Triangle || Part 02 || Triangle And Its Properties

Triangle:- A polygon with three edges, three vertices and three angles is called Triangles. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted by ∆ABC.


Existence of a triangle

A Triangle Is Exist If

* If sum of lengths of any two sides side is greater than third side.
AB + BC > AC
BC + AC > AB
AB + AC > BC

A Triangle is not possible if sum of lengths of any two sides side is less than or equal to third side. 

*1. If sum of lengths of any two sides side is less than to third side. 
AB + BC < AC
BC + AC < AB
AB + AC < BC

*2. If sum of lengths of any two sides side is equal to third side. 
AB + BC = AC
BC + AC = AB
AB + AC = BC
A Triangle Is Exist If

* If each of the angles is positive.

* If the sum of the all three angles is Supplementary (180°).

∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°

* It is also known as Angle Sum Property Of A Triangle so that we can say it in short ASPOT.

* A Triangle is not possible if sum of all the three angles is less than or more  than 180°. 

*1 A Triangle is not possible if sum of all the three angles is less than 180°. 
∠A + ∠B + ∠C < 180°

*2 A Triangle is not possible if sum of all the three angles is more than 180°. 
∠A + ∠B + ∠C > 180°
Side Angle Relationship

(A). The side opposite to the largest angle of a triangle is the largest and opposite to smallest is smallest.

*1 ∠B is Greater than ∠A & ∠C
Side AC opposite to ∠B is Greater than AB & BC

*2 ∠A is Smaller than ∠B & ∠C
Side BC opposite to ∠A is smaller than AB & AC

(B) The angle opposite to the largest side of a triangle is the largest and opposite to smallest is smallest.
*1) Side AC opposite to ∠B is Greater than AB & BC
∠B is Greater than ∠A & ∠C

*2) Side BC opposite to ∠A is smaller than AB & AC
∠A is Smaller than ∠B & ∠C

Exterior Angle Property Of A Triangle (ExAPOT)

Any exterior angle of the triangle is equal to the sum of its interior opposite angles. 
∠ACD = ∠A + ∠B 
     ∠1 = ∠3 + ∠4 

This property of triangle is called the Exterior Angle Property Of A Triangle (ExAPOT).
Sum of all exterior angle of the triangle is equal to 360°. 
∠1 + ∠2 + ∠3 = 180°.   [by ASPOT]
∠4 + ∠5 + ∠6 = 360°    [by SOAEAT]
∠7 + ∠8 + ∠9 = 360°    [by SOAEAT]

Part 1
∠4 + ∠5 + ∠6 = 360° [by SOAEAT]

Part 2 
∠7 + ∠8 + ∠9 = 360°    [by SOAEAT]

Special Names Of The Sides Of The Triangle.

Hypotenuse :- Side opposite to right angle is called Hypotenuse. 
We also used this name for opposite side of a given angle. 

Base :- Horizontal side of a triangle is known as base. 
Base is the adjacent side of a given angle.

Perpendicular :- Non-horizontal side of a triangle is known as Perpendicular. 
Perpendicular is the other adjacent side of a given angle.

PerimeterThe sum of the lengths of all the three sides of a triangle is called perimeter.

Perimeter = AB + BC + AC


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