavours of ice-cream in his cart.

4. What are the two things that the Ice-Cream man is selling?

Ans. The Ice-cream Man is selling ice-cream cart is compared to a flower bed.

5. Write about some of the exciting and enjoyable things that one can do in the winter season.

Ans. In winter season, we can eat hot sandwiches and sip hot tea or coffee. We can also sit around a fire and eat popcorn, rewaris and peanuts.

6. List as many summer activities as you can.

Ans. Swimming, tracking going for picnic in the evening, drawing sketches/painting, reading story books, playing video games and cricket.

7. Now group these activities into indoor and outdoor activities.

Ans. Indoor activities: Playing indoor games, drawing/painting, reading story books.

Outdoor activities: Swimming, tracking, playing cricket, going for picnic.

8. What are some of the different sounds you hear when the Ice-cream man comes?

Ans. I hear sound of ringing a bell.

I hear Ice-cream man’s cries loudly.

I hear the joyful shouting of the children.

9. Find out and write a report.

Here is a report on Uncle Lal’s farm

Father took me to visit Uncle Lal’s diary farm. I saw all of Uncle Lal’s cows. He has fifty cows. They eat grass in the big green farms. In the evening the farmers bring them to the barn to be milked. Uncle Lal sells his milk in the city. When writing a report, remember to do these things.

In groups of four, write a report on different brands of ice-cream available in your area.

You may use the following clues.

(i) Start with a short introduction which contains the topic.

(ii) Then list the ice-cream brands available in your area.

(iii) Next, say which are the common flavours of ice-cream in each of the brands.

(iv) Under each brand, find out which flavours are being sold the most. Also find out their prices.

(v) Finally, write which do you think is the most popular ice-cream.

Ans. Our group visited three ice-cream parlours in our area. Mother Dairy sells three flavours, namely Mango Duiet, Vanilla and Chocoa Bar. Kwality Walls offers Orange Bar, Twister and Choco Feat. Amul has Rashberry, Cocola Bar and Surprise Bar. Prices range from Rs. 15 to Rs. 25. We tasted all of them. In my opinion, mother dairy sold by vanilla is the most popular.

10. What do the following words describe in the poem?

Ans. Joyful sight,

Little, cart,

Round, umbrella

11. Can you make these sounds?

Ans. Yes.

12. What are the describing words used in the poem for the following?

(a) _______ mounds

(b) _______ flavour

(c) ______ cluster

Ans. (a) Cooling, brown and white wounds.

(b) Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry flavour.

(c) Thick cluster

13. Draw and colour your dream ice-cream. Describe it using interesting words – the colours, the flavours, the size, how it looks, tastes, feels etc.

Ans. Here is the ice-cream of my dreams. It is a huge bar and looks like a rocket. It has layers of colours, white and chocolate. It is creamy with generous sprinkling of nuts. It has exotic taste, a mixture of several flavours in one.

14. Have you ever eaten kulfi, the ice-cream from North India? The following sentences describe how it is served but they are not in the correct order. Write the correct number before each sentence.

Ans. Correct order is as following:

(i) The kulfiwala takes the kulfi mould out of the pitcher.

(ii) He scoops out the kulfi on a plate.

(iii) He arranges some falooda around it.

(iv) Then he pours some sweet syrup over it and serves it.




1. Do you like to work and play with others?

Ans. I like to work and play with other.

2. If nobody passes the ball in a basketball game, then you can’t.

Ans. Shoot.

3. In a relay race, if no one passes the baton, then

Ans. A relay race cannot go on.

4. Name the team members needed for the following.

(a) To play cricket we need

Ans. Batsmen, bowlers, fielders, coaches.

(b) To make a film we need

Ans. Directors, actors, viewers.

(c) To run a good school we need

Ans. Principal, teachers, peon, students.

(d) To run a restaurant we need

Ans. Manager, cooks, waiters, customers, dinners.

5. Complete the sets of rhyming words.


Words from the poem

Words from the words















6. Now form questions for the answers given in the speech bubbles.

(a) Why was the shoe lost?

Ans. The shoe was lost because of the nail.

(b) Why was the battle lost?

Ans. The battle was lost because there was no rider.

(c) Why was the kingdom lost?

Ans. The kingdom was lost because the battle could not be fought.

7. Now make three more questions and answers from the poem, Teamwork.

(a) Why was the rider lost?

Ans. The rider was lost for want of a horse.

(b) Why was the horse lost?

Ans. The horse was lost because of the shoe.

(c) Why was all lost?

Ans. All was lost for the want of a horse shoe nail.

8. Look at the picture and answer the questions in the sentence, using the word clues given in the box.


(a) Who is laying the bricks?

Ans. A mason is laying the bricks.

(b) Who is holding the ladder?

Ans. A labourer is holding the ladder.

(c) Who is the man on the ladder?

Ans. An electrician is on the ladder.

(d) Who is making the door?

Ans. A carpenter is making the door.

(e) Who is painting the walls?

Ans. A painter is painting the walls.

9. Now make up a story about the picture. Give names to the people. Write the story showing the importance of teamwork.

Ans. My Grandmother was going to build a house. I wondered how the house would be made. My grandmother told me that it was teamwork. He asked a contractor, Mukesh, to build the house. Mukesh had a team of workers. His mason Lal Chand and a few labourers started to build walls. And plumber Mannu laid water pipes. Bhatia, electrician, did all the electric work. Ram Swaroop the carpenter, Ram Lochan fitted the door and window the painter did a wonderful work. I was surprised how with the teamwork the contractor finished all the work in short time.

10. In group of five, discuss what you enjoy doing alone and what you like doing in a group.


Thing I like doing alone

Things I like doing in a group

Reading a book

Playing games

Doing homework

Going for a picnic

Writing a poem

Going for a swim

11. In your family, what activities are done individually and as a group?

Ans. My mother decides what dishes to cook.

My father decides where to invest his money.

I decide what to study.

We decide where we shall go for a holiday.

12. In the puzzle find the words given in the column. Notice that these words are formed by joining the words. One is done for you. Find some more such words.


13. Let’s write a poem.

Ans. I have a kite but need a friend to fly it with.

I know a song but need someone to hear it,

I have a ball but need someone to catch it,

I know a joke but need someone to share it with.

I have a telephone but need someone to talk to.

I have a dream but need someone to joy it.

I have lost my way so need someone to.

14. Write the contractions for the following phrases.

Ans. (i) has not hasn’t

(ii) are not aren’t

(iii) have not haven’t

(iv) do not don’t

15. Write the full forms for the following.

Ans. (i) weren’t were not

(ii) wasn’t was not

(iii) she’ll she will

(iv) who’s who is




1. Why do you think your shadow looks like?

Ans. I think my shadow looks like me.

2. Why do you think your shadow jumps into bed before you can?

Ans. When I go near my bed my shadow falls on the bed before can get into the bed.

3. What time of the day do you think when your shadow in the tallest? Why?

Ans. Morning.

4. Read the lines from the poem and answer the following.

He is very like me.

From the heels up to the head!

(a) Who does he refere to?

Ans. He refers to shadow.

(b) Who does me refer to?

Ans. Me refers to the speaker in the poem.

(c) Why are he and me alike?

Ans. He and me are alike Tie is the shadow of me.

5. Work in pairs and discuss the following. What would you do if

(a) A dog chases you?

Ans. I would not run away. The dog will also stop chasing.

(b) You have forgotten your homework copy at home?

Ans. I’ll tell the truth to the teacher.

(c) You are alone in a room and the lights go out?

Ans. I’ll wait till light comes back and arrange a candle light.

6. Shine a torch behind your hand and see its shadow on the wall. Move the torch a little away from your hand and see the shadow on the wall. Do you find a difference in the size of the hand on the wall?

Ans. Yes, there is a difference. The hand of shadow becomes smaller than the first shadow on the wall.

7. Fill in the blanks using one of the words given in the brackets.

(a) Where is the child ____ parents have come to school? (who/whose/which)

Ans. Whose.

(b) I saw many houses ___ were quite spacious. (which/whose/who)

Ans. Which.

(c) Mathematics ___ is my favourite subject, is so interesting. (who/which/that).

Ans. Which.

(d) The poem ____ you read out, is so lovely. (whose/which/that).

Ans. That.

(e) I know the street ___ he lives on. (whose/that/which)

Ans. That.

(f) I like reading books ___ have pictures in it. (that/who/which).

Ans. That.

(g) The old lady ___ I met in your house is my neighbour. (whom/that/which)

Ans. Whom.

8. Complete this description by answering the questions below.

(a) What do you think is the name of the dog?

Ans. I think the name of the dog is Shadow.

(b) Why is she called that?

Ans. She is called Shadow because she follows Mithoo like a shadow where she goes.

(c) What colour is she?

Ans. Her colour is grey.

(d) Do you think she is friendly.

Ans. Yes, she is a friendly dog.

(e) What does she like to eat?

Ans. She likes to eat a chop and dog biscuits.

9. Write a few line on Mithoo and his little dog named Shadow.

Ans. (i) She is a beautiful white dog.

(ii) She follows Mithoo like a shadow wherever she goes.

(iii) She is a friendly dog.

(iv) She like to eat pieces of bones. She has made a little house for shadow.

10. Say Aloud.

Ans. (i) Shoe

(ii) Shadow

(iii) Fish

(iv) Bush

(v) Ship

(vi) Sheep

(vii) Dish

(viii) Wash

(ix) Shell

(x) Shade

(xi) Wish

(xii) Brush






1. According to the poet, should you cry a little or should you cry a lot?

Ans. According to the poet, we should cry a lot.

2. What can you do after crying a lot.

Ans. We can go park with our friends.

3. Read the first two lines of the poem. What is the mood.

Happy? Sad? Angry? Jealous? Upset?

Ans. Sad?

4. In the first few lines the mood of the poet has changed. What is it now?

Very happy, angry, cheerful, sad, jealous

Ans. Very happy.

5. Are these sentences right or wrong?

(a) The poet says you must not cry much.

Ans. Wrong.

(b) The poet says that you should cry till your pillow is soaked.

Ans. Right.

(c) The poet says that after crying you should open the window and laugh so that people will see that you are happy.

Ans. Right.

(d) The poet says that you should open the window and show people that you are crying.

Ans. Wrong.

6. Where do you cry? What are the things that make you cry?

Ans. I cry a lonely place. I cry when I am hurt.

7. Can you cry when you are happy?

Ans. Yes, sometimes I can cry when I am very happy.

8. Which are the things that make you happy? In what ways do you show your happiness?

Ans. I feel happy when I get what I desire at such situation. I laugh and get excited about my happiness.

9. Fill in the blanks with the exact feeling word.

(a) The tourists were ____ to see the beautiful Taj Mahal. (amazed, shocked, worried)

Ans. Amazed.

(b) The lights went out suddenly. I was alone and ____. (worried, shocked, worried)

Ans. Frightened.

(c) He has been ill for a long time and his parent were ____. (unhappy, worried, angry).

Ans. Worried.

(d) The shopkeeper was ____ when he saw his safe wide open with all his safe wide open with all his money missing. (unhappy, shocked, angry).

Ans. Shocked.

10. Narrate an incident when you have experienced happiness, excitement, surprise. You can use the following clues.

With whom… When did it happen…

Why… Where…

Ans. Last year I went to Zoo with my parents. There was very exciting situation when I was in the rope way. At that time, I was very happy and frightened. I enjoyed it very much. I cannot forget this incident.






1. What did the frog do all the day?

Ans. He slept conveniently all day on a log.

2. Besides lazy; what other word can you think of to describe the frog?

Ans. How he behaved with his mother, when a lady frog walked by.

3. Complete the sentences with reference to the poem.

(i) When the frog’s mother called him, he pretended to

Ans. He heard of hearing.

(ii) When a lady frog hops by, he does not even

Ans. Open one eye.

4. Did you like the frog’s behaviour?

Ans. No, I do not like the frog’s behaviour.

5. Refer to the poem and understand. The frog loved to laze and lie around all day. He did not like to do any work at all. Now make true sentences about yourself! Write about the people you like, a game you play, a hobby, a habit you have. You may use the following clues.

(a) I love ________

Ans. I love to help my mother.

(b) I like _________

Ans. I like to play cricket on holiday.

(c) I don’t mind ________

Ans. I don’t mind washing my clothes.

(d) I don’t like _____

Ans. I don’t like bursting crackers on Diwali.

(e) I hate ______

Ans. I hate telling lies.

6. Add one more matching word to each pair.























7. What kind of words are they?

Ans. They are rhyming words.






1. What did the frog do all the day?

Ans. He slept conveniently all day on a log.

2. Besides lazy; what other word can you think of to describe the frog?

Ans. How he behaved with his mother, when a lady frog walked by.

3. Complete the sentences with reference to the poem.

(i) When the frog’s mother called him, he pretended to

Ans. He heard of hearing.

(ii) When a lady frog hops by, he does not even

Ans. Open one eye.

4. Did you like the frog’s behaviour?

Ans. No, I do not like the frog’s behaviour.

5. Refer to the poem and understand. The frog loved to laze and lie around all day. He did not like to do any work at all. Now make true sentences about yourself! Write about the people you like, a game you play, a hobby, a habit you have. You may use the following clues.

(a) I love ________

Ans. I love to help my mother.

(b) I like _________

Ans. I like to play cricket on holiday.

(c) I don’t mind ________

Ans. I don’t mind washing my clothes.

(d) I don’t like _____

Ans. I don’t like bursting crackers on Diwali.

(e) I hate ______

Ans. I hate telling lies.

6. Add one more matching word to each pair.























7. What kind of words are they?

Ans. They are rhyming words.






1. What activity was going on in the class?

Ans. Discussion was going on in the class.

2. Who was the quiet one in the class?

Ans. Jane was the quiet one in the class.

3. Why was she quiet?

(i) She was afraid to air her opinions.

(ii) She hated the noise.

(iii) She didn’t like the activity.

(iv) She was quiet by nature.

Ans. She was quiet by nature.

4. How do you interact in class during discussions? Do you participate or remain quiet?

Ans. I speak less but listen to others more.

5. Choose two friends in your class who are very different from each other. Use the clues in the box to describe their nature. You may also add your own words to describe them.

Naughty, lively, sharing, careless, studious, quiet, friendly, helpful, regular, cheerful

Ans. Munny and Sonu are my classmates. They both are different by nature. Sonu is lively and naughty. He is helpful and very friendly. Munny is a quiet boy. He is very studious. He is very regular in his studies. But Sonu is not as Cheerful as Munny. Everybody likes Sonu.

6. Find one story of bravery about a child. You can search for the story by talking to older people or watching a TV programme or from a film. Write down the story. Also mention its source. Narrate the story to the class. Which story did you like the best? Write down your reasons.

Ans. I have read the following story of a brave boy. Karim was a shepherd boy. He used to graze his sheep and goats outside his village near the railway track. One day he found a few persons damaging the railway track. He hide himself and watched them. When those men had gone, he came to the track. A train expected to come in about half an hour. He knew that there would be a serious accident. He wanted to hit upon their plan. He went about half a kilometer up the track. He stood at the edge of the track. When the train become visible he began to wave his Red bag. The driver applies brakes. The train stopped. He saved the train and its passengers. He also told police about the men who had damaged the track. They were terrorists. They were arrest. Karim was rewarded. He was given free school education. I like the story because Karim saved hundreds of lives by his presence of mind.

7. Read Sheela’s notice. Discuss the questions that follows:

(a) Who was to meet?

Ans. The Drama Committee was to meet.

(b) When were they to meet?

Ans. They were to meet on Monday at 2’o clock.

(c) Where were they to meet?

Ans. They were meet in the classroom.

(d) What were they to do?

Ans. They were to plan a play for their Annual Day.






1. When do children go to school in Topsy-turvy land?

Ans. In Topsy-turvy land children go to school at night.

2. In the poem, if buses travel on the sea, then where do the boats travel? How should it rightly be?

Ans. In the poem, boats travel in the streets. They should travel on the sea.

3. The land of Topsy-turvy is very different from our land. Let’s draw a competition by filling in sentences wherever needed.


Topsy-turvy land

Our Land

(i) People walk on their heads.

(i) People walk on their feets.

(ii) The buses run on the sea.

(ii) The buses run on land.

(iii) They wear their hats on feets.

(iii) They wear their hats on their heads.

(iv) Boats travel in streets.

(iv) Boats sail in the sea.

(v) People pay for what they don’t get.

(v) People pay for what they get.

4. The words in the sentences are jumbled here. Rearrange them to make meaningful sentences. Words that began with a capital letter are the first word of the sentence.

(i) Renu naughty is a girl,

Ans. Renu is a naughty girl.

(ii) untidy room Her always is.

Ans. Her room is always untidy.

(iii) mother Her advises her clean to it.

Ans. Her mother advises her to clean it.

(iv) never listens She her mother to.

Ans. She never listens to her mother.

(v) kind of What child a you are?

Ans. What kind of a child are you?

5. Can you tell of some things that go Topsy-turvy at home and there is disorder?

Ans. The things that go topsy-turvy at home are:

(i) The newspapers are not arranged date-wise. You have to ransack the whole pile to find the newspaper you need.

(ii) The keys are not in their proper place, and you look for them everywhere.

(iii) One shoe is lying under the bed and the other is in the shoe rack. You go crazy looking for the one.

(iv) You don’t arrange your books and note-books. You don’t find them when it is time to go to school.

(v) Your father doesn’t know where he put his glasses last evening. Your mother doesn’t know where the telephone and electricity bill are, and it is the last date of their payment.

6. Write five things that you do at home to make your home look neat and clean.

Ans. (i) Keep the bed sheets and covers properly folded and tucked away.

(ii) Keep things properly arranged on shelf’s.

(iii) Shoes are kept in the shoe-racked properly.

(iv) Also toilets are properly cleaned.

(v) Chairs and sofas are properly well arranged.

7. Let’s imagine a topsy-turvy scene and describe it in the lines below.

Ans. In the day time in the Topsy-turvy land. People were fast asleep. As soon as the sun set, everyone got up. Children had their bath. Grandfather prepared their breakfast. Teachers came in the playground. All the Bazar opened. People bought goods but did not pay for them.

8. Two stories got mixed up. Sort them out and write them at the appropriate boxes.

(i) We thought the lion had eaten someone.

(ii) Suddenly the kite lifted him off the ground and took him over the treetops.

(iii) He saw a shoe in the lion’s cage.

(iv) Finally, the kite brought him back to the park.

(v) Our class had gone to the zoo

(vi) Puran was fly the brand new kite in the park.

(vii) Some children stood and screamed, and some ran to the Director of the zoo.

(viii) Puran was frightened and excited.

(ix) The lion had not eaten anyone, because the shoe was one of the lion’s toys.

Ans. The Magic Kite:

Puran was flying the brand new kite in the park.

Suddenly the kite lifted him off the ground and took him over the treetops.

Puran frightened and excited. Finally, the kite brought him back to the park.

Who Did the Lion Eat?

Our class had gone to the zoo. We saw a shoe in the lion’s cage. We thought the lion had eaten someone. Some children stood and screamed and some ran to the Director of the zoo. The lion had not eaten anyone, because the shoe was one of the lion’s toys.






1. What are the things the girl does not want to share?

Ans. The girl does not want to share her book, sweets and doll.

2. Did the boy share his toffee and tricycle with others?

Ans. No, the boy did not share his toffee and tricycle with other.

3. Why are the two children nobody’s friends?

Ans. The two children are nobody’s friends because they do not share their wings with anybody.

4. What does the child in the last stanza want to share?

Ans. The child in the last stanza wants to share his cake, games, ball, apple and books with others.

5. Do you like to share your favourite food or toys with others? Why?

Ans. Yes, I like to share my favourite food and toys with others if they are my friends.

6. Who is your best friend? Can you describe him/her?

Ans. Manoj is my best friend. He is a good boy. He likes to share everything with me. We eat and play together which was available that line.

7. Suppose you and your friends were very thirsty and there was only one glass of water. What would you do?

Ans. We shall drink half of a glass each.

8. If you had a bat, could you play cricket by yourself?

Ans. No, I cannot play cricket by myself. I must have some friends to play with.

9. Can you find more words ending with less?

Friendless, homeless, ___________

Ans. Careless, Superless, motherless, hopeless, wireless.

10. Can you write the opposite of

(i) lend b_____w.

(w) no body s _____y.

Ans. Borrow, somebody.

11. Several words mean no. The word never is one. It means at no time or not ever. Here are some other no words read them.

Nobody, no, nowhere, no one, none, nothing

Read the given sentences and underline the no word in each.

Ans. (i) Nobody is at home.

(ii) Ram has no book.

(iii) Can no one help him?

(iv) Was Gopal nowhere around?

(v) None of the two boys came.

(vi) There is nothing to do.

(vii) I have no coat.

(viii) Radha is never late.

12. Say Aloud.

Ans. (i) Nobody

(ii) Everyday

(iii) Somebody

(iv) Cycle

(v) Bicycle

(vi) Tricycle

(vii) Share

(viii) Care

(ix) Stare

(x) Hair

(xi) Pair

(xii) Stair






1. Which modes of transport do the people use to move around in the city?

Ans. In the city people use cars, taxis, buses, trains, trams, rickshaws, etc. to move around.

2. What are the things that the people carry with them, while moving around.

Ans. While moving around, people carry bags, briefcases, suitcases etc.

3. Where all do you find these very busy people?

Ans. I find all these busy people on roads, on bus stops, on sidewalks, in market etc.

4. Where have you seen crowds of people?

Ans. I have seen crowds of people at railway stations, bus stands, shopping malls, stadium, cinema halls, fairs etc.

5. Why do you think all these people are in a hurry?

Ans. Because they have to do many things, and they have to go long distances.

6. Let’s write the opposites of the following words.

(i) slow

Ans. Fast.

(ii) back

Ans. front.

(iii) below

Ans. Above.

(iv) Loud

Ans. Slow.

(v) Up

Ans. Down.

(vi) Tall

Ans. Short.

(vii) Crowd

Ans. Alone.

(viii) Go

Ans. Come.

7. The people who live in cities often wish they could live in quiet towns. Do you like the place you live in? Tell your partner two things you like and don’t like about the place you live in.

Ans. I live in the main city. I like the place where I live. (i) There is a developed park with green grass and tall trees. I go for a walk there. (ii) There is a school, library, hospital and a market. We have all the things we need. (iii) There is a local bus stand. I can go wherever I like. Why I don’t like. However, (i) I have to travel a long distance for the main city, railway station etc.

(ii) It is very near to slum area so there is no proper law and order.

8. Did you observe that in the poem, the last words in every second and fourth line rhyme with each other? Can you write a four-line poem.

Ans. I live in a tall building

Like a bird in a nest,

Here I study

And here I rest.

9. Find out how many people are there in our country. Do you have enough land for all people on this earth? Is there enough food and water for all people?

Ans. There are more than one hundred crore people live in our country. We do not have enough land for all the people on the earth. There is not enough food and water for all the people.

10. Interview your teacher and get her responses for the following questions:

(a) Why did you become a teacher?

Ans. I became a teacher because I like teaching.

(b) How do you come to school every day?

Ans. I come to school in a Auto.

(c) Do you have a pet?

Ans. Yes, I have a pet.

(d) What kinds of books do you like to read?

Ans. I like to read current events.

(e) What are your hobbies?

Ans. My hobbies are reading books and newspaper travelling and surfing internet.

11. Now write a paragraph about your teacher with the information you have gathered.

Ans. My Teacher

My Teacher says she became a teacher because she likes teaching. She comes to school daily in a Auto. She has a cow and a dog as pets. She is a good reader. She likes to read current events. Her hobbies are reading, travelling and surfing the Internet.




1. Where did the polar bear live with her family.

Ans. The polar bear lived with her family in an icy lair.

2. What did Malu learn to do from her parents?

Ans. Malu learned to catch small and big fish. She learned all the things her parents knew.

3. Where did the Malu want to travel?

Ans. Malu wanted to travel beyond the blue sky.

4. What was it that Malu’s parents wanted her to learn?

Ans. Malu’s parents wanted her to learn how to swim.

5. Was Malu scared to swim? Did she learn easily?

Ans. Yes, Malu was scared to swim. But soon her fear was gone. She learned to swim easily.

6. Read the last two stanzas of the poem. Whom does ‘she’ stand for in both?

Ans. In the first stanza ‘she’ stands for Malu. In the second stanza ‘she’ stands for Malu’s mother.

7. Now write a detailed character sketch of Malu Bhalu.

Ans. Malu was a female bear. She was young. Her hair was white and bright. She was clever and learned to catch fish. She was adventurous. She was impatient to go far away from home. But she did how to swim. Her mother taught her how to swim. But she soon learned to swim naturally with her mother.

8. Read the following passage carefully. One day Meena plucks a mango and brings it home. Her grandmother gives the larger piece to Raju because he is a boy. Meena protests. After all, she brought the mango and she is the elder of the two. She insists she has a greater right over her share. Her father comes to her help and divides the mango equally. Now answer the questions.

(i) Who brought the mango home?

Ans. Meena brought the mango home.

(ii) Why did Meena’s grandmother give a larger piece to Raju?

Ans. Meena’s grandmother gave a larger piece to Raju because he was a boy.

(iii) Who do you think should have got the larger piece?

Ans. I think Meena should have get the larger piece.

9. Using the following clues write about yourself in the space below — name, place you live in, physical features, habits, likes and dislikes etc.

Ans. My name is Sunny. I am twelve years old. I live in Himachal village. I am 1.20 metres tall. I have fair skin, black hair and dark eyes. I have sharp nose and white sparkling teeth. I never speak loudly. I like reading story books. I don’t eat non-vegetarian.

10. What are the things your mother asks you to do?


Things you like to do

Things you do not like to do

Looking after my baby brother

Telling lie

Playing Cricket

Cleaning clothes

Helping my grandparents

Make quarrel

Running errands

Getting up too early

11. Malu lived with Malu’s parents in the North Pole.

Malu had great fun with Malu’s seagull friends.

One day Malu’s father told Malu that the hunters had come to trap Malu Malu’s family. Malu knew how to hide very well. Malu shut Malu’s eyes and curled up like a ball of snow. The hunters searched for Malu and Malu’s family everywhere but in vain.

We can avoid repeating the names by using certain other words in their place. Study the table below.




person speaking

I, me

we, us

person spoken to



other persons

he, him she, her

they, them

places, things



Now rewrite the above paragraph using words from the above table.

Ans. Malu lived with her parents in the North Pole. She had great fun with her sea gull friends. One day, her father told her that hunters had come to trap her and her family. She know how to hid very well. She shut her eyes can curled up like a ball of snow. The hunters searched for her and her family everywhere but in vain.


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