Class 5th (EM) Social Science Test Chapter 6 Fraction Marks : 20 MM Timing: 1hr

Class 5th (EM) 
Social Science Test 
Chapter 3, 5 & 10  
Marks : 20 MM Timing: 1hr

01. Define the following
The Earth shows two types of motions. They are rotation and revolution. 
Rotation : The movement of the Earth on its own axis is called Rotation. It causes formation of day and night.

Revolution : The movement of the Earth around the Sun. It causes change of seasons.

Orbit :  The path followed by earth around the sun

Humidity : The amount of water vapour or moisture present in the air is called

Altitude : height above sea level

Heat Zones : the division of earth according to climate
The Earth is divided into three heat zones. Torrid Zone (hot and humid climate), Temperate Zone (moderate climate) and 
Frigid Zone (very cold climate)
Temperature : degree of hotness or coldness

Horizon : a line at which the Earth's surface and sky appears to meet

Weather :
Weather is the day-to-day atmospheric conditions at a particular place. Weather includes changes in temperature, sunshine and rainfall.

Weather changes daily : The climate of a place remains the same year after year. 

The factors affecting the climate are: distance from the Equator, altitude, distance from the sea, winds, humidity and rainfall.

Landforms are natural features of the landscape. The main landforms are; mountains, plateaus, plains and deserts.

Mountains : 
Mountains are the natural elevation earth's surface. They have peaks.

A Tick ( √ ) the correct answers.
1. The rotation of the earth on its axis causes
(a) formation of days and night
(b) change of season
(c) sun rise

2. To rotate once its axis the Earth takes about
(a) 1 day
(b) 1 month
(c) 1 year

3. The movement of the Earth around the Sun is called
(a) revolution
(b) rotation
(c) axis movement

4. The revolution of the earth causes.
(a) formation of days and nights
(b) change of season
(c) both of these

5. The Southern hemisphere experiences winter in the month of
(a) December
(b) June
(c) August

B. State 'T' for True and 'F' for False 
Statements. 1. The Sun rotates from the west towards east.
Ans. Earth

2. Day and night are produced by the revolution of the Earth.
Ans Rotation 

3. The part of the Earth not facing the Sun has day.
Ans. Night 

4. The Earth also revolves around the moon. Ans. Sun

5. The Northern hemisphere experiences winter in june.
Ans. Summer 

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. weather is the day-to-day atmospheric conditions at a particular place. 

2. The climate of a place does not change over a long period of time.

3. Monsoon causes maximum rainfall in India.

4. The amount of water vapour or moisture present in the air is called humidity.

5. The Sun's rays fall directly on the areas near the Equator

B. State 'T' for True and 'F' for False statements.

1. Weather changes yearly.

2. The climate of a place remains the same year after year.

3. There are five major seasons in India.

4. Seasons determine the crops that farmers grow.

5. There are two temperate zones; North Temperate Zone and South Temperate Zone. 

Answer these questions.

1. What is rotation of the earth?

2. How are days and nights formed?

3. What would have happened if the earth did not rotate on its axis?

4. What is revolution?

5. How do seasons change?

C. Read the clues and name these.

1. The day to day atmospheric conditions of a place. 

2. The weather condition of a place over a long period of time.

3. The winds that bring rain in India. 

4. The height above sea level.

5. Place which receives highest rainfall in the world. 

6. Hot and dry winds that blow in summers.

D. Answer these questions.

1. Differentiate between weather and climate.

2. List the factors that affect the climate of a place. 

3. How does the altitude influence the climate of a place?

4. What do you understand by the heat zones? 

5. Describe the climatic conditions of torrid zone.

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