Class 10 || English R || Ch. 04. From the Diary of Anne Frank (Long Q.)

Class 10
4. From the Diary of Anne Frank

Q.1 How does ‘Paper has more patience than people’ prove that? 
What is her real friend and how? 
Q. ‘Paper has more patience than people’ Evaluate. 
Ans. Anne was in need of a true friend. She does not have any friend with whom she could share her joys and sorrows and with whom she can tell all her feelings. She had loving parents and there are about thirty people whom she could call friend. When she was with her friend she could talk only about everyday tings . She was not able to confide with them. 
She wants someone whom she could tell all kind of things. She needed a real friend. So she decided to keep a diary. No one would ever know that she had written in her diary, 'the 
paper would never ask any question?'. So it is rightly said that paper has more patience than people. 

Q.2 Give a brief sketch of Anne’s life. 
Ans. Anne loved her father very much. She called him, ‘the smart adorable father’. He was thirty six and her mother was twenty five. She also had an elder sister who was born in Frankfurt in Germany. Anne was born in Holland after three years of her sister. She also loved her grandmother very much because she was living with them when she was six years old. 

Q.3 Write the character-sketch of Anne Frank. 
Ans. Anne was a thirteen year old girl. She had loving parents and a sixteen years old sister. She was born on 12th June 1929 in Germany. She was an intelligent, mature and sensitive girl. She could think and write very clearly. 
She had many friends to play with but she had no close friends to play 
with. She had no one with whom she could share all his feelings and shares her joy and sorrows. Then she had a idea. She felt that paper had more patience then people. So she thought of keeping a diary. She gave it a Name of “Kitty” she loved her grandmother and remembered her even after her death. 
She was very talkative. Mr. Keesing was Anne math teacher. He would 
not allow the students to talk in the class but Anne talked too much. He warned Anne several times but in vain. Then Mr. Keesing assigned her extra home work and essay on the subject ‘A chatterbox’ Anne wrote the essay with convincing arguments. She tried to prove the necessity of talking. Mr. Keesing laughed at her arguments, the next day; he gave her a second essay. An incorrigible Chatterbox’, Anne attempt this essay also but Mr. Keesing again give her an essay entitled “Quack, quack, quack” said Mistress Chatterbox’ 
this time she wrote the essay in verse with the help her friend Sanne. It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings. 
The father bites the babies to death because they quacked to much. This essay made Mr. Keesing realize that he was being unfair in punishing Anne for talking which is student’s trait. 

Q.4 Write the Main Theme of the lesson ‘A few pages from a Diary’ 
Ans. Anne was a thirteen year old girl. She had loving parents and a sixteen years old sister. She was born on 12th June 1929 in Germany. She was an intelligent, mature and sensitive girl. Her father emigrated to Holland when she was four years old. She could think and write very clearly. She and her sister were sent to Aachen to stay with there grandmother. Her sister Margot 
went to Holland in December. Anne went there in February. She was admitted to the Montessori nursery school until she was six, after that she joined a new school. 
She had loving parents, a sister, loving aunts and 30 friends. She had 
many friends to play with but she had no close friends to share her secretes. 
She had no one with whom she could share all his feelings and shares her joy and sorrows. Then she had an idea. She felt that paper had more patience then people. So she thought of keeping a diary. She gave it a Name of “Kitty”. She started writing diary. In her diary she found a true friend. She loved her grandmother and remembered her even after her death. 
 Anne was in good books of all her teachers. She was very talkative. Mr. 
Keesing was Anne math teacher. He would not allow the students to talk in the class but Anne talked too much. He warned Anne several times but it had no effect on her. Then Mr. Keesing assigned her extra home work and essay on the subject ‘A chatterbox’ Anne wrote the essay with convincing arguments. 
She wrote three pages. She tried to prove the necessity of talking. 
 Mr. Keesing laughed at her arguments, the next day; he gave her a second essay ‘An incorrigible Chatterbox’, Anne attempt this essay also but Mr. Keesing again give her an essay on “Quack, quack quack” said Mistress Chatterbox’ . This time she wrote the essay in verse with the help of her friend Sanne. 
It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings. The father bites the babies to death because they quacked too much. This essay 
made Mr. Keesing realize his mistake that he was being unfair in punishing 
Anne for talking which is student’s trait. He allowed Anne to talk. He did not give her any extra homework. 

Q.5 Who was Anne? Why did Mr. Keesing punish her? How did they 
punish her? How did Anne finally stop Mr. Keesing from punishing her? 
Ans. Anne is thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. She had thirty people around her but there is not a true friend. So she feels lonely. She talked too much. This habit made her punish by the math’s teacher. 
 Mr. Keesing the mash’s teacher was annoyed with her because she 
talked too much. He would not allow the student to talk in the class. He 
warned Anne several times but in vein. At last he decided to punish Anne. 
In the form of punishment Mr. Keesing assigned her extra homework and essay on the subject ‘A Chatterbox’. She writes it to prove the necessities of talking. Mr. Keesing laughs and assigned again next day. On the second topic ‘An incorrigible Chatterbox’. She writes this essay also. But Mr. Keesing 
assigned again on the topic ‘Quack, Quack, Quack’ and said her mistress 
She lost her patient this time she wrote the essay in verse with the help of her friend Anne. It was about a mother duck and father swan with their baby ducklings. That father bit the baby to death because they quaked too much this makes Mr. Keesing realize that he was being unfair in punishing Anne for 
talking which is a student’s habit. Now he no longer punished Anne for 

Q.6 What was the relation between the Anne and her father, her grandmother, her class teacher Dupers and Math’s teacher Mr. Keesing? 
Ans. Anne loved her father very much. She called him, ‘the smart adorable father’. She also loved her grandmother very much she of the thought of her grandmother. She remembered her even after her death. 
Mrs. Kupers was her teacher in the sixth form. She was deeply attached with her teach. Their farewell was heart breaking because both of them were in tears. She didn’t’ like her maths teacher Mr. Keesing, She called him an old fashioned person. He was annoyed with Anne because she talked too much. 

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