Q. Why did kisa Gautami went to Buddha question mark what did they told her to care version? What did she understand about the grief?

The Sermon at Benares

Q. Why did kisa Gautami went to Buddha question mark what did they told her to care version? What did she understand about the grief?

Ans. Kisa Gautami went to Buddha to get medicine that would cure her son. Buddha told her to procure a handful of mustard seeds, which must be taken from a house where no one had lost any beloved, close relative or friend. Kisa Gautami then went from house to house but there was not a single house where anyone had not died. She realised that every house at lost a loved one.

Buddha changed her understanding by making her realise that the life of mortals is brief and combined with pain. Those who are born have to die and after a loved ones that one cannot obtain in peace of mind by grieving and lamenting. To seek peace of the mind after throughing out grief and sorrow from their lives.

Kisa Gautami understand that both young and old, fools and wise all are subject to death. The world has afflicted with death and decay, show the wise people do not grieve knowing the terms of the world. If one does grieve, his pain would be greater and his body would suffer. 

After death anyone is lead to the path of immortality. As all earthen vessels made by the Potter end up being broken, so the life is mortal who all fall into the power of death.

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