Write a notice for the notice board of your school informing about 'Delhi darshan trip' Include all necessary details.

3.Notice Writing 

                             Name of Society

10th January, 2022


It is informed to all the students of the school that The (Name of society) of the school is organising a trip to Agra on 20th Jan. 2001. Those who wish to join should give their names and deposit Rs. 1000 per head to undersigned with in two days of this notice So that the proper arrangement may be made. XYZ


Q. Write a notice for the notice board of your school informing about 'Delhi darshan trip' Include all necessary details.

Educational club of RSBV West Vinod Nagar

10th January, 2023


It is informed to all the students of the school that The Educational club of RSBV West Vinod Nagar is organising Delhi darshan trip on 20th Jan. 2023. Those who wish to join should give their names and deposit Rs. 1000 per head to undersigned with in two days of this notice So that the proper arrangement may be made. XYZ
Educational Club

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