English on line Dec 2020

Q. 1 


(a). I

(b). I

(c). IV

(d). III

(e). IV

(f). II

(g). IV

(h). III

(i). I

(j). I

(k). IV

(l). II

Q. 2


(a). I

(b). IV

(c). III

(d). I

(e). II

(f). I

(g). III

(h). I

(i). I

(j). IV

(k). III

(l). I

Q. 3 



(a). III

(b). III

(c). II

(d). II

(e). II


(a). III

(b). I

(c). I

(d). I

(e). IV

Q. 4 



(a). II

(b). I

(c). II

(d). I

(e). I

Q. 5


(a). III

(b). I

(c). IV

Q. 6


(a). III

(b). III

(c). IV

Q. 7


(a). II

(b). III

(c). III

(d). IV

(e). IV

(f). I


Q.1 why did Mrs Pumphrey demonstration of the Tricky made a frantic call to the noted voluntary surgeon, doctor James Herriot. How did doctor James Herriot succeed in curing Tricky?

Ans: Mrs Pumphrey made a frantic call to Mr Herriot because Tricki was seriously ill. He ate no food. He refused even his favourite dishes. He had bouts of vomiting.

*Q. 2. How does the Doctor treat the dog?* 

Ans. The doctor take the Tricky at your surgery and the doctor treats the dog with care and love. He realizes that the dog is not suffering from any major illness, but it's illness is the reason of just greedy and over fed. He treats the dog like all the other household dogs at the surgery (Hospital). 

He did not give the food for Tricki, but provide plenty of water for two days. Slowly, the dog started showing interest in his surroundings and began mixing with the other dogs at the surgery. On the third day, the doctor saw that Tricki was licking the empty supper bowls of the other dogs. 

Next day, the doctor provides a separate bowl and was pleased to note that Tricki had run to eat its food with enthusiasm. From that day onwards, its progress was rapid. It did not require any kind of medicinal treatment and recovered quite 
well at the end.
This way the doctor Herriot treat the dog in his surgery.

Q. Why does Anne want to keep a diary? 
Ans. Anne want to keep a diary, as she had no "true friend". She conclude that the paper had more patience than humans. 

Q. What made lencho angry?

Ans. Lencho became angry when he counted the money that God had sent him. ... He believed that the post office employees have stolen the rest of the money because God could never make a mistake. 

Also, God would never deny Lencho what he had requested.

Q. Explain with example that baking use to be a profitable profession.


Q. What did Anil and Hari Singh agree upon to the mode of payment?


Q. why is it said to be the triumph of surgery.

Q. Did Wanda have hundred dresses why do you think she said she did?


Q. How did the policy of apartheid affect south africa.

Q. why did the pilot decide to fly through the clouds?
Ans. the pilot encounter with a cloudy storm flying his old Dakota straight into the storm cloud storm because he had so much fuel in his aeroplane.

Q. why did doctor Harriet stamps to keep tricki on as a permanent guest ?
Q. what are Hari Singh reaction to the prospect of receiving an education. 

Importance of Co-Curricular Activities in school.

Co-curricular refers to activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement, in some way, what students are learning in school.

Social Skills and Relationship-Building.
Time Management Skills
Exploring a Plethora of Interests
Developing Self-Esteem

Typically, co-curricular activities are carried out outside the normal classrooms but they supplement academic curriculum and help in learning by doing. These activities help students to develop problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and collaborative abilities.

Co-curricular Activities are a very important part and parcel of educational institutions to develop the students’ personality as well as to strengthen classroom learning.

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