Class 09 || Eng R || Reach for the top Santosh Yadav (Long Question)

Class 09th 
Reach for the top 
Santosh Yadav

Que. Write the character sketch of Santosh Yadav.

Ans. Santosh Yadav born in happy landowners family in a small village of Rewari district in Haryana. In that society where the birth of a boy was blessing and the girl was a curse. Dhe was only sister of five brothers.

She wore shorts while the girls of the village wore traditional Indian dresses. Her parents were quietly traditional and always followed prevailing custom. But she begin to live on her own terms from the childhood. She was sent to the village school for primary education. Her parents decide to marry her at the age of sixteen, but she refused early marriage without getting proper education. She decided to get proper education first. 

She got admission in Delhi school. Her parents refused to send the expenditures to her. She threaten that she would earn by working part time so she got a part time job for getting education. After seeing her eagerness, her parents started to give the expenditure of education.

After passing High school she entered into the Maharani College of Jaipur. She becomes a mountaineer. She joins Uttarkashi Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. She became the first lady who climb the Everest twice, for this she was awarded with Padma Shri award. She also collected the garbage of the fifty kilometre of Himalayas and became a true environment list. This proves that she was a bold and courageous lady so by being a rebel she managed to choose her path and reach for the top.

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