Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join your picnic party.

Letter to your friend inviting him to join your picnic party.

A - 20/5
West Vinod Nagar 
Delhi 92

22nd January - 2019

Dear Rahul,

My friends and I have planned to go on a picnic to century park on 28th, January 2019. This is a lovely park with Shanti stupa and seven wonders which are made by waste or useless things. 

This is the growing picnic spot in East Delhi. This park is known as 'Waste of Wonder' park. My father is acompanying us in this picnic for our safety purpose.

I earnestly request you to join our picnic party. We can have a nice trip and a pleasant time.

Awaiting your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

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