class 9th long question English

Answer any one of the questions in 100-150 words.

Q. 1 Who was the worst packer according to you? Justify 
your answer. [8]
Ans : According to me, the author is the worst packer. He 
didn’t make a checklist of things he needed to pack. 
He first forgot to pack his boots. Then as soon as he had stuffed the boots in after a good struggle, he remembered if he had packed his toothbrush. He never 
learnt a lesson from his previous packing experiences. 
Toothbrush continued to haunt his life. Though he had 
travelled innumerable times, he had again forgotten to pack his toothbrush. When he rummaged the things up to a state which resembled chaos before the world 
was created, he found in it another boot. Finally, when he slammed and strapped the bag, he found that he had packed his spectacles. He had professed in the beginning that packing was one of the many things he knew more than anyone else. But the truth was anything but that.

Q.2  Would you like to be the duck or the kangaroo? Explain.

Ans : I would like to be the duck because I can relate myself 
with the duck’s character. The duck is frank, polite and sensible. She is frank about being bored in her pond but she is not ambitious to become a kangaroo. 
She doesn’t dislike or hate her life as a duck but just wants to see the beautiful world around. She is humble while requesting the kangaroo to give a joy ride to her. She is sensible enough to understand the concern of the kangaroo. She doesn’t feel humiliated or becomes angry when the Kangaroo says that she has wet and cold feet. She doesn’t think that the kangaroo is trying to talk down to her. She is someone who accepts the reality gracefully and thinks on how to improvise the lreality to attain her purpose. This is a rare trait and this impresses me the most about the duck.

Answer any one of the questions in 100-150 words.

Q. 3. Describe the destruction wrought by the super cyclone 
in Ersama in 1999. [8]

Ans : In the evening of 27 October, 1999, a dark and 
menacing storm quickly gathered. Winds beat against the houses with a speed and fury that none had witnessed before. Heavy and incessant rain and 
a wind of 350 km/hour uprooted the ancient trees and crashed down many houses. Air was filled with screams of people who were washed away. Trees crashed on Prashant’s friend’s house and the rise of water in the house compelled them to take refuge on the roof. As Prashant waded through the waters, to reach his family in Kaliguda he had to push away many human bodies — men, women, children — and carcasses of dogs, goats and cattle that the current swept against them as they moved ahead. Eighty six people of Prashant’s village had died. All the ninety-six houses had been washed away.

Q. 4What happened when the author and his family reached the Logan Airport in Boston ?
Ans : 
When the author and his family reached the Logan Airport in Boston, he suddenly remembered to take out the flyer pass from his bag. The zip on his bag got jammed. The zip tore apart from the bag when the author yanked at it the hardest. The side of the bag flew open and everything within — newspaper cuttings and other loose papers, a 14-ounce tin of pipe tobacco, magazines, passport, English money, 
film — was spilled over an area almost equal to a tennis court. The author was dumbstruck at the mess he had created around him. What disgusted him the 
most was that his lidless tin of tobacco went rolling down the concourse disgorging the entire content. 
The thought of buying tobacco in England horrified him. From Tobacco, his mind went to his finger which he had gashed on the zip and was shedding blood profusely. He was confused and his wife was looking at him with simple wonder.

The kingdom of fools

Q. How was the kingdom of fools different from other places?
Ans. Everything was strange and abnormal in the kingdom of fools. The people of the kingdom used to sleep in the day and work in the night The price of everything was same as single duddu .It all was strang so that the kingom of fools was different from other places.

Q. Why did the guru want to leave the kingdom so quickly and why did the disciple decided to stay on?
Ans. The guru realised that the place was dangerous and anything could happen with them. The kingdom of fools was ruled by strange rules. Thus he decided to leave it. 
But the deciple decided to stay in it because he wanted to enjoy the cheap and good food without any effort.

Q. Why did the servants of the king catch the discple ?
Ans.The rich merchant was proved victim and was very thin .He was not found fit for stake or hang. The king ordered to find a person fit for the stake .the kind. The disciple was ffound fit for stake ,so they caught him to hang him to dealth.

Q. Name all the people who are tried in the king’s court, and give the reasons for their trial.
Ans. The merchant was the first accused because his house’s wall collapsed and killed the thief. The next person was the bricklayer as it was thought his bad workmanship created a weak wall. Then the dancer was accused of distracting the bricklayer resulting in poor quality of the wall. Next accused was the goldsmith who called the dancer time and again to deliver the jewelry which in turn led to the distraction of the bricklayer. The goldsmith passed the buck on the merchant’s father as his pressure on the goldsmith delayed the finishing of dancer’s work. At last the wheel turned full circle and the blame came back to the original merchant.

Q. Write the character sketch of Maria Sharapova ?
How do you now that Maria Sharapova was proud to be Russian? Why is she teenager sensation with the monetary gains?

Ans. Maria Sharapova is a Russian girl. She loves han motherland Russia. Though she gets training and success in America. She proud her Russian nationality. She always says that the US is a big part of my life but I am Russian at heart.
She reached the Pinnacle in women's tennis 22nd August 2005, she was born in middle class family of of USSR. she reached US to get training. She worked hard and become the first lady of Ladies Singles crown at Wimbledon in 2004.

She proudly says that she is is a Russian. She was a true citizen of Russia. She has a keen desire to play Olympic for their country. She also had other skills as singing, dancing and fashion. She likes to read novels of Arthur Canan Doyle. 

Maria says tennis is both a business and a sport. She considers money a great. She is passionate to keep her number position in the world. She is staying in Siberia to summit into the women's tennis by their hard efforts and cround by Wimbledon. This desire keeps her going on.

Que.  How did the writer find the bear? How type of the relationship was between the lady and the bear ?
Describe the title 'The Bond of Love' in your words. Also explain the relationship between the men and animals.
'Love is mutual', Illustrate with reference to  'The Bond of Love' ?

Ans.  'The Bond of Love'  is the story of emotional bonding between a woman and a bear. A trip to Mysore in a sugarcane field the writers friend killed a bear at the spot in a mishap. There was a baby bear on his back. They caught and brought the cub to the house. The writer's wife became very happy and named it Bruno.

He feel proud the things available in house. She cooked a variety of dishes for him. He becomes the friend of the dogs, the tenant, children and even the family person of writer. He performs many playful tricks which give pleasure to her. They enjoyed each other's company.

Once he drink the poison Barium Chloride that was placed to kill rat and cat, By the help of a vat the Bruno recovered. After sometime his name was changed to Baba. When the Baba bear grow big he was considered as a dangerous animal for the children of the house.

Author decided to send him to zoo. The wife of Authur did not manage the easy without him. His departure was very painful for others wife. Baba also refused eating.

Finally she asked her husband to visit Baba to the zoo. They both felt relieved on meeting. They spend many hours together so we can say love is mutual. To see the love between them the manager of the zoo accept the request to return the Bruno back.

At the home, he was kept on an island in a small hut. Mr Anderson reached there with the help of a rope. This shows that affectionate of love so that title is suitable for this story.

Class 9th 
Reach for the top 
Santosh Yadav

Que. Write the character sketch of Santosh Yadav.

Ans. Santosh Yadav born in happy landowners family in a small village of Rewari district in Haryana. In that society where the birth of a boy was blessing and the girl was a curse. Dhe was only sister of five brothers.

She wore shorts while the girls of the village wore traditional Indian dresses. Her parents were quietly traditional and always followed prevailing custom. But she begin to live on her own terms from the childhood. She was sent to the village school for primary education. Her parents decide to marry her at the age of sixteen, but she refused early marriage without getting proper education. She decided to get proper education first. 

She got admission in Delhi school. Her parents refused to send the expenditures to her. She threaten that she would earn by working part time so she got a part time job for getting education. After seeing her eagerness, her parents started to give the expenditure of education.

After passing High school she entered into the Maharani College of Jaipur. She becomes a mountaineer. She joins Uttarkashi Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. She became the first lady who climb the Everest twice, for this she was awarded with Padma Shri award. She also collected the garbage of the fifty kilometre of Himalayas and became a true environment list. This proves that she was a bold and courageous lady so by being a rebel she managed to choose her path and reach for the top.

Que.What qualities of character enabled Evelyn to pursue her dream of learning music and achieve success? what are the major accomplishments and achievements of Evelyn Glennie?​

Ans. The chapter "Evelyn Glennie" is written by "Deborah Cowley". 
This is a life journey of a physically disabled girl Evelyn Glennie who worked with detemination and made her life like a success story. The story teaches us how anyone overcome any disability, no one can stop you if you start once.

Evelyn Glennie had a loss of hearing and most of the teachers discouraged her add her education time, but she did not give up. The percussionist Ron Forbes spotted her potential and helped her to continue with music. Later, Evelyn learnt to open her mind and body to sounds and vibrations.

Evelyn has captured most of the top awards in the field of percussion. Inspite of achieving all the awards/achievements and performing the noble works like giving free concerts in prisons and hospitals, giving priority to young musicians etc, she does not accept any hint of her heroic and prestigious achievements and lives a very simple life. Evelyn believes that if one works hard and is concentrated towards his/her goals, no one can stop him/her from achieving the goal.

Evelyn is a perfect example of how one can pursue his/her desire with sheer determination and hardwork. She is an inspiration for disabled persons. They never find anything impossible in their life by Evelyn's journey. They get inspired and think that if Evelyn can achieve success inspite of being deaf, why cannot i! This inspires and motivates other disabled people in overcoming the disabilities with hardwork.

Q. How did the swallow oblige the happy prince, and why?


Que. In the City e of the Happy Prince, the swallow never missed the chance to go around the and admire the beauty of the city. What can we infer from this noticeable attribute of the swallow? 

The Happy Prince is a statue fixed on a pedestal so he is unable to move. From there he's able to see the scenes of extreme poverty and suffering office people. When the prince was alive, he never knew about type of woe. He spent a happy and luxury life of the royal palace. 
After his death his spirit embodied in the statue. He was shocked and very sad to know the reality of his Kingdom and was unable to know the reallty when he was alive. The prince wants to spread all of his to remove the grief of his country means.

As a little bird, swallow fly over the city which was left his companions. The snow stayed in the feet of the happy Prince. This gives him the opportunity to see and giving him a greater knowledge of the city.
The swallow ideally respond to the prince's request and take valuable objects from his statue and gave them to the city's poor and needy persons. 
The Happy Prince becomes blind after donating his eyes. This the prince cannot see and so must depend on the bird for knowledge of the city beneath his statue. After distributing the all gold foils of their skin he becomes dull. Each of them obliged to each other for this noble work. The little bird swallow did it without eating and drinking. 
Both of them died in this charity work.

Que. Write the character sketch of Iswaran.

Ans. Iswaran was Mahendra’s cook and was like an asset to him. He was dedicated to his master and followed him uncomplainingly to all his postings. He would cook for him, wash his clothes, and also chat with him at night. He had the ability to improvise cooking material even at the remotest place and cooked delicious dishes in a very brief time.

Iswaran was fond of reading popular Tamil thrillers. Their imaginative descriptions and narrating styles would fascinate him. He became a master storyteller by adopting the art of storytelling from these novels. He would always add suspense and surprise even to the smallest incident and could make up innumerable stories on different subjects. While describing, he would get so involved that he would jump about on the floor. He would narrate the story in installments and would purposely leave it unfinished midway. On returning, he would not pick it up right away till Mahendra reminded him to. In this manner he would involve his listener too.

Every day, Iswaran would recount a new story filled with adventure, horror and suspense. Mahendra loved his stories and listened with rapt attention even if they were unbelievable. Iswaran thus entertained Mahendra just as TV does.

Iswaran enjoyed his job and would not sit idle when Mahendra was at work. He would use that time to tidy up the shed and wash clothes. He was also religious because he would mutter a prayer throughout his bath ritual.

This character displays a shade of comedy as well when he teasingly asks Mahendra about his reaction at having seen the female ghost.

Que. Write the character sketch of Mahendra.

Ans. Mahendra used to work as a junior supervisor in a firm which offered on hire supervisors at construction sites. His work involved moving from one site to another. He was unmarried and a simple man. He was quite accommodating and adjusted well to odd conditions that he faced at different places. He was a disciplined man and would get up early in the morning. He would leave for work after breakfast and carry lunch with him.

Mahendra was very fond of his cook Iswaran whom he considered to be an asset. He relished the food cooked by him and enjoyed listening to his stories. He was a good listener and never interrupted Iswaran even when he exaggerated. He was very patient and would wait for Iswaran to return and complete the unfinished story. He was also curious as he would insist on knowing all the details.

Mahendra was a rational man and did not believe in ghosts or spirits but could not help getting influenced by what Iswaran told him about the female ghost. He tried to ignore the strange sounds at night but got scared when he saw the apparition. However, his rationality made him forget the previous night’s experience.

Mahendra’s faith in Iswaran was very strong. He was convinced about the presence of a female ghost when Iswaran told him that he had heard sounds at night.

This character appeals to the reader for his qualities as a devoted worker, a kind-hearted master and a trusting man.

Que. Why did Mahendra decide to leave the haunted place ?

Ans. Mahendra was afraid of the haunted place after hearing and watching a ghastly experience at night. He found that he often dreamt of the woman ghost. Therefore, he wanted to leave the place.

Q.  How was Margie’s school different from the schools that existed hundreds of years ago from the lesson The Fun They Had 

Ans. Margie’s school was at home. She had a virtual mechanical teacher. She studied from telebooks (ebooks).There were no other students in her class. The words and letters were movable on the screen. The home work given by the mechanical teacher was fed in   punch codes in the given slot. Everything in the class s i seen on the mechanical device like a television ok computer screen.

Whereas, in olden days the schools were far from the homes. These schools had proper buildings and classrooms. Students studies with real books. The letters and the words were fixed on the page. There were many students in a class. A real human teacher teaches and gave homework to the students. The teacher was able to ask questions and give the the answers of the problem of the students. Everyone learned the same things and read same books in same age group. 

  So, it is clearly visible that Margie’s school was totally different from the schools that existed hundreds of years ago.

Q. Once the God said to one of his Angel "Bring me the most two most precious things" is the Angel is the Angel able to bring this. If yes, what were they and what did the God said about these things?

Ans. They were the Laden heart and a dead Bird. Then God said that you have right decision. He also said that for in my garden of Paradise this little bird shell sing forever more and in my city of the gold the happy Prince cell please me.

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