Class 06 || Science || Ch. 01. Food Where Does It Come From

Class 06 || Science || Ch. 01. Food Where Does It Come From

Q.1. What is food?
Ans. The eatable substances which provides energy and important substances to our body for various activities, growth, development etc is called food.

Q.2. What do you mean by food Food variety?

Ans.  Food variety refers to the types of the food. That is, vegetables, fruit, cereals, meat, fish, dairy products etc.

Q.3. What do you mean by food ingredients?

Ans.  The term “food ingredient” includes two words food + ingredient (means additives).

The substances separately needed to prepare any food are called ingredients of food. 

A food ingredient is added to a food to achieve a desired effect. 

Q.4. What do you mean by food materials?  

Ans.  The substances or material s used as the food substances or  materials are called food materials.

Q. 5 Explain the various sources of food items and ingredients with the help of examples.
Ans.  There are mainly two sources of (ingredients of) various food items:

(i) Plants: Plants provide us fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains, cereals, etc.
(ii) Animals: Animals provide us milk, eggs, meat etc.

Q.6. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a plant.


Q.7. Why should we eat cooked food?
Ans. We should eat cooked food because in cooking the harmful germs killed and make it germless. 

The Cooked food can be easily digested and absorbed by our body. 

It also improves the taste of food.

Q.8. Explain the importance of food for living organisms.
Ans. Importance of food is:
(i)  It provides energy to do work or activities.

(ii) It helps in growth and movement.

(iii) It helps to repair and replace damaged parts of the body.

(iv) It protects us from infections and diseases.

Q.9. Define the term herbivores.
Ans. The animals which eat only plants or plant products (herbs) are called herbivores. For example, cow, goat and buffalo.

Q.10. What are carnivores? Explain with examples.
Ans. The-animals which eat other animals (flash) are called carnivores. For example, lion and tiger. Carnivores generally eat the flash of herbivores and other carnivores.

Q.11. Define the term omnivores.
Ans. The animals which eat both the plants and animals are called omnivores. For example, cat, dog and human beings.

Q.12. Make flow charts for the preparation of honey and ghee.
Ans. Preparation of honey:

Nectar of flowers –> nectae is collected by honey bees –> stored in behaves –> honey is collected from behaves

preparation of honey and ghee

milk –> milk is converted into curd –> card is churned and to find cream –> cream is boiled –> ghi is obtained in melted form.

Q. 13. Differentiate between herbivorescarnivores and omnivores. Give two examples of each

Herbivores – The animals which eat only plants or plant products (herbs) are called herbivores. For example, cow, goat and buffalo.

Carnivores – The animals which eat other animals (flash) are called carnivores. For example, lion and tiger. Carnivores generally eat the flash of herbivores and other carnivores.

Omnivores –The animals which eat both the plants and animals are called omnivores. For example, cat, dog and human beings.

Q.14. Name the different parts of a banana plant that are used as food.
Ans. Flower, fruit and stem of banana.

Q.15. Animal food we get from water resources.
Ans. Fish, prawn, lobustar and crabes.

Q.16. Four fruits which we eat as vegetables.

Ans. Fruits of tomato, brinjal, potato, Ladyfinger (bhindi), cucumber (Loki).

Q.16. Give two examples where two or more parts of a single plant are used as food.
Ans. Mustard — seeds and leaves,
Pumpkin — fruit, seeds and flowers.

Q.17. Name any one plant that grows in water and is eaten as food.

Ans. Lotus — Stem of lotus is eaten as food.

Q.18. Suggest any three ways you can think of to avoid wastage of food.
Ans. (i) Avoid leaving food uneaten in meals.

(ii) Raw food like pulses, grains should be stored properly.

(iii) “Eat to live” and not “live to eat” — excess eating should be avoided.

Q.19. Name two sugar producing plants.
Ans. (a) Sugarcane                                          (b) Sugarbeet.

Q.20. Name a non-green plant that we eat.
Ans. Mushroom.

 What do you mean by the Food habit?
Ans. The habit of an individual to eat a particular type of food items commonly is called food habit.

Q.22. What do you call the habit of an individual to eat a particular type of food items commonly?
Ans. Food habit.

Q.23. what is the difference between your food habits and your friend who lives in Tamil Nadu.
Ans. My food habit: Chapatti, pulses, lassi, rice, vegetables, mustard oil.

Food habit of my friend: Idli, dosa, sambhar, bara, rasam, upma and coconut oil, etc.

Q.24. What items are used to prepare cooked rice?
Ans. Raw rice and water.

Q.25. Study the ingredients of various food items. Do they have some common food ingredients?
Ans. Yes, they have some common ingredients like: water, salt and oil or ghee.

Q.26. What are the two common sources of most of the ingredients of food items?

Ans. (i) Plants                                                  (ii) Animals

Q.27. Name the three products each provided by plants and animals.
Ans. Plant products: Grains, cereals and vegetables.
Animal products: Milk, egg and meat.

Q.28. Name three edible (eatable) parts of plants.
Ans. (i) Roots                                                    (ii) Fmits                                

           (iii) Leaves

Q.29. Which part of the plants do we eat generally?

Ans. We generally eat fruits of many plants.

Q.30. Which type of seeds give more energy, sprouted seeds or normal seeds?
Ans. Sprouted seeds give more energy than normal seeds.

Q.31. What is honey? how it is produced?

Ans. A sweet substance (liquid) prepared by bees from the riectar, i.e., sweet juice collected from flowers is called honey.

Bees collect nectar (sweet juices)  from flowers, convert it into honey and store it in their hive as a food. Flowers and their nectar may be available only for a part of the year. So, bees store this nectar for their use allthrough the year. 

Q.32. Where would you place human beings on the basis of food that they eat?

Ans. Omnivores.

Q. What do you mean by the sprout and sprouting seed?

Ans. The process of germinating seeds is known as sprouting of seeds. This germinated seed is called sprout. 

It is the natural process in which a small white structure is grown from it.

Q. What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?

Ans. Pasturage is the vegetation or plant that are present in the area where animal grazing is practised or Pasturage is the availability of flowers . 

The flowers are the deciding factor for the quality and quantity of the honey produced by them. It determines the taste of honey and the quantity of honey.

The honeybee will collect the nectar with the help of their tube-like a tongue. 

Then it will stay in honey where it is missed with the enzymes and proteins of bees to convert into honey.

Exercise Questions

1. Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?


No, all living beings do not need the same kind of food. Some animals eat plants as food, and they are called herbivores. Some animals eat other animals, and they are called as Carnivores. Some others eat food from plant sources as well as animals, and such living beings are called omnivores.

2. Name five plants and their parts that we eat.


Brinjal- Fruit

Beetroot- Roots

Groundnut- Seed

Potato- Stem

Spinach- Leaves

3. Match the items given in Column A with that in Column B

Column AColumn B
Milk, Curd, Paneer, GheeEat other animals
Spinach, Cauliflower, carrotEat plants and plant products
Lions and tigersAre vegetables
HerbivoresAre all animal products


Column AColumn B
Milk, Curd, Paneer, GheeAre all animal products
Spinach, Cauliflower, carrotAre vegetables
Lions and tigersEat other animals
HerbivoresEat plants and plant products

4. Fill up the blanks with the words given: herbivore, plant, milk, sugarcane, carnivore

(a) Tiger is a ____________________ because it eats only meat.

(b) Deer eats only plant products and so, is called ______________.

(c) Parrot eats only _________________ products.

(d) The ________________ that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.

(e) We get sugar from ___________________.


(a) Tiger is a carnivore because it eats only meat.

(b) Deer eats only plant products and so, is called herbivore.

(c) Parrot eats only plant products.

(d) The milk that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.

(e) We get sugar from Sugarcane.

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