Maths Special 3 Mix (SOI)

Maths Special 3 Mix (SOI)
A cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder stands on the equal bases and have same height as the radii of the basis. Show that their volume are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 
एक शंकु, एक अर्ध गोला और एक बेलन सामान आधार पर खड़े हैं तथा समान ऊंचाइयों के हैं । जो आधार की त्रिज्या के बराबर है । दर्शाइए या सिद्ध कीजिए कि उनके आयतन 1 : 2 : 3  के अनुपात में हैं।

A cylinder, a hemisphere and a cone, a stands on the equal bases and have same height as the radii of the basis. Show that their volume are in the ratio  3 : 2 : 1.
एक बेलन, एक अर्ध गोला और एक शंकु सामान आधार पर खड़े हैं तथा समान ऊंचाइयों के हैं । जो आधार की त्रिज्या के बराबर है । दर्शाइए या सिद्ध कीजिए कि उनके आयतन 3 : 2 : 1 के अनुपात में हैं।

Prove or so that the greedy of the volumes of the cylinder Akon and a hemisphere of the same base and same height is 3 : 1 : 2.

सिद्ध कीजिए कि समान आधार सृजन एवं समान ऊंचाई वाले एक बेलन एक शंकु और एक अर्ध गोले का आयतन में 3 : 1 : 2 होता है।
volume of the cone = 1/3 πr²h
Volume of hemisphere = 2/3 πr³
  Volume of cylinder =πr²h

Then ratio of volumes =
Volume of cone : Volume of hemisphere : Volume of cylinder  

= 1/3 πr²h: 2/3 πr³ :πr²h 
Let the base radii of them be r and height h.
so that use h = r
= 1/3 πr²r: 2/3 πr³ :πr²r
= 1/3 πr³: 2/3 πr³ :πr³
= 1/3 : 2/3 :1/1
= 1/3 : 2/3 :3/3
Q. Show that a number of the form 14ⁿ,where n is a natural number,can never end with digit zero.

Let's consider 14ⁿ has a zero for some value of n.

We have 14ⁿ where n =  1, 2, 3, 4, .....
If n =  1 then 14¹ =14
If n =  2  then 14² =196
If n =  3  then 14³ =2744

We know that the expansion of aⁿ must be divisible by 2 , 5 to have a zero at the end.
So, 14 must be having 2 ,5 in its factorisation but
14 = 2 * 7 . There is no 5 in its factors.
So all values of n, 14ⁿ can never end with ' 0'

Q. If x = sinA.cosC, y = r sinA.sin c and z = r cosA then prove that x² + y² + z² = r².
Q. If the the ratio of the sum of first 'n' terms of two AP's is (7n + 1): (4n + 27), find the ratio of their m th terms.

Q. If the the ratio of the sum of first 'n' terms of two AP's is (7n + 1): (4n + 27), find the ratio of their 9 th terms.

Q. Two different dice are thrown together. Find the probability that the numbers obtained have (i) Even sum and (ii) Even product.


Q.1 A thief runs with a uniform speed of hundred metre per minute. After 1 minute a policeman runs after the thief to catch him. He goes with a speed of 100 metre per minute in the first minute and increased his speed by 10 metre per minute every succeeding minute after how many minutes the policeman will catch the thief.
एक चोर 100 मीटर प्रति मिनट की रफ्तार से दौड़ता है उसके 1 मिनट बाद एक सिपाही दौड़ उसे पकड़ने के लिए दौड़ता है वह पहले मिनट में 100 मीटर दौड़ता है उसके बाद अपनी स्पीड को 10 मीटर प्रति मिनट के हिसाब से बढ़ाता है सिपाही चोर को कितनी देर बाद पकड़ लेगा।

Q.2 A bud runs with a uniform speed of hundred metre per minute. After 1 minute a car runs after the bus to catch him. He goes with a speed of 100 metre per minute in the first minute and increased his speed by 10 metre per minute every succeeding minute after how many minutes the car will catch the bus.
एक बस 100 मीटर प्रति मिनट की रफ्तार से चलती है। उसके 1 मिनट बाद एक कार उसे पकड़ने के लिए चलती है। वह पहले मिनट में 100 मीटर चलती है उसके बाद अपनी स्पीड को 10 मीटर प्रति मिनट के हिसाब से बढ़ाती है । कार, बस को कितनी देर बाद पकड़ लेगी।

Q. Q. If 4th term of an A.P. is zero then prove that the 25th term of the A.P. is 3 times its 11th terms.

a4 = 0

a25 = 3(a11)

Taking LHS
= a + 24d 
= (a + 3d) + 21d 
= 0 + 21d 
= 21d

= 3 [(a + 10d)] 
= 3[(a + 3d) + 7d] 
= 3[(0 + 7d]
= 3[7d]
 = 21d

LHS = RHS so that it is proved that a25 = 3(a11)

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