Class 10 English (Term 1) Board Exam 2021-22 CBSE Answer Key

CBSE Board Exam 2021-22

SUBJECT- English
Term- I
Time allowed- 90 minutes
Maximum Marks- 40

Q.1. England or Britain, turn by turn came under the rule of:

(a) Saxons Romans ; Normans

(b) Normans ; Saxons ; Romans

(c) Romans; Saxons; Normans

(d) Normans; Romans ; Saxons

Ans. (c) Romans; Saxons; Normans

Q.2. The article describes :

a) The development of the system of justice in England

(b) Civilized societies and justice

(c) Justice v/s Civilisation

(d) Rule of Justice in England

Ans. (a)  The development of the system of justice in England

Q.3. Study the following statements :

(A) Romans were proud of their judicial system.

(B) There is not much difference between the Norman and modern system of justice.

(a) (A) is right and (B) is wrong

(b) (B) is right and (A) is wrong

(c) Both (A) and (B) are right

(d) Both (A) and (B) are wrong

Ans. (a) : (A) is right and (B) is wrong

Q.4. Match the following:

(A) Romans i. A priest to swear for the accused

(B) Saxons ii. Highly paid lawyers can win a case

(C) Modern iii. Educated judges and lawyers

(D) Normans iv. The winner in a battle declared innocent

(a) (A) iv; (B) ii; (C)i; (D) iii;

(b) (A) iii; (B) i, (C) ii; (D) iv;

(c) (A) i, (B) iii; (C) iv; (D) ü;

(d) (A) ii; (B)i; (C) iii ; (D) iv;

Ans. (b) : (A) iii; (B) i, (C) ii; (D) iv;

Q.5. Study the following statements :

(A) In a trial by battle, money played a main role.

(B) God helped the innocent win the battle.

(a) (A) is right and (B) is wrong

(b) (B) is right and (A) is wrong

(c) Both (A) and (B) are right and (A) was the conclusion

(d) Both (A) and (B) are right and (A) was not the conclusion

Ans. (c) : Both (A) and (B) are right and (A) was the conclusion

Q.6. Study the following statements :

(A) Saxon system of trial was nobler than that of the Romans.

(B) Saxon system had two aspects – rough and noble.

(C) The rich Saxons could hire champions to argue their case.

(D) Even an innocent person would be held guilty if enough people did not swear for him.

The following are correct :

(a) (A) and (B)

(b) (B) and (C)

(c) (C) and (A)

(d) (B) and (D)

Ans. (d) : (B) and (D)

Q.7. Study the following statements :

(A) Earlier England comprised small villages each with a small population.

(B) Crimes like cheating and fraud were rare.

(a) (A) is an assertion and (B) is the response

(b) (B) is an assertion and (A) is the response

(c) Both (A) and (B) are unrelated assertions

(d) Both (A) and (B) are responses to some other assertions

Ans. (a) : (A) is an assertion and (B) is the response

Q.8. Which of the following statements are true ?

The rich have always enjoyed an advantage in the judicial system because

(A) they were physically strong, so would win the trial by fighting.

(B) they could hire the strongest champion.

(C) they can hire the best lawyers.

(D) they could persuade the priest to swear on their behalf

(a) (A) and (B)

(b) (B) and (C)

(c) (C) and (D)

(d) (A) and (D)

Ans. (b) : (B) and (C)

Q.9. Which of the following statements are not true?

(A) In the quest for justice the guilty often went unpunished.

(B) For seven hundred years from the sixth-century trial was mostly rough.

(C) Swearing value of a priest was equal to a dozen ordinary peasants.

(D) Use of champions in a trial by battle finds an equivalent in the modern times.

(a) (A) and (c)

(b) (B) and (C)

(c) (C) and (D)

(d) (A) and (B)

Ans. (b) : (B) and (C)

II Reading Section

Ans. 10: (b)

Ans. 11: (c)

Ans. 12: (b)

Ans. 13: (a)

Ans. 14: (c)

Ans. 15: (a)

Ans. 16: (c)

Ans. 17: (b)

Ans. 18: (b)

Section B: Grammar & Writing

III Complete the following statements by filling in the blanks with the help of given options : (any five)

Q.19. I don’t see why you ____ borrow his cycle. You have one of your own.

(a) should

(b) could

(c) may

(d) mighty

Ans. (a) : should

Q.20. My family ___ in Chennai for five years now.

(a) has lived

(b) has been living

(c) had lived

(d) lived

Ans. (b) : has been living

Q.21. ____ the letter arrive in your absence, would you like me to forward it to you?

(a) If

(b) Could

(c) Should

(d) Might

Ans. (d) : Might

 Q.22 If he came late he ____ be punished

(a) will

(b) shall

(c) should

(d) would

Ans. (d) : would

Q.23. By the time we reach the school the bell ____

(a) will be ringing

(b) will have rung

(c) would have been ringing

(d) would have rung

Ans. (b) : will have rung

Q.24. Three months ago I ____ a student of this school.

(a) was

(b) had been

(c) have been

(d) could be

Ans. (a) : was

IV. You are Arun. Near the gate of your colony, there is a motor mechanic’s workshop. Many cars are parked outside on the pavement and even beyond. Repair work goes on. The surroundings have become filthy, pedestrians are put to trouble. Arun decides to write a letter of complaint, of course, for wider audience/readership. (any five)

Q.25. The letter will be addressed to:

(a) The Sanitary Inspector

(b) The Municipal Commissioner

(c) State Minister of Health

(d) Editor of a local newspaper

Ans. (d) : Editor of a local newspaper

Q.26. Subject of the letter should be

(a) Problems caused to pedestrians

(b) Inconvenience caused by the next door workshop

(c) Insanitary conditions at the colony gate

(d) A health hazard

Ans. (b) : Inconvenience caused by the next door workshop

Q.27. Arun decides to write this letter as:

(a) he has a personal problem with the owner of the workshop.

(b) a matter of social concern.

(c) he intends to contest the next municipal election.

(d) he is very health conscious

Ans. (b) : a matter of social concern.

Q.28. He will arrange the contents of the letter in this way:

A. noisy surroundings

B. action requested

C. garbage littered

D. public inconvenience

E. the health hazard

F. location of the workshop

(a) B, A, C, E, D, F

(b) F, D, A, C, E, B

(c) A, C, E, B, D, F

(d) F C, E, D, A, B

Ans. (b) : F, D, A, C, E, B

Q.29. What kind of action would Arun suggest ?

(a) Fine to be imposed on the workshop y

(b) Notice on lack of cleanliness to be issued

(c) Workshop to be shifted

(d) Periodic visits of the Health Inspector

Ans. (c) : Workshop to be shifted

Q.30. The correct closing of the letter should be:

(a) Your’s faithfully

(b) Yours faithfully

(c) Yours truly

(d) Your’s truly

Ans. (b) : Yours faithfully

V Read the extract given below and attempt the questions / complete the statements that follow :

As for Maddie, this business of asking Wanda every day, how many dresses and how many hats, and how many this and that she had was bothering her. Maddie was poor herself. She usually wore somebody’s hand-me-down clothes. Thank goodness, she didn’t live up on Boggins Heights or have a funny name.

Q.31. Maddie was

(a) afraid of Peggy.

(b) as much fun loving as Peggy.

(c) a kind soul and poor.

(d) in love with Wanda.

Ans. (a) : afraid of Peggy.

Q.32. A) Maddie was sympathetic towards Wanda.

(B) Maddie didn’t like Peggy.

(a) (A) is true and (B) is false.

(b) (B) is true and (A) is false.

(c) Both (A) and (B) are true.

(d) Both (A) and (B) are false.

Ans. (b) : (B) is true and (A) is false.

Q.33. (A) Maddie joined Peggy in making fun of Wanda.

(B) Maddie’s parents were poor.

(a) (A) is the cause and (B) is the effect

(b) (B) is the cause and (A) is the effect

(c) Both are contradictory

(d) (A) shows the cruel nature of Maddie

Ans. (c) : Both are contradictory

Q.34. ‘Boggins Heights’ is significant in the story as

(a) it is a poor neighbourhood

(b) it is the capital city

(c) Maddie did not live there

(d) it is a rich colony

Ans. (a) : it is a poor neighbourhood

Q.35. Maddie was

(a) poor and proud

(c) poor and sympathetic

(b) poor, so sympathetic

(d) timid, so fun-loving

Ans. (d) : timid, so fun-loving

VI Read the extract given below and answer the questions / complete the statements that follow :

The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said : “God : of the money that I asked for only seventy pesos reached me. Send me the rest, since I need it very much. But don’t send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho.”

Q.36. Lencho wrote the second letter as he was:

(a) unhappy

(b) curious

(c) hopeful

(d) thoughtful

(a) (A), (C) and (E)

(b) (A), (B) and (C)

(c) (B), (E) and (A)

(d) (C), (D)

Ans. (b) : (A), (B) and (C) 

Q.37. The postmaster opened the letter expecting it to

(A) be full of thanks to God

(B) show his happiness

(C) be full of anguish for getting less money

(D) be accusing God of being miserly

(a) (C) and (D)

(b) (A) and (B)

(c) (A) and (D)

(d) (D) and (B)

Ans. (b) : (A) and (B)

Q.38. On reading the letter the postmaster was

(a) surprised

(b) dismayed

(c) pleased

(d) puzzled

Ans. (b) : dismayed

Q.39. ‘the post office employees are a bunch of crooks. The statement is:

(a) thoughtful

(b) sad

(c) dismissive

(d) ironic

Ans. (d) : ironic

Q.40. Find the suitable word from the extract to complete the following:

sanctioned: approved :: demanded: ______

(a) fell

(b) reached

(c) went

(d) asked

Ans. (d) : asked

VII. Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions / complete the statements that follow:

He should be snarling around houses

At the jungle’s edge,

Baring his white fangs, his claws,

Terrorizing the village!

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,

Stalking the length of his cage,

Ignoring visitors.

Q.41. Study the following statements :

(A) The villagers don’t feel happy that the tiger is caged.

(B) We feel sad that the tiger is caged.

(C) The tiger is happy that he doesn’t have to hunt for his food.

(a) (A) is right and (B) is wrong

(b) (B) is right and (A) is wrong

(c) (C) is right and (A) is wrong

(d) (A) is wrong and (C) is right

Ans. (b) : (B) is right and (A) is wrong

Q.42. We should protect the tigers as :

(a) they are majestic to look at.

(b) they attract visitors to the zoo.

(c) they are ferocious.

(d) they are part of our environment.

Ans. (d) : they are part of our environment.

Q.43. The tiger terrorizes the villagers as;

(a) by killing their cattle.

(b) as he does not like to be hunted.

(c) as they have cleared his habitat.

(d) as he has got tired of being in the forest.

Ans. (c) : as they have cleared his habitat.

Q.44. ‘A tiger in the zoo ignoring visitors’ is an example of

(a) Metaphor

(b) Simile

(c) Irony

(d) Personification

Ans. (d) : Personification

Q.45. The tiger is reacting to his imprisonment in the zoo by :

(a) quietly walking in the cage

(b) showing his anger openly

(c) stalking in the cage

(d) ignoring visitors

Ans. (d) : ignoring visitors

VIII. Read the extract given below and answer the questions / complete the statements that follow:

He escaped easily enough from the boys who followed his footprints in London. But his adventures were by no means over. He had chosen a bad time of the year to wander about London without clothes. It was mid-winter. The air was bitterly cold and he could not do without clothes. Instead of walking about the streets, he decided to slip into a big London store for warmth.

Q.46. The greatest problem for the invisible man was that:

(a) being invisible he could do nothing.

(b) he could not buy clothes to wear.

(c) he was hungry but could not buy food.

(d) without clothes, he was feeling cold.

Ans. (d) : without clothes, he was feeling cold.

Q.47. He could escape from the boys as

(a) the boys were careless.

(b) the boys too felt cold in the winter night.

(c) the invisible man was cleverer than the boys.

(d) he went along a street where there was no mud.

Ans. (d) : he went along a street where there was no mud.

Q.48. (A) It was stupid on his part to come out on a winter night.

(B) He was not completely stupid, though.

(a) (A) is right and (B) is wrong.

(b) (B) is right and (A) is wrong.

(c) Both (A) and (B) are right.

(d) Both (A) and (B) are wrong

Ans. (c) : Both (A) and (B) are right.

Q.49. After getting rid of the boys the invisible man felt:

(a) relieved

(b) partly relieved

(c) anguished

(d) comfortable

Ans. (a) : relieved

Q.50. The phrase ‘slip into’ means the same as :

(a) fall into

(b) enter quietly

(c) enter boldly

(d) move out

Ans. (b) : enter quietly

Q.51. Attempt the following:

Has given my heart

A change of mood (Dust of Snow)

What is the poet’s mood now?

(a) Appreciative of nature

(b) Thoughtful

(c) Happy

(d) Cool

Ans. (c) : Happy

Q.52. ‘Paper has more patience than people’ (Anne Frank) Which of the following is not true ?

(a) One can write anything on paper

(b) People have good ears for listening

(c) One can write one’s diary even at night

(d) One may express one’s anger on paper

Ans. (b) : People have good ears for listening

Q.53. ‘In life, every man has twin obligations’. (Nelson Mandela) The ‘twin obligations’ are

(a) first to his community and the second to his country.

(b) first to his family and the second to his country.

(c) first to his country and the second to his parents. y

(d) first to his community and the second to his family.

Ans. (b) : first to his family and the second to his country.

Q.54. ‘He had in fact seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it.’ (His First Flight) How did ‘he’ feel?

A. Angry

B. Greedy

C. Jealous

D. Hungry

(a) A and B

b) B and C

(c) C and DO

(d) D and A

Ans. (b) : B and C

Q.55. Mr Keesing was annoyed with Anne as :

(a) she was weak in maths.

(b) she had not done her home work.

(c) she was a naughty girl.

(d) she was very talkative.

Ans. (d) : she was very talkative.

Q.56. The loss of possession should make one feel : (The Ball Poem)

(a) angry

b) responsible

(c) sad

(d) careless

Ans. (d) : careless

Q.57. The Black Aeroplane is a/an ____ story

(a) ghost

(b) adventure

(c) mystery

(d) true

Ans. (a) : ghost

Q.58. For Tricky’s present condition:

A. Both Mrs. Pumphrey and Tricky are to blame.

B. Only Tricky is to blame.

(a) (A) is right and (B) is wrong.

(b) (B) is right and (A) is wrong

(c) Both (A) and (B) are right

(d) Both (A) and (B) are wrong.

Ans. (a) : (A) is right and (B) is wrong.

Q.59. It was quite pleasant working for Anil as

(a) he was quite rich

(b) he never complained.

(c) he was a very simple person.

(d) he could be easily fooled

Ans. (c) : he was a very simple person.

Q.60. Griffin became a homeless wanderer because he :

(a) was an eccentric scientist.

(b) was very greedy.

(c) had to go without clothes.

(d) had set fire to his landlord’s house

Ans. (d) : had set fire to his landlord’s house


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