Q.1 Who was Bholi? Write the Character sketch of Sulekha?

Q.1 Who was Bholi? Write the Character sketch of Sulekha?

Ans.    Sulekha was called Bholi in her childhood. She was the forth and smallest girl of Numberdar Ramlal. She got brain damage when she fell from the cot at the age often months .She was attacked by small pox it leave pack marks over her body. She started speaking at the age of five years. She stammered and talked little to others. Bholi was looked ugly. Children often made of fun her and mimicked like her.

She was scented to school at the age of seven. She talked with teacher stammering. Her teacher inspired her and gave some book. Bholi was growing in young girl. Bishambar the school deeper proposed to marry with her. Ramlal accept it because he was feared that nobody would marry with her. Bishambar came with marriage party and band. To see her pomp and splendor her elder sisters were envious of her luck.

At the time of garland ceremony demanded five thousand Rupees to marry with her.  His father agrees to give the Rupees. When Bishamber wanted to place her garland in the neck of Bholi. She snapped it and throws it the fire of Yagna.

She refused to marry with a greedy person .She speak without startled all person were surprised at her loud and clear voice.


Q. Who was Bholi or Sulekha? What did he fell when was sending to school?

Sulekha was called Bholi in her childhood. She was the forth and smallest girl of Numberdar Ramlal. She got brain damage when she fell from the cot at the age often months .She was attacked by small pox it leave pack marks over her body. She started speaking at the age of five years. She stammered and talked little to others. Bholi was looked ugly. Children often made of fun her and mimicked like her.

She was scented to school at the age of seven. She talked with teacher stammering. Her teacher inspired her and gave some book. She was feared when she was carrying to school because it was her first time .He pulled her hand away from his father because he remembered how her old cow had been sold out of the house. She has no clothes because it was not seemed urgent she was given an old frock to wear when she was going to school. She was happy in school because there were her age groups children. In the book she saw dog, cat, goat, parrot and a cow just like Laxmi


Q. Who propose her to marry? Why did she refuse to marry with him?

Ans.    Bholi was growing in young girl. Bishambar the school deeper proposed to marry with her. Ramlal accept it because he was feared that nobody would marry with her. Bishambar came with marriage party and band. To see her pomp and splendor her elder sisters were envious of her luck.

At the time of garland ceremony Bishamber saw he face and refused to marry with her. He demanded 5 thousand to marry with her.  His father agrees to give the Rs. When Bishamber wanted to place her garland in the neck of Bholi. She snapped it and throws it the fire of Yagna.

She refused to marry with a greedy person .She speak without startled all person were surprised at her loud and clear voice.


An old lady called her a harmless dumb cow Bholi answered violently “yes you are right aunty you all thought I am a dumb driven cow. That is why you wanted to hand me over to this heartless creature, which was greedy, contemptible cowered and lamb now that dumb cow is speaking do you want to hear any more.


Q.8 What happened on the ceremony? (Bholi)

Ans.    At the time of garland ceremony demanded five thousand Rupees to marry with her.  His father agrees to give the Rupees. When Bishamber wanted to place her garland in the neck of Bholi. She snapped it and throws it the fire of Yagna.

She refused to marry with a greedy person .She speak without startled all person were surprised at her loud and clear voice. An old lady called her a harmless dumb cow Bholi answered violently “yes you are right aunty you all thought I am a dumb driven cow. That is why you wanted to hand me over to this heartless creature, which was greedy, contemptible cowered and lamb now that dumb cow is speaking do you want to hear any more.

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