Write a letter thanking friends for attending birthday party.

Write a letter thanking friends for attending birthday party.

Rahul Singh Tomar 
A - 136, 
West Delhi 92.

6th November, 2019

My Dear Vinjeet

I am very glad that you have accepted my invitation and attend my birthday party last night. Your joining surprise me but your beautiful present which is a book of my favourite author provide me double happiness.

Yours present is loveliest in all. Your present is not just a present; rather it is a symbol of your love for me.

 I am writing this letter to thank you for your surpriable joining. I hope that you enjoyed the party and had a good time with our friends and my family members. Please convey my best regards to your parents.

I thank you once again for the nice present.

Your Loving Friend
Rahul Singh Tomar

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