Class 07 || Science || Ch. 07 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate

Class 7th


Ch. 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate

Q. What do you mean by the weather? What are important elements of weather?

Ans. Weather: – The day to day condition of atmosphere at a particular place with respect to the temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind- temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind-speed, etc., is is called weather at that place.

The weather is such a complex phenomenon that can vary over very short periods of time. It can be comfortable, or can be too hot or cold. 

Elements the Weather : – The temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind- temperature, rainfall, wind-speed and otherfactors are called the elements the weather

Q. What do you mean by weather report?

Ans. Weather Report: The daily report about weather; usually released by the meteorological department is called weather report. 

Weather report is often shown along with the news on television.

Q. Do you know how these (maximum and minimum) temperatures arer recorded that?

Ans. In any weather report, the maximum and minimum temperatures are recorded every day. There are special thermometers for this purpose, called maximum and minimum thermometers.

Q. What do you mean by the temperature ? When it is maximum and minimum?

Ans. Temperature: Atmospheric temperature is a measure of how hot or cold the atmosphere. It is the most commonly measured weather parameter. 

The temperature depends upon the duration of sunshine. During the summer season, the duration of the sunshine is longer. Due to this, the temperature is high in summer. The day temperature is minimum in the morning and maximum at noon.

Q. What do you mean by the Humidity ? 

Ans. Humidity: – The amount of moisture present in air is called humidity. Humidity is generally measured in percentage. Humidity is generally highest; during the rainy season.

Q. What do you mean by the Humidity ? How the rainfall is measured?

Ans. Rainfall: – The total amount of rain that falls in a particular place during a day / month / year etc is called rainfall. Amount of rainfall is measured in terms of mm. 

The apparatus used to measure the rainfall is called rain gauge.

Q. What do you mean by the Wind-speed ? 

Ans. Wind-speed: – The speed of wind is is called wind speed, it also affects the condition of weather.

Q. What is the work of department of meteorology? 

Ans. Department of Meteorology: – This is a Government Department. The Meteorological Department measures the elements of weather and keeps their record. Meteorologists use data from satellites and analyse the data to forecast about the weather.

Q. What do you mean by the climate? Explain with example?

Ans. Climate: The average weather condition taken over a long time, at least 25 years; in a given geographical part is called the climate of the place.

The climate of India is said to be hot and humid, because the temperature is usually high and so the humidity for most parts of the year also heigh. 

The climate of Rajasthan is said to be hot and dry because temperature is very high but humidity is very low. 

On the other hand, the climate of Kashmir is said to be cold because temperature is low.

Q. What do you mean by the rainforest ? Explain with example? Ans. Rainforest: The forest found in rainy places is called rainforest. Rainforest generally found near the equator. 

Temperatures vary from 15⁰C to 40⁰C generally near the equator which receive more sunshine and hence more rainfall. This makes the place hot and humid. Rainforests are present near the equator and some tropical areas.

Q. What is desert?

Ans. Desert: A hot and large area of land, usually covered with sand, with a very little water and plants is called desert

Temperature in desert is generally higher and it receives less or little rain fall. So deserts are hot and dry.

Q. What do you mean by the polar reason?

Ans. Polar Region: Area around the North Pole or the South Pole is known as Polar region

It is at high latitude and hence do not receive adequate sunshine. Due to this, temperature is very low in the Polar Regions. 

The Polar Region is covered with snow, due to the low temperature.

Climate and Adaptation:

Q. Why did the Western region of India is too hot?

Ans. The temperature of western region of India, for example Rajasthan, is high during most part of the year. But during winter, which lasts only for a few months, the temperature is quite low. This typical desert climatic region receives very little rainfall so It is hot and dry

Q. Why did we say that the north eastern India is wet?

Ans. The North eastern India receives rain for a major part of the year. Therefore, we can say that the climate of the north-east is wet.

Note :– At several places, such as desert, polar region, etc. climate is very harsh. Many organisms live and thrive at these places, in spite of the harsh climate. 

Animals and plants; living in such places; develop certain features which help them survive the harsh climate. To develop certain features in order to survive the given climate is called adaptation.

Adaptation in Polar Region:

In Polar Regions, the sun does not set for about six months and it does not appear for another six months of the year. These regions are extremely cold and covered with snow for most part of the years. 

The temperature may down to -37°C. In winter, Hence, the climate of Polar Regions becomes extreme harsh. In spite of such extreme harsh condition, many animals like Polar Bear, Penguin, Snow Leopard, etc live at those places. 

These animals show various adaptations which help them in surviving in the harsh climate of the Polar Region.

Polarar Bear: Polar bear has two thick layers of fur over its body. In addition to this, they have thick layer of fat under the skin; called blubber. These layers act as insulator and prevent the bear from extreme cold. Because of the white fur, the Polar Bear can easily mix with its snowy background and can hide from its prey and predator. Getting hide with surrounding because of special colour and pattern is known as camouflage.

Polar bears have wide paws with long curved nails, called claws. This helps them to move on the snow. r swimming to keep them cool. Wide paws work as a rudder, while swimming. They are very good swimmers.

Polar bear has a highly developed sense of smell. It helps the Polar bear in finding a fish even from under a thick layer of snow.

These adaptations help Polar RThese adaptations help Polar Region to survive in the extreme condition of the Polar Region.

Penguinin: Penguins also live in the Polar Region. Penguins are of white colour with black back. It looked like an advocate in snow. They have thick layer of fat under their skin, which protects them from extreme cold.

They usually remain groups together. This helps in keeping them warm. The curved claws help them to walk in snow and swimming in water.

These adaptations help the penguin to survive in the extreme hard condition of the Polar Region.

Birds: There are many types of birds found in Polar Regions. They migrated to the warm regions during winter to survive. They flawn a long distance in search of favourable climate. is called migration.

Some migratory birds are known to travel as long as 15000 km to keep them survive in opposite climatic conditions. Arctic tern is known to be the longest traveler among the migratory birds.

Apart from birds, many fish and mammals also migrate to other places in such opposite climatic conditions.

Q. What do you mean by the migration? What do you mean by the migration of the birds?

Ans. They flaying of a long  by the birds in search of favourable climate and food is known as migration. This migration was taken by the birds so that it is known as migration of the birds.

Tropical Rain Forest:

In India, Tropical Rainforests are found in the Western Ghats and in Assam and in Southeast Asia, Central America and Central Africa in world.

Rainforests have plenty of food to supports the variety of life. Many types of animals are found in the rainforests, e.g. leopard, elephant, snakes, tigers, monkey, buffaloes, frogs, apes, lizards, many types of birds, insects, etc.

The rainforest have plenty of food, so there is a high level of competition among animals for survival.

Adaptive features of animals found in rain forest:

Lion: The colour of lion helps it in blending in its background. Lion has a highly developed sense of smell and night visioning. All of these help a lion in catching the prey.

Elephant: Elephants have well developed sense of smell. It helps the elephant in finding the food. The trunk of elephant has powerful muscles which help the elephant in uprooting even a big tree. 

Elephants have good sense of hearing which help the elephant in sensing danger way in advance. An elephant uses its trunk to sprinkle water all over its body to cool down the body temperature. It's big ears also helps to downing the temperature of the body.

Monkeys: Monkeys are highly adapted to live in the rainforests. Monkey uses its palms and soles to grip a branch to hang and swing from one branch to another. It can also use its tail to hold a branch. 

Monkeys can climb to the topmost branch of a tree and thus can see very far in the jungle. This helps them in sensing the danger and also in finding the food.

Frogs: Frogs are adapted to live both on land and in water. The greenish colour of the frog helps it in mixing with the green background. 

Frog has a long and sticky tongue with which it catches the prey. The tree-frog has developed sticky pads in its claws which helps it in climbing a tree and in holding on the branch.

Q. What do you mean by the Adaptation?

Ans. Adaptation: Special habits of animals which enable them to survive in particular climatic conditions.

Q. What do you mean by the Camouflage?

Ans. Camouflage: Special colour of animals because of which they can resemble with background of surrounding which hide themselves from predators. 


Questions And Answer:

Q.1.Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.

Ans. The temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind-speed, etc. are called the elements that determine the weather of a place.

Q.2. When are the maximum and minimum temperature likely to occur during the day?
Ans.The maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in the afternoon and the minimum temperature occurs in the early morning.

Q.3.Fill in the blanks
(i) The average weather taken over a long time is called __________
(ii) A place receives very little rainfall and the temperature is high throughout the year, the climate of that place will be ________ and _________
(iii) The two regions of the earth with extreme climatic conditions are __________ and ____________
Ans. climate of the place 

(ii) hot, dry 

(iii) polar, tropical regions

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