English Special 2

English Special 2

(For Class 10th)

Q. 1. Simple moment proves to be very significant and saves rest of the day of poet from being wasted. Explain on the basis of the poem ‘Dust of Snow’.
Ans : In this poem, Robert Frost praises and describes different positions of nature. Here he touches and feels the different aspects of natural sights. He feels that there are many things in nature that are not considered auspicious like—crow and hemlock. Crow is not considered a good bird naturally due to its colour and harsh voice.

Similarly, hemlock tree is a poisonous tree and that is why it is described as the symbol of sadness. When the crow shakes off the dust of snow from the hemlock tree, it falls on the poet. 

Thus the poet’s mood changes due to this incident. Robert Frost, in this poem, represents the crow and hemlock tree as inauspicious. But when the crow shakes off the dust of snow from the hemlock tree, it falls on the poet. It changes his dejected mood and saves the day from being spoilt.

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