90.1.4 Rational Number Part 1.4 Indix and power (Part 1)

90.1.4 Rational Number Part 1.4 Indix and power (Part 1)

Power and Exponents
Mind it
★    a = 1a
★    a + a = 2a
★    a + a + a = 3a
★    a + a + a + a = 4a
★   3a =  a + a + a 
★   2a =  a + a 
★   1a =  a

★   a⁰ = 1
★   a¹ = a
★   a² = a × a
★   a³ = a × a × a
★   a⁵ = a × a × a × a × a
★   a × a × a × a × a = a⁵
★   a × a × a × a = a⁴
★   a × a × a = a³
★   a × a = a²

★ a⁰        = 1
★ am × a = (a)m+n
★ a× a× a = (a)l + m +n
★ (amam×n
★ a× b = (ab)m
★ a ÷ an  = (a)m –n
★ am  ÷ b = (a/b)m

a) Converting the positive exponent into negative:
am  =    _____

(a/b)= (b/a)–m     

b) Converting the negative exponent into posative:
a–m  =     ______

(a/b)–m = (b/a)m     

Identity 1
(a + b) (a + b) 
(a + b)= a+ b+ 2ab 
a+ b+ 2ab = (a + b)2

Identity 2
(a – b) (a – b) 
(a – b)= a+ b2 – 2ab 
a+ b2 – 2ab = (a – b)2

Identity 3
(a +b)(a –b)  = a2 – b 
a– b = (a +b)(a –b)

Identity 1


01. Write the followings in exponential from:
(01) 2 × 2 
(02) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
(03) 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2
(04) 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
(05) 5 × 5
(06) (3/2) × (3/2) × (3/2)
(07) (1/2) × (1/2) × (1/2) × (1/2)
(08) (3/2) × (3/2) × (3/2) × (3/2) × (3/2)
(09) (5/7) × (5/7) × (5/7)
(10) (1/3) × (1/3) × (1/3) × (1/3) × (1/3) × (1/3) × (1/3)

02. Write the following into the factorial from:
(01) 2⁵
(02) 5²
(03) 3⁴
(04) 9³
(05) 5⁴
(06) (3/2)³
(07) (1/2)⁴
(08) (3/2)⁵
(09) (5/7)³
(10) (1/3)⁷

03. Find the value of the followings:
(01) 2⁵
(02) 5²
(03) 3⁴
(04) 9³
(05) 5⁴
(06) (3/2)³
(07) (1/2)⁴
(08) (3/2)⁴
(09) (5/7)³
(10) (1/3)⁷

04. Write the followings in exponential from:
(01) 4 
(02) 16
(03) 64
(04) 729
(05) 343
(06) (27/8)
(07) (1/16)
(08) (243/32)
(09) (125/343)
(10) (1/2187)

05. Convert the following into the negative exponent:
(01) 2⁵
(02) 5²
(03) 3⁴
(04) 9³
(05) 5⁴
(06) (3/2)³
(07) (1/2)⁴
(08) (3/2)⁵
(09) (5/7)³
(10) (1/3)⁷

06. Convert the following into the posative exponent:
(01) 2–5
(02) 5–2
(03) 3–4
(04) 9–3
(05) 5–4
(06) (3/2)–3
(07) (1/2)–4
(08) (3/2)–5
(09) (5/7)–3
(10) (1/3)–7

07. Find the value of the followings:
(01) (a2)2
(02) (22)3
(03) (52)3
(04) (32)5
(05) (32)3
(06) (42)½
(07) (22)¼
(08) (53)
(09) (35)
(10) (77)
(11) (–x2)0
(12) (22)3
(13) (51/3)3
(14) (71/2)0
(15) (31/5)5

08. Right the given expression into simplest form:
(01) (81)1/2
(02) (16)3/4
(03) (32)1/5
(04) (125)1/3
(05) (16)1/4
(06) (64)1/2
(07) (4)1/2
(08) (216)2/3
(09) (256)3/4
(10) (125)–1/3
(12) (32)2/5
(12) (1000)2/3
(13) (9)3/2
(14) (27)1/3
(15) (81)1/4
(16) (2187)1/7

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