Class 5th | Science | The Universe

Class 5th | Science | The Universe 


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Shadow –> A shadow is cast when the path of light is blocked by an opaque object.

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Types of the object:
There are three types of the object

1. Opaque object –> Object that does not allow light to pass through it is called Opaque Object. For example book, copy, table, brick, wall.

2. Translucent object –> Object that allows a little light to pass through it is called Translucent Object. For example butter paper 

3. Transparent object –> Object that allows all light to pass through it is called Transparent Object. For example glass 

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Eclipse –> When one celestial body casts its shadow on the other celestial body in the space is called Eclipse. 
These are of two types 1. Solar Eclipse and 2. Lunar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse –> A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth.
Lunar Eclipse –> A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes in between the sun and the moon.
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Types of the solar eclipse
Solar eclipse may be 1. partial solar eclipse or 2. total solar eclipse.
1. Partial Solar Eclipse –> A partial solar eclipse happens when the moon passes in front of the sun, but does not cover it completely.

2. Total Solar Eclipse –> A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon covers the sun completely. 
During a total solar eclipse, the sky appears as dark as night, and you can see the sun's glowing corona.

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Type of the lunar eclipse
Lunar eclipse may be 1. partial lunar eclipse or 2. total lunar eclipse.
1. Partial Lunar Eclipse –> A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is partly hidden.

2. Total Lunar Eclipse –> A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is completely hidden.

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Differences between solar and lunar eclipses

1. A solar eclipse sun and then the moon comes between the earth.

1. A lunar eclipse occutunar eclipse earth comes between the sun and the moon.

2. Solar eclipse occurs during the day time. 
2. Lunar eclipse occurs at night.

3. Solar eclipse usually lasts for a few minutes.
3. Lunar eclipse may last for a few hours.

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Satellite –> A body revolving around a planet is called a satellite. Satellite are of two types
1. Natural satellite
2. Artificial or Man-made satellite

1. Natural Satellite –> An Natural satellite is an yenatural object that continuously moves in the orbit of the Earth or some other celestial body in space.
★ Moon is a natural satellite of the earth.

2. Artificial Satellite –> An artificial satellite is a man-made object that continuously moves in the orbit of the Earth or some other celestial body in space.

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Tide –> The regular rise and fall of the ocean water on the earth is called Tide. Tide comes because of gravitational forces between the earth and the moon.
There are two types of the tides
1. High Tide and 2. Low Tide

1. High Tide –>  The water of oceans on the side of the earth facing the moon is attracted upwards causes high tide.

2. Low Tide –> The water of oceans on the side of the earth facing away from the moon causes low tide.

★ Every day, there are two high tides and two low tides. 

★ The oceans are constantly moving from a high tide to a low tide, and then again to a high tide. 

★ The highest tides occur at the time of the new moon and full moon.

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ISRO –> Indian Space Research Organisation
GPS –> Global Positioning Systems 

★ No life is possible on the moon.

★ The moon's gravity is one-sixth of the gravity of the earth.

★ The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, in 1957.

★ India launched its first satellite in 1975. It was named Aryabhatta.

★ Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut, was the first person to be launched into space on 12 April 1961. 

★ Valentina Tereshkova, a Russian cosmonaut, was the first woman to go into space.

★ Rakesh Sharma (in 1982) was the first Indian to go into the space. 

★ Kalpana Chawla (in 1997) was the first woman of Indian origin to go into space. 

★ Sunita Williams is the second woman of Indian origin to go into the space.

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Name these:

Checkpoint 1

Answer in one word.

1. It is at the centre of solar system.
Ans. Sun

2. Earth's only natural satellite.
Ans. Moon

3. Type of objects which form shadows.
Ans. Opaque 

4. A phenomenon when one celestial body blocks the light of another.
Ans. Eclipse 

5. The regular rise and fall of ocean water on the earth
Ans. Tide 

Checkpoint 2
1. First artificial satellite launched.
Ans. Sputnik 1

2. First Indian satellite launched
Ans. Aryabhatta 

3. First person to go into space
Ans. Yuri Gagarin

4. First Indian to go into space
Ans. Rakesh Sharma

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A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The large circular hollows on the moon are called .............

2. A ............. solar eclipse occurs when the moon covers the sun completely.

3. During a .............  eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon.

4. The highest tides occur at .............  and ............. day.

5. Military satellites are often called .............  satellites.

Ans. 1. Creator 2. Total 3. Lunar 4. Full moon, new moon 5. Spy

B. Write True or False.

1. The universe is a wide-open space.

2. There is evidence of water at the poles of the moon.

3. We can live on the moon because it has an atmosphere.

4. We can jump higher on the moon than on the Earth.

5. The highest tides are caused on a no moon day.

Ans. 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 

C. Name the following.

1. First woman of Indian origin to go into space
Ans. Kalpana Chawla

2. Second woman of Indian origin to go into the space
Ans. Sunita Williams

3. A weather satellite

4. A scientific research satellite
Ans. Rohini

5. A communication satellite

6. A military satellite
Ans. Cartoon set 1

D. Tick (✔) the correct answer.

1. The natural satellite of the earth is the
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) planet
(d) star

2. Which of the following is not present on the moon?
(a) craters
(b) atmosphere
(c) gravity
(d) heat

3. What is the gravity on the moon as compared to that of the earth?
(a) one-eighth
(b) one-fifth
(c) one-sixth
(d) one-fourth

4. Which type of objects form shadows?
(a) opaque
(b) translucent
(c) transparent
(d) both (a) and (b)

5. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the
(a) stars
(b) moon
(c) earth
(d) moon and earth

Ans. 1. (c) planet, 2. (c) gravity, 3. (c) one-sixth, 4. (d) both (a) and (b), 5. (d) moon and earth

E. Answer the following questions.

Name these:

Checkpoint 1

Answer in one word.

1. It is at the centre of solar system.
Ans. Sun

2. Earth's only natural satellite.
Ans. Moon

3. Type of objects which form shadows.
Ans. Opaque 

4. A phenomenon when one celestial body blocks the light of another.
Ans. Eclipse 

5. The regular rise and fall of ocean water on the earth
Ans. Tide 

Checkpoint 2
1. First artificial satellite launched.
Ans. Sputnik 1

2. First Indian satellite launched
Ans. Aryabhatta 

3. First person to go into space
Ans. Yuri Gagarin

4. First Indian to go into space
Ans. Rakesh Sharma

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A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The large circular hollows on the moon are called .............

2. A ............. solar eclipse occurs when the moon covers the sun completely.

3. During a .............  eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon.

4. The highest tides occur at .............  and ............. day.

5. Military satellites are often called .............  satellites.

Ans. 1. Creator 2. Total 3. Lunar 4. Full moon, new moon 5. Spy

B. Write True or False.

1. The universe is a wide-open space.

2. There is evidence of water at the poles of the moon.

3. We can live on the moon because it has an atmosphere.

4. We can jump higher on the moon than on the Earth.

5. The highest tides are caused on a no moon day.

Ans. 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 

C. Name the following.

1. First woman of Indian origin to go into space
Ans. Kalpana Chawla

2. Second woman of Indian origin to go into the space
Ans. Sunita Williams

3. A weather satellite

4. A scientific research satellite
Ans. Rohini

5. A communication satellite

6. A military satellite
Ans. Cartoon set 1

D. Tick (✔) the correct answer.

1. The natural satellite of the earth is the
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) planet
(d) star

2. Which of the following is not present on the moon?
(a) craters
(b) atmosphere
(c) gravity
(d) heat

3. What is the gravity on the moon as compared to that of the earth?
(a) one-eighth
(b) one-fifth
(c) one-sixth
(d) one-fourth

4. Which type of objects form shadows?
(a) opaque
(b) translucent
(c) transparent
(d) both (a) and (b)

5. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the
(a) stars
(b) moon
(c) earth
(d) moon and earth

Ans. 1. (c) planet, 2. (c) gravity, 3. (c) one-sixth, 4. (d) both (a) and (b), 5. (d) moon and earth

E. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the sun? How is heat and light produced in the sun?
Ans. The sun is a huge shining hot ball of burning gases. The sun is the star. It is situated at the centre of the solar system. 

Inside the sun, hydrogen changes into helium gas. This continuous process produces a lot of heat and light in the sun.

2. What causes the moon to shine?
Ans. Moon does not have light of its own. It reflects the light of sun falling on it. 

3. What is the moon made of?
The surface of Moon is covered with dark grey dust. The surface of Moon is rough and uneven. It is made up of plains, huge mountains, craters and valleys.

4. What is solar and lunar eclipse?
Solar Eclipse –> A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth.
When Moon casts its shadow on Earth, it is called a solar eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse –> A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth comes in between the sun and the moon. 
When Moon is in the dark shadow of Earth, it is called a lunar eclipse.

5. What is a tide? How are high and low tides caused?
Tide –> The regular rise and fall of the ocean water on the earth is called Tide. Tide comes because of gravitational forces between the earth and the moon.
There are two types of the tides
1. High Tide and 2. Low Tide

1. High Tide –>  The water of oceans on the side of the earth facing the moon is attracted upwards causes high tide.

2. Low Tide –> The water of oceans on the side of the earth facing away from the moon causes low tide.

6. What is an artificial satellite?
Ans. An artificial satellite is a man-made object that continuously moves in the orbit of the Earth or some other celestial body in space.

7. What are the types of artificial satellites? Give one example of each.
Artificial satellites are classified according to their mission.

1. Weather satellites: These satellites are used to study atmospheric conditions from above and to forecast weather. 
For example, METSAT (KALPANA-1) and OCEANSAT. 

2. Scientific research satellites: These satellite used by the scientific for research is called Scientific research satellites.
For example, Rohini satellite.

3. Communication satellites: The satellites used for communication is called Communication satellites.
For example, APPLE and INSAT satellites.

4. Military satellites: The satellites used for Military purpose is called Military satellites. These satellites are often called spy satellites.

5. Navigation or GPS satellites: The satellites used for Navigation with Global Positioning system is called Navigation or GPS satellites. These satellites are often called Navigation satellites.
For Examples of navigation satellites of India are IRNSSII, IRNSSIH, IRNSSIG.

6. Earth observing satellites: The satellites used for observing earth is called Earth observing satellites.

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